God and Devil World Chapter 499: Disordered!

Mu Xiong‘s stubborn face with a twisted face shouted loudly: “We’ll go back and take the rest with Yue Zhong!”

Mu Xiong is a High Level Evolver battle strength who is very arrogant, but he has no brains and can only fight with people.

Minway closed his brows and directly rejected: “No! Without weapons ammunition, even if we bring more people, we will not be the demon opponent of Yue Zhong.”

Now is not ancient, the human sea tactics are extremely weak in front of advanced automated weapons. Today’s battle, let Yue Xinghui really realize the gap between them and Yue Zhong. Without sufficient modern firepower, they will only have a dead end to forcibly fight Yue Zhong.

A bit of cold light flashed slowly in Gui Jing ’s eyes: “We are defeated this time! The only thing we can do now is to leave here and take people to the jungle.”

Guei Jing ’s proposal was to let Yue Xinghui break up directly. At this time, Yue Xinghui is defeated and the grain is about to be exhausted. They each bring Enter in the jungle, maybe there is a ray of life.

Of course, this choice is also extremely cruel. The food ration for hundreds of thousands of people is not so easy to find, and Mutant Beast in that jungle is also not an object of trouble. Everyone knows that once Yue Xinghui splits and separates into the jungle, it is remarkable that there are 30,000 people who can survive the hundreds of thousands of people.

You know, even if you are hiding in a town, there are hundreds of people who died from a snowstorm. If it is a Enter jungle, you do n’t know how many people are going to die. Unless they are lucky enough to find a large cave that shelters from the cold.

Chen Shu was silent for a while and then looked up with a determined face of veto: “No, that would kill many people! Those are our countrymen, we cannot easily give them up.”

Fan Shan kept looking silently at the other Leaders in the conference hall without saying a word, his eyes shining with a strange light.

Kui Jing asked: “What about the food? Are you going to find food for them? Do you have the ability to find so much food? As long as you can provide enough food, I will support you!”

“You!” Chen Shu glared at Gui Jing and snorted, then stopped talking.

Food is the biggest problem that plagues the Yue Xinghui population of more than 100,000 people. If it were not for food shortages, Yue Xinghui would not be so hasty to attack Yue Zhong. They are really lacking in food.

Fan Shan, who has remained silent, suddenly proposed: “We are negotiating with Yue Zhong, what do you think?”

Mu Xiong heard the name of Yue Zhong suddenly violently roared with a distorted face: “No! Absolutely not! Yue Zhong is a murderer who slaughtered our compatriots, is a devil. We can cooperate with anyone. Fan Shan, do you want to be our traitor from Vietnam and betray Vietnamese? “

Guijing said yin and yang strangely: “I said today how could Yue Xinghui be defeated so miserably and so miserably, it turned out that there were traitors in it.”

Mingwei united with a roared face: “Fan Shan. Are you worthy of your dead compatriots? How can we succumb to the invaders? Do you want to be a traitor?”

Chen Shu wanted to say something, but looking at the menacing Mu Xiong, he chose silence.

The six Leader of Yue Xinghui are all powerful Evolver. Even if they hide in the jungle, they will not die as long as they do n’t meet those ecstatic Third-Rank Mutant Beast and some Mutant Beast groups with special ability. Of course, it is far less comfortable and safe in the jungle than in the town.

Fan Shan ’s face stayed the same and said stiffly, “If you do n’t agree, then forget it.”

Yao Lihua persuaded: “Forget it! Everyone is for our country and people.”

At this moment, five Vietnamese troops Warrior suddenly rushed into the conference hall anxiously and shouted: “Leader! I have something to report!”

The four major Leader such as Gui Jing in the conference hall were attracted most of the attention by the five Vietnamese army Warrior.

At that moment, Yao Lihua narrowed his eyes and quickly pulled out a pistol to the Mu Xiong on the side, pulled the trigger and launched Skill Assault Gun.

A bullet containing horror Strength instantly blasted on the head of Mu Xiong and exploded · Kill the head of High Level Evolver, Mu Xiong, directly.

On the other side, Fan Shan right hand suddenly exploded a sharp dagger. He launched Skill Second-Rank high-speed movement. The whole person appeared in front of Mingweihe like a phantom. The dagger in his hand penetrated Mingweihe ’s. Throat.

“What do you want to do?” Gui Jing is also a battle-hardened body Endurance, Strength dual-attribute Evolver, he startled the Skill Second-Rank tortoise shell in shock and anger, his skin instantly became like layers. The tortoiseshell is extremely hard.

