God and Devil World Chapter 390: Gui Ning City !

Chapter 390 Gui Ning City!

In the continuous screams, Zhao Jia was directly bitten to death by the s2, and a large piece of flesh was torn off his face and neck, which looked terrifying.

After s2 killed Zhao Jia, he immediately followed the smell of the living person and rushed towards the scar face, waiting for dozens of human race. It rushed to everyone before a few quick strokes, but was tripped directly to the ground by a tripping horse.

The two strong men took the long stick rope to the s2 that fell to the ground. They were very skillful in covering the arms of the s2, and then pulled hard towards the two sides. The claws are pulled apart.

“Go to death !!!” The scar face roared, holding it to prevent Tang Saber from rushing to the front of the s2, and slashing the knife over the neck of the s2, a huge Strength burst out, and the The head of head s2 was cut off.

Looking at the s2 head that grumbled down, everyone was relieved. If they were approached by the s2, they Common people would just be afraid to die here.

A yellow and skinny man with a slightly insignificant appearance came to the front of the scar face to compliment: “Congratulations Boss, he successfully killed this s2. In this way, your Enhancers level can be upgraded again !! Break through the Twenty level, just around the corner! “

The scar face touched the handle Replica Tang Sword , and there was a touch of distress on his face: “Do n’t talk nonsense! Be prepared! Today we must clean the zombies in Xia Ma Village. Otherwise we will not have enough supplies to supply Guo Boss! Damn it! The rent of this Replica Tang Sword is really high, and the right to use it for one day requires a hundred pounds of rice, which is simply robbery !!! “

With the passage of time, the explosion rates of zombies and Mutant Beast have begun to decline. If hunting an s2 at the beginning of the last days can definitely reveal good things, it is not a wonder that dozens of third-level Skill books are published. But now hunting a s2 generally only bursts out a little survival coins, even white Treasure box may not be able to burst out.

The man who was yellow, thin, and somewhat frivolous touched a nail and looked toward the direction of Xia Ma Village. At that moment, his face changed suddenly, and his voice became trembling. “S2 III Head s2, four heads l2 !!! Seven heads Type 2 evolution zombies !!! “

I saw that among the corpses of Xia Ma Village, seven zombiess, three s2s, and four l2s were suddenly separated. After seeing the evolution of the seven heads zombies, these men changed their colors and looked pale. Most of them are Common people, only able to deal with some Common zombies. They can also deal with s2 by shooting the trap, but they can’t help anyone facing the insecure l2.

“Withdraw!” Scar’s face changed greatly, and the first one fled towards the rear. Although Xia Ma Village has a lot of supplies, once opened, he can live a very comfortable life. But it must have a life to enjoy. Don’t Say, an Enhancers who cannot reach the Twenty level, even if he is an Twenty Common Enhancers person, he must retreat from the seven-headed Type 2 evolution zombies.

Seeing the appearance of the seven-headed Type 2 zombies, the men collapsed and fled towards the vehicle behind.

At this moment, a seemingly frivolous young man came to the front of the scar face, blocking the way of the scar face, reaching out and patting the shoulder of the scar face and asking broadly: “Are you from Did Gui Ning City come out? “

The face of the scar scar changed greatly, and his face was horrified. The speed of the young man was too fast. He didn’t react at all and was photographed on the shoulder by the young man. The ghostly speed, if it was It’s as easy as trying to take his life.

That young man is exactly Bai Xiaosheng as Agility Evolver, and his speed is even above Yue Zhong. The Enhancers level of the scar face is not even Twenty level, and naturally I can’t avoid it.

“I am Huang Weili! I am the captain of the squad that came out from Gui Ning City to search for supplies.” Although Huang Weili was a bit irritable, he did not dare to stab in front of the absolute Expert, honestly said. In this kind of wilderness, if Bai Xiaosheng wiped out their money intentionally, the Gui Ning City government would never be able to make it for them.

Huang Weili looked at the approaching seven-headed evolutionary zombies and could n’t help but remind: “This hero !! Those zombiess are coming soon! Let ’s escape first! Or we will be surrounded by them !!! “

“Do it! Get rid of them!” Bai Xiaosheng glanced at the zombies without any interest and ordered to the side. At the current Enhancers level of Bai Xiaosheng, if you want to hunt those Type 2 zombies upgrades, you need to kill more than 600 heads. As for killing Common zombies, it is necessary to hunt thousands of heads. So there is no need, Bai Xiaosheng is not willing to shoot, but choose to let others hunt those Type 2 zombies.

