God and Devil World Chapter 587: Slavery!

“Only citizens have the full power to mate and reproduce offspring (fifth-class civilians, slaves do not have the power to mate and reproduce offspring. To see citizens, bow their heads to salute. To see citizens, kneel to salute.”

“The official legal language is China. Anyone who speaks in Indonesian in public will be demoted to civilians, civilians are demoted to slaves, and slaves are directly executed … Yue Zhong looks coldly at the following Those Chinese survivors and Indonesian local/native have ruthlessly promulgated a series of unequal treaties ..

Li Ying beside Yue Zhong translated his words one by one to those Chinese survivors and Indonesian local/native.

“I have something to say!” At this moment, a Chinese survivor suddenly came out and said to Yue Zhong with awe-inspiring righteousness: “Yue Zhong, now is the age of democracy, and the practice of slavery is retrograde. Behavior. The best way now is to repay the people and let our people be the masters. We Chinese in Indonesia will remember your benefits. “

“Yes! Yue Zhong. You saved us, we are very grateful to you. But what slavery do you want to practice, and what jokes? We want democracy, freedom !!!”

“Recommendation! We Chinese can be members of Parliament, Yue Zhong. As long as you set up a parliament and let us all be members of Parliament, I will fully support you … Those Chinese survivors who were originally so tender as pigs and sheep Shouted in excitement as if they had hit chicken blood.

Under the clamor of those Chinese survivors, those Indonesian local/native also experienced a commotion.

Yue Zhong watched these unwilling to fight desperately against local/native in Indonesia, but Chinese survivors coldly who scrambled for power but scrambled one after another smiled killing intent sternly: “Have you finished?”

The survivors of Chinese saw Yue Zhong‘s smile with drenched killing intent. The Chinese survivors shut their mouths like a quail.

Yue Zhong coldly smiled and waved: “Since it’s finished, go on the road!”

Lin Guangming and Li Ying quickly led the Chinese survivors with the loudest voices and dragged them out directly.

“What do you want to do? I am Chinese, I am your compatriot !!! I am Chinese !!!”

“What are you doing?”

“Don’t! Don’t … Those Chinese survivors who were dragged out cried out loudly.

Yue Zhong coldly glanced at the Chinese survivors who were dragged out and said, “Fool! Here, what I am saying is law () My will must be obeyed, and any act against my will will only come to an end and die! They were killed! “

Li Ying took the members of the young Imperial Guard with cold eyes and held the gun against the heads of the Chinese survivors and pulled the trigger.

Boom! boom!

There were more than a dozen Chinese survivors ’bodies on the platform.

Looking at the corpses above the platform, there was a flash of fear in the eyes of the Chinese survivors. The reason why they dare to slap Yue Zhong. That’s because watching Yue Zhong is a good bully for their compatriots. They did n’t even think about Yue Zhong murderous qi. They were as merciless as killing chickens. At this moment, they were full of awe for Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong looked at the Indonesian local/native coldly on the other side and said: “You slaves, just rioted, the whole family was executed! Drag them out. Shoot directly.”

Li Ying and Lin Guangming walked towards the Indonesian local/native.

Those Indonesian local/native huddled together and stopped Li Ying and Lin Guangming and their entourage. They are more united than the Chinese.

Yue Zhong coldly looked at the Indonesian local/native who tried to resist, and directly ordered: “The rebels die! Shoot!”

Ten quite fired at the light and heavy machine guns of Indonesian local/native and fired innumerably. Numerous bullets fired at the hands of the unarmed local/native.

During the rain of bullets, countless Indonesian local/native were shot through and burst into the body, countless flesh and blood splashed. Not long after, more than one hundred Indonesian local/native who blocked Li Ying and his party were killed and wounded on the ground, where they cried and moaned incomparably.

The men of Yue Zhong stepped forward with a rifle and used bayonet to result in the lives of those Indonesian local/native who were still crying and moaning. Seeing the horrible scene, the remaining hundreds of Indonesian local/native all shivered. Faceless looking at the Yue Zhong sitting on the high platform.

“I said the last time that anyone who defies my order will die.” Yue Zhong said, looking down on coldly below: “But as long as you work hard, everyone has a chance to become a first-class citizen.”

“If you want to become a first-class citizen, killing the enemy is the fastest way. Every enemy you kill can get 1 merit. You can directly promote a fourth-grade slave with two merits for killing a fifth-grade slave. By analogy, five When a slave kills 40 enemies, he can become a fifth-class citizen. When a fifth-class civilian kills Twenty enemies, he can become a fifth-class citizen to obtain the power to mate and reproduce. After becoming a citizen, 1 merit can be used to exchange the full strength of a mating . “

“The distribution of materials will also be issued according to your status.”

Yue Zhong looked at everyone below indifferently said: “Now I will give you a chance to change your destiny and situation. I will now recruit Twenty name Warrior from civilians and 50 slaves from slaves. Want to change Those with fate will go to Li Ying and Lin Guangming to sign up. “

A young Chinese survivor rushed to Lin Guangming and shouted, “Call me! I am willing to be the Warrior to kill the enemy!”