Under the protection of the tortoise shell of Second-Rank, the body of tortoise can even withstand the 25mm machine shelled without being hurt. At the same time, he has a huge Strength that can knock him off his head. Among Yue Xinghui seven Leader, Gui Jing is also the top super Expert.

At that moment, the five Vietnamese troops Warrior rushed in at the door and rushed towards Guijing.

Gui Jing punched on the body of a Vietnamese army Warrior, and the Vietnamese army Warrior was hit by his body with a punch and a huge blood hole was smashed. He flicked it, and the body of the Vietnamese Army Warrior immediately hit the other four Vietnamese Army Warrior like a shell.

Yao Lihua used Assault Gun Skill to bombard the wooden turtle while persuading the other side of High Level Evolver Chen Shu to persuade: “Chen Shu! Our goal is Gui Jing, Mu Xiong, Mingwei and the three of them !! For our Yue Xinghui future and ten For the lives of tens of thousands of compatriots, please help us. “

A round of bullets containing Strength blasted on Gui Jing ’s body, exploding his body into blood holes. Although he possessed the body of Second-Rank tortoise shell, he could not resist the bombardment of Assault Gun Skill. .

On the other side, Fan Shan flickered, like a ghost, continually shuttled around Gui Jing. The dagger in his hand punctured Gui Jing ’s body from time to time, and a white mark was stabbed, but he could not cut Gui Jing. body of.

For Agility Evolver, it is their most frustrating thing to encounter this kind of turtle that is harder than Armor car. They must maintain a high degree of vigilance. Once they are careless, they will be caught by the powerful Strength Evolver. As long as they hit, they will be directly killed by the other party.

Gu Jing looked around and rushed towards the entrance of the conference hall. He just wanted to escape from the killing game.

Four Vietnamese troops Warrior rushed towards Guijing in an attempt to prevent Guijing from escaping.

Gui Jing punched a Yuejun Warrior directly and shattered the head of a Yuejun Warrior. He grabbed a Vietnamese army Warrior and tore the Vietnamese army Warrior into two halves, blood and gut splashed all over the place. He kicked on the body of a Vietnamese army Warrior, and the Vietnamese army Warrior immediately blasted on a wall like a shell and crashed into meat sauce. He snapped it, and the last Warrior head in front of him was directly twisted and hit the wall on the side.

While Gui Jing was slaughtering those Common Vietnam Warrior like a demon, Yao Lihua also launched Assault Gun Skill to bombard Gui Jing continuously, and a bullet hit the turtle Jing’s body and blew out blood holes. He saw that Gui Jing was about to escape from this conference hall and could not help shouting loudly: “Chen Shu! Are you still not doing it?”

Listening to Yao Lihua’s angry roar, Chen Shu sighed, a flash of cold light flashed Skill Second-Rank Gravity Manipulation in his eyes, and instantly eight times the weight shrouded on Gui Jing’s body, making Gui Jing’s body slower.

Yao Lihua on the other side seized this opportunity, his eyes narrowed, and it took a lot of Spirit force and stamina to launch Skill Assault Gun and pulled the trigger towards Gui Jing’s body.

A flash of fire flashed, and a bullet containing horror energy blew towards Gui Jing ’s heart.

Kui Jing tried his best to move the body a bit, but under the restraint of eight times the gravity, his action was too slow and he was finally bombed by the bullet containing Assault Gun Skill near the heart. A huge blood hole. The whole of him hit the wall like a failure, the corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

Yao Lihua breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the death of Gui Jing. He took a complex look at Gui Jing’s body and strode out.

The next day, a jeep came to the entrance of Taiyuan City.

“Come here and stop !!! Get off!” A Warrior approached the entrance and stopped the jeep.

From the jeep, two men, two women and four people walked off. The first one was Yao Lihua. The other man is a young bodyguard. The two women standing next to Yao Lihua were about ten years old, with fair skin and delicate skin, long black waterfall-like hair, and long slender body sexy. Although Shuangfeng was not a big breast, it was also very plump and had a c cup , Goose egg face, exquisite face, with a gentle and pitiful temperament. The other one is a little girl with two ponytails, about eleven or twelve years old, exquisite face, white skin and very cute look.

Yao Lihua said very kindly to the name Warrior: “I am Yao Lihua, one of the Leader of Yue Xinghui. Come today to see Yue Zhong Leader! Please tell me.”

“Look here and wait!” The Warrior reluctantly retracted the sight that fell on the stunning beauty and turned towards Taiyuan City.

Soon Bai Xiaosheng walked out of Taiyuan City. He first looked at the beautiful woman with supple temperament with a greedy look, and then turned to Yao Lihua indifferently said: “Come with me!”

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