God and Devil World Chapter 709: Dive in!

Beside the gate of the base, dozens of cameras kept patrolling back and forth. Most of the area inside the base was shrouded in darkness, but a small part of the building was brightly lit, as if it were a lamp in the dark .

This is the Core Area domain of the base. A large number of Common zombies are sniping around the base, and those Common zombies are constantly wandering around the wall.

Liu Yuemei looked at the base’s Core Area domain full of hatred: “This is it. The beast of Wei Xian is inside.”

Yue Zhong glanced at the base and said: “Aren’t you able to manipulate zombies to assassinate him? Hunter Type 2 is not difficult to mix in.”

Hunter Type 2 is a natural Assassin. It suddenly attacked in the dark. Even Evolver with Enhancers level over 60 may die in their hands. Stronger than Yue Zhong also ate a big loss and almost died under the cascade of evolutionary zombies.

Liu Yuemei hesitated or told Yue Zhong about the shortcomings of ability: “I can control zombies to gather together and let them execute some simple commands, but I ca n’t order them to kill me. Enemies out of sight. If you want to attack enemies out of sight, those zombies will kill all human race instinctively. “

Yue Zhong slightly touched his hair and moved Skill Second-Rank Stealth into stealth Enter in the dark: “It turns out so! Then you go to confirm his position first.”

Liu Yuemei watched the Yue Zhong, who disappeared in the dark and completely invisible, flashed a surprise in her eyes. She adjusted her mood to control the two l3 guards in front of her and came near the entrance of the base.

One zombies under the command of Liu Yuemei pressed the button of the intercom at the entrance of the base.

Liu Yuemei loud channel: “Wei Xian, I know you are inside. I want to see you !!!”

Liu Yuemei‘s words just fell, and a ray of light shone towards her location, and the monitors at the door quickly turned to lock the Liu Yuemei figure.

After a while, an image flashed on an electronic screen at the door.

A man with a bald head and a sturdy upper body with a sharp air on his body appeared on the screen. In the man’s arms are two beautiful women with arms around him. There are also two beautiful women kneeling on the ground and licking his toes. This man with a full face and a fleshy body is Wei Xian.

Wei Xian kicked the two beauties kneeling at his feet away, leaning forward slightly towards Liu Yuemei with a smile: “Liu Yuemei, did you figure it out? As long as you are willing to be my woman. We Two people can leave this ghost place together. On the ground, we can form a ** kingdom with our ability. By then, we are the law, we can do whatever we want, everyone must creep on our Underfoot. “

Liu Yuemei gave Wei Xian a disgusted glance at coldly said: “Even if I die, I will not be your woman. I came to negotiate with you this time. As long as you give me all the children in the base, I will control Corpses let you leave here and go back to the ground. “

Wei Xian smiled lightly again and again: “Miss Liu. Are you stupid of me? If I give you all the children in the base, you still do not control those zombies to tear me?”

Wei Xian waved a dog with a leash tied to his body ** and was thin and resembled a skeleton. He was led to him: “Forget it, for your poor part, I will give you a little sweetness. Right. You can exchange this child with two hundred kilograms of food. “

Liu Yuemei watched a flash of anger flash in the eyes of the hungry little boy: “You **** beast!”

“You even scolded me? Well, it doesn’t seem to give you a lesson. You are not good at learning!” Wei Xian flashed a bit of cruelty in his eyes. He picked up the pistol set aside and pressed the little boy’s head to reveal A greasy smile.

The little boy cried out in horror, his nose and tears continued to flow from his face, and his petite body shook with fear: “Do n’t kill me! I do n’t want to die !!”


With the sound of a gunshot, there was an extra blood hole in the little boy ’s head. He fell to the ground weakly.

Seeing that scene, the four beautiful women kneeling beside Wei Xian all knelt on the ground, their bodies shivering and they did n’t dare to lift their heads, fearing that they would anger the demon of Wei Xian.

Wei Xian has been trapped in the dungeon for a long time. Full of fear and confusion about the future, his Spirit is in an unstable state. Shooting to kill people at any time, those women did not dare to anger this terrifying demon.

Liu Yuemei looked at the scene with the flame of anger flashing in her eyes, and her body shivered because of anger, but she couldn’t help it. The ability that manipulates zombies is very powerful, but this Skill also has limitations and weaknesses. Her own strength is twice as strong as Common. The strength of her Main Body is far from being an opponent of Wei Xian.

