God of Cooking Chapter 50:

God of Cooking – Chapter 50: Crossroad (1)


Chloe’s parents were architects .

Her father used to say that just like house is inhabited by people, it needs to be harmonious with nature . Chloe couldn’t know the meaning of it, but her father’s face while saying those words were really cool to her . Because the job of architect was like a dream for her, when for other children it was really boring .

However, that dream didn’t last long . Because the family she believed would last long, broke .

Even if her parents could harmonise the house and nature, they couldn’t do so for wife and husband . Even after Chloe could graduate from primary school, the loud voices of them finally brought up the divorce documentation . The custody of the child was taken by her mother, Diana Jong, so Chloe Crook became Chloe Jong since then .

Diana was originally busy, but since then she got home really late . She didn’t want her child to not live a normal life for being a child of a divorced family . That’s why she let her do whatever she wanted like martial arts, horse riding, swimming, karate, etc . Maybe it could be something Diana wished for . That her child was living soundly, and that she wanted to believe in that .

However Diana couldn’t do the most important thing for her . To be next to her . Of course, the word homemade food could only get unfamiliar to her . Diana’s cooking skills were great, and she used to cook with her on weekends . But it was difficult to take care of her even in week days .

The reason Chloe got to cook well was also because of that . The things Chloe wanted to make were just too much, and she didn’t want to keep eating things to fill her belly like pizza or hamburger . At times the internet, and at others she followed her mother’s cooking method and soon her cooking skills improved just like Diana .

She had never dreamt of becoming a chef . Honestly speaking, it was hard to know if she wanted to become one right now . She just liked to cook . She participated in the competition with a light heart, and right now……

“It’s heavy . ”
On the bed . Chloe was mumbling looking at the ceiling . In Chloe’s head, many things passed by . Kaya, Jo Minjoon, Hugo, … . . etc .

The common point those faces had was that they were filled with passion and determination towards cooking . Of course, Chloe too liked to cook . But if she was asked to bet all her life on it like them, she wouldn’t be able to reply easily .

That night she couldn’t get to fall asleep . Chloe wore her sports clothes and went outside . To take a stroll in a moonlight night . Aside from it being weird, it was a dangerous thing . Because you didn’t know what kind of people roamed at night . That’s why Chloe took a stroll only around Grand Chef’s house .

‘…… . . It’s still a bit scary . ’

The wind was cold, and her surroundings was really secluded . It was because of that . The moment she saw the man that was seating in a bench, her face became bright .

“Minjoon! You didn’t go to sleep?”
“Huh, what are you doing at this hour?”
“You are also outside at this hour . ”

Jo Minjoon smiled and replied . Chloe slightly glanced at his handphone . On the screen that was shining brightly, many comments were written . But because it was in korean, she couldn’t read them .

“What are you looking at?”
“The comments . ”
“If I see those I only feel bad, so I don’t like reading them . ”
“I also don’t like them because they makes me feel bad . ”
“Then why are you looking at them?”
“Because it’s human nature wanting to know the contents when someone curses you . ”

Jo Minjoon talked like that and shrugged his shoulders . Chloe let out a sigh .

“And you told that to Kaya? That it’s a waste of time and attention . You seemed like a teacher lecturing your student . ”
“……Kaya’s still young . She would find it difficult to take it . ”
“And you are a grownup?”

At Chloe’s question Jo Minjoon replied with a smile . Chloe sat besides him and opened her mouth .

“I think that I’m still not a grownup . I’m too young . ”
“What are you saying that so suddenly? Did the night make you susceptible?”
“Just because . ”

Chloe smiled lightly . Jo Minjoon looked at her and then opened his mouth .

“You are troubled by something . ”
“There’s nothing like that . ”
“You aren’t troubled and you came out in this night? It’s already 12 . ”
“You are also outside . ”
“But I am troubled . ”

Jo Minjoon talked like that and pointed his handphone with his finger . Chloe grabbed her forehead as if she had lost and continued saying .

