God and Devil World Chapter 432: Defeat Zhu Leibu!

Zhu Lei glanced at Di Ya and pointed at the beautiful woman who was naked and chopped in a circle in the room and grinned and said, “Which of these girls do you want to choose at random! It ’s my reward !!!”

There are eight Twenty naked naked girls standing in this room, and Yan Shouhuan is surrounded by a circle, serving as the pole of the vase gorgeous that decorates the room.

The order collapsed after the end of the world, and the darkness inside many people expanded wildly. Zhu Lei likes female sex. When Du Shanxiong was there, he was still a bit scrupulous, and now he is really unscrupulous.

Di Ya humbly pleased: “How dare you go to your brother, your woman?”

Zhu Lei grinned, the **** light flashed in her eyes, and pushed the gorgeous coquettish woman in her arms onto the glass table: “You are my good brother! What’s wrong! Come, let’s be together Got this woman! “

In the eyes of Di Ya, the flashes of light also took off the pants directly: “Then respect is worse than obey!”

At this moment, an officer suddenly broke in and anxiously shouted: “Bat commander! I have important information to report to you!”

Zhu Lei had just taken off his pants, and when the long sword came out of the sheath, he was so excited that he saw the officer who broke in, his face suddenly changed, and he yelled, “Get out! Liu Xiong, this company commander also Do you want to do it? “

The officer was scolded by Zhu Lei with a blue face and a white face, and resentment surged from his heart. He clenched his fists tightly, and looked at the lewdness in the room. The gloomy scene, lowered his head and said: “Yes!”

“Come on !!” Zhu Lei smiled and grabbed the naked girl with Enter and took her body.

The other side, Di Ya, also hugged the naked girl’s head with a chuckle.

As soon as Liu Xiong returned to his company, he immediately yelled and said: “Zhu Lei, you **** !! You are still playing with women at this time? You will definitely die without a burial place !!”

The company commander Zhou Zixuan came to Liu Xiong and asked directly, “Lao Liu! What did the commander say?”

Liu Xiong’s face was iron blue coldly and said: “He let me go !!”

Zhou Zixuan‘s face changed a lot: “How did he do this? Zhang Xuewang they came over! If you don’t prepare, what will you fight against them?”

Liu Xiong stared at Zhou Zixuan for a while and said, “Lao Zhou! Zhu Lei is a **** bastard! I decided to pull the troops out! Will you follow me?”

Zhou Zixuan heard eyes were extremely wide, and some incredibly difficult said: “Lao Liu! You are such a mutiny! Rebellion !!!”

soldier is obliged to obey orders. This sentence has been inscribed in the body of the regular soldier. Liu Xiong’s main company, Strength, is also a field army before the end of the world. Therefore, although Zhu Lei is arrogant and lustful red. Three generations, but he was indeed a camp account appointed by the leaders of the military region. Although Liu Xiong and their subordinate officers did not despise him, they still had to work for him.

Liu Xiong ’s current proposal to pull the troops away, it would be equivalent to a mutiny, which made Zhou Zixuan never change his mind.

Liu Xiong looked disgusted and said: “If you want to kill someone like Zhu Lei! I would rather rebel!

Anyone with a sense of justice and blood is unwilling to be a lustful and irritable leader. Before Liu Xiong couldn’t understand Zhu Lei’s actions, the giant beast of the military and the state served as Zhu Lei’s backing. Now the military department is destroyed, the country is cracked, and the dissatisfaction accumulated in Liu Xiong’s heart is completely ignited by a rudeness of Nai Lei.

Zhou Zixuan was silent for a moment, a bit of fortitude flashed in his eyes: “Okay! I will go with you!”

“Great!” Liu Xiong’s eyes flashed with joy.

Zhou Zixuan continued to ask suddenly: “What about the Chen political commissar?”

Liu Xiong flashed a fierce light in his eyes: “Since I turned my face with Zhu Lei, then kill him !!!”

The political commissar Chen was sent by Liu Xiong to monitor Liu Xiong and their people.

At this moment, Chen Zhengzheng strode into the barracks. His face became very ugly as soon as he saw Liu Xiong: “Liu Xiong! Why are you still here. Don’t go to organize troops to resist Zhang Xuewang?”

Liu Xiong and Zhou Zixuan glanced at each other, and stepped forward a few steps: “Chen Zheng! I have something to tell you !!!”

“What’s the word! I’ll talk about it later! The priority now is to organize troops to resist the attack of Zhang Xuewang …”

Chen Political Committee ’s words had not completely fallen yet, Liu Xiong grabbed his head and twisted hard, and with a click, he immediately fell to the ground in disbelief.

“Let’s go!”

Chancellor Chen was killed, Liu Xiong and Zhou Zixuan quickly gathered troops to flee outside

Liu Xiong just fled the barracks with his troops soon.

Boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

Almost in an instant, countless shells enveloped the military camp of Zhu Leibu. Under the heavy artillery bombardment, houses were directly blown to pieces, and various Armor vehicles were Under the bombardment of the artillery, the fireballs burst into bursts.