“Yes! White Boss !!!” Seven Warrior walked out of the grass on the side of Bai Xiaosheng and rushed towards the seven-headed evolutionary zombies.

A ability with Warrior owning Enhance Weapon, he was holding a Tang Saber, the cyan light above Tang Saber flashed, and he was cut off with a knife.

An Warrior holding a huge mace with hundreds of pounds of weight, and a rod hacked it, directly smashing a s2 head.

An Warrior, holding a rifle, shot a s2 head directly out of a blood hole with a random shot.

Like the desolation, the seven-headed evolutionary zombies could not withstand a blow in front of the seven human race Warrior. It was easily strangled, and Huang Weili and his men were stunned.

After the seven High Level Enhancers killed the seven-headed evolutionary zombies, they took the lead in the direction of Naxia Village. There are still hundreds of Common zombies for them to hunt.

Huang Weili looked at Bai Xiaosheng and his entourage full of awe: “It ’s amazing! These people are definitely High Level Enhancers! Who are they?”

Bai Xiaosheng glanced over there, turned his eyes to Huang Weili, and commanded with unquestionable tone: “You are the head !!! Come and see us Boss !!!”

There are only a few hundred zombiess in Xia Ma Village, as long as there are no accidents. The seven High Level Enhancers were enough to wipe them out.

“Yes!” Huang Weili responded respectfully, but in his heart thundered: “Are there any Boss above this person? How arrogant is his Boss?”

“Good young!” Huang Weili was quickly brought to Yue Zhong, he carefully looked at Yue Zhong and thought to himself.

Yue Zhong glanced at Huang Weili and glanced at coldly: “Tell me all the information you know about Gui Ning City. If you can satisfy me, the bag of rice is yours. If you have a little concealment, you will be at your own risk.”

“Yes! …” Huang Weili only felt that a strong sense of oppression was coming, he immediately shivered his body and whispered the information of Gui Ning City toward Yue Zhong.

Before the end of the world, a field army was stationed in Gui Ning City. After the world mutant, that field army was also in mutant, and many people became zombies. But Du Shanxiong, the commander of the field army, was lucky enough to escape. Under the immediate decision of Du Shanxiong, relying on superior firepower, the military remnants completely wiped out zombies.

At the same time, the military relied on the powerful modern firepower to Enter the first time to clear the zombies in the Gui Ning City urban area, destroy a large number of zombies in Gui Ning City, and save a large number of Gui Ning City citizens.

Gui Ning City urban area has a population of more than one hundred Twenty million, due to the decisive attack of Du Shanxiong, the population of Gui Ning City has been greatly preserved. A total of Twenty million survivors were rescued.

At the same time, after receiving a rescue request from Nanning City, Du Shanxiong led his men to attack Nanning City with tanks, artillery and other kings of modern warfare.

In front of that modern Weapon of War , Common zombies only has the crushed part. A large number of survivors were rescued by Du Shanxiong, and he actually rescued 350,000 survivors from the urban area of ​​Nanning in cooperation with officials of the Nanning Municipal Government.

With Warrior‘s battle strength in Du Shanxiong‘s hands, it is definitely not a problem to completely recover the urban area of ​​Nanning. However, when he defeated the zombies in Nanning city and was cleaning the battlefield, he sent scouts to find that the zombies in the villages and towns around Nanning were converging towards Nanning.

Nanning has a population of more than 7 million. After the world ’s mutant, a population of more than 5 million became zombies in a flash. Du Shanxiong led troops to recover Gui Ning City, Nanning City not only consumed a large amount of ammunition, Warriors were also very exhausted in battle, and under the strong request of the Gui Ning City government, he had to take people out of Nanning City, with large troops and Nearly 400,000 survivors (of which 50,000 were survivors in surrounding villages and towns outside the city of Nanning) withdrew Gui Ning City.

After this, Du Shanxiong has been carrying the troops to fight the more than three million zombies remnants of Gui Ning City and has continued to the present. In that constant battle, the Gui Ning City urban area has no zombies, and the large stock zombies in the villages and towns around Gui Ning City has been wiped out.

It’s just that there are many villages and towns in Gui Ning City, so there are small villages with hundreds of people like Xiama Village that have not been cleaned up by the army of Du Shanxiong.

