God and Devil World Chapter 953: gathering place !

Yue Zhong easily beheaded those zombies all the way, walked to the four-story building, jumped lightly, jumped directly to the top of the four-story building, and appeared in front of Cui Xiaojing and others.

When I saw Yue Zhong jumped on the four-story building, there was a shock in the eyes of Cui Xiaojing , “Everyone is superman!”

Cui Xiaojing are all frogs at the bottom of the well, and have never seen a real Expert. Yue Zhong jumped more than ten meters, far exceeding the world champion before the end of the world.

Yue Zhong glanced at the eight Korea people: “Who can speak Chinese?”

China Chinese !!!”

The Cui Xiaojing has a chill in their hearts. These Korea people hate China people very much, and they also know that many people in China people hate them. They saw that Yue Zhong turned out to be a Chinese of China, and naturally there was a trace of despair in their hearts.

“No one will? Then forget about it, you can stay here for yourself.”

A disappointment flashed in Yue Zhong‘s eyes, and he turned and wanted to leave. He will not be Korean, the two sides can not communicate. There is no intelligence from these Korea populations, and he has no interest in saving each other.

“Wait a minute !!”

Seeing Yue Zhong turn around, Cui Xiaojing yelled out in non-standard Chinese, then grabbed the Piao Caiying around him and shouted fiercely: “Come and communicate with him !!!”

The Piao Caiying that had taken off only underwear fell to Yue Zhong and knelt down on the ground, begging: “Wait, dear sir, please wait. My name is Piao Caiying, I can speak Chinese. I will Chinese, I know that all China people are kind, noble, and noble people. Please save us and please listen to our request. “

Yue Zhong turned around and smiled, “The people of China are not all kind and noble people, but even if your words are compliments, it makes me very happy. I am Yue Zhong, well, I can listen to you Request. “

Saving these Korea survivors is nothing more than a hand for Yue Zhong. Piao Caiying puts his posture very low and speaks respectfully. He does n’t mind listening to each other to say a few words.

Piao Caiying knelt on the ground looking up at Yue Zhong and said humblely: “Uncle Yue Zhong, we hope to be able to buy some food from your hands. We haven’t eaten for a week. As long as a pack of instant noodles, I can accompany One night for you. I will play a lot of ways to ensure that you can be satisfied. If you take out two packs of instant noodles, I and Zhao Yingen can come to sleep with you. Me and Yingen are both models before World mutant. You will be satisfied with your service. “

Piao Caiying only needs half a pack of instant noodles with bald Piao Zhengyi, and when it’s Yue Zhong‘s turn, the price is increased to a pack of instant noodles. Sure enough, all over the world have the habit of slaughtering foreign fat sheep.

Yue Zhong scanned the two women Piao Caiying and Zhao Yingen and threw a packet of instant noodles to Piao Caiying: “I have no interest in you, this is for you. Answer me a few questions, if I am satisfied, I will More for you. “

Looking at the pack of instant noodles, Cui Xiaojing and others have green eyes and swallowed their throats several times. If it was n’t Yue Zhong right in front of them, they would definitely grab the pack of instant noodles in Piao Caiying ’s arms.

“Damn it! If I can speak Chinese, how good it is! Piao Caiying is obviously not as beautiful as me, and I can get the reward of the China people. If I can speak Chinese, that package of instant noodles is mine. “Zhao Yingen‘s eyes flashed with crazy jealousy, just like before the end of the world, saw rich merchants casually throwing a ten-carat diamond as garbage to Piao Caiying.

In the last days, a little food is extremely precious, and a pack of instant noodles can cause a **** crime.

Piao Caiying smiled excitedly, grabbed the bag of instant noodles tightly, and knelt down on the ground towards Yue Zhong: “Thank you Yue Zhong! Thank you Yue Zhong! I will know endlessly and answer your question wholeheartedly.” /

Yue Zhong asked: “Where am I??”

Piao Caiying respectfully said: “This is the town of Natian near Seoul. Ah, no! This is the town of Natian near Seoul, only fifty kilometers away from Seoul. North Korea is North Korea, and Seoul is South Korea. . “

In order to win the favor of Yue Zhong, Piao Caiying directly replaces Seoul with Seoul, and at the same time is full of respect and lowliness between words.

In the last days, in order to survive, even betrayal of the body is nothing. As long as the compliments are able to survive, there are even people who are more humble than Piao Caiying.

Yue Zhong flicked a piece of bread, and a piece of bread fell into the hands of Piao Caiying: “What power do you know over Seoul?”

Every country will have outstanding heroes. Yue Zhong will form a new government on the China side, and Korea will also have their heroes to create powerful forces.

“Sorry, I do n’t know this question. Please wait a moment, our Leader Cui Xiaojing should know.”

