God and Devil World Chapter 791: Fifth-Rank Mutant Beast battle!

The annihilation of the fifteen Fourth-Rank Ogre led by Gu Mu, the third army under the command of Gong Changtian , caused great shock among the jihadist organizations. His commander’s army is the elite unit in the resistance army, most of them are Second-Rank God Warrior, which is the famous Expert in the organization.

After the Gong Changtian Department was annihilated, for a while, the people in the organization were panicked, and the Yue Zhong had to stay in the base to appease people.

Those Ogre One shot showed overwhelming strength. After the Third Army was annihilated, no one objected. Yue Zhong The opinion, the screaming shouting wants to wipe out all at once Ogre .

Yue Zhong used the ability of Bai Yi (white-clothed) to make Ogre eat two big losses, but it did not hurt those Ogre. The world still dominates the Ogre family.

In a conference hall among the ruins of Guto gathering place, the big Cadre under the Yue Zhong of this world is gathered.

Yue Zhong asked Bai Yi (white-clothed): “Bai Yi (white-clothed), according to the information of Radice, there should be stronger weapons in this world than rh2 main Battle Robot battle strength. Although we have captured eleven cities, we have not found a stronger battle. Weapons. Where are those combat weapons now? “

Bai Yi (white-clothed) has experienced the last battle between human race and zombies, and it is much clearer than Yue Zhong for the last battle.

Bai Yi (white-clothed) quickly replied: “Holy City, according to my analysis, all powerful human race combat weapons should be sealed on the side of the holy city. The airship you have is the human race in the last war. One of the combat weapons. Those Ogres are to maintain their dominance. There is no such powerful combat weapon deployed in cities that are easy to capture. “

Yue Zhong glanced at everyone and asked: “Holy City! Who has been to the Holy City, tell me about the Holy City.”

The big Cadre looked at each other silently.

Hearing the word holy city, Kai’s mouth twitched, as if he remembered something bad, hesitated for a while before slowly saying: “I’ve been to holy city!”

“Holy City, that place is the Sacred Land of the Ogre family. It is also the dream home of many human races. The holy city is also divided into Inner City and Outer City. Inner City is a place where only Ogre can live, and Outer City is a mixture of human race and Ogre. Where I live. “

“In the Holy City. With strict laws, even Ogre cannot kill human race for no reason. The human race that kills Outer City will be guilty of felony. At the same time, in the Holy City, there is Technology beyond this world. . Most of the terminal illnesses in the outside world can be cured in the Holy City. “

“If you want to be a holy city of Enter, you must be an elite among human race. And be willing to be a faithful running dog of Ogre. human race in the holy city can no longer be called our compatriots, but domesticated by those Ogre Hounds. They don’t consider human race in other places as their companions at all. As long as there is an order, they will pick up the butcher knife and slaughter human race indiscriminately. “

“There is a strict household registration system in the Holy City. All human races have fingerprints and iris features in the Security Bureau. The passages of the Holy City Enter need to undergo fingerprint scanning, iris scanning, metal detection, liquid Scanning and other procedures. It is impossible for people without identity to be in the Enter holy city. “

Kay seemed to have guessed everyone ’s doubts and added faintly: “Although the holy city seems to have perfect laws, in fact, the status of human race in that holy city is still very low. My parents and brother All were secretly captured by those Ogre and turned into those Ogre dinners. “

Some sympathy flashed in everyone’s eyes when they heard Kai looking at Kai.

Yue Zhong turned to Situ Bing and asked, “Among the Holy City, can we have our stronghold?”

Situ Bing shook his head and said: “No, we cannot develop our members in the holy city at all. All Warrior who tried to contact the holy city have already sacrificed.”

“Sure enough!” Yue Zhong thought with a frown in his heart.

Next, Yue Zhong asked the people again but did not receive any information about the Holy City.

Dissolve the meeting. Yue Zhong returned to the room alone, and a thought suddenly flashed in his heart, summoning Xiang Ma Yiming.

Yue Zhong: “Xiang Ma Yiming, have you ever been to the Holy City?”

Xiang Ma Yiming honestly replied: “Have been there, Master!”

Yue Zhong Spirit shocked and kept asking. From the mouth of Xiang Ma Yiming, I learned the situation in the Holy City.

The holy city is extremely fortified as Kay said. Common people are hardly Enter. Even if Fourth-Rank Ogre like Xiang Ma Yiming wants to bring human race Enter holy city, they must first bring people to Inner City in a city near the holy city , Only two years after the expiry of the inspection period will bring people to the holy city of Enter.