Wei Xian beckoned a boy about fifteen or sixty years old who was also put in front of him. He smiled slightly at Liu Yuemei: “Miss Liu. You killed me and killed an important hostage. Now I want 600 kilograms of grain, and you give me 600 kilograms of grain. He is yours. Of course within three days. , If you can’t take out 600 kilograms of grain, I will eat him! “

At this time, it has been more than a year since the world ’s mutant. Although there are a lot of food in the Core Area of this base, it has been eaten a lot. In this underground city Core Area, a food crisis has begun to appear. In order to save valuable food, Wei Xian has already let his people start eating.

The Liu Yuemei silver teeth bite was very unwilling: “Got it! Three days later, I exchanged 600 kilograms of grain for him. During this period, you should stop killing people.”

Wei Xian indifferently said: “I want to kill and kill. You can’t control it. But you only need to exchange food for him within three days. I won’t kill him.”

Liu Yuemei looked at the display deeply and turned his head away.

As the Liu Yuemei left, the ray of light disappeared, the light of the electronic screen dimmed, and the monitors turned in all directions.

Yue Zhong walked out of the darkness and asked, “Where is he?”

Liu Yuemei pointed to the tallest building in the base: “In the Reception Hall on the seventh floor of the base building. He should have **** with his men there.”

Yue Zhong glanced at the building, and his body flashed into the darkness again.

The wall outside the center of the Core Area domain is 4 meters high. Yue Zhong jumped over the wall with a slight jump.

As soon as it hit the ground, Yue Zhong flashed to the seven-storey building standing among Core Area.

In that Core Area. The bones of human race can be seen everywhere, White Bones is tired, and the smell of corpses smells like hell.

In less than ten seconds, Yue Zhong quietly came to the side of the building with bright lights as if it were the only light source in this dark world. With his hand stretched out, a ring shot a transparent spider silk and stuck to the top of the building.

The Yue Zhong was pulled to the top of the building as soon as the spider shrunk, and his five fingers Devil Flame surged over the glass window. The glass window was melted silently and a big hole was produced.

Yue Zhong opened the glass window and jumped into the room.

In the room of Yue ZhongEnter, dozens of tiny little girls were seen in the cage as if pets.

The dozens of little girls saw a sudden numbness in the eyes of the sudden appearance of Yue Zhong, and a dozen of them covered their mouths with a look of surprise and fear. They all fantasized about having heroes to save them, but their fantasies were broken again and again. They have little hope for being rescued.

“This beast!” Yue Zhong watched a few anger flashes in the eyes of the dozens of poor little girls.

A girl with long hair, crystal clear skin, delicate snow, delicate appearance, a layer of light gauze on her body, a collar around her neck and a little girl about 11 or 12 years old came to stare at the cage A look of anticipation flashed in Yue Zhong‘s eyes: “Uncle, are you here to save us?”

Yue Zhong looked at the cute little girl and said, “Yes, I am here to save you! Where is Reception Hall?”

The little girl said quickly: “The left hand side is Reception Hall. Uncle, you have to be careful, Wei Xian, he is a Evolver. His ability is the speed. His speed is very fast, very fast. There are three Expert beside him. It ’s also Evolver. One of them is Zhang Eregang, his one can turn into a wolf-headed monster. One is Liu Hong. That woman can manipulate her hair. One is Xu Wei, and his ability is strange. ”

At this moment, in a cage, a little girl with a body flashing a strange light screamed loudly: “An enemy is coming !!! Ah !!! An enemy is coming !!! Wei Xian Boss , Someone came to kill you! You have to be careful !!! “

The cute little girl looked at the girl with unbelievable glances in the eyes of her body with a slight consternation: “Zhang Li, you !!!”

A bit of resentment and pleasure flashed in Zhang Li’s eyes: “Wei Xian Boss! Lv Rong betrayed you! She told Assassin of your information. Lv Rong, when Wei Xian Boss comes, you’re done. I, I hate the most It ’s a person like you who stands above you. This time, Wei Xian Boss will surely turn you into a **** mother. Dog. Haha !!! Haha !!! ”

Zhang Li has been psychopathic under the play and bullying of Wei Xian and others. She is jealous and hates the little girls who have not been played with by Wei Xian. She is now wholeheartedly wanting to get the favor of Wei Xian, and then to get the superior status.


With the sound of a gunshot, Zhang Li ’s eyebrow directly had a gunshot, and the blood of Popo flowed out of her eyebrow. The twisted smile flashed on her pretty face.

Yue Zhong looked at the li’s body with a cold flash in his eyes: “It’s really ugly!” (To be continued! ~!

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