A round of shells fell next to the Zhu Lei barracks, and a loud bang made a house collapse. The Warrior inside was mostly buried alive.

Countless smoke and dust were scattered in the trembling shelling of the place and scattered in the room, as if a huge earthquake had occurred.

The beautiful women whose naked bodies were used as ornaments changed their faces under the huge shelling, and they also ignored Zhu Lei’s obscene power and turned to the outside.

“What’s going on? What’s going on with this shelling?”

Zhu Lei was also scared of impotence by the sudden shelling. Without even putting on his trousers, he fled out with a naked face and a pale face.

When Di Ya heard the earth-shattering sound of shelling, he kicked away the woman who was kneeling in front of him, and ran directly to the window: “Damn !!! What’s going on?”

Almost as Zhu Lei and Di Ya had just acted, two shells bombarded this house and there was a huge explosion. The entire barrack was shattered and shattered directly, and everyone inside was smashed. The bones and bones were even fried. Even Di Ya, a Enhancers grade Evolver with a level of up to forty-eight, was blown into powder and bones without any resistance.

“Enemies !!”

“Enemies !!”

Suddenly bombarded by the heavy artillery, a lot of Warrior escaped from the barracks of the military barracks, and even 300 Enhancerss with a Enhancers level of not low. The more than three hundred Enhancers with a Enhancers level or higher are all Di Ya recruited in the name of Heavenly Dragon Group , and then transported to the Zhu Lei camp. Zhu Lei also hunted many Mutant Beast and zombies by relying on those Enhancers.

Boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

Five rounds of artillery shells hit the 300 Enhancerss with a low Enhancers rating, and the huge Enhancerss were blown apart by the power of the explosion. Even the two Evolvers were directly Blow up.

“Help! I do n’t want to die !!”

“Hurry up !!!”

“Flee away !!!”

The continuous horror bombardment completely smashed the confidence of those Enhancers and Evolver who were originally proud and self-righteous. Under the bombardment of the heavy artillery, they felt their powerlessness.

Even if someone feels the danger of a heavy shelled strike, the range of the heavy shelled strike is too huge, and it is still bombarded by several heavy artillery pieces. Even the evolution of the Agility system is very difficult to avoid.

Those who were Enhancers were Common before the end of the world. They did not have much training. Most of them had little experience in fighting zombies, Mutant Beast and human race heavy artillery.

Because Zhu Lei was blown to ashes by the highest commander, except for some field army officers who spontaneously organized resistance, the rest of the troops completely collapsed and fled in all directions.

Hu Yi has led the Yue Zhong to form a very complex and miscellaneous brand regiment to surround the Zhu Lei Department. Those who broke up the Enhancers were all arrested by him and closed into the captive camp.

Yue Zhong watched the miserable situation in the Zhu Lei barracks in the command center and ordered to the standing Zhang Xuewang Shen Sheng: “Okay! Send someone to persuade!”

Zhang Xuewang looked at the tragic situation in the Zhu Lei barracks taken from the unmanned Surveillance aircraft, and his heart was full of complexity. Those people were his comrades not long ago. Now it turned out to be so miserable in the artillery fire of his troops, which made his heart very restless.

However, at this time, Zhang Xuewang ’s lives are under the control of Yue Zhong, so he did not hesitate and ordered to the officer on the side: “Send someone to persuade!”

An officer shouted loudly into the military camp of Zhu Lei through the silencer: “The people inside listen! Zhu Lei organized the assassination of Du Shanxiong Du Commander !! He is now an anti-country and anti-people rebellion !!! You surrender now, and there is still a way to live! Otherwise, we will no longer be merciful, we can only treat you as a rebellion and strangle our lives !!! “

At this time, in the military camp of Zhu Lei, there were more than 200 former field army troops scattered and stationed in various positions. They are not destroyed by a single shot like the Enhancers troops.

Although Zhu Lei ’s dead remnant field army still has the power of a battle, they no longer have the goal and will to fight, and they all came out of the positions and became the captives of Yue Zhong.

After defeating Zhu Lei, Yue Zhong did n’t stop and ordered directly: “Continue! Attack Ma Fang !!”

Under the order of Yue Zhong, the first battalion of Commander Zhang Xuewang continued to march towards Ma Fang.

Among the Ma Fang military.

Ma Fang in a military uniform grabbed a cup and slammed it down on the ground. He shattered the cup into a roar that shattered his rage: “Damn it! Why is Zhu Lei’s **** so weak !!! Even for an hour! It ’s not over! Fuck !!! Zhang Xuewang is also an asshole, and even wanted Yue Zhong to be sincere !!! Shit !!! Damn it !!! Damn it !!! “

A staff member proposed to Ma Fang: “The battalion commander is angry! We can join forces with Chen Yu, Murong He, Wang He !!! As long as our four battalions join forces, Zhang Xuewang and Yue Zhong are definitely not our opponents!”

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