God and Devil World Chapter 720: Peace the rebellion!

Situ tried to be suddenly attacked like this, and he was in a panic, but he was also a veteran, and he immediately transferred a regiment in his hands to the Cha Bilai department.

The fierce gunfire sounded in this city of Ulan, and the three parties fought together for their own benefit and crazy thoughts. .

During the municipal government, Zhuo Yatong was dressed in a uniform and was covered with a layer of frost in her pretty face. She said in a deep voice: “Now we should strike. The whole army strikes!”

After finishing the speech, Zhuo Yatong personally took forty elite Evolver well-equipped to walk outside the city government.

Yue Zhong asked Zhuo Yatong to preside over the government affairs of Ulan City. For her safety, he deliberately left forty elite Evolver who were well-equipped and transferred.

Ying Kong looked at the Zhuo Yatong Shen channel with forty Evolvers coming to support: “Mayor Zhuo, how are you here? If something goes wrong, how can I explain to Leader? Please return to the city government . Here is my Ying Kong, as long as my Ying Kong is not dead, I will never let Situ’s troops come to you. “

Zhuo Yatong pointed in the direction of the municipal government: “I am here to let Situ be destroyed as soon as possible! Look!”

Ying Kong took a closer look, and saw a deterrent Third-Rank Lightning killing intent who came out of the city government.

As soon as Third-Rank Lightning appeared, the speed of the body flashed beyond the speed of sound and plunged into Stuart ’s troops.

The speed of Third-Rank Lightning is reaching the extreme. The Stuart ’s troops did not see the voice of Third-Rank Lightning at the front line. The head of a Warrior troop was directly cut off, and the blood rose to the sky.

In less than a minute, the front row of Warrior was slaughtered cleanly by Third-Rank Lightning. At the same time, the phenomenon of head splatter continues to occur. Suddenly the morale of Situ ’s frontline troops collapsed.

Studi ’s reserve brigade Yue Zhong is only used as a supplement to the main force. Although the Warrior in this reserve brigade has undergone military training, it lacks the top Evolver, not even the number of Enhancers Many, no Enhancers level exceeds thirty.

This army may have a battle against the regular army before the end of the world. However, Third-Rank Lightning, which is known for its speed, which surpasses the speed of sound, can only become the object of slaughter. They can’t even capture the trajectory of Lightning. How can they attack Lightning?

In addition, the forty Evolvers who had been transferred to soldiers next to Zhuo Yatong also launched an offensive against the stupid men. Their marksmanship is extremely accurate. The place where the bullet was shot could easily shoot Stuttgart’s reserve brigade Warrior into the head.

The Stuart ’s reserve brigade is a reserve force that recruits Common Han people and then conducts military training. Their battle strength is not comparable to those of the regular army baptized by war. In the face of the attack of the elite Evolver unit and Third-Rank Lightning, which are more than ten times stronger than the regular army, they just supported it and collapsed and fled towards the rear like an avalanche.

“Don’t retreat !! Retire the latter to shoot in place! retreat will shoot in place !!”

As soon as the two forward battalions collapsed, under the impact of the defeated soldiers, Stuart’s Chinese army was directly defeated by those defeated soldiers. Situ tried to take people to shoot and kill dozens of Warriors, which could not stop the collapse of the army.

A person ’s head was constantly interrupted by Lightning in the rear, and rose directly into the sky. Those cruel scenes made morale low, and the reserve brigade with a short history completely collapsed. Even Stuart could not control this unit.

“Kill Situ to do this dog thing !!”

“Reverse! Everyone is reverse! Kill Situ to do this beast, and use his head to exchange our chances for life!”

“Yes! It was Stuart and the dogs around him that lied to us and let us die in vain. By killing these dogs, we can live!”


The soldiers who collapsed under the three-way siege turned their eyes red. They rebelled against Situ and tried to shoot them. They shot at Situ and his cronies.

Under the attack of the reserve brigade Rebel Army, Situ could only protect Lin Duixing and escape.

“The rebel Lin Chen was killed !!”

With a cheer, Situ turned around and saw that a comrade-in-law Lin Chen who died with his life and death not far away was penetrated by a dozen bayonets, and a Warrior stepped forward Lin Chen’s head fell off. Then shouted excitedly at Lin Chen’s head.

“I’m sorry, Xiaochen! It’s all my fault !!!” Situ gave a pain in his heart, full of regret.

“The rebel general Liu Yu was killed !!! I cut off his first level !!!”

With an excited cry. Situ tried to see that another of his comrades had been pierced by a bayonet, and his head was directly cut off by a Warrior. As soon as Liu Yu’s head fell to the ground, a dozen Warriors rushed to chase that Human head. That is the only amulet they can survive.

