God and Devil World Chapter 296: Cruel cold rain!

Chapter 296 The cruel cold rain!

“You robbed me of cans !! You robbed me of cans!”

During Xu Yang’s inspection, a child suddenly shouted, pulling a middle-aged man who had just picked up a can.

The middle-aged man’s eyes flashed fiercely, and he kicked the child severely, kicking the child to the ground: “Little bunny! You *** call an egg! Laozi! It ’s a can for a cartridge case! If you call again, I’ll use you! “

“Stop!” Xu Yang frowned, walked over and asked, “What’s going on?”

The middle-aged man nodded to Xu Yang and said, “This brother! This little bunny framed me to grab his canned food. This canned food was obviously bought by me. The staff over there can testify for me!” ! “

Xu Yang glanced at the staff member.

The staff member quickly nodded and said, “Yes! The can was indeed replaced by a bullet case.”

Xu Yang glanced at the child and said coldly, “Little ghost! What do you have to say?”

The child stood up, angrily pointed at the middle-aged man and said to Xu Yang, “This man grabbed my bullet case and came over to change the can! There is a can in his underwear. . Don’t believe it! “

Xu Yang ordered: “Catch him!”

Two Warriors walk towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man’s face changed greatly, retreat took a few steps, and shouted in the mouth: “The soldiers are going to kill! The soldiers are going to kill! Help !!!! Help !!!!” >

This middle-aged man was the leader of a group of thieves before the last days, and after the last days, he also pulled a group of younger brothers. He shouted so that his companion, who was hidden among the survivors, immediately agitated: “The soldiers are going to kill !!!! They are going to kill us all !!! We are running away !!!”

After the words, the thieves took the lead in fleeing elsewhere.

human race has herd behavior. Under such rumors, many survivors could not help but follow the thief and ran away in all directions.

Guo Quan watched the fleeing crowd’s complexion in the distance, gritted his teeth, and commanded loudly: “Shoot !!!”

In a split second, the submachine guns of the survivors who had been the most accurate were all fired, and the dense bullets fell among the people who tried to escape, and all the survivors who tried to escape were instantly screened.

In just ten seconds, more than two hundred people fell into a pool of blood, groaning in pain. Guo Quan was very helpless and painful. They only have more than 300 people here. If they want to suppress the riots of tens of thousands of people and do not use iron blood to suppress them, these tens of thousands of people can destroy hundreds of them as soon as they explode.

“Who dares to run away! Shoot immediately! Who dares to make a noise! ​​Shoot immediately! Lie on the ground immediately! Do not disturb! Runners die!” Xu Yang looked ironed and pointed at the name. The middle-aged man who provoked the incident pulled the trigger.

A bang shot, the middle-aged man, who was somewhat proud, had an extra blood hole in his head and fell directly to the ground.

The survivors screamed in horror during the crazy burst of fire, all lying on the ground. His body shivered and he dared not move.

Xu Yang’s face turned blue, and he walked in the direction of that rumor: “Fuck *** **** bastards! You **** damn bastards! We kindly want to give you a bunch of *** a way to live for you! You drink! Your anti-skeletons are giving us chaos. Whose **** are spreading rumors here just now?

There was silence, and all survivors were silence. Under the influence of the continuously deteriorating social atmosphere, each person swept the snow in front of the door, and no wandering already became the rules of conduct for everyone. Those who spread the rumors are obviously a group, and they don’t want to cause trouble.

Xu Yang’s eyes flashed a fierce light. More than a dozen Warrior came with Type 03 Rifle and pointed directly at the survivors, saying, “Don’t say yes? Okay! There’s a bone! Come here! Get ready to shoot these **” * Who bastards! Whoever dares to spread rumors, those next to you who do n’t know, will be shot together !!! ”

Looking at the black muzzles, the survivors can no longer remain silent, and they have shouted at the guys who spread the rumors directly to the crowd: “Don’t shoot !! It’s this guy! This is just this one!” Guy spreading rumors !!! It’s him !!! “

The guys who spread the rumors are not so good, but they also framed themselves: “It’s you guys who spread rumors, dare to say me!”

Xu Yang directly caused the identified survivors to be dragged out, and found a guy who was known by many to spread the rumor, and caused the head of the guy who spread the rumor to be cut off in public.

Seeing the gushing blood, the survivors are in fear.

