God and Devil World Chapter 995: Shangguan Qingcheng !

Shangguan Qingcheng looked at the dense body of corpses pale: “It’s over, this time it’s really over. Is my Shangguan Qingcheng finally dying here?”

The air blade condensed by Shangguan Qingcheng can easily cut the head of L4, but with such a powerful air blade, he can only condense Twenty.

In the past, a village and town had at most one L3, and a county with a population of 100,000 had only a dozen L4.

But this time, dozens of L4, three L5, and a large number of other types of zombies appeared. The number and quality of the corpse are far beyond the resistance Strength of this gathering place of Shangguan Qingcheng .

A bit of despair flashed in the eyes of all the survivors above the city walls. Most of these people’s weapons are cold weapons, and they have been very difficult to deal with the evolution of the same book zombies, and even fell in the wind. The tens of thousands of zombies move towards this side, they will definitely die.

Suddenly, those corpses that were besieging the county town suddenly turned around and joined the huge sea-like corpse.

The heart of Shangguan Qingcheng suddenly fell to the bottom: “Damn, there is a Z-type zombies. And it seems that the level of the Z-type zombies is still very high. The number of zombiess it can control is only more than one million.”

When Shangguan Qingcheng and zombies fight for a long time, naturally they have also seen Z type zombies. In the face of the commander’s million-scale corpse, he has escaped many times. After all, their gathering place, which has no logistics base, can’t be an opponent of a million-scale corpse.

Wei Qing, a young Evolver with blonde hair who was about 18 years old, came to Shangguan Qingcheng and whispered “Boss, it seems not good. Let’s prepare to escape. “

A bit of haze whispered in the eyes of Shangguan Qingcheng : “You go down and prepare.”

Shangguan Qingcheng escaped countless times while facing a huge corpse. He originally thought that after occupying a county, he would not need to run away. But when he really faced the million corpses, he knew how naive he was.

At this moment, the corpse suddenly separated, and a jeep drove out of the corpse and stopped in front of everyone.

Three Warrior in military uniform walked down from the jeep and walked directly in the direction of the county seat.

From the endless Corpse Sea, three human race came out. This scene shocked everyone, and they watched the three men walk into the county.

Bai Xiaosheng stood in front of that county town and exclaimed with great style: “I am China Major General Bai Xiaosheng, let your Leader come to see me.”

After returning to the earth, Yue Zhong reorganized its forces while fighting, and established a new government of the China country, pretending to be orthodox. At the same time, the troops in the subordinate branches will use the same rank and military merit system.

Shangguan Qingcheng looked at Bai Xiaosheng below, silenced for a moment, and asked: “I am Leader Shangguan Qingcheng here. China Central Army? I have n’t heard of it? Are you from Tianjing? Over there, I remember it should be It’s Yue Zhong‘s sphere of influence. “

After Yue Zhong occupied Tianjing, it sent radio waves to the whole country through the radio.

Many forces with radio stations know that Yue Zhong occupies the capital Tianjing. But some people are not clear, Yue Zhong has just rebuilt the new government.

Bai Xiaosheng smiled and said: “Yes. Now our Leader has rebuilt a new government. Open the city gate and join us. You will also be one of us.”

Shangguan Qingcheng smiled gently: “Is this persuasion?”

Bai Xiaosheng coldly threatened: “Yes! That is to persuade, did you see those zombies? They have been fully controlled by Leader adults, and you know what it means? If you are stubborn, I will solve it on the spot. You guys. “

Intimidation, temptation, and intimidation, all kinds of persuasion methods, Bai Xiaosheng has also been used to perfection.

After occupying Tianjing, the new government sweeps zombies around, and when expanding its power, it can often encounter many small forces of Leader. Those small forces, Leader, take the power in their hands very seriously, and it is almost impossible to surrender the other party in a word with kindness.

Bai Xiaosheng threatened and waved.

A Warrior took out a flute and blew hard.

The whistle sounded, and from the corpse, immediately walked out of the Twenty head L3 and came to the Bai Xiaosheng three people to kneel down directly and put the head on the ground.

Bai Xiaosheng pulled out a single soldier Electromagnetic Gun and pulled the trigger against an L3 head.

A ray of light flashed, and the L3 head was immediately penetrated by the Electromagnetic Gun, and there was an additional big hole above its head, and countless mucus sputtered out.

Bai Xiaosheng just took a single soldier Electromagnetic Gun and easily bombed L3 with Twenty‘s head kneeling on the ground, and then coldly looked towards the county.

“How is that possible?”

“Those steel giants who are Juli zombiesL3, which ca n’t penetrate the sword and ca n’t penetrate the skin even with heavy machine guns. Was it just killed like that?”

