God and Devil World Chapter 325:

“He will have a fever for a day! After one day, he will have a new Strength. Before that, take good care of him!” Yue Zhong said, and called Pan Jinyong again.

Yue Zhong directly handed that three-level Skill book into a jungle ranger and handed it to Pan Jinyong: “I have given you this Skill book! Use it to kill the enemy.”

As soon as Pan Jinyong received the Skill book, he said with great excitement: “Thank you Boss Yue! I will definitely kill the enemy! I will never disappoint your expectations.”

Three Skill books are very scarce. After Pan Jinyong obtained the Skill book, if he can make good use of the Skill book, he can grow into an Expert.

Yue Zhong At this time, people are in different places, and there are too few people to use. He was also only able to give the precious snake fruit and the third-level Skill book to these Warrior who had not been together for too long. With a view to forming battle strength as soon as possible. It’s good to be able to make a point.

Yue Zhong patted Pan Jinyong’s shoulder, strode out and walked out with White Bones to the entrance of Nanabu Town.

At the entrance of Nabob town, already has more Lightning and more than one hundred dozen mutant leopard cats under its control.

As Second-Rank Mutant Beast Lightning, it owns ability of Mutant Beast in the vicinity of its commander. These mutant leopard cats are its men.

Greenie and Turtle also have the same ability. It’s just that Greenie is a group of solo travellers, and it will be difficult to find a companion for a while. Turtle is Low Level Mutant Beast without its own family nearby, but it can only receive other Mutant Beast groups through the Mutant Beast service.

Yue Zhong patted Lightning‘s head and pointed towards the town: “Please, you Lightning, kill zombies in this town!”

Lightning hovers towards Yue Zhong for a while, then yells at those leopard cat groups.

Under the order of Lightning, the more than one hundred mutant leopard cats rushed towards zombies in the town like a sharp arrow.

These mutant leopard cats are organisms that have undergone Virus gene generation mutant. The Virus carried by those zombies cannot hurt them at all. This is also their biggest advantage over zombies. Many Mutant Beast will feed on zombies. As long as those zombiess do not have Z Type zombies command to form a huge corpse wave, those zombies can only be food for Mutant Beast.

As soon as the mutant Leopard Cats rushed into the town, they immediately started hunting those zombiess crazy. If in the past, they will only eat enough zombies and leave the town. This time under their Boss Lightning order. These mutant leopard cats kept waving their claws, cutting off the heads of those zombiess one by one.

Lightning also rushed into the town, hunting those evolutionary zombiess very easily and elegantly. Neither l2 nor s2 can escape it.

Only one morning, more than two thousand heads of zombies in Nabu town were killed by Lightning with their younger brothers on already.

Yue Zhong saw the Lightning step out of the town gracefully, and then gave the survivors an order to enter the town: “Enter the town!”

Under the organization of Chen Yao, more than a thousand survivors slowly entered the town.

Fan Tongxuan was walking in the town of Naboo, and along the way he looked at the wreckage of zombies in those places. He was shocked to think: “It’s amazing! Thousands of zombiess in Nabu Town were just easily killed by him. It’s too amazing!”

Wu Tantong followed the men and women Warrior and watched the situation in the town full of shock. When he was outside the town, he did not escape. On the one hand, as a traitor, he could not be accepted by the cruel Wu Yanhong and escaped into the jungle. With his strength, it is also a life-threatening situation. On the other hand, he also has a little fantasy about Yue Zhong.

Unexpectedly by Wu Tantong, Yue Zhong not only destroyed the forward battalion, but also brought back more than a thousand survivors in the town where the forward battalion was stationed. He also annihilated the corpses in Nabu town. This made him determined to depend on Yue Zhong.

Enter After the town of Nabu, the zombies wrecks in the town were gathered and burned with dead leaves.

Every material warehouse in the town was taken over by Chen Yao and held in his hands.

The Vietnam survivors were rushed into a block of units to take care of them after they each got a bowl of sticky gruel.

None of these Vietnam survivors can rely on existence, they may launch a rebellion at any time.

After the Vietnam survivors were settled, those troops consisting of Chinese, black, and white Warrior only got the opportunity of rotation.

The Warrior went to bed and slept as soon as they returned to the barracks. Everyone fell to bed and slept like a dead pig. They were already frail and dragged their exhausted bodies for a night’s march. They couldn’t stand it. If there is a Expert sneak into the camp. One person can kill hundreds of Warrior in their sleep.

