God and Devil World Chapter 955: Kill Shi Weiguo!

Shi Weiguo sternly laughed and said: “These six women are three pairs of mothers and daughters who are contaminated by the pure blood of our Republic of Korea. Goods, I will be in front of you China top Expert today, one by one. Hahahaha !!! Liu Min attacked you and your daughter to climb over, I want to ** you. “

A pretty-looking ** Liu Min was disappointed, and knelt down on the ground, pleading with Korean: “Adult, adult, I am a Korea, I have joined the Korea nationality, I It ’s from Korea !!! Please beg us to let us go. “

Shi Weiguo frowned and kicked Liu Min with a kick, kicking her to the ground: “It’s really a good thing! I’m not interested anymore, you go!”

The guards cheered, yin laughed again and again, took off his pants directly, and fixed the Liu Min attack and her Korea daughter and slammed directly.

When Liu Min was attacked, his face showed pain, sadness, and despair. Before the end of the world, she had a beautiful appearance and good facial features. She was also a little beauty in China and had many suitors. But she married Korea with the dream of meeting Prince Charming in the Korean drama. After coming to Korea, she realized that it was not heaven like she thought.

In Korea, some people have no prejudice against the China people, but more people do not like the China people. And after the world mutant, Liu Min attacked those people who were originally China countries were more discriminated against and prejudiced, she has tasted countless humiliation and pain.

“It would be nice if you did n’t marry Korea. Sorry, it would be nice if you did n’t give birth to you.”

In despair, the already weak Liu Min attack breath gradually disappeared. Before dying, her eyes looked at her daughter who was being violated with apology.

“I am a bitch. Son, I am a mother. Dog. Beautiful. Come over, the China mother. The dog under our two splashes crawled to the owner. Wang, Wang, Wang !!!”

A charming and charming woman with a pair of ** women kneels on the ground, with a flattering smile on her face, with her 17-year-old daughter, learning to crawl towards Shi Weiguo with a dog Come over and learn to bark while crawling. She just wanted to live. As for dignity and everything, she had completely set aside. Such a thing as shame, she has cast aside shortly after the end of the world.

Shi Weiguo grinned grimly, grabbed the long hair of Gao Meilai, and pulled it up like a dog, pulling the beautiful Gao Mei to look like: “Ha ha ha! See you? Yue Zhong, this is what You cheap women in the China country. It ’s cheap enough. It was these jian goods that came to our Republic of Korea and polluted the blood of our noble Korean people and gave birth to such jian goods! You said, are you jian goods? No? “

Gao Meilai has a painful face, and tears flow across her eyes, crying: “I am Jianhu! I am a bitch, do n’t hit me. It hurts!”

“Hahaha !!” Shi Weiguo laughed even more excitedly. He was able to humiliate Yue Zhong and insult China in front of Yue Zhong, a China country Super Expert, and then appreciate the tragic and desperate expression of Yue Zhong. This is his most exciting and happy thing.

Shi Weiguo turned around and swept the pair of mothers and daughters holding a group of eyes reveal fears, a yin evil light appeared in their eyes: “Zhao Xi, Zheng Lixiu, you two mothers. The dog also crawled over! ** These two females. Dogs! “

The beauty with outstanding hair and hair ** Zhao Xi hugged his 16-year-old daughter Zheng Lixiu in his arms, his eyes were angry, and he spit out a spit: “Bah! Shi Weiguo, you Damn beast. Ugly Korea right-winger, Lixiu and I are humans, not a bitch. A beast like you is definitely not going to die, he will come to save us. He will definitely come to save us, By that time it will be your death. “

A bit of weirdness flashed in Shi Weiguo ’s eyes, with a smile of excitement, patting with both hands: “Zheng Xiangzhong? Hey, then listen to your husband Zheng Xiangzhong. Take him in.”

A middle-aged man dressed in fashion, tall, and quite handsome came to this hall under the **** of a Warrior.

“Xiang Zhongjun!”

“Dad !!”

Seeing the middle-aged man, Zhao Xi and Zheng Lixiu lost track.

Zheng Xiangzhong came to Shi Weiguo and nodded and bowed to Shi Weiguo to please: “Master Shi Weiguo, I do n’t know what you asked me to do?”

Shi Weiguo coldly glanced at Zheng Xiangzhong and said, “I want my wife and daughter, do you have any opinions?”

Zheng Xiangzhong has a flattering smile on his face, and his words are like swords, and he directly stabs in the hearts of Zhao Xi and Zheng Lixiu: “Wife? That woman is just an Chinajian goods that is greedy for my money. The daughter she gave birth also carried The humble China lineage has contaminated my noble Korean lineage. I have long seen them as unpleasant. Master Shi Weiguo, you play with them, I have no opinion. “

Shi Weiguo laughed wildly, kicking Liu Min attacking his boots licking aside: “Ha ha ha! Well said, this pair of dogs let you play!”

