God and Devil World Chapter 744: Attack!

Resistance Warrior in the underground base was very well trained. When the battle started, a Warrior named Rebels immediately took out various weapons and emerged from the ground like ghosts.

Through the electronic screen Yue Zhong operated by Ai Luoya, it is clear that more than a thousand Warrior rebels appeared very quickly on the positions.

The location of the underground base is in a messy forest filled with low hills and towering giant stone. In this area, if more than a thousand people sprinkle it, there will be no splash.

Luo Chen stared at each screen indifferently said: “Bring Liu Hai in!”

A young man with blond hair, handsome looks, wearing jeans and a yellow leather jacket came in and looked at Luo Chen with some anxiety: “Leader! Is there anything you asked me to come over?”

Luo Chen turned his head to watch Liu Hai ’s eyes flashing a complex and slow sigh: “Liu Hai, what benefits did those Ogre give you, even making you betray our rebels? Did you forget that your mother was Was it eaten by those Ogre? “

The face of Liu Hai heard changed greatly, and right hand felt it in his arms.

In the eyes of Lisa standing on the side, cold light flashed, an arrow rushed over, grabbed left hand of Liu Hai, and slammed Liu Hai on the ground like a toy.

Some sorrow flashed in Luo Chen‘s eyes, and took out a pistol and pointed at the head of the Liu Hai slowly: “Why do you betray us? Did you forget your mother’s hatred?”

There was a fierce flash in Liu Hai‘s eyes that Lisa stepped on. Laughing madly: “Hahaha! I didn’t forget !!! Of course I didn’t forget !!! But I’m tired of hiding in this tunnel as if the mice don’t see the sun, I can’t eat enough every day, I can’t even drink enough water, and women There are few lives that can die at any time. “

Liu Hai closed his eyes after laughing wildly: “I betrayed you! I betrayed you just to eat enough food, drink clean water, and sleep with the most beautiful woman, let me The children get the education of Superior people. This kind of life like a gutter rat has long been enough! Kill me! Luo Chen, I have followed you for so long. Knowing your temperament, you will never let go Mine! Kill if you want to kill, give me a happy moment! “

“Go!” Luo Chen sighed and pulled the trigger towards Liu Hai.


There is a blood hole in Liu Hai‘s head, and his body flicked and stopped moving.

Luo Chen watched Liu Hai ’s body flashing a sad tone and said slowly: “He ’s called Liu Hai. Before betraying us, he was our best brother, even a hero. He once darted into the enemy ’s position. Zhongpin died to save our 13 good brothers. He has also performed many mortal tasks and difficult battles, and I have been rescued by him once. He is one of my most trusted brothers, I did not think he even Will betray me. “

Yue Zhong has no interest in the past of Luo Chen: “I do n’t think you have time to be sentimental, first solve those guys outside is what you should do now!”

Luo Chen smiled to the side and ordered Ai Luoya: “You are right! Ai Luoya‘s first air defense system is fully open. Destroy the eight Falcon fighters!”

While the eight heavy armed helicopters were launching missiles indiscriminately towards the location of the underground base, suddenly all the plots spread out on the ground a few kilometers away, and the flames flickered, one by one The surface-to-air missiles were fired directly and hit the eight falcon gunships.

Boom! boom!

The eight Falcon helicopters were out of reach, and seven were instantly hit by the surface-to-air missile. They exploded into flames.

Only one hawk falcon helicopter exhibited extremely brilliant driving skills. It fired intensive jamming bombs for the first time, then the body twisted like a pendulum, and each interception missile was fired crazy. All the missiles fired at it exploded into pieces.

After the surviving falcon gunship destroyed the surface-to-air missiles. It took off directly into the cloud.

At the next moment, a rocket launch vehicle at the rear frantically fired an improved ground-launched rocket into the air-to-surface missile position.

Boom! boom! Boom!

Huge explosions continued to sound continuously, and the ground-to-air missile position of the underground base was instantly submerged by the ground rocket.

Underground, Ai Luoya expressionless faceless report: “The first air defense system is completely destroyed!”

Once you are fully engaged in your work, all your distractions will disappear from Ai Luoya‘s heart. She will only complete Luo Chen‘s orders with great precision.

At the time when the surface-to-air missile position was completely destroyed, the Red Rock City army had been intensively shelling towards the chaotic stone forest, and many rebels were directly destroyed by those artillery fires.

After the artillery fire covered, the five rhType 2 main Battle Robots were fully powered and rushed into the chaotic stone forest.

