God and Devil World Chapter 903: Choose!

As soon as Yue Zhong came to the dozen people, his face shouted loudly: “Go away!”

“He told us to get away!”

“Fool! Do you want to die?”


The dozen men looking at Yue Zhong are like watching a clown.

A blond man stood up, glanced at Yue Zhong, and spit out a thick sputum directly to the ground, then pointed to coldly at the thick sputum on the ground: “Let me lick clean, otherwise, I plan Your legs. Here, as long as no one is dead, no one will be in charge. “

“Lick clean !!”


A famous man came around, their eyes flashing with excitement. In this closed room, there are only two pastimes: playing with women and bullying others.

Most people are sitting on the side indifferently and do n’t care about it at all. They are full of fear for their future.


Yue Zhong a stride forward, hit the blonde man ’s face with a punch, smashed the blonde man ’s face, and then grabbed the blonde man and flicked it to the side, throwing the blonde man to the side By the wall.

“Go on! Kill him !!!”

The rest of the men roared and rushed towards Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong rushed into the crowd with one arrow step, and exhibited the melee combat skill that special forces are good at, and hit the dozen men with eight times the physical quality of Common, and the joints of the dozen men. Unloaded, temporarily abolished their battle strength.

Seeing that Yue Zhong was so brave, the eight red-luo women screamed and fled to the side.

Yue Zhong pulled Mei Ying to the corner, he stared at the left and right sides, a faint ripple of fear toward the surrounding spread, those poor people were frightened, and moved toward the two sides, leaving a large open space For Yue Zhong and Mei Ying.

Yue Zhong took a hand of Mei Ying and sat in a corner. He whispered to Mei Ying: “From this Concentration Camp, can you take me to the Imperial City?”

Sky Imperial City is divided into Outer City and Inner City, Outer City has a vast city wall, and its defense is also the most amazing. Among the Sky Imperial City, there is a defense Inner City, then Inner City is where Cloud State emperor Wei Mingqing lives.

Mei Ying buried his head in the arms of Yue Zhong and said in a small voice: “There are monitors and bugs!”

Yue Zhong leaned his head against the snowy neck of Mei Ying and said gently: “Don’t worry, those things have been shielded by me.”

Mei Ying only felt a little itchy neck, and a blush flushed onto her snow-white neck and neck, adding a three-point color to her: “Yes! As long as I can go out from this Concentration Camp, I can take you to Inner City. But inside Inner City Experts as common as the clouds, strong defense. Far stricter than Outer City, I ’m afraid it ’s not so good. ”

Yue Zhong said: “It’s okay! I’ll solve the rest.”

As Yue Zhong and Mei Ying quietly discussed how to infiltrate Inner City, suddenly the door of Concentration Camp opened wide, a Warrior appeared outside, and an officer shouted loudly into Concentration Camp: “All the waste inside is rolling Come out !!! “

With the loud roar of the officer, the poor who had not long after Enter Concentration Camp had to walk out of Concentration Camp again.

A large number of poor people came out of Concentration Camp and came to a huge square.

Yue Zhong looked around, suddenly frowned, and saw a frame standing eight meters high around the square, built of machinery, and equipped with multiple tubes Electromagnetic Gun Common Battle Robot.

Among Cloud State, there are two kinds of Robot, one is a powerful combat weapon made by using a lot of resources and super advanced Technology as Reaper. One is these Common Battle Robot like RH2 main Battle Robot.

Because the production cost of Reaper is too high, there are also a large number of cheap Common Battle Robot serving in the military. However, most of those Common Battle Robot are only widely used in Twenty Blood Falling Fort and Sky Imperial City.

Crowds of refugees were driven from Concentration Camp to the square, and they watched the surrounding Battle Robot with a little uneasiness.

After the Warrior drove the refugees out of the barracks, they closed the barn door and then quickly left the prison.

“Everyone is not allowed to leave the square, anyone who leaves the square is killed on the spot !!”

A loud broadcast sound is constantly echoing. Upon hearing this sound, all refugees are afraid to move. You should know that those Warrior from Cloud State are all killing tools that do not blink.

“Damn it, is it?”

Yue Zhong stood in the square and saw the dense crowd, and suddenly a creepy thought flooded his mind.

Almost the next moment, Yue Zhong was confirmed by the creepy thoughts, and with a buzzing sound, a dark cloud of dark clouds galloped from afar.

Blood Sucking Bee, beasts !!! These **** beasts !! What should I do? What should I do?” Yue Zhong looked at the dense black bee clouds flying from the sky, like falling into an ice cave, cold hands and feet.

