God and Devil World Chapter 629: Shut down!

The Luohu Hu Chinese did not retreat, but retreated towards the crowd. He knew that Yue Zhong was powerful. He just wanted to provoke the hostility of the 1,800 adjudicators against Yue Zhong, but he didn’t want to compete with Yue Zhong. No matter how strong Yue Zhong is, as long as these 1,800 arbitrators join forces, Yue Zhong is definitely not an opponent.

“If you want to enjoy the glory and wealth, you have to have a life!” Yue Zhong launched Skill Shadow Steps to lock the neck of the man with the jaws, and then dragged the man with the jaws out of the crowd. . .

Yue Zhong right hand is like a knife, slashing at the right shoulder and Darkness Battle Qi of the big-headed man, and the twelve times of the Common people’s great power burst out, and the right shoulder of the big-headed man was cut off.

“Ah !!! My hands !!!” The big-headed screamer roared with pain.

Yue Zhong slammed the Luohu big man hard and threw it on the ground like a broken toy. The horrible Strength broke out, shaking the body of the Luohu big man and shattered his internal organs, twitching and twitching.

Seeing Yue Zhong as savage, those adjudicators all took a breath and could not help retreat taking another step.

Yue Zhong‘s eyes are like coldly, overlooking those adjudicators: “Who else wants to exchange my first level for Ronghua Fugui?”

One adjudicator walked out of the crowd and shouted loudly: “I do it with Qian! But you have to control my stomach. As long as I am full, I will be willing to sell my life! Paradise God Kingdom The white baboons have never Think of us as human beings. If it were n’t for a bite to eat, Lao Tzu wo n’t be mad at them. “

In this eschatology, many people have to do many things that are against their hearts in order to survive. A woman can sell her body for a bun. In order to survive, men can act against the conscience as bullies.

Most of these adjudicators are China nationals, and they are recruited by Paradise God Kingdom just to live in this eschatology. Their weapons and equipment are all Common goods or Paradise God Kingdom obsolete garbage. Various heavy weapon and powerful weapons are directly in the hands of Europeans, they can only fight as cannon fodder.

In this case. Those adjudicators are naturally very dissatisfied, but they are not afraid to betrayed by the horror of Paradise God Kingdom . They can only honestly sell their lives for Paradise God Kingdom .

Yue Zhong looked at the elite Warrior of the standing Paradise God Kingdom and said with satisfaction: “Very good! What is your name?”

The adjudicator shouted: “My name is Yuwen Ying!”

Yue Zhong smiled and said: “Very good, from now on I will be my major campmaster!”

Yue Zhong has always been a heavy responsibility for those who first took refuge in him. Only in this way can the people in the back trust him.

Yuwen Ying overjoyed single knee kneeled before Yue Zhong: “Thank you Leader !!! Yuwen Ying is willing to die for Leader !!!”

Zhang Wen is willing to work for Leader!”

Liu He is willing to play for Leader!”


With a breakthrough, those adjudicators have sworn allegiance to Yue Zhong. Paradise God Kingdom abandoned them, they have no place to go, they can only choose to turn to Yue Zhong.

More than 1,300 adjudicators chose to surrender to Yue Zhong, and more than 500 people were divided into five waves of people to watch on the side.

An eagle-eyed hook nose. The burly man with a fierce face was silent for a while and said to Yue Zhong: “Yue Zhong brother! This time you saved us. I am very grateful to Niu Da Li, and I will have a good report in the future. Here I will say goodbye! Brothers, follow me ! “

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, cold light flashed coldly: “Slow! Niu Da Li, what did you say before? Do you want to violate your promise?”

Niu Da Li turned his head to stare at Yue Zhong, and his eyes flashed with fierce light, coldly said: “Yue Zhong! Everyone is getting together, please do n’t force me! I know you are strong. But I also have a hundred good brothers ! “

Niu Da Li has a hundred elite Paradise God Kingdom troops in his hand. He also wants to take the opportunity to leave Paradise God Kingdom to work for himself.

Niu Da Li Yubi finished behind him. One hundred arbitrators took a step forward and raised the muzzle of the rifle in his hand, aiming at Yue Zhong, and the atmosphere became solemn.

