God and Devil World Chapter 124:

White Bones and Greenie rushed into the corpse and immediately set off a flesh storm. No zombies can stop the axe of White Bones and the pecking of Greenie. The slow-moving Common zombies was bombed and killed by the two.

Feeling the movement here, the zombiess around the three cars immediately moved towards White Bones and Greenie, and the pressure on those three cars was alleviated a lot.

As soon as the three cars got the moving space, the maximum horsepower of the car immediately rushed out of the corpse, and all the zombiess were hit by the car.

The three cars rushed out of the corpse without any deceleration. They hit and flew dozens of zombiess on the way and slammed into the White Bones fighting the corpse.

The White Bones with the White Bones axe also couldn’t stop the impact of the bus, along with the surrounding six heads zombies, was hit by the bus and flew to the side.

Another Hammer also crashed into the Greenie who was blocking the road and was fighting zombies.

Greenie was struck by the Hammer, and a wailing sound was heard and it was knocked aside.

Greenie !!!” Seeing this, Yue Zhong‘s eyes reddened and an angry roar was issued. He never expected that he would rescue the man in the car. The man in the car was so vicious. In order to be able to escape faster, the rescuer would be hit by it.

After hitting Greenie and White Bones, there are no more obstacles. The three cars rushed away and ran towards the Yue Zhong standing in the middle of the road.

“A group of Scum!” Yue Zhong was furious, pointing his finger at one of the buses, a magic array emerged out of nowhere, and the next moment a fireball blasted over the wheels of a bus.

With a loud noise, the front wheel of the bus was blown away and rushed to the side of the road.

The other two cars were even more fierce and ran into Yue Zhong.

The cold light flickers in Yue Zhong‘s eyes. After a number of ultra-high-speed launches after Enhancers, the body is slightly side, avoiding the two cars like a ghost.

As the two cars passed in, Yue Zhong launched Skill Art of Fear, and the majestic Spirit majesty enveloped him within ten meters. The two Hammer and Jeep who passed in by his side successively hit Art of Fear. The driver inside was instantly frightened and lost consciousness, fainted, and rushed to both sides of the road.

Yue Zhong didn’t go to see the survivors in those three cars, and hurried towards the direction of Greenie.

The three-headed zombies staggered in front of Yue Zhong. He pulled out Replica Tang Sword , one by one, and easily cut off three heads of zombies.

Yue Zhong came to Greenie and saw a bit of pain in the eyes of this young bird of mutant Green-Feathered Eagle, and he struggled for a while without flapping his wings.

Green-Feathered Eagle is the overlord of the sky, and its strength on the ground can only bully zombies of Common. Greenie was also just a young bird. When he was hit by the Hammer, his body already suffered a minor injury.

Yue Zhong has reached level 26 at already Enhancers at this time, but if standing and being hit by a Hammer, he will also be seriously injured.

Yue Zhong quickly took out the life-saving grass and water from the backpack and let Greenie eat it.

After swallowing the life-saving herb, Greenie calmed down, but did not stand up, apparently not badly injured.

On the other hand, White Bones stood up from the place where it was hit and flew as if nothing had happened, waving the White Bones axe to kill the surrounding zombies without any influence. It is an undead creature. Unless it destroys its head and destroys the soul fire in its head, it will not die at all.

While losing the important battle strength of Greenie, although White Bones was fierce and constantly beheading zombies, it was also surrounded by the remaining one hundred zombiess.

More than a hundred heads of zombies formed a corpse and came towards Yue Zhong.

“It looks like I’m desperate today!” Yue Zhong held Replica Tang Sword in his hand and frowned slightly. He just avoided the high-speed movement of the two cars and affected his injury. At this time, his wound was tingling and difficult to perform high Endurance. battle. But in the last moment, he would never give up on Greenie. After all, if Greenie grows up, it will definitely become one of trump card of Yue Zhong in the future.

The five Chen Wang looked at the corpse walking towards Yue Zhong, looked at each other, and were at a loss. If there are only a dozen zombies, they dare to rush up and fight alongside Yue Zhong. However, the deterrence brought by more than a hundred heads of zombies with a corpse odor and a bitten face and body made the Wang Wang five afraid to move.

Niu Chao, a sturdy man, about six or seven years old with a big sword, about Twenty, asked Chen Wang, “Chen Wang, what should I do?”

Chen Wang looked at the Yue Zhong holding the Replica Tang Sword alone and hesitated. Although he is in awe of Yue Zhong, but if he wants to work hard with zombies for Yue Zhong now, he can’t.

At this moment, with the sound of the engine beating, an infantry fighting vehicle and a military jeep came towards this side.

Liu Yan in the infantry fighting vehicle saw Yue Zhong from afar, and then exclaimed excitedly: “Commander Yue! That’s Commander Yue! Go! Go and drive over!”

Under the urging of Liu Yan, the small team composed of infantry fighting vehicles and military jeep quickly drove in front of Yue Zhong. The vehicle-mounted 86-type 7.62 mm machine gun fired wildly, forming a barrage that shot the corpse to the ground like wheat. Some zombies were bombarded by the machine gun bullets on the head, and the zombies‘s brain was directly bombarded.

From the hatch of the infantry combat vehicle, five Yue Zhong direct melee Enhancers jumped out of the car, held Replica Tang Sword , rushed towards the zombies, which was sparsely pulled by the machine gun, and rushed into zombies In the group, those Common zombies were desperately beheaded.

In addition to the five melee Enhancerss directly under Yue Zhong, there were five professional soldiers previously captured by Yue Zhong from the car.

These professional soldiers are different from the melees directly under Yue Zhong. They are skilled at holding rifles and constantly firing. They will head zombies.

Yue Zhong‘s immediate team members and the five former soldiers are all elites who have hunted and killed many zombiess. Ten of them joined the battle group, plus White Bones as a fierce god. Those Common zombies can’t be blocked at all. All annihilated.

At the end of the battle, Liu Yan came to Yue Zhong, his eyes filled with joy: “Commander Yue! You are all right!”

Yue Zhong pointed at the three cars and ordered Shen Shen to Liu Yan: “Get me all those guys!”

“Yes!” Liu Yan responded with a sound and led people to capture all the people in the three cars.

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