God and Devil World Chapter 636: Basement!

Green hands gently held the green tree heart, her hands gleamed with a light green light, the roots of the green tree heart shrunk, and she was gently held in her hands.

Pure green came to Yue Zhong holding the green tree heart, and was reluctant to say: “This is the tree heart! Put it in the soil, and then irrigate with a lot of biological blood, it will grow quickly. zombies, Both human race and Mutant Beast can become fertilizers for its growth. “

Yue Zhong has always been vigilant in his heart and has not taken the tree heart, just quietly glanced at the tree heart.

Yue Zhong looked at Green and asked curiously: “How did you appear?”

The last days have only passed for more than a year. The bizarre life form of green is definitely born after the last days. She has the body of the human race girl in such a short time, which is extremely incredible.

Bi Green did not conceal and pointed to the huge tree toward Yue Zhong: “I was born from here?”

Yue Zhong continued to ask: “Do you have any companions?”

A high-intelligence biological entity like Bilu can match a small army alone. If it were n’t for her pure heart like a blank piece of paper, it would n’t be as clever and cunning as human race. Even Yue Zhong would be hard to catch her.

A bit of hesitation flashed in Bi-green’s eyes and slowly said: “It should be there! Although I haven’t seen them, I can vaguely feel their presence.”

Yue Zhong heard sinks slightly, and a new high-intelligence biological entity is also born from these mutant plants, which is not a good thing for human race.

The countless zombiess on the planet that have not evolved at the same time have caused a huge threat to human race. In addition to the Sea Race with high-intelligence biological entity, the intelligent zombies mutant body has evolved. If the high-intelligence biological entity such as the mutant plant is added, the future The earth will be more dangerous and chaotic.

And God and Devil System has issued a reminder that the second level will be opened in two years. Although Yue Zhong does not know what the second hurdle is, it is definitely not a good thing for human race.

Yue Zhong chases: “How long can those Tree Monsters exist? What do they eat?”

Thousand-headed Low Level Treant and six-headed High Level Treant are not small Strength. Yue Zhong does not want to waste Strength in vain. He wants to captive these Tree Monster.

After thinking about it for a while, Green said directly: “As long as Low Level Treant can let them drink water and bask in the sun. They can stand on the ground. They can live around Twenty. The same is true for High Level Treant, but they can live for about 80 years. Tree Monster likes to devour creatures with flesh and blood, so that they can continue to evolve. If High Level Treant wants to evolve into a tree, you must get the help of the mother tree. “

Yue Zhong has a happy heart so that in a short time he can master an armed Strength with more than a thousand Tree Monster.

“Leader. Have these monsters been conquered by you?” Bai Xiaosheng quickly led people to the barracks. He looked at the more than a thousand heads of Tree Monster and six heads of huge Treant.

Those who followed Bai Xiaosheng here looked at the thousand honest Tree Monster and the six-headed almost invincible Treant. They never imagined that Yue Zhong could even conquer these monsters.

Yue Zhong ordered: “Well! Give me a good search for this barracks!”

“Yes! Lead! Brothers, come with me !!!” Bai Xiaosheng paid a military salute to Yue Zhong and rushed the Warrior towards the barracks. For Warrior, weapon is always their favorite good friend.

“This is an infantry fighting vehicle! Type 92 infantry fighting vehicle !!!”

“Tanks! There are tanks! 96, 99, this is a 99 tank !!!”

“This is CAIC Z-10 !!! I have only seen it online! It ’s great !!!”


Sounds of cheers soon came from the barracks. There are many weapons and equipment in that barracks. These weapons and equipment are simply too precious for the Yue Zhong team.

To know that there is no open terrain of bunker above prairie, eight Thunderbolt Fighter Aircraft can kill 10,000 Warrior without a weapon. The 20 tanks cooperated with the group charge of other troops, and it was easy to crush the cavalry troops of 3,000 people.

Weapons and equipment are not omnipotent in war, but if there is no advanced weapons and equipment, one side will have to pay a great price to win the other side.

A large number of weapons have been continuously sent out from this army, and those Tree Monster and giant Treant all acted as porters. Especially those giant Treants with great power, they can easily grab a tank and resist it. It seems to have no effort at all.

Yue Zhong looked at weapon, who was being shipped out, was very satisfied. He had a sufficient population. Once the division ’s weapons and equipment fell into his hands. His forces can become a big step again.

Bai Xiaosheng came to Yue Zhong and excitedly reported: “Ling! We found a population of underground bases.”

“Oh! Take me to see !!!”