The adjudicators who chose to surrender to Yue Zhong hesitated a lot. Only Yuwen Ying led dozens of adjudicators to raise the rifle and pointed to Niu Da Li.

Yuwen Ying is committed to Yue Zhong, but the other adjudicators are not prepared for that mentality.

Yue Zhong pointed to Niu Da Li with a cold finger: “Since this. Take one hundred good brothers from He to Hell! Yin Shuang, destroy them!”

“Yes! Dad !!!”

With a silver bell-like laughter, Yin Shuang flew toward Niu Da Li like a hurricane, and a small white fist hit the head of Niu Da Li.

Niu Da Li is also a 30-level Evolver. His Danger Perception is extremely keen, and Yin Shuang has just moved. He gave birth to a creeping sense of danger. As soon as his hand moved, Yin Shuang‘s snow-white fist hit his head, and the terrifying Strength burst out. He blasted his head directly with a blow.

After Yin Shuang instantly killed Niu Da Li, it turned into a hurricane, and the white fist in his hand turned into a life-threatening weapon, constantly falling on the heads of those brothers of Niu Da Li. The heads of the good brothers of Niu Da Li burst apart one by one.

“Don’t !!!” After the ten heads burst, Niu Da Li‘s brothers reacted. They fired their guns at the blank place without any success.

The speed of Yin Shuang has exceeded the speed of sound. Those adjudicators gathered together are equivalent to a bunch of fat sheep gathered together, which only took Twenty seconds. The heads of Niu Da Li‘s hundred brothers were bombarded by Yin Shuang‘s violent punch. No one could stop her snow white fist.

Yin Shuang easily bombed the Niu Da Li and other one hundred adjudicators. The elite face came to Yue Zhong with an innocent and sweet smile and said with a smile: “Dad! Dad! I killed them! I did well ? “

The surviving adjudicators looked at wearing a snow-white dress, extremely sweet and beautiful, Yin Shuang bright and moving, looking at the hundred adjudicators whose heads were bombarded, everyone gave birth to a heart A sense of trembling, as if looking at a humanoid demon.

Yue Zhong smiled and touched the little head of Yin Shuang and handed her a lollipop: “Good job! My Yin Shuang is the smartest. The best. This is the reward for Qian!”

Yin Shuang grabbed the lollipop and jumped into Yue Zhong ’s arms, then kissed petite on his face repeatedly: “Thank you Dad! Dad is the best!”

Yue Zhong appeased Yin Shuang and then turned to look at the four leaders, each with a hundred elite Warrior, coldly said: “What are your plans? Do you want to submit to me or die here?”

The middle-aged man who was obviously very prestigious in Paradise God Kingdom elite no longer hesitated single knee kneeled in front of Yue Zhong: “Zhang Liu Bo is willing to play for Leader!”

Zhao Yi is willing to play for Leader!”

Ma Dong is willing to play for Leader!”

Liu Xuan is willing to work for Leader!”

The four Paradise God Kingdom bosses dared not surrender directly with Yue Zhong. They don’t want to be a cold body.

Yue Zhong asked: “Very good! I want to know, why Paradise God Kingdom should attack Wulan Town?”

Each action of Paradise God Kingdom has its meaning. Not to expand the site, but to capture the advanced drawings of Technology in all countries.

Leader! I don’t know! I guess no one of us should know.” Zhang Liu Bo hesitated a moment and said slowly: “Paradise God Kingdom guards us yellow people like being thieves. We only know to execute orders. Finally, they never told us. “

Yue Zhong eyes turned to Yuwen Ying.

Feeling the gaze of Yue Zhong, Yuwen Ying quickly said: “Leader! It is true! In Paradise God Kingdom , all the high-level people are Europeans. We have China people, Japanese, Africans, Thais and other non-white people. Be able to be a little boss. All the secrets are in the hands of the white people, they have never told us any confidential information. “

Paradise God Kingdom is used and guarded against other races that are not white. Other races are engaged in the lowest-ranking occupations such as soldiers and workers. They will never let non-white people exist Enter their high-level.

Even among white people, there are three, six, and nine among Paradise God Kingdom . The first class is Aryan, and the lowest class is Jewish. But even the most inferior Jews, among Paradise God Kingdom , are above the yellow and black races.

Yue Zhong heard can’t help but frown slightly.