With the efforts of Du Shanxiong, the population of Gui Ning City urban area is as high as 850,000. It can almost catch up with the last days.

“It’s really difficult to start from scratch !!!” Yue Zhong sighed slightly after hearing Huang Weili’s words.

Yue Zhong‘s continuous efforts continue to fight against various enemies until today, only to have more than one hundred thousand survivors. In this Gui Ning City, there are actually 850,000 survivors. The number of survivors is not only several times that of Yue Zhong, but also a regular army before the end of the world. Whether it is from battle strength, or from the perspective of war potential, Gui Ning City far exceeds his power.

Before the end of the age, Du Shanxiong was a veritable commander of Pla Commander and Field Army. There was no shortage of tanks and heavy artillery. It is not uncommon to be able to achieve such results.

At the beginning of the last days, Common zombies could not stop the torrent of steel. Even now, even a million corpse group can’t resist the crushing of human race steel torrent. Du Shanxiong cannot destroy millions of zombiess, which is entirely due to ammunition and insufficient fuel. He was held back by human race‘s collapsed logistics, otherwise millions of zombies was not enough to kill.

Yue Zhong stared at Huang Weili and asked directly: “How many troops are there in Du Shanxiong?”

This question is critical. In this eschatology, Yue Zhong has habitually regarded all forces as potential enemies. For the enemy, the first thing he wanted to know was how many troops the opponent had.

Huang Weili is puzzled: “I do n’t know! This kind of intelligence can only be known by military personnel or senior government officials.”

Bai Xiaosheng smiled on the side and said: “850,000 survivors! I don’t know how many beauties there are !!! Hehe! Great! Boss Yue, I love Gui Ning City !!!”

Yue Zhong glanced at Bai Xiaosheng speechlessly and said nothing.

Bai Xiaosheng likes beauties. Also in the end times, beauties also like Expert like Bai Xiaosheng. In Nalong’an County, he won several former God’s Believer Church leader old fox like women. His comers did not refuse as long as they were beautiful women. After seeing Bai Xiaosheng, the beautiful women who were originally panicked because of old fox‘s downfall, they were also very satisfied that the new owner was a Expert.

Bai Xiaosheng glanced at Huang Weili and said to Yue Zhong unconsciously, “What do these people do? Do you want to kill them?”

Bai Xiaosheng acts as a thug for so long, killing people like hemp, heart like iron stone, even if killing dozens of innocent people, the eyes will not blink.

Huang Weili was frightened with cold hair standing upright, cold sweat flowing, his legs softened, and he knelt before Yue Zhong and chestnut hair shouted loudly and begged loudly: “Boss Yue Rao life! Boss Yue Rao life! Please leave me a life, I am willing to Boss Yue, you can do the best !! “

Yue Zhong threw the bag of 100-kilogram rice in front of Huang Weili indifferently said: “Relax, I wo n’t kill you! Take these things and go!”

“Thank you Boss Yue !!! Thank you Boss Yue !!!” Huang Weili picked up the 100-kilogram rice and said in a row, and then led away without looking back.

Bai Xiaosheng glanced at Yue Zhong and asked, “Leader! What now?”

Yue Zhong and his party took all kinds of light heavy weapon, including infantry fighting vehicles, machine gun vehicles, anti-tank rocket launchers, and grenade launchers. Such an team will be disarmed if it is opened to Gui Ning City. The authority of Gui Ning City will never allow such an armed Strength Enter Gui Ning City. At that time, I am afraid that they will be forcibly incorporated into Yue Zhong and incorporated into the army.

Yue Zhong indifferently said: “Zheng Minghe, you take someone to Sanshui Village to collect these equipments! Shang Lun, Bai Xiaosheng, Ying Kaishan, Ning Yuxin four of you follow me into the city! After you enter the city, you can go to Unit 4, Unit 4, Building 23, Mingsheng Garden Community Come to me in Room No. “

“Yes!” Everyone should say a sentence, and immediately began to follow the orders of Yue Zhong.

The Yue Zhong and his party arrived in Gui Ning City as a pioneer after riding a Hammer for half an hour.

As soon as Yue Zhong and his party came to Gui Ning City, they were searched at the entrance of Gui Ning City. After finding no prohibited materials, they were quarantined for another hour before they were released.

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