God and Devil World Chapter 378: Save people!

Chapter 378 Save People!

The breathing of the more than one hundred God’s Believer Church followers around Niu Xinghe has also become heavy. They stare at the Song Miaoyi tied to the ground like a beast, and their hearts are flashing with heartache. . They haven’t played such top-tier goods yet!

Niu Xinghe is a violent person, but he always gives rewards to his subordinates. In addition to a few women he played, he would reward his subordinates to play together, which is also a means he used to gather people’s hearts.

Song Miaoyi listened to the violent words of Niu Xinghe, feeling the heavy breathing of the more than one hundred God’s Believer Church believers and flashing lascivious eyes, and finally a little fear came into her heart. She was not afraid of death, but she was afraid. That embarrassed her more than death. She could feel the countless sharp-knife-like eyes on her, which made her shudder.

A flash of strange light stubbornly stared at Niu Xinghe in the eyes of Song Miaoyi : “Even if I die! I will not give in to you!”

Niu Xinghe showed a terrible smile and threatened fiercely: “Slut! If you seek death! I will kill your entire family! I captured your family of 76 people, if you die! I Just grab them one by one, cut off their heads, and tell them that they killed them because of you **** !!! Hey! If you die, your uncle and uncle include you Younger brothers will die together because of you bitch! You can only survive if you live as our dogs! “

After hearing the threat of Niu Xinghe, Song Miaoyi finally flashed a horror in her eyes. There were her brothers and sisters in the lives of the 76 people. She could never ignore it, and her strong will began to threaten Niu Xinghe. Began to shake.

Niu Xinghe smashed his upper body’s clothes with his hands, strode towards Song Miaoyi with a tyrannical smile: “Hahaha! Let me do it once! Enjoy the spear witch Taste !!! Haha !!! “

“Elder !! Don’t kill her! It’s not too late to kill her after we play.”

“Yeah! Elder! Don’t break her! Big guys want to have fun with her spear witch!”


The Guard shouted from one side, their eyes stared at Song Miaoyi as if to swallow her inside.

“Don’t come over !!! Don’t come over!” Looking at the Niu Xinghe that was approaching, Song Miaoyi finally brought a hint of fear in her eyes. She constantly moved her body, struggling to move towards the rear. But no matter how hard she struggled, she didn’t move much. Her struggle can only give Niu Xinghe a more violent thrill.

“Haha!” Niu Xinghe looked at the full and beautiful youthful Song Miaoyi eyes with endless excitement. He has never played this kind of beauty in the past, and the spear witch battle strength is not Unusually, his temper is stubborn and heroic. For him, it is the most Superior abuser.

Looking at the Niu Xinghe that was getting closer, Song Miaoyi flashed a despair in her eyes, and shouted in her heart: “Who will save me !!”

Now that Niu Xingheng was about to seize Song Miaoyi , Niu Xinghe suddenly changed his face and jumped madly towards the rear. He jumped ** meters away in an instant.

A bang shot, a God’s Believer Church cultist standing next to Niu Xinghe was hit by a poisonous stab bullet and interrupted him directly. Only the upper half of his body collapsed to the ground.

Almost the moment the gunfire sounded, the four heads Shadow Wolf emerged silently from behind the four God’s Believer Church Guard, opened their mouths and bite at the necks of the four Guard.

Two of the four God’s Believer Church ‘s Guards had Guard bitten their necks by the Shadow Wolf that suddenly came out from behind without even having time to respond.

The other two Guards have first-class vigilance and combat experience.

When one of Guard and Shadow Wolf flew over his neck, six sharp daggers burst out and cut the Shadow Wolf to pieces.

The other Guard reached out and grabbed the Shadow Wolf, then tore it with a violent force, tearing the Shadow Wolf in half, and disappeared into the world in ashes.

A shot didn’t kill Niu Xinghe, Yue Zhong flashed in his hand, a qjz89 type 12.7mm heavy machine gun appeared in his hand, his eyes adjusted coldly, and he went madly towards those God’s Believer Church cultists who formed a group. Missile!

“Immortal Body …” A God’s Believer Church believer just roared, and a 12.7mm Large Caliber bullet blasted into his head and blasted his head directly.

“The immortal guard, the sword cannot penetrate!” Another God’s Believer Church screamed at the Yue Zhong side with a shouting slogan, and a Large Caliber machine-gun bullet hit his waist, blocking him directly. Interrupted into two parts, blood and internal organs were splashing on the ground. For a moment, he had not died, but wailed in pain.

The Large Caliber bullets are extremely horrible. As long as they are hit on a part of the body, they will definitely be smashed. In front of the power of the heavy machine gun, the God’s Believer Church believers gathered in a group were like a group of pigs and dogs waiting to be slaughtered. They were fragmented and severely wounded.

