God and Devil World Chapter 1205: The tide of dragons and beasts!

Looking at the black palace so savage tyrannical, countless races gathered on the Pacific Ocean were full of vigilance and hostility towards this black palace.

Demons Temple is here, within the radius of Twenty, we are in the area of ​​Demons Temple. Those who cross the border will be killed without mercy!!”

At this moment, from the black palace, accompanied by an extremely dark voice, the half-step horror aura of True God-level Expert headed towards spread in all directions, full of jealousy and tyranny.

The entire Expert in the Pacific heard that dark voice, and everyone’s expression changed slightly. Those weak and small races near Demons Temple fled into the distance in a panic and madness.

The half-step true god-level Expert is powerful, killing those weak and small races is as simple as drinking water, they don’t want to die.

On the Pacific Ocean, there are countless races, billions of Expert, among them there are even half-step True God-level Expert. However, although those Experts were very dissatisfied with the arrogance of Demons Temple, none of them stood up to fight Demons Temple.

The choice of Demons Temple is also very cunning. The ones they suppress and kill are all weak races, and the strongest Expert is only in the realm of Eighth-Rank. Did not look for those Ninth-Rank Expert shots, those races where Ninth-Rank Expert was located, naturally would not be hostile to powerful forces like Demons Temple for some weak races.

The Demons Temple also fell silent after falling in the Pacific, like an unmanned palace.

Shortly after that Demons Temple landed in the Pacific, from a The gates of hell. Suddenly flew out of a giant cyan cocoon that was more than half a million meters in length, like a giant cocoon.

As soon as the giant cyan stone cocoon flew out of The gates of hell, it quickly flew over the Pacific Ocean, and crushed it towards the location of a dozen weaker races.

This time, the dozen or so weak races had been prepared for a long time. After seeing the blue stone cocoon from a distance, they quickly scattered the birds and beasts, scattered wildly, and gave up their camp.

As soon as the giant cyan stone cocoon was crushed down, all the camps in that area were crushed and exploded.

Man-Eater Temple came here, within the radius of Twenty. It’s all our Man-Eater Temple domain. Invaders will be killed without mercy!”

With a fierce roar, the horrible breath of Half-Step True God-level Expert instantly came out to spread in all directions, making people full of fear.

After the green giant cocoon descended, it was also quietly located in the Pacific Ocean. Nothing happened.

A huge pyramid with a length of 100,000 meters flew out of a The gates of hell. Landed on the Pacific Ocean.

A black nest with a diameter of Twenty 10,000 meters flew out of a fan of The gates of hell. Landed on the Pacific Ocean.

As time goes by, one by one, powerful and terrifying races flew out of The gates of hell and landed on the Pacific Ocean one after another. Crowded the entire Pacific Ocean.

There are many terrifying races that are mortal enemies to each other, but in the Pacific, they all maintained a certain degree of restraint and did not directly kill each other.

Over the entire Pacific Ocean, there is actually a weird balance. Everyone is silently watching the Tongtian Pagoda, which is directly submerged into the sky and can’t see the edge.

Yue Zhong also used the satellite in outer space to observe the tower, but the scan results surprised him. The unknown tower went straight through the entire galaxy from above the earth. Disappeared in the vast universe, I don’t know where to lead.

In the eyes of everyone’s expectation, it was time to finally open the Tongtian Pagoda, and the huge gates of the previously closed Tongtian Pagoda with a height of Twenty meters suddenly opened.

“It’s on!”

“Finally opened!!”



Looking at the opened doors of the Tongtian Pagoda, everyone around the Tongtian Pagoda became excited, and everyone rushed in the direction of the Tongtian Pagoda frantically.

The major forces that were still stationary also dispatched one after another, looking for a door to the Tongtian Pagoda according to a certain tacit understanding, and flew in directly.

Before the Enter Tongtian Tower, the major forces did not intend to fight life and death.

“What a strong aura! Is this the Tower of the Sky? It really is a Sacred Land on earth!! As long as I stay here for a year, I will be able to break through the bottleneck and be promoted to the Eighth-Rank level.”

“It is a real dragon fruit. In the shuttle, only after the death of the real dragon, the precious fruit that can grow on the corpse of the real dragon for a thousand years can be formed, great!!!”


In the Tongtian Pagoda, the aura is so abundant that you can see rare treasures from the outside world everywhere. At the same time, the aura in the Tongtian Pagoda is extremely mysterious, even more mysterious than the aura of the earth. Many Experts in the bottleneck stage swallowed the underground treasures in the tower of Enter, and then climbed to the sky one step at a time, breaking the bottleneck and becoming a higher-order Expert.

Countless Experts flew out of battleships, fortresses, and giant cocoons, madly absorbing the magical aura in the Tongtian Tower, competing for many rare and exotic fruits on the ground.

Yue Zhong, Tian Duo Holy Lord, Yuehua Holy Lord and Yinhe Holy Lord, Wudang Holy Lord, Bingfeng Holy Lord formed a small group and flew out of the battleship, swallowing the precious aura in the tower.

