God and Devil World Chapter 654: Persuade!

Geng Dazhong is a boneless fear of death. He first worked for the Manchurian empire and developed a habit of master and slave.

The popular style in the Manchurian Empire is retro, which is made up of masters and minions. In the Manchurian Empire, even the top generals should claim to be minions in front of Xuan Zhen, otherwise they will not be subject to credit and reuse.

This is quite normal in the last days. Under the rule of dictatorship, the preference of the dictator is very important. Yue Zhong demolishes defeated enemies to slaves. In his power there is a retro thing like slave. Xuan Zhen likes the master and slave system. His Manchurian empire system has gone back hundreds of years and is full of master and slave.

Under the orders of Yue Zhong, the timid Geng Dazhong fearful death ghost had to raise a white flag and walk towards the direction of Mongolia.

Those Mongolia Warrior looked at Geng Dazhong with a strange light flashing in their eyes. They all know that the people in front of them are only the key to their survival.

A general suddenly appeared and grabbed the demon of the Geng Dazhong, and screamed: “Stop, what are you doing here?”

The Geng Dazhong was frightened by the general and suddenly became terrified and stuttered: “The villain’s name is Geng Dazhong, and he was ordered by Han Alliance Chief Yue Zhong to persuade Hu Eran Great Khan to submit to our country.”

The general Warrior with his eyebrows frowned and waved his hands aside. He turned the Geng Dazhong line of defense and his strange light flashed in his eyes and asked: “Are there any regulations for Yue Zhong Chief surrender?”

At this time, Yue Zhong only brought three thousand people to live outside the Golden King’s Court, and there were hundreds of thousands of slaves among the Golden King’s Court. But everyone knows that the defenseless slaves of all ethnic groups are completely vulnerable to the 3,000 elite who are armed to the teeth under the Yue Zhong. The Mongolia empire has reached the brink of destruction.

Under such circumstances, even the loyal Mongolia Warrior has become distracted. Many people are thinking of surrendering Yue Zhong. After all, Yue Zhong is not a foreigner, and the loss of the large gathering place Golden King Court, there is only one way to wander on prairie.

Ten thousand steps back, even if those Warrior can escape, but where can they escape? Everyone understands that Yue Zhong‘s strong grasp of the entire big prairie is already an unstoppable trend. Even if they can escape now, when Yue Zhong has mastered the entire big prairie, they can’t escape at all.

Geng Dazhong‘s eyes grunted and turned into a lotus tongue: “Our charter of Chief surrender only shows one general direction. It is to let you Khan Hu Eran Great Khan surrender unconditionally. As long as you surrender unconditionally. Yue Zhong Chief will naturally not treat you too harsh You think our Chief once said that all people regardless of nationality, as long as they are willing to serve him, he will accept. Among our Tianwei army. Not only Han Chinese, Mongolia, but also Koreans, Hui people, Even Uighurs. They all get along very harmoniously. If you surrender, you can naturally become a part of us. “

“Now this world is full of zombies. Our human race population is getting smaller and smaller. Yue Zhong Chief has great ambitions and is committed to unifying the whole country. His mind is as broad as the sea, and he can definitely accept you. Now we are Yue Zhong Chief At this time, it is not too late for you to surrender to him. With our Chief Yue talents, it is not a problem to unify the country in the future. You can surrender to him now, as long as you have enough military achievements, and he will unify the country in the future. You can all be founding fathers. Endless, children and grandchildren will be sheltered by you. “

Although Geng Dazhong is a person with no guts, he must pat the horse. Invite the petite villain. But he also has his own skills, that is, he is very clever, meets the wind to steer, and is also very cunning, with a good eloquence.

The general heard his words from Geng Dazhong, and his face eased. He smiled at Geng Dazhong: “Brother Geng, my name is Cha Bilai, the deputy Leader of the Golden Guard of the Mongolia Empire. Let’s make friends!”

Geng Dazhong smiled and climbed up the pole with a smile: “Okay !!! Okay !!! Okay! It’s an honor to be a friend of a hero like the Cha Brothers. It’s my Geng Dazhong‘s honor. How about becoming an Anda when we sworn?”

“Okay! From today, we are Anda !! I am thirty-six years old.”

“I am thirty-one this year! Brother!”

“Little brother !!!”

Cha Bilai and Geng Dazhong each have their own interests. Cha Bilai wants to find someone in Yue Zhong who can rely on pointing him, and Geng Dazhong hopes to be able to leave the Mongolia army alive, so the two immediately became brothers in a snap.

After Cha Bilai and Geng Dazhong formed Anda, they became very pro-tropical and walked deep into the barracks with Geng Dazhong: “Good brother! Yue Zhong Chief have some taboos, please tell your brother and let him be prepared.”