Leader !!! I know !!!” At this moment, a soldier in the crowd shouted.

Yuwen Ying looked at the creep with a suspicious look: “Sheep Bear! Chi really knows? Chi can’t be greedy, misleading Leader!”

The very handsome sheep bear blushed and said, “I slept a babes yesterday. The babies unconsciously said it when they were excited. In this Ulan Mountain Range after Wulan Town, The armament of a division Strength was hidden before the end of the world. We came here this time for the weaponry of the division in Ulan Mountain Range. “

Yue Zhong feels that things are getting tricky at once: “Sure enough! Is Paradise God Kingdom also getting the news?”

Paradise God Kingdom has begun to recover some of its productivity in Europe. Even the horrible Weapon of War like Thunderbolt Fighter Aircraft can be made. But the battlefield they have to deal with is all over the world. Their armed Strength equipment around the world mainly relies on the legacy before the end of the world.

The Paradise God Kingdom has a large number of garrisons in various countries and several satellites. This is the reason why they can arbitrarily and continually form a legion around the world.

Yue Zhong asked: “What forces are entrenched in Wulan Town?”

Zhang Liu Bo smiled and shook his head bitterly: “I don’t know. But according to my speculation, it should be part of a team of former frontier guards and some survivors.”

Yue Zhong heard looked around the sound channel around the circle: “Yuwen Ying, Zhang Liu Bo, Zhao Yi, Liu Xuan, Ma Dong, a few of them took people to search for Wulan Town.”

“Yes! Leader!” Yuwen Ying and the five of them immediately led soldiers to search among the town of Naulan.

In Wulan Town, hundreds of survivors were originally shrunk elsewhere. But after the hundreds of thousands of Mutant Army Ant passed, the survivors in the whole town were swallowed up by them. Only a few hundred large and small White Bones are left.

Looking at the hundreds of large and small White Bones and Yuwen Ying, their faces are very unsightly, and they are very happy. If it were not for Yue Zhong to rescue them, they would be able to wipe out a few thousand at most, or more than ten thousand Mutant Army Ant would be swallowed up by those horrible Mutant Army Ant.

Back to Yue Zhong. Yuwen Ying looked ugly: “Leader! Somewhat difficult to handle. The food in Wulan Town was eaten up by those Mutant Army Ants, and there wasn’t even one mouse left. What should I do?”

The officers such as Zhang Liu Bo also watched Yue Zhong eyes full of anxiety.

The Paradise God Kingdom army is fighting, and at any time it follows the lorry loaded with large amounts of food. Now those limousines also left here following the elite of Paradise God Kingdom . Now the food in Wulan Town was eaten clean by the army ants. Zhang Liu Bo They are full of worries.

Zhang Liu Bo all carry high-calorie foods such as compressed biscuits, chocolate, candy, etc., but the number is not large. Once there is not enough food, they will fall into hunger and their power will be greatly reduced.

Yue Zhong pointed to a room: “Do n’t worry about the food problem! I have already prepared! The food there is enough for us to eat for three days.”

Zhang Liu Bo They looked suspiciously at the room pointed to by Yue Zhong. They also searched the room and found nothing. But since Yue Zhong said so, they can only send people to search again.

Yuwen Ying came out of the room and his face was full of joy: “Food! Lots of food !!! Leader you really are amazing !!!”

Yuwen Ying found three tons of rice in that room. The rice was enough for them to eat for three days.

Zhang Liu Bo they watched Yue Zhong also flashed awe in their eyes. They knew that the rice in that room must be the hands and feet made by Yue Zhong, but the ability to produce so much rice at once was enough to prove the mystery and horror of Yue Zhong.

A scout in charge of investigation came to Yue Zhong and said: “No! Leader !!! There is an armed Strength moving outside. It seems that their target is also our Ulan town.”

Yue Zhong frowned and walked towards the edge of the town: “What? Come with me! Be careful, do n’t be found by the enemy.”

Coming to the edge of the town, Yue Zhong saw an unidentified number of people. Most of the cavalry on Black Stallion drove in the direction of Wulan Town with billowing smoke.

Golden Wolf Rider! Golden Wolf Rider of Turkic Empire!” Yue Zhong clearly saw the golden wolf heads in the Knight clothes riding Black Stallion , his face gloomy.

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