Xu Yang looked at the captured survivors coldly coldly: “As long as the dishonest guys are caught, they will beheaded immediately! Those who surrender themselves to others, I can give you a way of life. Randomly climbing and biting others Once the human assault is confirmed by me, it will be cut directly on the spot! “

Under the brutal torture of Xu Yang, those who spread rumors were quickly found. Two men were beheaded directly, and one man was directly beheaded. The man who was beheaded was not dead for a while, but he died in painful struggle on the ground for a while.

Seeing the savage and **** horror scene, everyone in the survivors was filled with horror, and they didn’t dare to move any more.

A Warrior pointed to the seven people who spread the rumors after surrendering to Xu Yang and asked, “Chairman! What about these bastards?”

Xu Yang waved his hand: “Send them to Scum camp!”

The Scum battalion, as the Yue Zhong‘s cannon fodder, is always understaffed.

After dealing with the dazzling bastards, Xu Yang walked up to the survivors and shouted loudly with a loudspeaker: “Your **** are listening to Lao Tzu! Someone is spreading the rumors. You must catch the person who spread the rumors as soon as possible. Otherwise, all of you will enter the Scum camp to fight zombies on the front line. Also, each person can only take one can .If it is found that someone else grabbed someone else, I will send the man with multiple cans to Scum camp! “

In the migration process of such a high Endurance, a can of Second-Rank is almost equivalent to the life of a Common survivor. Taking away that canned energy supplement is like taking away the lives of others. Xu Yang naturally had to deal with it harshly. Only under that severe punishment could he deter those survivors’ chances.

The survivors looked at Xu Yang, the fierce **** demon, with a look of horror. I dare not talk about it anymore.

Xu Yang took a can of Second-Rank and threw it to the little boy and said, “This is yours! Eat him!”

The little boy immediately opened the can and ate with a big mouthful. As soon as the can was in the abdomen, the little boy felt a warm current flowing through his body, which restored some vitality to his frail body.

At this moment, a drop of rain fell like a hail in the sky.

“Damn God!” Xu Yang looked at the sky, and the heavy rain that crackled and couldn’t help swearing.

Under the pouring rain, the tens of thousands of survivors gathered by already were stunned by the heavy rain. They glanced at Xu Yang and the machine guns all around, afraid to move in the slightest.

“What now? Camp commander !!!” Xu Yang was drenched by a heavy rain and he roared loudly beside Guo Quan! !!

“Organize the staff to cross the bridge immediately !!!” Guo Quan said biting his lips fiercely, watching the untimely heavy rain.

Xu Yang said, “What? Crossing the bridge now? Those **** without rain gear will be wet by the heavy rain !!!”

Guo Quan’s eyes flashed a bit of pain, and then he turned to an endless order and issued a command: “There are still 7 hours. The corpse will contact us! Now there are 10,000 people who cross the bridge! No! There are still 130,000 people in the back !!! Everyone must cross the bridge now! This is an order !!! Go and execute the order, I will bear all the consequences !!! “

This command can be said to be very cruel!

It is pouring heavy rain, and the tens of thousands of survivors have no rain gear at all, they are very weak themselves. If you cross the bridge forcibly and get caught in the pouring rain, even if there is no death on the spot, I am afraid that many people will fall into bed with a cold and fever.

Although Yue Zhong has a baby like life-saving grass. However, life-saving herbs have no cure effect on Virus cases such as colds and fevers. There are also not enough doctors and drugs in the city of Sy. It is conceivable that many people will definitely die in this heavy rain.

Xu Yang responded with a stunned expression: “Yes! Commander! I will execute the order! I will bear all the consequences with you!”

Yu Xuyang went out and gave an order, driving the tens of thousands of survivors to start crossing the bridge in the order of children, women, men, and the elderly.

Children are the future of human race, and women can have children. Although very cruel, the elderly, especially those without any special skills, were placed at the last place to cross the bridge. They were housed in a building near Zijiang, and it was only after the main force had crossed the bridge that they could take their turn. Unless they are very useful people like doctors and scientists, they can get special treatment.

During the storm, tens of thousands of survivors were driven over the Zijiang Bridge and headed for the other side. After crossing the Zijiang Bridge, it will take a long way to be temporarily rested in the Enter building. Only after crossing the Zijiang Bridge can it be considered safe.

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