God and Devil World Chapter 495: Undercurrent!

Chapter 459 Undercurrent!

The Yue Xinghui is a coalition organization composed of seven forces. The seven forces can gather 10,000 troops. In this area of ​​Hanoi, this Yue Xinghui is the most powerful force.

It is Qian Yi that has huge power as its backing that makes it so arrogant. In fact, Qian Yi is this kind of virtue in front of those small forces.

However, although the Yue Xinghui has a large population and huge power, it also has hidden concerns. First of all, there is a serious shortage of modern weapons among them. The seven forces there have only two thousand rifles and some light weapons.

Yue Xinghui has a population of more than Twenty, not so many people at the beginning. It was a large force that came together after various wars, negotiations, and other means after the last days. There are indeed large Arsenal and barracks in Hanoi, but now more than three million zombies have been gathered on the Hanoi side, and the troops attacking Arsenal and barracks have been wiped out by those zombies.

In addition to the lack of weapons, the eating and drinking of more than Twenty people is also a huge problem. There is also a large grain depot in Hanoi, but at this time Hanoi has become a horrible corpse, almost all of the Expert in the deep Enter Hanoi disappeared. A small part of Expert who retired from the whole body was the one who retreated in time when the situation was bad.

Without the supply of large grain depots, Yue Xinghui ’s food is getting tighter. Now, except for the direct forces of the seven forces, the rest of the Twenty survivors are in hunger People began to eat people.

Although there are a lot of Yue Xinghui Expert Enter jungle hunting Mutant Beast, but those Mutant Beast is not the main cause. In the process of hunting, Yue Xinghui did hunt a lot of Mutant Beast meat, but they also lost a lot of elite Expert. Yue Xinghui originally had the top ten Leader, and three of them Leader encountered Third-Rank Mutant Beast when they led the team Enter jungle hunting Mutant Beast, and now only seven major Leader are left.

Under such circumstances, Yue Xinghui can only develop outside, and their enemy is only Yue Zhong. They have no choice. Twenty more than ten million survivors want to deal with more than three million zombies, no heavy weapon is simply a fantasy, in contrast, human race is better to deal with.

And Yue Zhong once fought with Wu Yanhong several times, Yue Xinghui thinks that Yue Zhong itself should also have a lot of casualties. Therefore, in the Yue Xinghui, the main hawk members accounted for the majority.

“I’m afraid I will fight them sooner or later!” Yue Zhong learned from Chen Luo’s mouth that Yue Xinghui‘s details were clear. He immediately transferred two elite battalions from Guangxi and came to Taiyuan City.

In this cold winter, the risk of large-scale offense is too great, but it is extremely beneficial to stick to it. The Yue Zhong, which has always tended to take the initiative to attack, also became honest.

Break a small force of hundreds of people, Yue Zhong can easily destroy it with a single shot. But to deal with a big force with more than 10,000 Twenty, he can’t do that.

The atmosphere in a conference room called Yuanfeng County, near Hanoi, is very dignified, and a smell of gunpowder permeates inside.

A middle-aged man with a burly figure, thick hands and a rash spirit said: “I think we should attack. Kill the **** China man, kill his men and cut off His head is a toilet. “

Here is a middle-aged man with a rash spirit called Mingwei He. Before the end of the world, he was a black gangster near Hanoi. Leader was cruel. After the end of the world, he quickly gathered a group of people and became a hegemon.

Chen Shu was silent for a while and directly rejected Mingweihe ’s proposal: “No! Yue Zhong can annex Taiyuan City and Langshan City. His strength cannot be underestimated. Now if we want to win Taiyuan City, we must mobilize the big The troops attacked. But it was too risky. We did n’t know the details of Yue Zhong. If we attacked hurriedly, the odds are not high. “

A flash of cold light said in Yao Lihua’s eyes: “Then it won’t work? Yue Zhong, the bastard, killed the messengers we sent out. If we don’t do anything, the following people’s hearts will be scattered. Mu Xiong, what do you think? “

A bit of fierce light flashed in Mu Xiong‘s eyes and said fiercely: “Yue Zhong must die! He killed so many of our compatriots. Such a villain can never let him live.”

Yue Zhong is killing a lot on Vietnam, which is notorious. The seven Leader of Yue Xinghui did not have any affection for Yue Zhong, and even many of them were full of hatred for Yue Zhong.

Gu Jing Jing also coldly said: “Yue Zhong dare to kill me Yue Xinghui, he must die! If you want to destroy Yue Zhong, I am willing to be a pioneer!”

Mu Xiong also shouted: “To play Yue Zhong, I am willing to be a pioneer!”

There are reasons for Yue Zhong to kill in Vietnam, but it is also a fact that the number of Vietnamese dying in his hands exceeds 10,000. These Vietnamese hated him so much, everyone heard that they would fight Yue Zhong.

