God and Devil World Chapter 143: Re-entry base

Yue Zhong asked: “When will it leave?”

Although there are sufficient supplies in Shima Town, the problem of food has always been in the mind of Yue Zhong. None of the grain seeds sown in the field germinated, which meant that the grain was eaten a little bit less. Once the food is eaten, it’s troublesome.

Chen Yao hesitated and said to Yue Zhong: “Before the action, my uncle wants to see you. Can you go to the base with me to meet him?”

Yue Zhong‘s gaze fixed, his brows frowned slightly, and he stared at Chen Yao quietly. Those politicians may not be able to fight, but Yin design is a good hand. He rejected Chen blade edge‘s solicitation and Chen Yao‘s invitation.

Seeing Yue Zhong silent, Chen Yao quickly understood the concerns of Yue Zhong. She looked directly into Yue Zhong‘s eyes and said, “I can use your personality and life to guarantee your safety.”

Yue Zhong did not speak, and quietly measured the risks and possible benefits of the Enter base, and whether they have enough escape control. If it is a mortal situation, he will never go.

A glance at the silent Yue Zhong, Ji Qingwu used her slightly magnetic, very nice voice: “Yue Zhong, you can go to the base of Longhai City. I will use my life to protect your safety. As long as I don’t die, I won’t let you die. If you die, I will be buried with you. If Chen blade edge set up a Hongmen feast to harm you, I will leave Chen Family in the future and follow you. “

After listening to the words of Ji Qingwu, a strange light flashed in Yue Zhong‘s eyes: “Okay! I’ll go with you to see Chen blade edge.”

Since the first meeting, the cool demeanor in the battle of Ji Qingwu has been printed in the mind of Yue Zhong. He has a different opinion of Ji Qingwu from others.

Chen Yao looked at Yue Zhong and promised to meet Chen blade edge. He was not too happy in his heart, but was overwhelmed by a tangle and loss: “Yue Zhong really likes Qing Wu.”

After making up his mind, Yue Zhong made various arrangements, which led people to the Longhai Survivor Base.

Two Dongfeng trucks, two Hammer, and a Jeep formed team Enter in the urban village where the Yue Zhong and his party lived.

The survivors in the village in the city looked at the team with surprise, knowing that the fuel was very precious. In addition to going out to search for supplies in the base, most people are cycling and walking. There are only a few government officials. Senior officials can still ride on sports cars and consume precious fuel.

Yue Zhong got out of the car and glanced around. I saw that it was more populated than he was when he first came here, and humble tents were set up everywhere, and a large number of survivors crowded in that area. In a small space, it smells like a refugee camp.

After the end of the age, Common people want to find a place where they can live in peace. The Longhai Survivor Base under the name of the government will accept a large number of survivors every day. Correct Because of this, the food consumption of the base is also extremely great, and Chen blade edge will only hit the idea of ​​the grain depot.

After Kong Tao got out of the car, he covered his nose with his hands, and looked at the survivors who looked like refugees with disgusted faces: “Yue Zhong, wouldn’t it be better to drive directly to the SAR? Why drive here?” “

Kong Tao was an official of the Longhai City before the end of the age, and has been following Chen blade edge since the end of the age. He is also a high-ranking existence official in the Longhai Survivor Base. He has never been to such a refugee camp once. He was full of disgust for those grungy survivors.

Yue Zhong gave Kong Tao a contemptuous glance, and plugged a Chinese directly to Kong Tao: “Shima Town is building a city wall. I want to recruit some survivors to repair the wall. Director Kong, is there any problem?”

Kong Tao changed his gaze after receiving that piece of China, and said enthusiastically to Yue Zhong: “No problem! You want to recruit people to build the city walls, and recruit more people. Are there enough people here? Trick a little. “

Longhai City has a very large population and consumes a lot of food every day. Kong Tao also suspected that there were too many survivors, which made the Longhai city base smelly and dirty. In his opinion, these survivors looked like they had died, they did not have the skills, and they dared not go out to collect supplies. They were not beauties. existence was like a waste. Yue Zhong is willing to recruit them to work. Kong Tao couldn’t wait for it.

Kong Tao is also a thoughtful man. He has made a good relationship with Yue Zhong, and wants to leave a way out for himself. In the future, if Yue Zhong annexes the Longhai city base, he can also lead a good life in Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong instructed Chen Shitou beside him: “Chen Shitou, you take someone to recruit those survivors, first recruit 200 people. It requires 150 men and 50 children. Tell them to go to Shio Mazhen repairs the city walls. You can give them three bowls of porridge and two steamed buns every day. “

Chen Shitou nodded and walked over.

“Recruit me !!! Recruit me! I have great strength !!!”

“Recruit me! I’m definitely working hard. I’ve done loading and unloading work before!”


Chen Shitou has just announced the conditions for recruitment. Almost all survivors in the village in the city, whether male or female, surrounded Chen Shitou and shouted loudly. The scene was so hot, just like the crazy investors who were eager to buy stocks and surrounded the exchange with madness.

A large number of survivors surround Chen Shitou, making his work very difficult.

Chen Shitou roared loudly: “Quiet! Line up one by one !!”

“Recruit me !!! Recruit me! I have great strength !!!”


Chen Shitou’s roar didn’t play a small role. Those survivors were afraid that they could not be recruited. They all kept begging around Chen Shitou. Chinese people have no habit of queuing. In order to compete for a better chance of living, they will naturally fight for it and will not let it go.

In the face of the turbulent crowd, Chen Shitou is a little helpless. He has never dealt with such a scene.

“You are useless!” Yue Zhong walked over, coldly looked at the survivors and said, “Give me that whip! Whoever cuts in the line, whoever smokes! Then drives him away. I don’t need anyone who disobeys orders. “

Six of the Yue Zhong team members who were wearing Mutant Water Python leather, already Enhancers to eighth level, took a step forward, took out the whip around their waist, and drew it **** the survivors.

With a lash, the survivors who were drawn were sorrowful and mourned one by one, and fled away. Seeing the miserable scene, the survivors were so embarrassed that they lined up the team honestly.

Yue Zhong glanced at the honest survivors, coldly said, “People who are disobedient, use their whip to draw. After they draw, they will understand the importance of order and discipline.”

“I see. Commander Yue!” Chen Shitou nodded.

Following Yue Zhong, Yao Yao wearing a small military uniform looked at this scene, revealing a thoughtful look. This little loli quietly slipped into the car of Yue Zhong. After Yue Zhong was discovered, already was almost at the base.

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