God and Devil World Chapter 530: Evolution!

Yue Zhong came to a small town. I saw weeds all over the town. There were all kinds of cars everywhere on the road. There were no people on the streets. Only zombies in groups were hovering around the town. On both sides of the street, there are shop signs written in various hiragana and katakana characters.

Yue Zhong understands its situation at once: “This is Japan.

Did we drift so far? “

Yue Zhong glanced at the town and strode into it. With his Enhancers level and battle strength at this time, there is no problem even if he kills thousands of zombies, but it will consume a lot of stamina .

As soon as Yue Zhong entered the town, a large amount of zombies was immediately attracted by the sound he made and the smell of human race on his body, and he moved towards this place one after another.

Yue Zhong waved with a huge Black-tooth Blade, and the huge blade easily cut the zombies in front of him directly into two pieces. A large amount of zombies flooded his side and he was easily cut in two.

When Yue Zhong walked to the center of the town, the glass suddenly broke, and the speed of both ends suddenly jumped out of the store and rushed towards him.

The huge Black-tooth Blade turned into two cold swords and cut the two ends directly into the waist, and the blood was splattered. A three-level Skill book Agility curing appeared in the hands of Yue Zhong.

Strength curing, Agility curing these Enhancers basic physical quality three-level Skill books are the most prone to burst. However, Devil Flame, manipulating plants, manipulating ice, snow, atmosphere and many other powerful aggressive Skill have only a small probability of killing high Mutant Beast and zombies.

“Tas borrows a disc! Tas borrows a disc! (Help)”

Just when Yue Zhong waved Black-tooth Blade and beheaded those zombies, an anxious voice suddenly came from a supermarket.

human race? Japanese?” Yue Zhong frowned and turned to look at the place where the sound of the supermarket sounded. I saw a bright black hair on the second floor of a large supermarket with a bunch of ponytail, a pair of big The eyes are extremely bright, and Shuangfeng’s plumpness almost comes out. The Japanese girl in the sailor suit of the female high school student shouted for help.

“Can’t you save it? Or save it, there is a local person” Yue Zhong hesitated a moment. Then he walked in the direction of the supermarket.

At the entrance of the supermarket, five heads s2, two heads 12, dozens of heads Common zombies were gathered, and those zombies immediately flew over when they saw Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong slashed the huge Black-tooth Blade with a few knives, and those zombies were cut into several pieces by him.

There are more than a dozen Common zombies lingering in the supermarket. Yue Zhong killed the employees of the supermarket in a few times. zombies came to the second floor of the supermarket. The door of the building kicked open directly.

After seeing the Yue Zhong, the Japanese female high school student wearing a sailor suit showed a hint of surprise on her face and bent a 90-degree waist toward Yue Zhong. She politely performed a big polite manner: “Thank you Aligardo! “

Yue Zhong glanced at the female high school student in the sailor suit and asked directly: “Do you speak China?”

After listening to Yue Zhong‘s words, the female high school student’s face was dazed, obviously she could not understand China.

The sigh in Yue Zhong‘s heart. China is not the world’s largest lingua franca after all. If he had not studied Skill, which is a language specialization, it was very difficult to communicate with that female high school student.

Yue Zhong asked: “I am Yue Zhong! China Chinese, what is your name?”

The Japanese female high school student said: “My name is Fujisaki Kaori ! Sakura is a two-year high school student and is 16 years old this year. Thank you very much for saving me. Yue Jun!”

“Why are you here?” Yue Zhong gave Fujisaki Kaori a large amount of attention and then set his eyes on a Japanese sword beside her. He vaguely felt that the Japanese sword should be God and Devil System equipment.

Fujisaki Kaori looked at Yue Zhong with those big beautiful eyes filled with longing and admiration: “I came to find food. But one accidentally was surrounded by those sz, 12zombies, trapped here. Thanks to Yuejun, you came to rescue me, otherwise I might be trapped here until starved to death. You are so powerful, Yuejun, that you can easily kill so many zombies. It’s too powerful. “

The Japanese habit of worshiping Expert has been imprinted in their bones. As long as they are strong enough, no matter what Demon ghosts will be believed by them as gods. As long as it is Expert will win their respect and worship.

Fujisaki Kaori saw that Yue Zhong dared to come and go among countless zombies towns. Killing evolution zombies is as simple as killing an ant. I ca n’t help but feel a little affection for Yue Zhong. Not to mention that Yue Zhong directly saved her life.

Heroes to save the United States are very old-fashioned bridges, but they have been popular since ancient times. That’s because the success rate of this bridge segment is too high.

Fujisaki Kaori hesitated before sending an invitation to Yue Zhong: “Yue Jun! Would you please come to our gathering place with me?”