Yue Zhong After exhausting hard battles, I was also exhausted. After leaving the White Bones goalkeeper, I fell asleep in bed. He is not a monster like Demonic God at this time. Although he has a powerful Strength, he is still a mortal. Experiencing continuous fierce battles can also lead to tiredness.

On the other side, Wu Yanhong’s response was also very quick. The next morning, two battalions of Warrior were dispatched from Yaxian to march toward the forward camp.

Yue Zhong‘s sneak attack on the striker battalion, Wu Yanhong’s already learned from those who defeated the Vietnam Army. They are very clear that the Warrior of the two battalions has the ability to completely crush the Yue Zhong department when paired with the Warrior already of the Twenty Langfang Camp.

Boom! !!

Along with a huge explosion in life, the two battalions Warrior in the march were immediately killed by two people, and three were maimed.

“There are mines !!! Everyone be careful !!!”

With the huge roar of life, the Warrior of the two battalions suddenly became careful. Act stagnate. The big Vietnam emperor founded by Wu Yanhong is also a very new army, some of which are Vietnam military Warrior. More are Vietnam survivors of Common. They don’t have much experience dealing with human race. Especially the invisible threat of landmines has made them cringe.

The three Vietnamese soldiers Warrior who were blown off their limbs continued to make tragic howls, which greatly affected the morale of the troops. In this end time. Not only is there a shortage of drugs in China, but Vietnam is also lacking. Those Warrior who had been blown off their limbs were waiting for their execution. Wu Yanhong will not waste food to support Warrior, which in his opinion already becomes waste.

“Engineers! Mine clearance !!! The engineers are going to mine clearance !!!” A Vietnamese battalion commander yelled loudly at the staff around him.

The staff officer said cautiously, “The battalion commander !! We don’t have special mine-clearing engineers or equipment!”

In fact, among the large Vietnam emperors, there are demining equipment and demining engineers’ existence. However, they are all veterans, and their first affiliate is Wu Yanhong. Other battalions are rarely equipped with specialized mine-clearance engineers. After all, their main combat targets are jungle mutant and urban zombies. Instead of human race Warrior with modern firepower.

And in the hinterland of Vietnam, there is no such thing as a land mine. They ignored it.

“Damn !!! What now?” The long-haired face of the Vietnamese military barracks cheered a little irritably. He originally thought that this time attacking Yue Zhong would be as simple as drinking water, and he would be able to crush the resistance of Yue Zhong. After all, even if Yue Zhong lays down the town where the forward camp is stationed, there is no one to guard that town. But he was blocked by a small mine.

The staff officer hesitated for a moment, and now the most secure way is to go back and bring the mine-clearance engineers back, and then proceed carefully while demining. But he didn’t know how his irritable chief would get angry when he heard the proposal.

A staff member raised a brow and said, “How about we find some animals like cattle and horses to open the way to detonate mines?”

Using animals to detonate mines is also a very common method. In addition, there are blast-type demining methods, special demining vehicles, and engineering mines.

The head of the Vietnam military barracks yelled: “***! Now in this ghost condition, where are you going to find animals like cattle and horses?”

An animal demining method is really good, but now it is the last days. Animals such as cattle and horses are difficult to find. Even if they are found, they are precious meat silos and cannot be wasted in such suicidal exploration.

A staff officer made many other comments, which were all rejected by the Vietnamese military commander.

Finally, the two heads of the Vietnamese military battalion discussed and chose to send someone back for help. Let Wu Yanhong send an engineering unit to help mine clearance.

After the engineering unit came here, it immediately began to clear mines. The only thing that made the leader of the Vietnam military battalion spit blood is that the mines on the Yue Zhong side are not dense, and at the same time they are doped with a lot of false mines. Greatly delayed the advancement of their troops.

Wait at night already before the two Vietnamese battalion commanders lead their troops to the town.

In the town, there were buildings destroyed by machine guns and the bodies of human race. Before Yue Zhong left, a fire was set to burn all the unburned buildings in the town. The town is as sneaky. The two Vietnamese barracks commanders were extremely angry.

Because I do n’t know where Yue Zhong led people to flee, the two camps Warrior of the big Vietnam emperor can only temporarily stay in the abandoned town.

With the previous lesson this time, the two battalions Warrior of the big Vietnam emperor did not dare to neglect for a moment, and even during the night, the patrol team constantly prevented the Yue Zhong night attack.

Because of the timely escape, the Yue Zhong department finally gained valuable breathing time, and was not wiped out by the great Vietnam emperor.

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