God and Devil World Chapter 518: Crash!

Chapter 518 Crash!

Tian Hao’s face flashed with a terrible grin, and he cut the Jin Sheng into two pieces directly from the middle: “Jin Sheng is made! You are a beast, your family is a beast. You killed my sister, Also lied to me as your hitman. Go to hell, Scum! “

Jin Sheng Cheng ’s face, which was split in half, was full of horror and fear, countless blood splashed out of his body, and various internal organs were scattered all over the ground. This Leader, who was in charge of Underground Base and had bullied the female for months, was killed by Tian Hao.

“Do n’t kill us !! All this is done by Jin Sheng alone. It has nothing to do with us.”

“Tian Hao, you killed someone, are you crazy?”


Seeing that Jin Sheng is being split in half, those Cadre leaders who had been high above all became ashamed, and they all spoke out or criticized or begged for mercy.

Hu Hai walked in and looked at the Underground Base leader Cadre with a sneer: “Tian Hao, these people are not good things. Except for Zhang Cheng and Ma Xiao, the rest are all a group of garbage, Scum . Almost often playing with a woman together, torturing those women to death, are a group of beasts. “

There is a good one above, and the next one will be very absurd. King Chu was so thin, and starved to death in the palace. What kind of Leader is there are subordinates. Jin Sheng is a beast who likes to play with and torture women, and most of them are around him. The tradition of China is to serve all leaders and be responsible for them. In addition to two people, the leader of Underground Base, Cadre, often joins Jin Sheng in humiliating women.

“I killed you, the beasts!” Thinking of his sister’s death by the middle-aged old man in front of her, Tian Hao’s eyes flashed a fierce light and burst into the crowd with a Black-tooth Blade.

A leader named Underground Base was all beheaded by Tian Hao, blood and corpses stained the area.

The surviving Zhang Cheng and Ma Xiao both retreated to a corner, looking at Tian Hao trembling with trembling.

Yue Zhong looked at Tian Hao, who had some red eyes and some red eyes, and screamed at coldly: “Enough is enough, stop me! You have already avenged, and your life is mine from now on.”

“Yes!” Tian Hao was scolded by Yue Zhong, and then he regained his reason. He stood silently behind Yue Zhong. At this time, his eyes flashed with a gray color, and there was not much to survive * *. In this eschatology, he has no worries, he is only living for the promise he made.

“Take out the surveillance video from outside and show it to me!” Yue Zhong glanced at Hu Han and ordered.

“Yes! Boss Yue!” Hu Han responded respectfully and ordered to several people around him: “Go and transfer the video to Boss Yue.”

A few people stepped forward and tuned out the surveillance video outside.

Beyond Yangxian County, Wan Xionghui ’s forces have completely defeated the Ice Palace and the Greater China League ’s forces. The Ice EE Palace ’s female Warrior and the Greater China League ’s Warrior are both running away, collapsing, and trampling on themselves countless.

In the sky, the twelve Tiger gunships were also destroyed seven, leaving only five. The Weapon of War , such as a gunship, is indeed powerful, but some High Level Enhancers still have the means to destroy it.

Yue Zhong can also condense Devil Flame spear to destroy an armed helicopter. Of course, the consumption of stamina and Spirit is absolutely not small. Without suitable weapons, it is extremely difficult to deal with armed helicopters in the sky.

Yue Zhong directly commanded: “Connect me to the direction of Gui Ning City immediately.”

There is no shortage of radio stations in this Underground Base.

“Yes!” Hu Han received orders and immediately yelled at his hands.

The contact was quickly connected, and Yue Zhong ordered directly to the other side: “I am Yue Zhong! My position is now in Yangxian. I ordered the first Armor battalion, the second battalion, and the third battalion to immediately dispatch to come to the foreign County support. The three battalions are under the unified command of Hu Yi! “

“Yes! Leader!” The voice of Wei Ningguo soon came from the other side.

Wei Ningguo is loyal to Yue Zhong. His ability is quite mediocre, but he has enough qualifications and loyalty. Therefore, when Yue Zhong left, he basically assumed the role of Leader.

Yue Zhong ordered to Tian Hao and Hu Han: “Tian Hao! You and Hu Han are here to control the entire Underground Base. Hu Han, you will organize me to bring the twelve armed helicopters outside, those driving All staff members are also brought back. “

Hu Han just surrendered Yue Zhong, and Yue Zhong did not dare to believe this capricious villain too much. He had to insert Wei Ningguo beside Hu Han before he could rest assured.

“Yes!” Hu Han and Tian Hao responded with respect.

Hu Han can easily mobilize the army when he sees Yue Zhong. Some thoughts that should not be raised in his heart are broken, and he dare not think about in chaos any more.