Yue Zhong looked at the hesitant look of Fujisaki Kaori and immediately guessed that Fujisaki Kaori should belong to a small gathering place. That kind of small gathering place can’t compete with his terrifying existence. Once he launches it hard, it is easy to destroy one or two small gathering place.

“Good Yue Zhong agreed with the proposal of Fujisaki Kaori , although he has no good feelings for the Japanese. But in this place where he is not familiar, he needs someone to lead him.

“Follow me! I will send you a supermarket item as a gift!” Yue Zhong turned around and went downstairs.

Fujisaki Kaori followed Yue Zhong and went down the stairs.

Yue Zhong pointed to the supermarket and said to Fujisaki Kaori : “Just take it!”

“Thank you!” Fujisaki Kaori thanked Yue Zhong and ran to the supermarket very neatly and took out a huge backpack and desperately stuffed various foods into the backpack. After the backpack was filled, she was very smart to find a cargo cart from the depths of the supermarket. A large amount of materials were piled on the cargo cart, which pushed the materials of the cart to go outside. .

“This Fujisaki Kaori is quite smart!” Yue Zhong praised slightly in his heart while watching Fujisaki Kaori ‘s move.

Ordinary people would never think of using supermarket goods carts to collect materials, and using supermarket goods carts to collect materials, their mobility will inevitably decline a lot. Fujisaki Kaori is sure that Yue Zhong has a super strong battle strength, so he dare to use supermarket goods carts to collect materials.

Soon Fujisaki Kaori carried a backpack, and the supermarket ’s large cargo cart came to Yue Zhong.

“Let’s go!” Yue Zhong just glanced at Fujisaki Kaori and turned away. It didn’t mean to push the large cargo cart for Fujisaki Kaori .

Fujisaki Kaori was slightly disappointed, and then pushed the big cart behind Yue Zhong and walked out.

Along the way. Many zombies rushed towards Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong just waved a big knife. Those zombiess were immediately cut by him in two, and they could n’t get too close.

very powerful !!! He is even stronger than a ghost!” Fujisaki Kaori shuddered at Yue Zhong and killed those zombies hearts at close range.

Under the leadership of Fujisaki Kaori , Yue Zhong came to a small village surrounded by mountains on both sides.

“Sister Xiang !!”

“Sister Xiang, you are back!”

As soon as Fujisaki Kaori returned to the small village, a child aged 9 to 13 ran out of the village. In addition, two women aged over 30 and three girls aged between 16 and 18 came out.

There are fifteen children running out of the village, male and female. Many people are very thin, with thin facial muscles and traces of the last days. However, they obviously have not been abused. It looks very lively.

At this moment, a girl with freckles and fat body about 17 years old glared at Fujisaki Kaori and said aloud: “Scent! Who is this man? How can you bring a man back? Did you forget that men are all beasts? Is it? “

A petite girl with a look of Common and a young girl with a commendable look on her body looked at Black-tooth Blade behind Yue Zhong and asked timidly, “Scent! Who is he?”

There is also a Japanese girl who is wearing glasses and has a beautiful posture but a serious face. She looks sharply at Yue Zhong, a Expert carrying a huge Black-tooth Blade. I do n’t know what to think.

Japanese children in that village also looked at Yue Zhong curiously.

Fujisaki Kaori explained to the person in this little gathering place: “He is Yue Zhong and China Chinese. He saved me trapped in the supermarket.

Because of these materials, I was able to get them back from the supermarket. “

The girl with fat freckles and fat body heard Yue Zhong is China, she immediately excitedly shouted: “What? He is China Chinese? Damn! Fujisaki Kaori , how can you treat China Chinese Bring here. Here is Japan, we are Japanese, not where you China people come from. You get out of here! “

“Get out! You are not welcome here !!!”

“This is Japan, China people are not welcome, get out !! Diaoyu Island is our great Japanese empire!”

After hearing the provocation of the fat girl with freckles, the rest of the Japanese devil in the village roared angrily towards Yue Zhong with open teeth and claws.

Japan ’s extreme right-wing forces have been on the rise in recent years. Under the connivance of the Japanese government and the guidance of public opinion, many Japanese people in the civil society are full of disgust, anger, and hatred for the China people.

Several Japanese eleven-two-year-old boys yelled, stooped to pick up stones, and hit Yue Zhong.

“It’s a group of white-eyed wolves!” There was a ruthless flash on Yue Zhong‘s face, a stride forward, which turned into a heavy leg shadow and kicked on the body of the five Japanese imps, and kicked the five Japanese imps out of seven. Eight meters away, everyone spit out blood. He took a step forward again, and slapped a slap fan on the face of the fat girl with freckles, and fanned the fat girl with freckles, and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

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