God and Devil World Chapter 334:

Chapter 334


Zheng Minghe loudly chanted between the telepathic thoughts: “I am down !! I am willing to work with you to destroy Wu Yanhong!”

Zheng Minghe and the Vietnam Emperor led by Wu Yanhong have deep hatred. The young and old of his family were all tortured by the emperor Vietnam. He was only thinking about the big Vietnam emperor ** revenge is just Zhaohua to get people, but he was not able to join Chinese Association but Enter and Freemason. At this time, under the pressure of Yue Zhong, he chose to surrender Yue Zhong. Just to be able to destroy Wu Yanhong in the future.

After Yue Zhong saw Zheng Minghe drop, he turned to look at the four elders of Freemason: “Do you four drop or not drop?”

At this moment, a security guard named Freemason gathered and rushed towards this conference hall.

Zhang Shuwen took out a pistol and fired at the entrance of the conference hall with those Freemason guards. He is a gun Expert, with no bullets fired. With the power of one person, it was the pressure of the Freemason guards that could not move forward.

“Order them to surrender!” Yue Zhong pointed the stinger coldly at an elder.

The elder also shouted at Yue Zhong very toughly: “Yue Zhong! I advise you to surrender immediately! We Freemason have more than a hundred good guys and will never give in to such villains! You only Five people, even if you kill us, Freemason will not be able to yield to you! In the end, it will only be a situation where both lose. “

“Good guy! Let’s die!” Yue Zhong‘s cold eyes directly pulled the trigger of the stinger.

A bang! The elder’s head burst immediately.

The power of the stinger is very horrible. It can be comparable to the zpt90 type 25mm cannon. It hits the head, and it is as simple as frying a watermelon.

Yue Zhong pointed the poisonous stinger at another elder coldly and said, “What is more than 100 people in Freemason? I just killed more than 800 people in the two camps of Wu Yanhong yesterday. Today I killed more than 100 people , Is just a piece of cake. Even if you are Chinese, as long as they are my enemies, I will not show mercy. Do you surrender or not? “

After listening to the words of Yue Zhong, there was a hint of unbelief in the eyes of everyone Chinese Association. They do not believe that Yue Zhong alone can destroy two battalions of Wu Yanhong.

Hu Yan Shen Sheng said: “That’s true! Yue Zhong has ability that manipulates Mutant Beast. You still drop it!”

Hu Yan did not think that Yue Zhong turned out to be so fierce. If it kills, it kills, killing Freemason Sectmaster instantly. It is also necessary to compile the entire Freemason. But at this time the arrow had to be sent on the string, and he had to cooperate with Yue Zhong to win the entire Freemason. Otherwise, dozens of Freemason Warrior counterattack, and they are afraid that there will be victims.

The elder shouted in horror: “I am down !!! Don’t kill me !!!”

The elder descended, and Yue Zhong turned the stinger at another elder.

Under the threat of death, the three remaining elders of Freemason barely surrendered Yue Zhong, but this was only a surrender on the surface. There is always the possibility of back biting.

Yue Zhong didn’t care to order Zheng Minghe and the three elders: “Let them surrender!”

Zheng Minghe immediately went to the entrance of the conference hall and shouted loudly, “I am Zheng Minghe, stop the attack !! I order you to stop the attack!”

“That’s vice Sectmaster !!!”


After hearing Zheng Minghe‘s order, the guards gathered outside the door are in chaos. They don’t know what to do. The gunfire stopped.

Cai Hengbo, Freemason‘s security leader, shouted with a gun and shouted into the conference hall, “What about deputy Sectmaster? We are all Sectmaster people, we must work for Sectmaster !! Listen, give Sectmaster to Let ’s release it. Otherwise, I will kill you guys and stay alive! “

Yue Zhong stepped out of the conference hall, waved a shot directly on Cai Hengbo’s head, directly crushed Cai Hengbo’s head, and coldly said to those Freemason guards: “Your Sectmaster already died in my hands! Vice Sectmaster and all the elders surrendered already, you surrender now. I can still let you go. If you continue to resist, you will all have to die! Your relatives and children will be beaten into slavery and enslaved by the winner. Surrender or death , Choose it yourself! “

“Kill him !!! He has only one person !!! Everyone kills him and avenges Sectmaster !!!” A heartfelt subordinate of Ping Lingbo roared loudly.

The Freemason guards suddenly fell into hesitation, and some of them fired on Yue Zhong. Some hesitated, took cover, and prepared to watch the situation.

Countless bullets were fired in the direction of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong frowned, his body flickered, and Yangtian made a loud howling sound.

In the jungle not far away, the Lightning heard the scream of Yue Zhong, and immediately screamed, leading the more than one hundred Second-Rank mutant leopard cats towards the village of Freemason.

The mutant leopard cat was extremely fast, and soon surrounded the small village, Lightning was alone, and rushed towards the core position of Freemason like a sharp arrow.