Yue Zhong treats his Warrior very well, but the poisonousness of his methods is also known to everyone. He surrendered a large amount of power, and from time to time, some uncontrollable guys jumped out to challenge his authority. The betrayals who jumped out were fed to zombies alive. The body was then used as nutrients for the mother tree.

Those Rebel Army Warrior shuddered at the thought of being eaten alive by that zombies. Fighting desperately for the only chance to survive.

“Xiaoyu !!! I’m sorry for you !!!” Situ burst into tears. Liu Yu is also his good comrade. Liu Yu rescued him from the dead man’s heap, and helped him to block a deadly bullet. The thought of Warrior, a young man who was kind to everyone, was stabbed to death with a knife, his head was cut off, and even the whole body could not be kept, his heart was full of sadness.

With the bursts of cheers, the confidants and officers appointed by Situ were continuously killed by their original men, their heads were also cut off, and many Rebel Armys fought for endlessly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Situ tried to protect Lin Duixing and took a dozen guards out of the Rebel Army encirclement.

Lin Duixing comforted Situ: “Master Situ, you do n’t have to worry. Evil ca n’t overcome justice after all. The rule of Yue Zhong is not stable. This incident has exposed the weakness of his rule. As long as we work together, we should use orthodoxy United with other forces in the name of, and will certainly be able to overthrow the cruel rule of Yue Zhong in the future. “

Situ gave a bitter smile, and there was unspeakable bitterness in his words: “Well!”

At this moment, Geng Dazhong, who was under the guard of a guard company, suddenly appeared in front of Situ ’s line, and a flash of ecstasy flashed across his face: “Haha! I have encountered big fish !!! Take them all Grab it !! “

The more than one hundred Mongolia Warrior saw Situ Jin and Lin Duixing all rushed forward and rushed towards them.

Situ Jin and the dozen guards around Lin Duixing were hacked to death by the more than one hundred Mongolia Warrior knives. The two of them were seized by Mongolia Warrior and **** firmly.

As soon as the Lin Duixing‘s neck was held by the cold machete, his legs flickered softly and said, “This brother! I want to report a person. I want to report Stuart, who tried to overthrow the rule of Yue Zhong Leader for force Seize power. By the way, I also know that the list of traitors lurking among us trying to subvert the rule of Yue Zhong Leader, I want to report them !!! “

Geng Dazhong‘s eyes turned: “Oh! Who is the traitor? As long as you tell me all, I can guarantee your life.”

Lin Duixing said with a pale and horrified face: “Captain Li Lie with the Cangya Mercenary Corps, Lin Ran, a female college student, and the owner of Tianfeng Hotel …”

Situ listened to Lin Duixing‘s words and closed his eyes in agony. In order to survive, Lin Duixing spit out all the backbone and leaders of the rebellion. He was full of regret for selling his life for this kind of waste. For this waste and traitor, he sacrificed many good brothers and comrades. And now that he is defeated, he can think of how miserable the end was for him.

Geng Dazhong listened to the names spitting out from the mouth of Lin Duixing, and smiled in his eyebrows: “Okay !!! Okay !!! Okay!”

Being able to pull out so many traitors, his Geng Dazhong performance in this rebellion is even more perfect. He was able to use the heads of the rebels and his family members in exchange for his escalation.

The Stuart is the main force of Rebel Army, and the rest of Rebel Army is scattered. As soon as the Stuart’s end was annihilated, Geng Dazhong immediately asked Zhuo Yatong and immediately took the Cha Bilai reconnaissance ride to catch the traitors spit out by Lin Duixing.

In a short time, the entire city of Ulan was full of captured traitors and their families. The prison was overcrowded, and even the prison could not be squeezed out. Zhuo Yatong had to allocate several large warehouses to stuff the rebels into the warehouse.

“Brigade Commander, the first regiment Captain Zhang Ruhai requested reinforcements.”

Lei Mingyi‘s eyes were red and roared loudly: “Fuck him. Mom! Let him hold up to Lao Tzu. The platoon leader fights all over, the company commander goes on, the company commander goes on all the way, the camp commander goes on, the camp commander goes all out. Yes, on Captain. There is still 1 hour, even if he is dead, he must hold me for 1 hour. Otherwise let him bring his head to see me !!! “

Two million corpses Lei Mingyi can only feel the horror of each other when they face it in person. Even though he occupies the geographical position, he has dug innumerable fortifications in advance, supported by heavy artillery, and even has tanks, Armor cars, ten The support of the two armed helicopters is still very difficult.

The war was almost Enter‘s fierce truncation from the very beginning. Countless zombies filled the various fortifications and traps with hundreds of thousands of corpses like the ocean, and then launched an attack on the Lei Mingyi position.

The Lei Mingyi organized the troops to carry out fierce resistance and still suffered heavy losses, making him very anxious. It was only this time that he understood the enormous pressure faced by the United Army for that million zombies. One accidentally, all three thousand of his brigade may die in this battle.

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