Piao Caiying smiled apologetically at Yue Zhong, stood up, and came to Cui Xiaojing ‘s side to relay Yue Zhong‘s words to him.

Cui Xiaojing was very overbearing when facing the other Korea people, but was cautious in front of Yue Zhong, for fear of angering Yue Zhong: “Hello, Yue Zhong. I ’m Cui Xiaojing . There is a large gathering place near Seoul, there is An organization named South Korea Revival Association. I hope you can take us there, as a reward, I can give you two women, Piao Caiying and Zhao Yingen. “

Yue Zhong glanced at Piao Caiying: “Piao Caiying, Cui Xiaojing but want to send you to me, what is your opinion?”

Piao Caiying ’s eyes flashed with longing, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing: “It ’s my pleasure to be your Yue Zhong uncle, your woman. I ’m willing to go with you. I ’ll cook, wash clothes, warm blankets, dance, and drink. , Guess the code, stay with me, please accept me. I eat very little. “

Piao Caiying has been in the society for many years and will seize the opportunity very much. She knew that if she followed Expert like Yue Zhong, she would not go hungry in the end times, and the threat of death would be minimal.

Yue Zhong smiled and said: “Okay. I happen to be missing a translator. Cui Xiaojing , I will take you to that large gathering place.”

Yue Zhong also wants to see what it looks like on Korea, and see how far Korea has developed and recovered.

It is difficult to go abroad, and Yue Zhong also wants to see how the overseas genius Expert has built their power.

Cui Xiaojing was overjoyed again and bowed to Yue Zhong to bow and salute: “Thank you, lord !!!”

Yue Zhong easily entered the center of the town and found a big bus that had not been corroded.

The eight people swept in immediately, and Enter got into the bus.

The bus starts to gallop directly outside the town.

Cui Xiaojing looked worried at the bus that started: “Master Yue Zhong, this bus is just afraid that it cannot pass through the corpse.”

The rest of them looked at Yue Zhong with a worried expression.

In the zombies group, many evolved L2s already have the horrible Strength that overturned the bus. Once this Common bus falls into the corpse, it will be overturned and then be inside zombies tear into pieces.

“I only have plans. White Bones, kill them all!”

Yue Zhong glanced at a large number of zombiess outside, and when his thoughts moved, White Bones immediately jumped out of the void, holding a huge bone axe, and turned into a storm and rushed into the corpse.

Soon, countless corpses spattered in all directions, and a clear road appeared.

“Too scary! Too mysterious, this China man !!”

Seeing the White Bones that suddenly appeared and was killing among the corpses, the face of everyone in the car changed greatly and was shocked again.

The two girls Piao Caiying and Zhao Yingen looked at Yue Zhong, and their eyes flashed. If they can stick to the mysterious Expert like Yue Zhong, then they have a chance to survive in this cruel world where danger is too much to trust even human race.

On the road to the large gathering place, you can see the evolutionary L2, S2, L3, S3 and other evolutionary zombies everywhere. This road is an impassable road for Common people, but those terrible evolutions zombies are easily beheaded by White Bones, revealing a clear road.

Two hours later, the rickety bus arrived at gathering place, the largest human race survivor near Seoul.

“Stop !!!”

The bus that Yue Zhong and his team had just arrived near Seoul. Four armed rifles were armed, and the militants of the fierce demon immediately blocked the road and pointed the gun directly at the bus.

Yue Zhong raised his eyebrows and stopped the bus.

A group of people immediately walked off the bus.

The four militants saw a flash of yin light in the eyes of the two women Piao Caiying and Zhao Yingen walking down the bus: “Woman, these two women are good !!”

Piao Caiying and Zhao Yingen are both models before the end of the world. After the end of the world, they were tortured, but they still look much better than Common women. At one click, these fighters yin heart.

A militant pointed at Piao Caiyingyin and smiled, “I want that !!”

Another militant pointed at Zhao Yingenyin smiled and stepped forward to grab at Zhao Yingen: “I want this! When I’m finished, let’s exchange!”

Yin, the other two militants, smiled on the side and watched the scene with great interest, just like watching an interesting game.

The Piao Caiying and Zhao Yingen screamed immediately.

Cui Xiaojing A few of them men were silent, watching all this indifferently. Piao Caiying and Zhao Yingen have been given to Yue Zhong by them, and they naturally will not care about things that do not belong to them.

Yue Zhong swept the ugly coldly of the four militants: “It ’s really troublesome, kill them, White Bones.”

White Bones is a stride forward, and the huge bone axe in his hand is crazy.

In an instant, the heads of the four militants soared into the sky, and blood splattered. After a while, their headless body slowly fell to the ground.

“It’s terrible, absolutely not to anger him.”

Looking at the horrible scene, Cui Xiaojing felt a chill in their hearts, and they realized how terrifying the seemingly talkative Yue Zhong was. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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