“Yeah, good for you . I’m sorry . For not being troubled by a troublesome thing . ”
“What is it about?”

Jo Minjoon asked again in a serious voice . Chloe pouted her mouth and embraced her knees . It was cold .

“Just so, other people are living hard working… . . but it doesn’t seem to be the case for me . ”
“You are working hard, so what’s the problem?”
“I’m not as passionate as you in cooking to cross the pacific ocean and come over here . Of course, it’s the thing I like the most……and I’m liking it more and more, but I don’t think that I’m on the level to challenge it like you . Because I’m wondering if I can bet my life in cooking forever . ”
“And what are you thinking to do if not cooking?”
“I want to become a detective . I’m a fan of Home’s . ”
“Now that I see, you said that you were going to a law school . ”

Jo Minjoon looked at Chloe as if he was surprised . Chloe wrapped her cheeks with both her hands . Or perhaps she was just cold . At that moment, Jo Minjoon thought about taking off his coat, but he didn’t . They weren’t in that kind of relationship . Jo Minjoon laughed and said .

“Having many abilities is also bothersome . Because you have many paths you can walk in . ”
“What if I have many paths? Because the most important thing is how much you bet in it . ”
“You have bet plenty already . There’s no need to get anxious . ”

Chloe shook her head slowly .

What I’m troubled about is not that . Is if I can keep walking this path . ”
“I like your cooking . ”

Although he said it quite bluntly, it had quite a feeling to it . Jo Minjoon continued talking .

“I think that your character is shown in your dishes . It’s not excessive, it’s gently and consideration overflows in it . The bad thoughts can’t be seen in it at all . ”
“Even if I don’t do bad things, I can be thinking about bad things . If you could look inside my head even you will be surprised . ”
“It’s fine to think whatever you want in your head . The problem is if you show it or not with your actions . And the Chloe Jong I have seen until now is timid but has some interesting sides, and if people point out the bad things of someone you tend to find the good ones . ”
“…… . . Hey, if you say it like that it’s rather embarrassing . ”
“If you are like that, then would I be fine?  If it was recorded for the broadcast I would be kicking my blankets forever . Ugh, I feel goosebumps . ”

Jo Minjoon talked like that and extended his fingers . Chloe just stared at him . Her short hair fluttered because of the wind .

“My troubles are getting dispersed . And they aren’t even getting solved . ”
“Actually, there are no solutions regardless of what you listen to . In the end, you have to walk by yourself to know the answer . And if you hesitate……”

Jo Minjoon put back his handphone on his pocket and got up . He pointed the strolling road and said .

“At least, I will walk this road with you . ”

Oh hyunjun : It’s really interesting for a korean to appear in a foreign program . He’s not even a resident overseas, but only a korean .
ㄴ ㅁㄷㅇㄷ : What’s interesting in that? Godkorea here are many cases like that . That’s expanding in the world!
ㄴ Lee Geoneun : @ㅁㄷㅇㄷ Godkorea my **** . In the end, it’s that . They don’t have that kind of opportunities in Korea so they go overseas . No reply .

Kimbo: But he is having something with that white girl . If she was blond I would die from a stomachache .
ㄴ Crow : You can dye your hair to become blond stupid . Tch tch
ㄴ Kimbo : @Crow If you tan your skin do you become black?

Shin Saeyeon : After I saw that I got hungry . By the way Grand Chef is really fun . It would be great if they come to Korea .
ㄴ Hello : That’s that but your profile picture is really pretty . Is that you…… . . ?

JK KOO : Rather than those bluffs of a cooking it would be better to eat some fried chicken .
ㄴ Nopeman : Nope
    ㄴ JK KOO : @Nopeman It’s my opinion so why are you against it?
ㄴNopeman : Nope

Wardo : It is, delicious ! I see ! A lewd weed . Help !