As for Third-Rank God Warrior, it is almost impossible to bring a human race Enter holy city. If they want to make a holy city of human race Enter, they must also report recommendations. Then the Holy City sent people to inspect, and after inspecting there was no problem. Going up one level, the elite of Common human race may be 60 years old before they can hope to be mixed into the Holy City.

Yue Zhong carefully understands the situation of the Holy City and thinks for three days before finally making a decision.

Three days later, Yue Zhong took two Experts, Xiang Ma Yiming and Duanmu Sheng, and flew towards the area of ​​the Holy City in an armed helicopter.

If Yue Zhong stays in the rebels, nine months later, he can at most double the size of the rebels. Facing the main force of the Holy City, it was still vulnerable. Only by actively seeking opportunities can there be a ray of vitality.

Desolate, barren, and bleak, there is almost no vitality. The Yue Zhong looks out from the plane, and it is such a dead city.

Suddenly, the face of the pilot of the armed helicopter turned loudly and shouted: “Not good !!! Leader !!! Unknown creatures in front are flying towards this side !!!”

Yue Zhong‘s complexion changed slightly and shouted: “Immediate emergency landing !!”

In this world, the sky is not safe. There are often terrifying Mutant Beast flying in the sky. Once you have bad luck and meet the high-end Mutant Beast of Flying Type, even the fighters will be directly destroyed by them. Urgent Forced landing is also a way to avoid Flying Type Mutant Beast.

The gunship quickly landed downwards in accordance with the order of Yue Zhong.

One head is up to 100 meters long, with a red scale armor all over the body. It looks like a flame is burning above the red scale armor, with a crocodile head growing, a pair of huge wing, giant beast body shrouded in fierce flames flying towards this side come.

After the head of the crocodile giant beast, Pterodactyl with a wing span of 100 meters and cyan scales is constantly chasing the head giant beast.

The two heads seem to be fighting together like the giant beast in the myth, one manipulating the flames and one manipulating the hurricane, generally launching the original power to attack each other, while using their huge bodies to fight fierce melee.

Fifth-Rank Mutant Beast!”

Yue Zhong looked there through the eyes of perception. When his eyes fell on the two ends of Mutant Beast, he only got a simple message.

On the earth, Yue Zhong can know the name and grade of Mutant Beast through the eye of perception, but now in this world, the role of the eye of perception is not great. Obviously this is a Skill with great limitations.

The two giant beasts are fighting. Suddenly, a huge wind blade fell from the sky, slashing the void and chopping on this gunship.

The gunship was cut in half like a cream, and countless parts were scattered from the air. The pilot of the gunship was also cut in half.

Yue Zhong was chopped off right arm by the huge wind blade, but Duanmu Sheng and Xiang Ma Yiming were very lucky to escape the disaster.

Duanmu Sheng and Xiang Ma Yiming have no ability stuck in the air. The two of them fell directly towards the ground like a gyro.

The wing of the dark wind behind Yue Zhong flashed in the air, and the whole person turned into a stream of light and flew towards his broken arm.

Yue Zhong grabbed his broken arm, and his teeth were directly connected to the wound, and a layer of Darkness Battle Qi was condensed directly on the wound. Under the Enhancers of that Darkness Battle Qi, the surging level of Yue Zhong body cells Vitality was raised to a higher level, and countless tissues grew, which were automatically connected with his broken arm, and soon his normal arm returned to normal.

After connecting the broken arm, Yue Zhong flew directly downward. The fight between the two Fifth-Rank Mutant Beast was really earth-shattering, and the aftermath had hit him hard. He didn’t want to be stared at by Fifth-Rank Mutant Beast.

Yue Zhong landed on the hillside, hidden behind a piece of giant stone, looking up at the sky to watch the two giant beast fight.

A huge ball of fire descended from the sky and exploded on the ground. The scorching flame burned the ground into a magma state. The red flame kept burning, as if it would not extinguish.

A huge blade of wind fell from the sky onto the earth, splitting the earth, showing a bottomless crack.

The two ends of Fifth-Rank Mutant Beast hit a real fire, and almost every moment a large amount of blood was scattered from the sky to the ground.

Yue Zhong looked at the blood spilled from the Fifth-Rank Mutant Beast and almost fired in his eyes.

Fifth-Rank Mutant Beast is a treasure all over. Their blood is Evolving Liquid , a Superior treasure that nourishes vitality. Such treasures are very wasteful and fall on the ground, making Yue Zhong very heartbroken. He took out the powerful individual Electromagnetic Gun and lay quietly on the ground watching the distance waiting for the opportunity.

The two Fifth-Rank Mutant Beast have very strong recovery power, even if they are injured, the wound can be recovered at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye. The two giant beasts fought for two hours, and finally the crocodile head giant beast was caught on the head by the huge Pterodactyl, and the skull was torn out of an big hole. ! ~!

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