The rhType 2 main Battle Robot is loaded with many biological scanning systems such as thermal sensing, thermal imaging scanning system, bio-sensing radar system. After loading many biological scanning systems, once the biological scanning system is turned on. These rhType 2 master Battle Robot is a tracing tool that is several times more powerful than a hound.

As soon as the five rhType 2 master Battle Robot rushed into the chaotic stone forest, the ten cannons above their bodies and the laser gun in their hands were madly fired. That horrible firepower easily blasted the rebels Warrior and bunker hiding in the chaotic stone forest.

As long as it is captured by the rhType 2 master Battle Robot‘s body scanning system, even those rebels Warrior hidden behind an giant stone will be directly penetrated by a huge laser to detonate the body.

Lisa watched a Warrior, a rebellious army, who was directly hit by the rhType 2 master Battle Robot. Her eyes were full of anger, and her double fists clenched her silver teeth to bite: “Damn !!!”

If you are dealing with other Weapon of War s, these rebels Warrior can still rely on ground resistance, but in the face of rhType 2 master Battle Robot, which has a powerful biological scanning system, they were almost defeated and could not be killed.

The rhType 2 master Battle Robot was originally developed to eliminate the Weapon of War of the human race of the rebels. Although it has huge energy consumption, a relatively single firepower structure, it cannot fly, it has high requirements on the driver’s physical fitness, and difficult maintenance. It is the first weapon to slaughter the resistance Warrior among complex terrain.

At the time when the five rhType 2 main Battle Robot massacred the resistance army Warrior, suddenly two lasers were fired from afar, and a single laser light penetrated the rhType 2 main Battle Robot cockpit, directly vaporizing the driver body inside A big hole. Another laser was rubbing a rhType 2 main Battle Robot body.

The four rhType 2 main Battle Robots in Red Rock City recovered, and quickly adjusted the state of the body, and surrounded the two rhType 2 main Battle Robot.

The rest of the main force of Red Rock City has also Enter in the chaotic stone forest and the rebels in the chaotic stone forest are fighting together.

Luo Chen solemnly asked Yue Zhong: “Yue Zhong! You have also seen the current situation, I need your help.”

Yue Zhong Shen channel: “I need a rhType 2 master Battle Robot!”

Although Yue Zhong has a Strength that destroys a rhType 2 master Battle Robot, when it comes to fierce firepower and the persistence of battle, rhType 2 master Battle Robot far exceeds him.

Luo Chen smiled slightly: “I have already prepared it for you! Lisa, take our allies to the hangar!”

Lisa was already anxious and she quickly rushed towards the outside: “Come with me!”

Yue Zhong took a deep look at Luo Chen and revealed a meaningful smile. He didn’t say much, but walked behind Lisa without delay.

Ai Luoya said blankly: “He sees your layout.”

Luo Chen smiled faintly: “In fact, I didn’t want to hide him. He also knows.”

Ai Luoya silently fell on the computer in his hand and entered various codes constantly.

In the chaotic stone forest, relying on strong firepower and advanced equipment, the Red Rock City troops continued to advance, and a rebel Warrior was killed.

However, all kinds of traps and mines set up by the rebels are everywhere in the chaotic stone forest. At the same time, the rebels Warrior are very familiar with this piece, hiding in the chaotic stone forest. The attack destroyed many of the Red Rock City troops. These rebels Warrior have gone through hundreds of battles and are extremely elite. If they say that they have any shortcomings, it is that the equipment is a bit poor.

Under the resistance of the rebels, the speed of the Red Rock City’s troops became extremely slow.

“It’s too slow! It’s too slow! I can’t wait! I’m going to kill it first!”

Tanzania, one of the Ogre family, licked his lips and showed a greasy smile, and jumped into the chaotic forest.

In the chaotic stone forest, a rebel army Warrior hid in bunker, and a lens was extended to reflect carefully and observe.

“Are you looking for me?”

The next moment, Tanzania appeared in front of the rebel Warrior with a greasy smile.

The rebellious Warrior‘s complexion turned his gun and aimed at Tanzania.

After a hurricane blew, the head of the rebel army disappeared immediately, and the headless body fell to the ground. Behind him, Tanzania grabbed the head of the rebel army Warrior and bit it down hard, and directly bitten it. The head of the rebel army was crumbling and sucking the white brain inside.

“Delicious! These resisting prey is really delicious. Only these struggling resisting prey can make my blood boil. Jie 桀桀 !!!”

Tanzania sucked up the brains of the rebels Warrior and laughed wildly. Like a hurricane, it ran through the chaotic stone forest. A rebel Warrior was directly killed by him on one face, unscrewed his head and dried up. Brain plasma! (To be continued) ~!

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