With a wave of Yue Zhong‘s hand, countless intelligent Robots flew out of his hands, frantically collecting the rare and exotic fruits under the Tongtian Tower and sending them to his hands.

Tian Duo Holy Lord and other Ninth-Rank Expert also used methods to **** up the rare and exotic fruits on the ground and put them into their space objects.

At the entrance of the Tongtian Tower, many rare and exotic fruits on the ground are also beneficial to Ninth-Rank Expert. They will naturally not let go of Tian Duo Holy Lord.

Yue Zhong frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice toward Yuehua Holy Lord: “Is the Tongtian Tower like this?”

Yuehua Holy Lord raised his brows slightly, and said with a wry smile: “Tongtian Tower is so mysterious, every trial is different, and we cannot learn from our past experience.”

Suddenly, there was a terrified scream in front of me: “Mutant Beast!!! The beast tide, it’s the beast tide!!”

Yue Zhong‘s heart shuddered, his eyes gathered together, and the eyes of Demonic God flashed strangely, allowing him to see a sight dozens of miles away.

Tens of miles away, a Mutant Beast with a body length of two meters, a dinosaur head, dragon-like dragon wings, and mantis-like sword arms, and Raptor Dragon-like thick legs, was flying towards this side.

Eighth-Rank Mutant Beast, the dragon mandarin beast, the fierce high-speed flying type Mutant Beast, the original power is speed, the destructive power of the group is Mutant Beast, the knife arm attack can destroy the space. The only weakness, the defense is low. The number of a group is more than three A thousand-headed dragon mandarin beast can even besieged one Ninth-Rank Expert.”

As soon as Yue Zhong saw that Eighth-Rank Dragon Mango Beast, a line of information poured into his sea of ​​knowledge, as if in the dark, he knew all the information of Mutant Beast.

There are ability to kill an Ninth-Rank Expert for the 3000-headed dragon praying beast. At this time, in the sky, the dragon praying beasts on the ground are densely packed, and the number is almost endless, even if it is a half-step True God level Expert falling into that dragon Among the praying beasts, it may not be able to survive.

The flying speed of those Eighth-Rank dragon praying beasts is extremely terrifying. When flying at full strength, the speed can be comparable to some weak Ninth-Rank Expert.

A Seventh-Rank Expert just turned around, a dragon praying beast flew past him, the arm of the knife in his hand flashed, and the Seventh-Rank Expert was chopped into countless corpses.

The dragon praying beast at the back flew directly, opened its mouth and bit, and in an instant, it would eat the Seventh-Rank Expert directly.

Under the horrible beast wave formed by the dragon and praying beast, Expert below Eighth-Rank was almost instantly killed directly, and even resistance was impossible.

Many foreign race‘s Eighth-Rank Expert attacked one after another, and even many foreign race Eighth-Rank Expert opened their domains, but they were still directly killed by the dragon man group in an instant, and they couldn’t even resist.

In front of the Tongtian Pagoda, many Ninth-Rank Expert have already broken in, and those Ninth-Rank Expert have opened up their incomparably powerful areas and blasted directly toward the dragon mandarin beasts.

Under the bombardment of the Ninth-Rank Expert domain, a large number of dragon praying beasts were directly bombarded and turned into countless pieces of meat.

It’s just that those dragons and praying beasts are also extremely savage. The sword arms in their hands contain powerful cutting rules. They rushed towards the Ninth-Rank Expert, and the right hand sword arms cut towards the Ninth-Rank Expert.

Under the countless battles of the dragon praying beasts, some Ninth-Rank Primary Level‘s Expert domains were cut to pieces. Those space cracks opened by Ninth-Rank Expert, after devouring certain dragon praying beasts, they will also be directly attacked by those dragon praying beasts. Chopped. They were in a precarious state at once.

Under the attack of the dragon, praying man and beast tide, countless creatures were chopped into pieces, and the screams and screams of screams echoed in the first floor of the Tongtian Tower.

“Ah!! How is it possible, how could I be killed by these lowly ants? They are just a mere Eighth-Rank Mutant Beast, how can they kill me? I am a demigod Expert!!!”

On the top of a corpse mountain surrounded by tens of thousands of dragons and praying beasts, a Ninth-Rank monster who looked eighth similar to Dinosaurian, with scars and golden blood everywhere, and whose legs had been cut off, uttered a terrible scream. Voice.

The scream of the Ninth-Rank monster was not over yet, countless dragons and praying beasts immediately rushed towards the Ninth-Rank monster, slashing, smashed the Ninth-Rank monster to pieces, and gulped it up.

Ninth-Rank Expert, it fell!”

Seeing that Ninth-Rank Expert was directly swallowed by the dragon mantle group, everyone felt a chill. Ninth-Rank Expert is a terrifying existence that dominates a world and transcends the limits of mortals. It is extremely difficult to kill. Now it has been killed by the dragon praying beast tide. The horror of the dragon praying beast tide can be imagined.

Shortly after the death of the first Ninth-Rank monster, the weaker Ninth-Rank Expert among the dragon and praying beasts were unable to resist each one, and one by one was directly beheaded and swallowed. (To be continued…)

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