“Call me, I was a farmer before. I have great strength !!”

“I am a carpenter, and I am in good health … After hearing the words of Yue Zhong, the Chinese survivors who had no enthusiasm for joining the army were all very active in surrounding Li Ying and Lin Guangming to compete for the fifteen Quotas for joining the army. They all know that it will change their destiny. Once missed, they are afraid that they will live like a ants in a humble and dignified way.

Li Yinglai was responsible for translating Yue Zhong ’s words. Those Indonesian local/native also heard very clearly. They also scrambled for the 50 slaves.

Yue Zhong ordered: “Li Jinren, you take a few people to teach those people China language.”

After seeing this gathering place captured by Yue Zhong, Li Jinren and several Chinese survivors returned to this gathering place. After all, there are zombies and Mutant Beast everywhere, there is no food, there is only a dead end to wandering outside.

Li Jinren bowed to Yue Zhong and respectfully replied: “Yes! Boss Yue!”

After making arrangements, Yue Zhong came to a luxurious large bath and soaked in a comfortable bath.

“So comfortable!”

As soon as Yue Zhong‘s body was completely immersed in hot water, he felt the surging heat flow. After a long sigh of relief, he flipped a blood essence with Fourth-Rank and Sea Snake . He swallowed the blood essence into his belly in one bite.

As soon as the blood essence of Fourth-Rank big Sea Snake was swallowed by Yue Zhong, in Yue Zhong‘s body, it turned into a strand of snake-like vitality, which left and right to overbear and transform his body.

Yue Zhong‘s body Endurance is extremely high. If the huge vitality is eaten by the Common person, I am afraid that it has already been broken through and died. Strength of Yue Zhong.

“Congratulations on getting Strength + 15, Spirit + 5. Endurance + 10 Enhancers.”

After that huge energy was digested by Yue Zhong, a pleasant reminder came immediately in his sea of ​​knowledge.

Yue Zhong did not hesitate to swallow the blood essence obtained from Fourth-Rank Haidian jellyfish directly into the abdomen.

As soon as the blood essence was swallowed by Yue Zhong, it turned into a mass of thunder and lightning and exploded in the body of Yue Zhong, as if to tear his body. Lightning spattered outside the body of Yue Zhong.

Under the bombardment of the thunder and lightning, Yue Zhong only felt that his body seemed to be stabbed by countless spikes, and countless sharp holes penetrated the body and felt painful. Cells were constantly destroyed by the electric light, and then under the mixed action of Yue Zhong‘s powerful body Vitality and the thunder and lightning energy, he quickly repaired and reorganized, making his body more tyrannical.

“Congratulations on obtaining Enhancers of Spirit + 15, Endurance + 10.”

“Hoo! My strength has improved some more.” After digesting that huge energy, Yue Zhong slowly opened his eyes and showed a smile.

Strength has reached the point of Yue Zhong, it is very difficult to improve. Hunting Third-Rank Mutant Beast also failed to advance Yue Zhong. Only the more terrifying Fourth-Rank Mutant Beast can make Yue Zhong advance to the first level. But Fourth-Rank Mutant Beast is fierce, even if it is as strong as Yue Zhong, there is no certainty. Swallowing two Fourth-Rank blood essence, the strength of Yue Zhong can finally go further.

In the early morning of the next day, Yue Zhong took two troops under Li Ying and Lin Guangming directly to a gathering place with more than 1,000 people.

White Bones directly beheaded dozens of Indonesian local/natives. By the way, after killing Expert among Indonesian local/native, those Indonesian local/native armed forces completely collapsed and surrendered to Yue Zhong.

After Yue Zhong killed more than 400 families of Indonesian local/native who participated in the massacre of Chinese, they continued to lead troops to sweep the surrounding gathering place and completely plundered the surrounding population of gathering place under his command.

Under the call of Zhao Tiangang, Shizuoka Prefecture sent reinforcements there, Bai Xiaosheng took forty Evolver to Indonesia to support Yue Zhong.

The arrival of Bai Xiaosheng makes Yue Zhong easier. Each of Bai Xiaosheng and the forty Evolver has the power to eliminate 100 people. As soon as they came, Yue Zhong immediately swept the surrounding gathering place in four ways, completely destroying many small and medium-sized aggregates, and all the material and population were taken back.

In less than ten days, an emerging force with seven thousand Indonesian local/native and three thousand Chinese survivors has emerged in this area. In fact, the number of Indonesian local/native captured by Yue Zhong exceeded 20,000, and more than 13,000 Indonesian local/native were directly killed by him for participating in the slaughter of Chinese, otherwise the number of Indonesian local/native under his command would be even greater.

At the same time, after ten days of fighting, the Chinese Warrior under Yue Zhong also has 400 people, of which the most loyal to him are some young Imperial Guards with more than 130 people. rx

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