Yue Zhong Chief is a good man. The wise hero is the born Mingjun Saint King.” Geng Dazhong keeps his mouth flat, he is careful, even if he is behind, he will never say bad things about his boss, but he changed his tone: “However, although Yue Zhong Chief is a big man, it is a hero who has been rare for a thousand years, but a hero is sad about beauty. Although he is close to perfect, he is still a man who likes beautiful women. And he likes a variety of types. , As long as he is a beautiful and beautiful virgin, he likes it. “

Geng Dazhong joined Yue Zhong after Tian Mu Town Yue Zhong repelled the Manchu Empire. He is clever and man-made, as if smeared with honey in his mouth. Although he did not get an important position under Yue Zhong, he also made a lot of Common friends. He saw Yue Zhong holding Lolita Yin Shuang most of the time, and was also surrounded by beautiful beauties such as Tera Sakura, Zhuo Yatong, Ji Qingwu, and green. He naturally speculated that Yue Zhong also likes the beauty.

Cha Bilai ’s eyes flashed as if he grasped something and showed a strange smile: “Since the ancient heroes are so lustful, this sentence is true.”

Mongolia king Hu Eran heroes went around to create the Mongolia empire. His harem is also not small, and the number exceeds 100.

“Hey!” Geng Dazhong also smiled lasciviously and Cha Bilai had a bit of the same smell.

Under the leadership of Cha Bilai, Geng Dazhong came to the Mongolia Daying Center very smoothly.

One of the golden royal courts in the center of the Enter Mongolia empire, Geng Dazhong saw the Hu Eran sitting on the golden throne and looking at the eagle.

Hu Eran was just a glance at Geng Dazhong from coldly. Geng Dazhong was scared to knees and fell down on the ground. He even kowtowed: “Han Alliance messenger Geng Dazhong has seen Tian Khan, long live long live Khan! ! “

Hu Eran looked at the Geng Dazhong who was kneeling on the ground and had no bones in his eyes. A scornful coldly flashed in his eyes: “Yue Zhong asked you to persuade me? What conditions did he offer?”

Geng Dazhong said euphemistically: “His Highness Yue Zhong Chief hopes you can unconditionally surrender to him, and then we will work together to dominate the entire big prairie. The great Yue Zhong Chief is willing to pay 12 points of sincerity to protect you and your family Subject to any violation. “

Geng Dazhong did not dare to order Hu Eran to surrender like Yue Zhong, and die without surrender. He was afraid that Hu Eran would push him to slash in anger.

The war between the two armies is not cut to make it impossible in the end times. Yue Zhong himself mercilessly killed the messengers sent by the Manchu Empire to persuade.

Hu Eran coldly smiled and shouted at Geng Dazhong: “Just keep my life? If I do n’t give up what he intends to do? According to his original words !!!”

The trembling fear in the body of Geng Dazhong is very hard and said: “Yue Zhong Chief said, if you do n’t drop Khan, after breaking the king ’s court, he will destroy your Nine Clan !!! He only gave you an hour to consider, After an hour, he will attack with troops. “

“What a cruel guy !!” A bitter sigh flashed in the eyes of Hu Eran.

With the heart and strength of Yue Zhong, it is fully qualified to do this step. As a top Evolver, Hu Eran itself can naturally leave this place. But Hu Eran‘s wife, children, relatives and friends, but loyal men can not escape. If they resist, Yue Zhong will never let these people go. If their resistance is too fierce, it may be that all Mongolia people in the Golden Court have to bear the thunder of Yue Zhong.

The Yue Zhong army does not pay attention to the three major disciplines and eight items. It is a fierce army that is only for victory. Everything is for victory. Otherwise, he will not send Lei Mingyi to slaughter various tribes on top of prairie, and use unrelenting means to weaken the war potential of the three forces.

“I’m going to talk to Yue Zhong!” Hu Eran walked down from the Golden Throne and looked around at the generals of the two columns. “If I didn’t come back within five hours, I wouldn’t have a message. You just bring the ministries Escape on your own, remember to burn all the materials when you escape. Before I come back, all the materials must be firmly observed, and no one is allowed to move! “

“Yes! Great Khan !!!” General Mongolia in the two columns of the Golden Palace responded loudly.

Geng Dazhong looked at Hu Eran ’s eyes with a glimmer of light: “It is indeed a good way to be a Mongolia king, so bold.”

For Yue Zhong, the population in the Golden Palace is the most needed thing. Once the golden royal court burned a large amount of materials, the escape of Mongolia Warrior inside was also a situation of both defeat and defeat for Yue Zhong. He must spend a lot of manpower to maintain the stability of slaves of all ethnic groups, and at the same time mobilize a lot of food to maintain stability. This is even more difficult for Yue Zhong than to defeat the Mongolia army with soldiers.

After making arrangements, Hu Eran followed Geng Dazhong and left the Golden Court to the Yue Zhong barracks. ! ~!

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