Yue Zhong took Bai Xiaosheng and his party to an Villa underground secret room. There was a huge electronic door within the wall of the underground secret room. There was a responsible code lock and fingerprint reader on the electronic door. , Pupil scanners and other advanced electronic locks, obviously have a very high level of defense.

Bai Xiaosheng ordered to a thin Evolver: “A Tu you!”

A Tu smiled, stretched out his hands and pressed on the electronic door, Electromagnetic Light flashed, and the huge electronic door opened directly with a brush.

The ability of Evolver is various. The Strength of Evolver of A Tu is the manipulation of electromagnetic force. He can easily use the electromagnetic force to control the opening and closing of electronic doors.

As soon as the huge electronic door was opened, a huge channel appeared in front of everyone.

“Wait a minute! Come apart!” Yue Zhong stopped a Bai Xiaosheng who tried to access the Enter channel, grabbed a bench and threw it into the channel.

When it sounds!

From the huge channel, countless switches are on. An automatic machine gun spewed out of the shoe switch and fired wildly towards it.

The intensive bullet rain fell on the wall on the side of the passageway, shooting countless bullet holes.

The continuous shooting continued for ten seconds. Within ten seconds, the automatic rifles retracted into the switch and stopped shooting. Only a wall full of bullet holes is left.

Bai Xiaosheng looked at the cold sweat behind the wall full of bullet holes: “It’s dangerous !! Collar, if you didn’t pull me. Now I guess it’s dead. Those **** are vicious means !!”

If Bai Xiaosheng has just rashly Enter, it has already been shot into a sieve by those bullets. In his body, wearing Third-Rank mutant Leather Armor everywhere and being shot by bullets can also resist one or two, but once his head is hit by bullets, he will also die. In the narrow passage, there is no room for manoeuvre, even if he is fast, it is useless.

A Warrior asked: “What should I do? Collar? Should we slowly consume their bullets?”

The amount of ammunition for those automatic rifles must be limited. As long as the ammunition that consumes them is clean, those automatic rifles will become a pile of scrap iron.

Yue Zhong ordered: “No, White Bones, you go to destroy those institutions!”

White Bones soul magic fire burst into that huge passage.

The large number of automatic rifles reappeared for intensive shooting at White Bones.

The Bone Blade in the shooting hands of White Bones with countless bullets kept flashing, and an automatic rifle in the passage was continuously destroyed by it.

“Let’s go!” After the gunshots stopped, Yue Zhong stepped into the passage.

The rest of Warrior also walked into the channel under the leadership of Bai Xiaosheng.

Along the way, there are various organ traps and the remains of countless automatic rifles. All the organ traps have been easily destroyed by the inaccessible White Bones.

Although it was very dim in the channel, it didn’t appear sullen. The light of a flashlight illuminated the channel in the channel Blink .

Bai Xiaosheng Although they are Evolver, most people do not have the ability that looks in the dark. Only the Tera Sakura, which has been hidden in the dark, has ability that sees in the dark.

After Yue Zhong has been walking through the long passage, an underground city with an area of ​​up to a thousand hectares, bars, shops, supermarkets, and houses appeared in front of them.

“Stop! What are you guys?” Four Warrior wearing military uniforms holding an assault rifle came to the Yue Zhong and others and pointed the Yue Zhong line with the gun.

Yue Zhong glanced at the four Warriors in military uniforms and slowly said: “I am Yue Zhong! I have no malicious intentions, what is the place here?”

The four Warriors in military uniforms watched Yue Zhong with great vigilance and shouted loudly: “Put down your arms! Squat your head, otherwise we will shoot!”

Yue Zhong, Bai Xiaosheng and others all have assault rifles on their bodies, God and Devil System blades around their waists, and they are extremely sturdy in black military uniforms, which makes the four Warriors in military uniforms full of vigilance.

Yue Zhong‘s brow furrowed, and he looked out, and he saw that not far away, several survivors of Twenty‘s ragged, yellow-skinned skin looked at this, one of those survivors’ eyes blindly. All flashed greedy and strange light.

Yue Zhong looked at the Warrior coldly in military uniforms and said, “Take it!”

Four Evolvers rushed out from behind the Yue Zhong and seized the four Warriors in military uniforms like ghosts. They twisted hard and knelt before the four Warrior in front of Yue Zhong.

A Warrior in a military uniform snarled loudly towards Yue Zhong: “Dare you move us? Do you not want to live?”

“Catch them too!” Yue Zhong pointed to the ragged survivors of Twenty.

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