God and Devil World Chapter 766: Hunting game

As soon as Zhao Shao’s words came out, the meeting place was silent. Ten thousand flowers is equivalent to ten million eagle coins. That is not a large number that everyone can scoop out. Even if someone scooped it out, very few people would offer this huge sum of money in order to spend the night with a woman **.

Know that the highest single-flower dedication received by the head of the last flower leader is only 4,000.

Just as Zhao Shao ’s eyes were red and staring at Qi Qinger on the stage, the voice of Yue Zhong came: “Twenty thousand flowers!”

As soon as the voice of Yue Zhong came out, all the eyes on the venue gathered on him.

All men looked at Yue Zhong with complex emotions such as jealousy, envy, doubt, and anger. If it is successfully bid by Yue Zhong, then the first man of the four major leaders of Qing Zhang City will be Yue Zhong.

Zhao Shao stared at the Yue Zhong with crimson eyes, breathing quickly, a struggling flash in his eyes and then shouting loudly like an injured beast: “Twenty-one thousand flowers !!!”

The first night to spend 20 million to buy a woman, this is the first time for Zhao Shao, but he also wants to capture the first night of Qi Qinger anyway.

Yue Zhong indifferently said: “Thirty Thousand Flowers !!!”

Zhao Shao heard the sound of Yue Zhong and was almost spitting blood. He couldn’t help but stood up and shouted loudly at Yue Zhong: “Are you really going to fight me?”

Yue Zhong scornfully glanced at Zhao Shao with a sneer: “Poor ghost! Can’t afford flowers, just leave me away!”

Zhao Shao was spitting blood with scornful words from Yue Zhong, and his eyes were red. The vicious face screamed: “Who is the poor ghost? I don’t know yet! I will send 50,000 flowers to Miss Qi Qinger. If you have the ability, you will send more than 60,000 !!!”

After hearing Zhao Shao’s words, the audience was silent, and everyone looked at Zhao Shao with extremely shocking eyes. Fifty thousand flowers, that is fifty million eagle coins, even in the rich family is not a small sum. Many billionaires with billions of assets have only one or two hundred million in circulating capital. Zhao Shao smashed 50 million eagle coins for the first night of a woman. It was really a shocking move.

Yue Zhong indifferently said: “100,000 flowers! I sent 100,000 flowers to Miss Qi Qinger!”

Yue Zhong ’s words slammed into Zhao Shao ’s heart like a heavy hammer, making Zhao Shao’s face pale and limp in his seat and murmured: “Crazy! This crazy man. The first night when Yiying bought a woman, he was really crazy. “

“One hundred thousand flowers !!!”

“He even produced 100,000 flowers !!”

“He is really rich !!”


At the meeting place, countless arguments sounded. Everyone was amazed and talked about.

Qi Qinger couldn’t help but look at Yue Zhong, a prodigal son in her eyes.

One hundred thousand flowers is one hundred million eagle coins. No one in the history of Qing Zhang City has ever received so many flowers.

At this time, the ceremonial voice of excitement was heard from the venue: “Qi Qinger, the highest achievement is 100,000 flowers! This year’s leader is the Miss Qi Qinger of Tianxiang Pavilion.”

Liu Yichen, Yi Bisi, and Aini, three stunningly beautiful women with unique styles, also came out of the background. They watched Qi Qinger‘s eyes flashed with jealousy. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there is competition. The position of the leader of flowers is also of great significance to these women in the dust. With the status of Huakuikui, they can lead a better life and have limited freedom and a little personal space. What they are fighting for is that little bit of power.

Behind four Qi Qinger girls. Four beautiful mature ladies also came out. They are the managers of the four major wind months Sacred Land, including Zhang Manni.

Among those four mature women, Zhang Manni was very proud of her spring breeze. This time, Qi Qinger became the leader of Qing Zhang City, so in the future. Tianxiang Pavilion will certainly be able to overwhelm the other three major wind months Sacred Land and gain a period of rapid development. As a principal, she will also have a beautiful day.

The master of ceremonies put a jeweled crown on the head of Qi Qinger and said with a smile: “Congratulations on winning the title of Huakui.”

There is no smile on Qi Qinger‘s face but indifferently said: “Thank you!”

The master of ceremonies reached out and invited loudly to Yue Zhong: “So now we have the lucky one, and Mr. Yue, who has won the favor of the four ladies of Qi Qinger, Liu Yichen, Yi Bisi, and Aini, comes on stage!”

The four girls Qi Qinger, Liu Yichen, Yi Bisi, Aini all looked at the Yue Zhong, which slowly walked onto the stage, with a complex eye, and I did n’t know what it was like.

Yue Zhong walked all the way, and countless jealous and envious eyes focused on him. In this Qing Zhang City history. No one man has become the first man of the four windy months Sacred Land Huakui at the same time. The quality of this year’s four major wind months Sacred Land is far beyond the previous one. Looking at the Yue Zhong walking towards the stage, countless men have jealousy in addition to jealousy.