Mutant Beast !!! Attack! Attack !!!”


The Warrior among those Freemason sees Lightning, everyone’s face growls loudly. A large number of bullets were fired at Lightning.

Lightning is extremely fast and constantly flashes, avoiding the attacks of Freemason Warrior, its body flickers, and there are several people standing in the sky passing by those around Freemason Warrior.

Lightning just killed four or five Freemason Warrior, those Freemason Warrior immediately collapsed and fled towards one another. They are just a group of disorganized mob, not as good as Chinese Association‘s Warrior. Naturally unable to resist such a fierce and horrible Second-Rank Mutant Beast such as Lightning.

In just one minute, Lightning rushed into the core of Freemason from outside the village on already, and patted a Freemason Warrior head with one claw.

Mutant Beast !!!!”

Second-Rank mutant Leopard Cat !!!”


After seeing Lightning, those Freemason Warrior who besieged the Yue Zhong people changed their faces and turned their muzzles towards Lightning.

Second-Rank Mutant Beast is not a lot in this Vietnam. Every appearance will cause a lot of blood and rain. Freemason can kill Second-Rank Mutant Beast cleanly. In order to deal with Second-Rank Mutant Beast, only a large organization with a heavy weapon such as Wu Yanhong will be able to hunt a Second-Rank Mutant Beast.

The Lightning shuttled very gracefully in the rain of the gunfire. Its body flickered constantly. Wherever it passed, the head of a Freemason Warrior was shot and flew.

“What a terrible Second-Rank Mutant Beast !!!” Everyone saw that Lightning was slaughtering efficiently in the crowd.

Zheng Minghe couldn’t help but feel his own neck, and he was afraid after rising in his heart. Although he is a Twenty seventh-level Enhancers person, if he meets Lightning, he will be killed instantly.

“I surrender !!! Don’t kill me !!! I surrender !!!”

The morale of the Freemason Warrior was soon killed and collapsed, and many people gave up their guns and knelt loudly and begged.

The Second-Rank mutant leopard cat is only slaughtering those Freemason Warrior gracefully, and it is not guilty of the Yue Zhong people who are close at hand, reminding the howling before Yue Zhong. Let these Freemason Warrior understand who got the terrible Second-Rank Leopard Cat.

Lightning was also humane after being subdued by Yue Zhong. Those Freemason Warrior who surrendered their guns did not bother, but continued to slaughter Freemason Warrior who did not want to surrender. Soon there were no living people standing in this area, with headless bodies of Freemason Warrior everywhere.

Zheng Minghe and the three other Freemason elders saw this horrible scene, and never dared to give birth to a trace of heart.

The main guard of Freemason collapsed, and the rest of Freemason‘s Warrior also dropped their weapons and surrendered to Yue Zhong.

At this time, the one hundred Warrior borrowed by Yue Zhong from Chinese Association were in a small village with weapon Enter and Freemason interned. The Chinese in the entire village and the Vietnam survivors were all detained.

Yue Zhong also unceremoniously disrupted the organization of the 113 Chinese people remaining in that village. It was cut into five rows and submitted to Zheng Minghe, Wei Ningguo, and three surrendered Freemason elders Yishui Xiong and Zhou Dali , Ning Changshui water belt.

Hu Yan, Zhang Shuwen, Zheng Qiang are powerful, but unfortunately they are all Chinese Association executives. Yue Zhong naturally cannot put their own troops into their hands.

In each row, in addition to the Chinese, Yue Zhong also added some Vietnam survivors.

Ping Lingbo, Chen Libang and many other resistance Freemason high-level family members men were all hit by Yue Zhong into Scum. The woman fell into the women’s camp and listened.

After all this, Yue Zhong summoned the survivors in the whole village.

In this small village, there are nearly 600 survivors, including more than 400 Vietnam survivors. Some of those Vietnam survivors looked at the Yue Zhong on the high platform with palpitations.

Wu Yanhong ’s massacre of the Chinese has caused anger to those Chinese Expert. Some Chinese will kill Vietnamese without discrimination. The hatred on both sides has accumulated deeply. Those more than 400 Vietnam survivors were very afraid that Yue Zhong would kill them without discrimination.

The five people, Zheng Minghe, Wei Ningguo, Yishui Xiong, Zhou Dali, and Ning Changshui, all looked at Yue Zhong above the platform. The eyes flashed, and they were all descendants. Except for Wei Ningguo, the other four were not convinced by Yue Zhong. They were only surrendered by Yue Zhong‘s terrorist strength and powerful Mutant Beast. People are unsure, those Freemason Warrior are also looking at Yue Zhong and wonder what they are thinking.

“I’m Yue Zhong!” Yue Zhong looked around the lower circle, and then coldly said: “Freemason was destroyed by me today! From today, you are my people. Whether you are Chinese or Vietnamese, you must Obey my commands completely! If you obey me! I will bring you food, glory, and victory! “

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