God and Devil World Chapter 284: The army is out!

Charging chapter (12 o’clock)

Chapter 284 The army is dispatched!

After seeing the equipment and strength of the Yue Zhong troops, everyone in the city of Sy is glad that they did not have a war with Yue Zhong. Judging by the weapons and equipment in the hands of Yue Zhong, the battle between them and Yue Zhong, even if they win over Yue Zhong, will cause heavy losses.

Although equipment is not the decisive factor in determining a unit’s battle strength, it is definitely a very important factor. It is almost impossible for the army of the same rank to have Xiaomi plus rifle on the other side against the tanks and artillery on the other side.

“Yue Captain, please send troops to destroy zombies according to our previous agreement.” As soon as Yue Zhong‘s troops were in place, the army shot a messenger to urge Yue Zhong to send troops.

“Knowing that you go back and tell Master Shen that I will send troops” Yue Zhong said directly to the messenger.

Su Dongming and Yue Zhong fought fiercely, taking over most of the heavy weapons such as tanks and Wu Zhijiu in his army were destroyed by Yue Zhong, and the elite Warrior was almost wiped out of a battalion. His strength was greatly damaged, and his position in the military was also reduced. Now already has become the deputy division commander. The teacher became Shen Hongyang, the strongest.

Of course, although the other three military giants only have about one regiment, everyone has the title of deputy division commander.

After the messenger was sent out, Yue Zhong summoned Guo Quan to find him: “Guo Quan is our escape route. If we are captured here, our brothers in the four battalions will be in danger of being wiped out.” .This time I led soldiers to clear zombies, you have to hold me firmly here, is there any problem? “

This time, Yue Zhong only plans to take the troops of four battalions to fight forward. The most elite Ningguang County battalion is left by him in sy city to cope with possible unexpected situations.

Everything can happen in this end time. Yue Zhong didn’t want to see himself fighting in front, but the Oolong incident that was cut off by the Allies appeared.

Guo Quan stared at Yue Zhong, his face resolutely replied loudly: “No problem Yue Captain, even if I fight for my life, I will keep it here”

Guo Quan has gone through many battles, growing from an Common survivor to the Deputy Battalion Commander of Ningguang County First Battalion. He is now an excellent soldier already. War is the best training ground. It allowed Guo Quan to grow from an Common person to an excellent commander in less than two months.

Yue Zhong left Guo Quan, with Warrior of the 5th, 3rd, 4th Battalions, 8th Battalion, and 5th Battalion of Ningguang County, and the troops of the Big 5 military in the city of Sy. zombies direction.

The army of the city of sy also mobilized an army of more than five thousand people to advance in the direction of sy county.

Because of the lack of fuel, except for self-propelled artillery and infantry fighting vehicles such as armed Armor vehicles, the rest of the Warrior can only march with two legs.

The army of Sy City has been attacking in the direction of Sy County. zombies and already were killed by most of the villages and towns along the way. The march of Yue Zhong was also very smooth.

Two days later, Yue Zhong and his party already arrived ten kilometers away from the zombies group in sy county.

There are six factions in this 8,000-strong army, and they don’t trust each other very much. In particular, the Yue Zhong and Su Dongming departments are similar, so the army of eight thousand people divided into six routes to fight the corpses in that county.

Yue Zhong and SY’s military are both guarding each other and using each other. zombies is the enemy of human race. More than one million zombies in sy county is not only the enemy of sy city but also the enemy of Yue Zhong. If the survivors in the city of sy are destroyed, then the next target of those zombies will be Yue Zhong.

The Yue Zhong leader walked all the way and finally stopped at this place in Hukouxia.

Hukouxia is also a main road to sy county. Hukouxia is passed between two tens of meters high hills. The narrow main road only allows two large trucks to pass, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is really the best place to defend.

As soon as they came to Hukouxia, Yue Zhong let the battalion Warrior of the first battalion and the second battalion of the first regiment start construction on site. Every barbed wire, steel stumbling horses, wooden fences, horses, and large pits quickly appeared in the Hukouxia.

The two small hills Yue Zhong near Hukouxia also dispatched troops quickly to prevent those zombies from breaking through this line of defense by climbing the mountain.

Yue Zhong led the troops to Hukouxia and then transferred the command to Xu Zhengang. Xu Zhengang is an excellent soldier. After the end of the world, he has experienced many battles with zombies and Mutant Beast. Commanding a defensive battle is no problem.

Yue Zhong himself came to the joint command center of the Six Armies, and the five giants of the sy city military were also inside that command center.

There is an unmanned Surveillance aircraft in the sky for reconnaissance. As a high-level military, you only need to issue orders in the command center, and the rest of the battle will naturally have the following subordinates conducting command battles.