Qian Ming looked around and looked at Yao Lihua who had been silent for a while and asked directly: “Yao Lihua, what is your opinion?”

Yao Lihua said with a dead face: “I think we should negotiate with Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong can beat Wu Yanhong is definitely not a simple role, there is no big chance of attacking us. And there is a key factor, that is the weather . Once a large-scale march encounters a snowstorm, we will have the possibility of the entire army annihilating. “

After listening to Yao Lihua’s words, the rest of Yue Xinghui‘s Leader fell into silence. What they were most afraid of was a snowstorm during the march of large troops. This will be a disastrous blow to the troops.

Due to the abnormal climate, ten snowstorms have been blown on Vietnam side since the beginning of winter. Every snowstorm will take away the lives of many Vietnam survivors. In the most serious case, a snowstorm killed more than half of the 300 Expert who had entered the mountain to hunt Mutant Beast. If marching in such extreme weather, these 10,000 troops would be killed by nature just before they resisted Taiyuan City.

Qian Ming Sheng smiled and said: “I have solved the weather problem. Mr. Alex, please come in!”

The door of the conference hall was pushed open. Anteray, a diplomat of the Paradise God Kingdom Vietnam branch, strode into the conference hall with a friendly smile and said in Vietnam: “Hello! I am a diplomat from Paradise God Kingdom Trey, it ’s a pleasure meeting you. “

Seeing the appearance of Paradise God Kingdom ‘s diplomat Antre, Yue Xinghui‘s other Leader eyes are on Qian Ming Sheng.

Qian Ming Sheng said with a smile: “Paradise God Kingdom will provide us with accurate weather forecasts via satellite. And support us 2,000 rifles, 300,000 rounds of bullets, fifty heavy machine guns, fifty mortars, one One hundred rpgs, one thousand rpg rockets. “



After hearing Qian Ming‘s victory, the rest of the Yue Xinghui‘s Leader got excited. The weapons and equipment provided by Paradise God Kingdom is almost the sum of the weapons and equipment they currently have. As long as those weapons are acquired, their battle strength can be doubled directly.

Mu Xiong‘s eyes flashed hot: “President! I want 500 rifles, 100,000 rounds of bullets, ten heavy machine guns, ten mortars, Twenty with rpg. Our Ever-Victorious Army pack is a pioneer.” /

Gue Jing snorted coldly: “Huh! Mu Xiong, you need a quarter of weapon by yourself, the appetite is too big !!!”

Mu Xiong scolded: “Damn! If you are willing to be a pioneer, I absolutely have no objection to these equipments!”

Gu Jing said immediately: “Okay! We Wanshengjun are willing to be this pioneer. But we want a quarter of weapon!”

In this eschatology, weapon and food are the most scarce. As for people, as long as they have food, they can easily recruit many men. Gui Jing is not afraid of dying, as long as his core old brother does not die too much, he will soon be able to recruit enough manpower.

A bit of burning heat flashed in Mingwei’s eyes and joined the competition: “I am willing to be a pioneer! A quarter of weapon belongs to me!”

For the attribution and division of weapon, Leader in Yue Xinghui was caught in a fight.

Antrey looked at Leader in Yue Xinghui with a smile on his face, competing for those who belonged to weapon, and sneered: “A group of yellow skin monkey children who have never seen the world. A little weapon will make you fight like this, you too Only fit to be a piece of our Paradise God Kingdom . “

Yao Lihua did not participate in the weapon attribution right. He was silent and asked directly to Antre: “Mr. Antre, Paradise God Kingdom supports us so strongly, what conditions do you have?”

In this conference hall, only Qian Ming wins and Yao Lihua did not participate in the weapon ownership dispute.

After listening to Yao Lihua’s words, the five Leader who were competing for the ownership of weapon calmed down and looked at Antre.

After the development of Vietnam over the years, the knowledge of many people is not much worse than that of China. They all know that those foreigners are not good things, and no foreign force is stupid.

In the last days, food and weapon are the most precious materials. Paradise God Kingdom must have plans to send such precious materials.

“These yellow skin monkey sons finally have a little character.” Anterai looked at Yao Lihua and smiled slightly: “General Yao. Yue Zhong tore up the covenant signed with us Paradise God Kingdom and attacked our believers without credit. We have a deep hatred against him, and we share a common enemy with you. “

Antre said with a smile: “In order to respect your Vietnam sovereignty, we Paradise God Kingdom is not convenient to send troops directly. We can only work with you to eliminate the aggressor Yue Zhong and indiscriminate killing of innocent butchers and thugs. Of course, our Paradise God Kingdom is also a little bit small The small requirement is that our compatriots in Vietnam can be guarded by Yue Xinghui. At the same time, we establish normal trade relations and both sides conduct free trade equally, “

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