“Thank you for your reward, thank you for your reward.”

Zheng Xiangzhong was overjoyed, with a flattering smile on her face, and she began to take off her pants.

Zhao Xi just felt that something precious was broken in her heart, she was shaking with anger, pointing at Zheng Xiangzhong and desperately scolding: “Zheng Xiangzhong, you beast! Really not a human !!!”

Zheng Xiangzhong turned over and yelled at Zhao Xi: “China **** who is splashing, I am a noble Korean nationality. If you scold, I will smash your mouth. Two splashing women.”

After seeing Zheng Xiangzhong turning ruthless, Zhao Xi and Zheng Lixiu both shed tears of despair in their eyes. Now even their only relatives have abandoned them, and they no longer have to rely on them in this world.

Shi Weiguo laughed with excitement at this scene and shouted: “Ha ha ha !! Ha ha ha !!! Two bitches, climb over immediately, otherwise, I will throw you to Slums to play with the poor. Those poor are missing Food, after playing with you, I will eat you into your stomach. If you two are my bitches, I can make you eat enough. Do n’t crawl over, want to die? “

Shi Weiguo‘s words shook like thunder in the hearts of Zhao Xi and Zheng Lixiu, giving them a sense of despair and powerlessness. They are very clear that Shi Weiguo‘s words are true. Once they fall into the hungry poor, they will not only be killed by play, but will also be miserably killed and eaten.

“Is it funny? It seems that you like to keep people as dogs. I also like to keep dogs. You can treat me as a dog. Climb over and lick my shoes. Shi Weiguo!”

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from behind Shi Weiguo.

Shi Weiguo felt a chill in his heart and turned back suddenly, he could n’t help but take a few steps of Tengteng retreat, a look of horror flashed on his face: “What ’s going on? I ’ve already got Ghost Bewildering Grass in that big Black Scaled Fish, then Ghost Bewildering Grass is Super Evolver Can make them temporarily lose Strength, why are you all right? “

In front of Shi Weiguo, the Yue Zhong, which should have lost Strength, has already stood up.

“I have long felt that you guys are not right, how can you eat your food?”

Yue Zhong vomited directly, and a mass of fish wrapped tightly by Darkness Battle Qi was immediately spit on the ground.

“Since you are not dead, then I will send you to die !!! Everyone go together and kill him !!!”

Shi Weiguo‘s eyes flashed a daunting wave, a big wave of his hand, and a powerful white frozen air swept toward Yue Zhong. He is a Evolver of the Spirit series, and the Enhancers level is also as high as 60. This white frozen gas can even freeze into a lump in a Armor car.

The Warriors who were playing with women also quickly withdrew, picked up the weapon set aside, and started Skill, rushing to Yue Zhong without even wearing pants.

“A bunch of garbage, die for me!”

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, cold light flickered, took a step forward, and disappeared from the spot instantly, appeared beside Shi Weiguo, and slapped on the head of Shi Weiguo with a slap.

Fear and despair flashed in Shi Weiguo‘s eyes, and he couldn’t even speak. The head was immediately forced to fly from above his body, hit the wall on one side, and burst into a ball of meat sauce.

After killing Shi Weiguo, Yue Zhong double fists burst like meteors, directly blasting on the bodies of those Warrior, horrible Strength erupted, and the hearts of Warrior burst apart one after another, blood splashed.

In just one breath, Expert in this hall was easily killed by Yue Zhong.

very powerful !!! It ’s so strong !!!”

Piao Caiying and the remaining women looked at Yue Zhong with fear and trembling. That Shi Weiguo was as tyrannical as a demon in their eyes, but that Expert was in the hands of Yue Zhong, but it was easily taken to death like a ant, and the terrible deep imprint of Yue Zhong was in their hearts.

“Do n’t kill me! Do n’t kill me! Please, do n’t kill me. I ’m a dog, forgive me. Forgive me !!!”

The arrogant Zheng Xiangzhong was scared to urinate his pants. A large amount of yellow liquid dripped from his crotch. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Yue Zhong.

This Zheng Xiangzhong is Tuo Shit, as long as he can survive, no matter how much he splashes, he can do it.

Yue Zhong glanced at Zheng Xiangzhong and took a step towards that. This kind of garbage, he doesn’t mind shooting dead.

At this moment, Zhao Xi suddenly said to Yue Zhong in Chinese: “This lord, please be merciful. Don’t kill him.”

Yue Zhong glanced at Zhao Xi and asked weirdly, “This beast, do you still have to plead for him?”

A bit of sorrow flashed in Zhao Xi ’s eyes, gritted his teeth and said, “Adult, he is not kind, I cannot be unrighteous. And he is my daughter ’s father, I do n’t want him to die in front of my daughter.” You like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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