Yue Zhong also obtained command vehicles and unmanned Surveillance aircraft in the mechanized infantry brigade, but his Majesty did not have those technical soldiers who could fiddle with unmanned Surveillance aircraft. He can only watch the equipment with high Technology lying moldy in the warehouse.

Su Dongming watched Yue Zhong come in, he snorted coldly, turned his head, no longer looked at Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong At this time, the strength in his hands far surpassed Su Dongming, and Su Dongming could only use such a small means to vent his dissatisfaction with Yue Zhong. He would not do such a stupid thing as provocatively Yue Zhong.

Shen Hongyang saw Yue Zhong come in and smiled, “Yue Zhong, are you here, are you ready?”

This time Yue Zhong sent troops so much beyond Shen Hongyang’s expectations, so he also had a good impression on Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong smiled and said, “My side already is ready to dispatch at any time”

Shen Hongyang glanced deeply at Yue Zhong and said, “Let’s get started”

“Start the offense”

As soon as the six giants in the command center issued an order, their Sixth Army undertook a violent attack on the corpses near that county.

Several self-propelled artillery spits out tongues of fire, and a round of artillery shells landed in the densely packed corpse, blasting a large block of zombies directly into pieces.

Whether it is the incomparable l1, the insecure l2, or the fast-moving s2 in the intensive artillery fire, it has all been blown apart and suffered heavy losses.

After a fierce round of artillery, the military’s Warrior immediately attacked those zombies with Armor vehicles as bunker and small mobile firepower points. Under the cover of the metal barrage, large swaths of zombies fell like the harvested wheat directly onto the ground.

zombies in that sy city seemed to be dozed by the sudden attack, and soon they responded. Driven by the zombies of Z Type, they rushed towards the military’s Warrior like waves.

The zombies movement was almost irresistible. For the first time, those military Warriors encountered the horrible zombies group. At the beginning, although the number of zombiess facing the military was large, they were not organized and were easily destroyed by them. But this time, the charge of more than one million zombies was almost unstoppable.

Behind the military, a series of self-propelled artillery and 40 rocket launchers madly poured the fire into the zombies group and destroyed the zombies piece by piece.

Under the cover of several terrible rounds of fire, the dense zombies was killed by more than 30,000 heads. If the army of human race was killed by gunfire, 30,000, I am afraid that already morale will completely collapse. But those corpses, like the ocean, were almost fearless, just carrying out a terrible charge against the fierce artillery.

Those mouths that were torn by gunfire were soon filled up by other zombiess.

The firepower points formed by the military Warrior relying on vehicle-mounted machine guns are really fierce, and a large number of zombiess are constantly hit by them.

Those zombiess that are madly charging are almost killed by the ferocious metal barrage without even touching the sides of the military Warrior, and they fall to the ground like wheat.

It’s just that the corpse tide charge formed by the million zombies is more than a hundred times more terrible than the corpse tide charge formed by the thousands and tens of thousands of zombies. Those zombies charges didn’t stop for a moment.

The firing of the military Warrior has not stopped for almost a moment. Under such crazy shooting, the barrels of many light and heavy machine guns and rifles have been red after continuous crazy shooting.

The military Warrior immediately began to replace the spare gun barrels. In the process of replacing the barrels, the firepower inevitably became much smaller.

At the time when the military Warrior firepower stopped, the corpses suddenly separated, hundreds of h1s suddenly appeared, they opened their mouths wide, and fireballs blasted towards those Armor cars.

Many military Armor vehicles were swallowed by the corpse’s fireball for the first time, and they exploded directly. The explosive air waves also killed and wounded the surrounding military Warrior.

After a blow, the s2 hidden in zombies immediately rushed towards the military Warrior like a hurricane.

Regardless of the speed of the s2, the charge at a distance of 100 meters is only about 7 seconds. Although many military Warriors changed their barrels and fired immediately, many s2s rushed into the positions of the military Warrior, wielding their claws and scratching many military Warriors.

The s2 was an assault, the military’s front line Warrior immediately collapsed, and they began to flee towards the rear.

“Cannon fire cover” “powder fire cover”

Under the order of the command center, those self-propelled artillery, Howitzer , and multiple rocket launchers were pouring wild fire at the huge corpses. A large block of zombies was directly devoured by the fire and was blown into ashes.

Hundreds of H1s, which have established great feats, were directly killed by shelling.

The Enhancers members Expert in the military also shot and killed those s2 one by one.

Chapter 284 The army is dispatched!

Chapter 284 The army is dispatched! , Go to URL

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