God and Devil World Chapter 81: Completely destroyed

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Text] Chapter 81 is completely destroyed


Before a private house, Yue Zhong found a line of Liu Yan. At this time, beside the Liu Yan team, five men without weapons were squatting.

“Brother Yue, you are here!” Seeing Yue Zhong and White Bones, Liu Yan greeted them, pointing at the five men: “They used to be Lei Zhen and Wang Guanghu. How to deal with them?”

The five men looked at Yue Zhong and White Bones with some fear. Some of them saw the horror scene of White Bones‘s killing.

Yue Zhong glanced at the five men, coldly said: “From now on, you are my subordinates, and you must obey my order unconditionally and completely. If you don’t obey, go to death. Now take the gun and join me Fight. Do you understand? “

Yue Zhong As long as you follow this team, you don’t have to worry about their mutiny. He can kill them all when they mutiny. At present, Yue Zhong has no manpower, and it can only use anyone to catch anyone.

The five men were relieved in their hearts and went to pick up their weapons: “Yes! Brother Yue.”

Being able to save an xìng life is the greatest wish of those five men now. In this húnluàn situation, survival is the number one priority. As for why people work, they don’t matter. Not everyone will die for Wang Guanghu. They turned to Wang Guanghu and Lei Zhen just to survive and live better.

The four Leaders in Changguang Village also represent the largest four armed Strength in Changguang Village. Wang Guanghu’s armed Strength was destroyed in the mouth of three heads Mutant Beast, and Lei Zhen and Zhang Xiang’s armed were destroyed in the hands of Yue Zhong. At this time, only Chen Yan’s armed Strength remained.

Liu Yan, you take your team to guard Wang Guanghu’s Villa. Ji Qingwu, Chen Yao, you to guard Zhang Xiang’s Villa, don’t let luàn come. The rest follow me!” Yue Zhong made a quick assignment.

Liu Yan After the test, this team can barely trust it. Yue Zhong sent reliable people to stabilize the situation, and those unstable militants were taken by him. He is confident that he can suppress the unstable militants at any time.

Under the leadership of a subordinate, Yue Zhong quickly found Chen Yan hiding Villa.

Yue Zhong came to Villa, who was hiding by Chen Yan, and did not advise to descend. He directly ordered to White Bones: “All the people who go to take guns inside are killed!”

The four major Leaders in Changguang Village have great influence in this village. Yue Zhong has no foundation in Changguang Village. If Chen Yan drops him, he is more difficult to deal with Chen Yan. It is better to take advantage of this opportunity to kill directly and kill the entire Leader in Changguang Village. In this way, the entire Changguang Village can no longer defy his Strength.

Yue Zhong was unwilling to conflict with Wang Guanghu and others before for the personal safety of Chi Yang, Lu Wen and others. Does not mean that he agrees with Wang Guanghu and others’ style of behavior. At this moment, he didn’t mind taking Zhang Xiang and others along.

White Bones immediately rushed towards Villa in Chen Yan’s hiding place.

Chen Yan is also a wise man. When he saw Special Bones Skill White Bones of Yue Zhong, his face turned white, and he guessed what happened: “Skull? Yue Zhong is back? He wants to kill me !!!”

Chen Siye and the two remaining confidants continued to hit White Bonesshè.

White Bones 恍 If Thunderbolt usually walks in the rain of bullets, it will not be able to break its bones even if it is shuffled by several bullets. If the God of Murder rushed into the Villa, the axe waved, and an armed member was killed by it.

Chen Si just changed a magazine, he immediately faced White Bones at a close distance and was a crazy sweep: “Damn hún egg! Go to death !!!”

White Bones jumped to the side very Agility, avoiding Chen Si ’s shè, and slammed Chen Si ’s head with an axe.

Chen Yan turned around and tried to escape.

White Bones stepped forward with an axe and chopped Chen Yan into two parts, blood and intestines spilled to the ground.

“Don’t kill me !!! Don’t kill me !!!” Another militant frightened Niào, lost his Type 81 Rifle, and raised his hands.

White Bones stared at the militant with the eyes burning with the soul and fire, his body flickered, and Agility jumped among Chen Yan’s Villa, one axe, destroying the room mén in Villa, Look for enemies with guns inside.

“Follow me!” Hearing the gunfire in Villa, Yue Zhong took five newly received subordinates in the direction of Chen Yan’s Villa.

Enter After Chen Yan ’s Villa, watching the horror scene where the three Chen Yan were beheaded and beheaded near the entrance of Villa, the five subordinates around Yue Zhong were very grateful. It is because they do not surrender, I am afraid that now already has become a corpse underground.

The militant let go by White Bones has been squatting on the ground, holding his hands up, and dare not make any changes.

Yue Zhong glanced at the five of them, coldly said, “You go to search for the supplies and take out the survivors inside, don’t use your hands, understand?”

“Yes! Brother Yue!” The five of them shuddered in their hearts, responded aloud, and then started searching among Enter Villa.

Five NVs were escorted from the room from the newly received subordinates of Yue Zhong. The five NVs looked at Yue Zhong in horror, wondering what their fate would become.

Yue Zhong glanced at the five NVs, and found that the five NVs were all pretty good, and each was no worse than Wang Lan.

An armed man reported to Yue Zhong excitedly: “Brother Yue! In the second room on the right side of the second floor, we found a large amount of rice, white noodles, wine, and other non-staple food. It is estimated that Chen Yan A place to hide things. “

Material and food are the most important in this last age.

Yue Zhong ordered: “Leave two people here to guard the supplies, and the others will take them with me.”

“Yes! Brother Yue!” The two armed men responded, and then stood here.

Yue Zhong doesn’t need to worry about them running away. Outside Changguang Village, there are dangerous existences like zombies and Mutant Beast. Even those militants who have stolen supplies and left Changguang Village will not have many days to live.

“There is jiwo there! What’s going on?” Yue Zhong left Chen Yan’s Villa and saw the jiwo room mén wide open. The three men hurriedly entered the jiwo.

Yue Zhong frowned, leading a group of people to walk in the direction of ji nest.

Yue Zhong When he came to Jiwo, he smelled a stench. As soon as he stepped into it, he saw an amazing scene.

I saw that in a room of about one hundred square meters, there was a layer of yellow straw, ten or so yellow-skinned skinny people, described the withered nvs who were numb or lying or sitting on the ground. A trace of anger, as if dead.

Seven men are doing something like that around two fairly angry NV guys.

The man ’s excited yín laugh, gasp, and the cry of the nv person are returning in this nest.

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