The big movie Blood Sucking Bee poses little threat to Fifth-Rank Expert like Yue Zhong. He can use any kind of Skill to make those Blood Sucking Bee inaccessible.

However, if the large Blood Sucking Bee is thrown into this Concentration Camp, then the tens of thousands of human race in this Concentration Camp will all be sucked up by those Blood Sucking Bee blood and become a dry body.

Although Yue Zhong was cruel, he did n’t blink his eyes to kill the enemy, but thinking of tens of thousands of people died like that in front of him, Rao was hesitant and hesitant. Those are human race, not pigs and dogs.

Blood Sucking Bee !!! That’s Blood Sucking Bee! Run away !!!”

“It’s over! Those are Blood Sucking Bee !!!”


Among the tens of thousands of people, some people with good eyesight have seen the true face of the black insect cloud, and their faces are pale, and they are scattered towards the surroundings.

Hearing the name of Blood Sucking Bee, everyone on the square fell into a state of panic. They fled everywhere, trampling on each other with countless deaths and injuries.

“What should I do? Can’t they be saved?”

A thought kept hovering in Yue Zhong, making his face blue and white for a while, with his ability, if he tried his best, he might be able to rescue many people, but in that way, he might dive himself into Sky Imperial City The facts are exposed, and will also reveal some of the cards in his hand.

Just when Yue Zhong was hesitant, he suddenly saw a little boy being hit by the crowd and fell to the ground. Seven or eight people in the rear rushed forward crazy, and their feet stepped mercilessly towards the little boy.

Yue Zhong‘s figure flicked, and he copied the eyes reveal frightened and desperate little boy in his hand.

The little boy opened his black and white eyes and shyly thanked Yue Zhong: “Thank you uncle !!!”

Yue Zhong looked at the little boy’s black and white eyes without any pollution, and a soft place in his heart was touched, letting him put down the calculation: “Fuck! If I do n’t have ability, I do n’t even need it. Now that I have ability, then save They are dead !! “

Mei Ying came to Yue Zhong and whispered: “The Blood Sucking Bee group is coming !! Yue Zhong, let’s run away !!!”

Yue Zhong said: “No! Our goal now changes. I want to occupy this prison! Save them as much as possible!”

Mei Ying said incredulously: “Are you crazy?”

Even if Yue Zhong is Fifth-Rank Expert, but in the face of the bee colonies formed by hundreds of thousands and millions of Blood Sucking Bee, they can only protect themselves. To eliminate that huge bee colony, Yue Zhong alone cannot do it.

At the same time, the defense of this large-scale Concentration Camp is extremely strict, and the garrison in this prison alone is not able to deal with the Fifth-Rank Expert of Common.

And the most important thing is that Mei Ying does n’t look at Yue Zhong like the big heroes and heroes for strangers to abandon their lives.

“I’m not crazy! It’s just a bit human!”

Yue Zhong sighed and flipped his hand. The laptop carrying Bai Yi (white-clothed) Avatar appeared in his hand. He turned on the computer and ordered directly to the Bai Yi (white-clothed) inside: “Control all electronic devices in this prison.”

The data stream in Bai Yi (white-clothed) ’s eyes flashed rapidly and said: “It takes three minutes to completely break through the central computer defense system of the prison.”

Yue Zhong asked the forty Armed Robots as monitors all over the prison: “How long will it take to control those Robots?”

Bai Yi (white-clothed) quickly replied: “Five seconds!”

Yue Zhong quickly issued an order: “Dominate them immediately !! Then order them to break an Concentration Camp barracks and let those refugees in.”

“Yes!” Bai Yi (white-clothed)‘s eyes flashed.

Five seconds later, the Armed Robot eyes throughout the prison flashed electrons, and then quickly rushed towards the Concentration Camp barracks, punching on the Concentration Camp barracks, blasting out big hole .

Seeing that the Concentration Camp barracks were bombarded with big holes, the refugees were all crazy, and they all rushed towards the big hole of the Concentration Camp barracks and fought for the charge.

“What’s going on? What happened there? How could they move on their own? What happened to our central computer?”

In the prison command room, Prison Warden Wei Tian looked at the forty Armed Robot roars that automatically attacked the Concentration Camp barracks.

The forty Armed Robots are directly controlled by the central computer and belong to the unmanned automatic Robot. Now they have such a change, obviously the central computer has a problem.

An officer came to Wei Tian and reported: “Prison Warden! The technicians on the central computer have come over and they found that a super Artificial Intelligence is invading our central computer. Those Robot changes are the super The masterpiece of Artificial Intelligence. “

(ps: Tomorrow three replacements!) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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