Zhao Shao looked at the Yue Zhong who walked slowly towards the stage. His face was pale, his eyes were red, and the hands of a beautiful woman who was pinched in his arms were green.

The master of ceremonies came to Yue Zhong and said with a smile: “Mr. Yue, congratulations on being the first man of the four big Sacred Land four big flowers. Do you have anything to say?”

“What kind of **** is he? I am the first man of these four women!”

At this moment, from behind the stage, Kaliu and Gresto followed the dozens of Second-Rank God Warrior to the stage.

The master of ceremonies frowned slightly and persuaded: “This gentleman, this is not a place where you can come, please go out!”

“Go to death! The ants!” Kaliu grinned, grabbed the head of the master of ceremonies with a claw, and pulled the head of the master of ceremonies together with the vertebrae from the body instantly.

The head of the ceremonial’s head was fixed with horror, and a scorching blood sputtered from his body, staining the stage.

Everyone was shocked to see the horrible scene.

Zhang Manni and the other three beautiful women saw Gresto behind Kaliu and turned to kneel on the ground and shivered: “Meet the great Gresto Your Majesty, cheap. The slave knows the great Your Majesty, Please also Your Majesty Atonement !!! “

The Qing Zhang City Four Windy Months Sacred Land are all Gresto ’s industries, and if they are not backed by them, these Sacred Lands simply cannot develop to such a large scale. Zhang Manni and their four mature women are prestigious Sacred Land managers in front of outsiders. Even the rich like Zhao Shao dare not easily offend them, but they are inferior and insignificant female slaves in front of Gresto.

When the four women such as Qi Qinger heard the name of Gresto, everyone’s face changed greatly, and they knelt down on the ground like a reflex. Although they are ostentatious, in fact, their status was held by men. They The status is really lower than that of Zhang Manni and them.

Kaliu grinned at Yue Zhong and glanced at the venue. Lisa and Sashi laughed and said: “Hahaha! Did you see? Lowly human race, I am their first man. You but It ’s just a clown! Hahahaha !! By the way, in your hands, there are two women who are good. Give them away and I can spare you. Otherwise, I ’ll take your skin and put it on The charcoal is grilled and eaten !! “

Yue Zhong looked at Kaliu coldly and said: “It’s impossible, I won’t hand them over to you. And if I’m not wrong, even if I hand them over to you, your beast will also kill me.”

In the eyes of Kaliu, there is a bloodthirsty and violent light, which is basically an unreasonable humanoid beast. This kind of beast will only madly wipe out everything, and will not talk to people about anything.

Kaliu grinned loudly: “Hahaha! Boy, you guessed it right. Even if you hand me over, I will kill you, because I think you are not pleasing, I want to kill you like this The striking human race bug. But before squeezing you, I will put your woman in front of you, your delicious desperation and humiliating expressions! Now I announce that the hunting game is the beginning! Let us Come for a **** and delicious hunting feast !!! “

The words of Kaliu just fell, and the Ogre who were in the crowd laughed excitedly and threw them towards the human race in the venue.

A human race mercenary had just stood up, a paw slammed from behind him, and penetrated his body to dig out his heart. An Ogre stood behind the human race mercenary with a grin and swallowed the hot heart of the human race mercenary.

A human race wealthy businessman was running into the conference hall in an embarrassed roll. He had just ran to the entrance of the venue, but desperately found that the entrance to the venue was completely closed.

A Ogre appeared very strangely in front of the wealthy businessman human race, grabbed the wealthy businessman human race with both hands, and then opened the blood basin to bite on the throat of the wealthy businessman human race. Broken the throat of the rich human race merchant, a large amount of blood splashed on the face of the Ogre, making him look fierce and fierce.

“Save me !!! Save me !!!”

The Zhao Shao pale and screamed in horror.

Eight Ogre teamed up to attack Zhao Shao. Several bodyguards beside Zhao Shao were caught in a fierce battle. From time to time someone was caught by Ogre and torn into several pieces. The blood and internal organs stained the ground red. .

Soon, the bodyguards around Zhao Shao were separated by eight Ogres, with blood and stumps all over the floor.

Zhao Shao paled on his knees and begged to the eight Ogres: “I beg you to let me go. I am the son of rich merchant Zhao Tianba. I am willing to donate 100 million eagle coins as long as you let it go Me, I am willing to give you one hundred million eagle coins, no, two hundred million will do !! “

“Go to death! Garbage!” A Ogre grinned and smashed Zhao Shao’s head with a punch, and smashed Zhao Shao’s head out of a big hole, red and white splashed on it.

Everywhere in the venue

The sorrow and screams of human race are full of blood and death everywhere, like hell!

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