God and Devil World Chapter 176:

In the evening, each of them went out to search for supplies at zombies. As soon as the teams that concentrated the survivors returned, their captains were summoned to Dayan Town for a meeting.

“That’s it! I want to hear your opinions.” In the conference hall, Yue Zhong let Guo Yu report the information from Chen Shi’s hair and looked at everyone in the conference hall with a deep glance. []

Kong Tianyu heard said loudly: “Commander Yue, you ca n’t send troops! Those **** in Longhai dare not let us recruit workers, and they want us to send troops to save them. When we are two!”

Kong Tianyu was brave and sturdy and loyal to Yue Zhong, and was promoted by Yue Zhong to become the captain of the first team of his melee squad. already is qualified to come to the table to discuss their decision-making.

Da Gou thought for a while and slowly said, “Commander Yue! I also think that now is not the best time for us to send troops. The group of people at the base apparently want to use us and use us as cannon fodder. We send troops to rescue them. The consumption of guns and ammunition is our own. The people over there are white-eyed wolves, even if they are rescued, I am afraid they will not appreciate it.

Da Gou is currently the Operative Officer of Yue Zhong, and is very concerned about their own possessions. Fighting is not a good thing. Regaining the battle in Dayan Town consumed a lot of ammunition. Although the police station and the armed forces in Dayan Town also found some ammunition, they were far from replenishing ammunition.

Liu Yan Shen said: “Just! Let them stand up first. After zombies breaks the city, we will take someone to save some survivors. At that time, those guys will have no room to bargain.”

Zhao Xing also said in a deep voice: “Commander Yue, the base has a population of more than 6,000. Lei Cheng has a battalion, seven infantry fighting vehicles. There is also a city wall as a dependency. How can it fight with zombies? God. When they ca n’t stand it, we wo n’t be too late to rescue them. ”

Most of the captains are opposed to sending troops, while Wu Guang and the wolf captains who have come from the military remain silent.

In the voice of opposition to sending troops, Chen Yao hesitated and said, “Yue Zhong, let’s send troops! There are more than 6,000 people at the base. If zombies breaks the city, more than 6,000 people will die in zombies. I’m in my mouth. “

Chen Yao, although very disappointed with the high level of the Longhai City Base, is very sympathetic to those Common survivors. After the city breaks, facing the encirclement of 100,000 zombies, among the survivors, I don’t know how many people will die.

Yue Zhong looked at the silent, thinking Chi Yang and asked, “Chi Yang, what do you think?”

The eyes of everyone in the conference hall immediately fell on Chi Yang. They all knew that Chi Yang was the most important dead party in Yue Zhong. And as the captain of the first search team, Chi Yang also often fought on the front line and found a lot of supplies, and everyone also recognized him very well.

“My opinion is to send troops.” Chi Yang silenced and organized the language, calmly analyzed from the interests: “Lips are cold. In addition to the base, this area is the most populous on our side. Once the base is covered by the corpse We are afraid that the next target will be us. When the base is broken and 6,000 people die, it is difficult to find a large population gathering place in this area to supplement the population. Our family faced the corpses alone and it was even more difficult. . “

After the last days, human lives are as cheap as ants. Expert controls the lives of the weak and kills at will. An unsatisfactory person will be killed by Expert. But for a power, the population is a very precious resource. Without people, the machines in the factory could not be started. Without people, there are not enough soldiers. It is difficult to grow and develop without one person. It can be said that people in the last days are cheap and precious.

The 6,000-person population of the Longhai City Base is a large piece of fat for the current Yue Zhong. If it can be swallowed and digested, his power will be greatly expanded.

Chi Yang‘s statement coincided with Yue Zhong‘s, and he immediately made a decision: “I decided! Take the soldiers to the base. Kong Tianyu, Liu Yan, Xiao Ming, Wu Guang, Zhao Xing, Ji Qingwu, Wolf, Wang Shuang team, The Cheng Yu team and the Scum battalion followed me to the base. The rest stayed at the base. The base was led by Chi Yang. Da Gou, you go to mobilize supplies, and we will start tomorrow morning. “

Chi Yang Shen channel: “Yue Zhong, let me go to the base!”

There are more than 100,000 zombies from the base to attack. Among the 6,000 survivors, those who dare to fight zombies are not enough. In addition, the various forces in the base are intertwined, restraining each other.

Yue Zhong The number of people brought to the base is less than 400 even if Scum battalion and his six direct teams are added. Not only must we face the forces that are inseparable from the enemy and friends inside the base, but also the pressure of 100,000 zombies outside. A little carelessness is a dead end. Chi Yang saw this, so he offered to take people to the base.

Yue Zhong took a look at Chi Yang and refused: “No, Chi Yang, the construction of Dayan Town and Shima Town, the surrounding villages of zombies, and the restoration of production ca n’t stop for a moment.”

Due to Yue Zhong‘s refusal, Chi Yang became silent. He is also a dead party of Yue Zhong for many years. Naturally, Yue Zhong will not change once it is determined.

“Everyone go back and take a good rest. Meet up!”

After the meeting, Yue Zhong returned to Villa.

“I want to go to the base with you too!” After returning to Villa, the Lu Wen who said nothing at the meeting immediately held Yue Zhong‘s arm and begged. She wants to face difficulties with Yue Zhong.

Zhang Jingqiao is wearing a black hollow sexy **** underwear, kneeling at the feet of Yue Zhong, carefully leaning on Yue Zhong. Before the end of the world, she was rebellious, and often watched some palace dramas, knowing that she was not high in Yue Zhong, so she behaved honestly before the two girls Lu Wen and Guo Yu.

Wearing white pajamas, like Guo Yu of pure little Princess, sat smartly to the right of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong frowned, refusing to say: “No! The base is too dangerous.”

Lu Wen is a little unconvinced: “I can attack magic and heal, and now already Enhancers has reached level 7. Why can’t I go with you? The last time I attacked Dayan Town, didn’t I contribute?”

Yue Zhong is short of manpower. As a powerful Leader, he often rushes to the front line and hunts zombies. Guo Yu, Lu Wen, Chen Yao girls who have Skill will be transferred to the battle whenever they have time. On the one hand, they can obtain Enhancers by hunting zombies, and on the other hand, they can save some bullets.

Yue Zhong slowly said: “This time is not the same as when we attacked Dayan Town. This time we are not facing thousands of zombiess, but more than 100,000 heads. One accident is that the whole army is overwhelmed. It’s too dangerous. “

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