Under the cruel reality of blood splattering and limbs flying, those God’s Believer Church believers finally smashed away. Except for more than 30 devout fanatics, the rest of the God’s Believer Church believers are hiding in one. Each bunker shivered.

Yue Zhong took out the walkie-talkie and issued an attack order: “Immediately launch a comprehensive attack! Annihilate any enemy that blocks the way!”

After receiving the order, Zheng Minghe hidden outside Tao Mu Town immediately issued an attack command to the entire army: “Leader has been ordered! Attack! Destroy any enemy that blocks the way!”

Under the leadership of that infantry fighting vehicle, the machine gun team, fully armed Expert under Yue Zhong, killed the Tao Mu Town.

In the Tao Mu Town, the caster ’s continuous operation was lost, and the Enhancers fishing line tied to Song Miaoyi was also loosened. She grabbed the black spear that was inserted on the ground and turned towards Yue Zhong like a civet cat. After glancing at the direction, he immediately chased after the two Guard towards God’s Believer Church .

Song Miaoyi is also a very clever woman. She is very clear. If Yue Zhong was shooting at her just now, she would have no choice but to die. Yue Zhong chose to attack the God’s Believer Church believers, obviously there is still room for cooperation between them.

“What a smart woman!” Yue Zhong glanced at Song Miaoyi , and said Praise.

“Who are you?” At this moment, the angry and violent voice of Niu Xinghe came from the side of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong turned his head and saw that Niu Xinghe, who had become distorted because of his anger, was staring at him staring.

The God’s Believer Church congregation who just gathered in the group just before the heavy machine gun of Yue Zhong suffered heavy injuries and almost broke the backbone of Niu Xinghe Personal Guard, which filled Niu Xinghe with endless anger.

“Kneel down! Or die!” Yue Zhong coldly glanced at Niu Xinghe, his eyes were frozen, and Skill Art of Fear was launched.

In an instant, a fine spirit attack containing Yue Zhong‘s powerful Spirit power banged fiercely towards Niu Xinghe.

Under that powerful fine spirit attack, Niu Xinghe just frowned, and then suddenly smiled: “Is the Spirit force attack type Enhancers person? Today I’m going to tear your body apart, and then in your Fuck the woman around you !!! “

Niu Xinghe smiled, and a little under his feet, rushed towards Yue Zhong like a shell.

Yue Zhong flashed a different light in his eyes, launched the Skill Shadow Steps, the speed climbed to the extreme, and raised his poisonous thorn to aim at Niu Xinghe.

Niu Xinghe Suddenly, the body constantly shakes, and the strange pace of treads on keeps approaching Yue Zhong.

“Is the close-up combat Expert? But if so, how can he stop my Art of Fear?” In front of his strange and mysterious pace, Yue Zhong couldn’t completely lock his body, only by instinct Six shots were fired in an instant.

“Haha! Go to death !! Duck!” Niu Xinghe flickered, avoiding the six poisonous stabs popped up to the right of Yue Zhong, with a sloppy smile, and the two-meter-long giant axe was fierce. Towards the Yue Zhong split in the past.

Yue Zhong right hand turned over, Alligator Tooth Sword appeared in front of him and blocked the trajectory of the giant axe.

The giant axe containing the horrible Strength fiercely chopped on the Alligator Tooth Sword of Yue Zhong, and the terrifying force was uploaded from the giant axe.

“The guy of very powerful !!!” The Strength between the two sides made a verdict, and Yue Zhong was split back with a single blow ** meters, and then the horrible Strength was unloaded, and his right hand was also shaken. If he feels numb, if his body Endurance is not strong enough, Niu Xinghe‘s blow will break his right arm bones.

“Hahaha! Go to death! Go to death! Go to death !!!” Niu Xinghe laughed wildly, like a madman, approaching Yue Zhong on the steps of Xuan Ao, and the giant axe in his hand kept hacking towards Yue Zhong.

Even if Yue Zhong launched Shadow Steps Skill, it could only barely support it. It was smashed by Niu Xinghe and retreat. Both arms were trembled. I do n’t know when the defense will be broken. Under a fierce attack like Niu Xinghe, Yue Zhong has almost no breathing power, and it is impossible to counterattack with a sword.

Niu Xinghe hacked Yue Zhong with an axe, while shaking the mind of Yue Zhong with words: “Give me the woman behind you! Then be my running dog! I can let you go alive! Otherwise, today I I’ll behead you right here! “

Yue Zhong has been able to stand by the defense circle for so long, and it is also very unexpected from Niu Xinghe. Enemies Niu Xinghe encountered in the past, once he was close, he was able to kill the enemy within Twenty seconds. Yue Zhong has been standing by for more than 1 minute at this time, which made Niu Xinghe feel a little hesitant.

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