“What weapon is that in his hand? Is it too powerful?”


On the county seat, everyone looked at this scene, their faces changed greatly, and there was much discussion.

After the Twenty head L3 was bombed, the flute sounded again, and then forty head S4 evolution zombies came out of the corpse and knelt on the ground.

The two Warriors around Bai Xiaosheng took out the extremely sharp three-pole God and Devil System weapon, beheaded the forty S4 Warrior, and used the God and Devil System weapon to absorb the life vitality of the forty S4zombies, and the evolution became stronger.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Qingcheng ‘s complexion changed greatly. He knew that Bai Xiaosheng was showing them the central army’s control over the evolved zombies.

And being able to freely manipulate so many evolved zombiess, it means that the Central Army has ability for mass production of Expert.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the county seat said nothing more. They all know that there is only one way to die against the forces represented by the people below.

After being silent for a while, Shangguan Qingcheng said: “If we surrender, what treatment can we get?”

Bai Xiaosheng said: “How many people do you have here?”

Shangguan Qingcheng Road: “More than 8,000 people.”

Bai Xiaosheng quickly said: “After surrendering, you can keep your private property, and we guarantee your personal safety. We will not kill anyone except some wicked people. As a Leader, if you surrender, you can Get the rank of captain directly and enjoy the treatment of the rank of captain. In addition, you can recommend three people to enjoy the treatment of the rank of lieutenant, and Twenty personally enjoy the treatment of the rank of lieutenant. No bargaining is accepted. “

Shangguan Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly made a decision: “Okay, I agree. Join the new government and become a member of the new government.”

Every year and months fleeing east and west, rushing towards the end of the day, the days of sorrow have made Shangguan Qingcheng very tired. Although he is in power, he controls the life and death of more than 8,000 people. But as soon as the corpse came, he was only able to run away. In such days, he was tired of it. If you can give him a choice, he is more willing to be a little white-collar worker before the end of the world, rather than being a hegemon after the end of the world.

As soon as Shangguan Qingcheng announced its surrender, it opened the door and greeted the Bai Xiaosheng three people into the city.

Bai Xiaosheng three people in Enter county soon, a team came out of the corpse and entered the county.

From that team, a famous Warrior, armed to the teeth and exuding a **** and fierce atmosphere, quickly controlled each strategic point.

Shangguan Qingcheng glanced at the Warrior from team, and his face changed slightly: “It’s all Expert, it’s terrible.”

Almost all of the more than one hundred Warriors from team have the peak strength of Second-Rank, and more than a dozen people also have the terrifying strength of Third-Rank God Warrior.

If the Fourth-Rank Expert Shangguan Qingcheng does not take action, these more than 100 Warrior can completely slaughter his tiger leopard riding Warrior.

After sending troops to control the entire county, Bai Xiaosheng said to Shangguan Qingcheng : “Follow me to see Leader.”

Shangguan Qingcheng nodded: “Okay.”

In a jeep, Shangguan Qingcheng left the county.

After the corpses of Enter, Shangguan Qingcheng watched the dense evolution of zombies on both sides of the road, and the scalp was numb for a while. Then there are so many different types of evolution zombies. Very strong, once falling into this horrible corpse, there is only one way to die.

After the corpse group in Enter was deep, Shangguan Qingcheng saw nearly two thousand Warrior holding Replica Tang Sword in constant beheading zombies.

The dense High Level Evolution zombies lay directly on the ground, lowering its head, letting those Warriors beheaded directly.

The zombies body that was beheaded was put into a large truck.

The bodies of High Level zombies are good rations on Mutant Beast, good nutrients on mutant plants, and are also the research materials of medical research institutes.

One of the most important reasons why Yue Zhong can have a lot of food is that he obtained the mutant plant, Rice Growthing Tree, when he was Guangxi . After watering with corpse fluid, those Rice Growthing Tree grew very vigorously and harvested a lot of food.

Shangguan Qingcheng watched those Warrior assassinate those high-level evolutionary zombies easily, with a flash of envy in their eyes: “No wonder they can make so many Expert. With this huge corpse group, they can quickly make one Approved Expert with extremely high Enhancers level. “

Shangguan Qingcheng , like Yue Zhong, has gone through nine deaths and a lifetime, and it has been very hard to kill countless High Level zombies and Mutant Beast to evolve to this step. Seeing those Warrior killing those zombies easily, his heart was a bit unbalanced.

After passing through heavy guards, Shangguan Qingcheng came to a command center. At a glance, he saw that there were a large number of electronic screens in the command center. On the electronic screen, a large number of pictures appeared, monitoring everything around.

(ps: 1000 words owed will be filled tomorrow.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Piaotian Literature Registered Member to recommend the work. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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