Yue Zhong himself is so tyrannical. If the army under his command comes, Hu Han will only have a dead end even if he leads the army to rebel. Moreover, Hu Han has seen from today’s battle that Yue Zhong is not a soft-hearted person. If he rebelled, he would be afraid of death very miserable.

Yue Zhong said: “Tian Hao, you send someone to inform Xue Ning and let them come to Underground Base to take refuge.”

The Wanxiong Club has defeated the Great China Alliance and the Ice Palace. The next step will definitely capture Yangxian. The Villa above the surface of Yangxian is no longer safe.

Tian Hao said: “Yes!”

After finishing a series of arrangements, Yue Zhong appeared in front of him with a wave of Shadow Swift Motorcycle . He turned over and rode the motorcycle and rushed out madly. Now that the situation has nearly collapsed, he wants to try his best to destroy the Tiger Gunship in the sky.

The Tiger Gunship is so fierce and terrible that it even surpasses some Enhancers fighters above level 60 on the battlefield. Yue Zhong must destroy them, otherwise his elite troops will also suffer heavy losses when encountering those armed helicopters.

Yue Zhong rode Shadow Swift Motorcycle and rushed out of the passage of Underground Base. I saw that at that time in Nayang County, it was already in a mess. A large number of thugs burned and looted in Yang County, like **** general.

No matter where or when, when there is turmoil, burning and looting will happen. It is for this reason that political futurism before the end of the world will emphasize stability and order.

This kind of riot Yue Zhong has seen more. This happens when almost every force is subverted. At this time, Yue Zhong has no soldiers in his hands. It is very difficult for him to stop the riot.

“All go to the Underground Base in the Greenland Garden !! The rioters kill no amnesty !!” Yue Zhong screamed loudly while killing those survivors of the riot with a 05-type submachine gun.

Hearing the voice of Yue Zhong, the survivors in Yangxian like headless flies rushed madly towards the green garden, forming a stream of people.

There are 20,000 survivors in Yangxian County, and 90,000 survivors in that Underground Base. In fact, Underground Base is extremely broad and can accommodate nearly Twenty population. However, in order to ensure the material supply, living conditions in Underground Base, and to use Yangxian as a buffer defense zone for Underground Base, not all survivors will be able to Enter Underground Base when Jin Sheng is in power.

Yue Zhong just came to the entrance of Yangxian and immediately saw a group of broken soldiers fleeing into Yangxian. Many of the broken soldiers even dropped their guns.

Almost a thousand soldiers squeezed at the entrance of Yangxian County, trampled on countless deaths and injuries. In order to compete for a chance to escape, they even shot and killed their former comrades directly.

“Go away! Get away! Do n’t block Lao Tzu ’s way, be careful that I ’ve shot you !!!” A broken army officer rushed over to Yue Zhong with Twenty and several Warrior and roared violently while lifting The pistol pointed at Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong, a stride forward, flew the army officer ’s pistol with one hand, and then used a stinger to directly withstand the army officer ’s head. coldly ordered: “I am Yue Zhong, now you are included by me , Immediately report your name, military position. Otherwise I will bomb your head directly. “

Ou Zhangjiang full head Great Khan said repeatedly: “My name is Ou Zhangjiang, the three battalions of the Greater China League, one row and one row. I am willing to surrender !!”

Ou Zhangjiang was n’t a hard bone, but now surrendered Yue Zhong in the face of life and death. He has also met people with wide knowledge, and at a glance recognized that the strength of Yue Zhong is not something he can compete with.

Yue Zhong Shen Sheng ordered: “Immediately take your people to gather the broken soldiers! The rebels will be killed directly!”

“Yes !!!” Under the Yue Zhong‘s order, Ou Zhangjiang walked daringly towards the broken soldiers and began to gather them.

At this time, the defeated soldiers were in a state of headless dragons. As soon as Ou Zhangjiang gathered them, they immediately approached.

“Helicopter is coming !!!” Just at this moment, there was a terrified scream from the crowd, and the crowd at the entrance of Yangxian County suddenly fell into chaos. Everyone is attacking the comrades not long ago in order to fight for that life.

yellow skin monkey sons, let’s die !!” The Paradise God Kingdom pilot on an armed helicopter looked at the China at the entrance and flashed a terrible trigger on the trigger.

The machine gun on the Tiger armed helicopter immediately spit out a fierce tongue of fire. The broken soldier at the entrance was directly killed and exploded, falling like a dumpling on the moat.

“Haha !!! Haha !!!” The pilot looked at those China soldiers who were killed and exploded and showed a crazy smile. War can make people crazy.

At this moment, Yue Zhong jumped over the city wall at once, and the Devil Flame spear was condensed in his hand, and the Devil Flame spear immediately turned into a stream of light, which pierced the protective explosion of the tiger armed helicopter. Direct the two drivers burn to death.

The tiger gunship instantly turned into a ball of fire and fell directly onto the ground. It turned into a ball of fire and exploded.

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