Kim Yeongchan : It would be fun if he wins it . A foreign guy  would be taking all of the reward .
ㄴ Lee Joohee : But if he wins there, won’t he nail down?  If he gets prestigious over there he won’t have the need to come back to Korea .
ㄴ Kim Yeongchan : @Lee Joohee You don’t know about it . He may come back missing his hometown . But even if I see it, it would be better for him if he stays there .
ㄴ Nopeman : @Kim Yeongchan Nope .

Kimchipepperman : It would be great if Kaya and Jo Minjoon end up together .

Jo Minjoon stopped looking at the screen . Contrary of his worries, the reactions in Korea were quite good, and there were many people who mentioned about other things than himself . Honestly, he felt it to be regretful that the attention he received was low, but it was a rather good thing . Because he thought that the more attention you were given, there would be more bad things than good ones .

“Are they koreans?”

Kaya that was glancing at times asked in a low voice . Jo Minjoon nodded . Kaya asked once again cautiously .

“Is there any word of me?”
“Not much . ”

Actually, she had a lot . However it was all related to Jo Minjoon . It was a bit embarrassing to say that in front of her . She put on a relieved face . Jo Minjoon smiled bitterly and asked .

“Are you that worried?”
“There’s no one who likes being cursed . ”
“Then act a little softer while on the broadcast . Then, half of the anti’s would disappear . ”
“Enough . That wouldn’t be me then . ”
“If you talk like that I have nothing else to say . ”

Jo Minjoon turned off his screen and lifted his head . Kitchen . The participants were all gathered . But it wasn’t that they were gathered to eat as usual . Because the mission was soon going to start .

The progression of the missions didn’t have a fixed period . At times in 2 days, and in others, it was in 7 days . The judges and the directors had  to set the schedule so it was unavoidable, but even so, waiting without a schedule was always a bothersome thing .

That’s why the faces of the participants that were waiting for the judges to enter were a bit unburdened . Hugo that was next to him asked Jo Minjoon with a nervous face .

“What do you think the mission will be?”
“I wonder . I think that all of the normal themes already got out . Wouldn’t this be individual cooking? And they decide the cooking method and the ingredients for us . ”
“I would like to do something like Texas barbecue . ”
“You have to check on it for 24 hours straight . You want to do that?”
“That’s also true . ”

Hugo admitted it clearly and shrugged his shoulders . At that moment . The door behind the kitchen started to slowly open . The participants gulped and looked at that . But something was different . There was a different point than usual . And it was the number of the judges . Precisely speaking, Joseph and Alan weren’t there . The one coming in was only Emily .

Emily coughed while standing on the stage and fixed her voice . The participants looked at her filled with curiousness and Emily smiled in a good manner .

“Hello everyone . Even though I saw you in a long while, it doesn’t seem that long . ”

Emily looked at each of the participants and slowly smiled at them . When she looked at Jo Minjoon, she smiled even more brightly . But Jo Minjoon ignored her . After she had asked him to become an epicurean, between them an awkward air was felt . It could be said that they felt uncomfortable between each other . But of course, in the first place they didn’t even talk with each other .

“Today, you will have to choose between Alan and Joseph . I tell you beforehand but this isn’t a team mission . So when you choose do it more seriously . You don’t have to worry about who messes up the most . I tell you once again, this isn’t a team mission . ”

The moment he heard Emily’s words, he could vaguely know the identity of the mission . He wondered if the participants they picked would vary according to the dish they chose beforehand, being one they liked and made well . And actually he did faintly remember seeing that mission .

“You will know the details after you choose . The ones who want to pick Alan go to the garden, and the ones for Joseph stay in this very place . I will give you exactly 1 minute . ”

The participants didn’t say a word and started to calculate in their heads . What kind of mission could it be? What side would be better to choose?

And then, 1 minute passed . Emily shouted .


Jo Minjoon moved his feet .

< Crossroad (1) > End

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