God and Devil World Chapter 114: Lifesaving grass

Qian Yiming looked at the woman kneeling in front of Yue Zhong, his eyes flashed fiercely, he shouted loudly: “Shut up! Dare to speak again, be careful I will kill you!”

Chooted by Qian Yiming, the woman trembled, pulling a small girl with a petite figure that looked the same as Yao Yao, and shouted to Yue Zhong: “Commander Yue, this Scum is not only raped, raped me, And raped my sister with others. Please help me !!!!

Yue Zhong saw a little girl the same size as Yao Yao, with a numb and horrified look, a flash of anger flashed in her eyes, and a touch of killing intent flashed in Qian Yiming’s eyes.

Qian Yiming looked at Yue Zhong and stared at him immediately with a bit of fear and shouted, “It’s just playing with two women. What do you think I do? Do you really want to kill me? My father is in Longhai City. Secretary of Qian. If you dare to touch me, he will never let you go! You send me to Longhai, and I will send you as many women as you want. “

Yue Zhong flashed a cold light in his eyes, pulled out a pistol and pointed at Qian Yiming’s head to pull the trigger.

With a bang, Qian Yiming’s eyebrows had a blood hole in his eyebrow. His eyes were filled with horror and unbelief, and he fell to the ground weakly.

“Who else touched your sister!” killing intent flashed in the eyes of Yue Zhong, looking at the survivors.

The woman’s eyes were full of hatred, pointing at the male survivors one by one, and they said, “They! They all have Scum!”

Wei Cheng was scared to kneel in front of Yue Zhong and begged pitifully: “Commander Yue! Don’t kill me !!! It was Qian Yiming who forced me !!! If I don’t go to that woman, he won’t give it I ate! I was forced !!! “

Seeing that even the son of the secretary of Longhai City, Yue Zhong, said kill and kill, Wei Cheng lost all his cards and was afraid to put on the official’s shelf again, kneeling in front of Yue Zhong, facing Yue Zhong for his crimes. Wagging pity.

Commander Yue !!! Don’t kill me! I was also forced by Qian Yiming!”

Commander Yue !!! Give me a life !!!”

The remaining male survivors also kneeled in front of Yue Zhong and begged hard.

Yue Zhong coldly ordered: “All shots on the spot!”

Yue Zhong‘s direct team Warrior directly pressed the male survivors to the ground, using rifles to rest on the survivors’ skulls, and pulled the trigger.

With four shots, the four survivors were shot on the spot by Yue Zhong.

“Don’t kill me !!! I’m willing to do everything !!! I’m willing to do everything !!!”

The beautiful woman beside Qian Yiming knelt before Yue Zhong and begged bitterly. Another beautiful woman standing next to Qian Yiming was intimidated directly, and the pale yellow liquid flowed out from the inside of her thigh. The two of them have always been with Qian Yiming, seeing more of the evil things Qian Yiming did, but so many people were shot dead in front of them still scared her. She was terrified at the thought of her future.

Yue Zhong glanced at the two women and waved to one of the team members and ordered: “Take them down!”

Although these two women are beautiful, none of them can match the size of two big and small loli, Lu Wen and Guo Yu. Moreover, there is no temperament of star Yuqing. Yue Zhong has no interest in them at all.

The team member received an order from Yue Zhong and immediately pressed the women out of here.

“Thank you!” The woman who identified Qian Yiming thanked Yue Zhong and pulled her sister to turn silently.

Just as the woman has just gone a short distance, she suddenly turned around and came to Yue Zhong and said, “Commander Yue. I have an intelligence to tell you.”

Yue Zhong turned to look at the woman and said, “What information?”

The woman looked at Yue Zhong and said, “I found a plant that has a wonderful effect on healing. Please follow me!”

Yue Zhong stared at the woman for a while and asked, “What’s your name?”

The woman said, “My name is Zhang Yi!”

Yue Zhong cut short command: “Lead the way!”

Soon after, the entire town will fall into the hands of Yue Zhong. He is not afraid of Zhang Yi’s tricks.

Zhang Yi didn’t say much. She silently took Yue Zhong and walked towards the town.

After walking around, Zhang Yi took the Yue Zhong to the edge of the mountain side of Shima Town.

Zhang Yi pointed to a plant with yellow flowers rooted on a skull bone and a leaf with four petals and said to Yue Zhong: “This is this kind of plant. I have seen two monkeys fight each other, and one of them won The stomach was also torn open, and his body was full of wounds. It just ate a flower of such a plant, and then spit out the juice from it and wiped it on the wound. The magical monkey ’s wound soon healed.

Yue Zhong looked closely, and saw that those plants with yellow flowers were rooted on a already, which was chopped down to the bones. There were not many carrion corpses. One corpse was rooted with seven flowers. Exotic flower.

Zhang Yi glanced at Yue Zhong, bit her teeth, bit her own finger with her teeth, and then took a small yellow flower from the skull and chewed, and then wiped the juice on her finger, and She stretched her bitten finger in front of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong took a closer look, and saw that the wound that Zhang Yi himself had broken soon healed, and the healing speed was far faster than any known medicine.

Yue Zhong glanced at Zhang Yi and said with a stern expression: “Good job! I will give you and your sister a formal team member. As long as it does not violate the rules I have set, your sisters will be able to be dignified in me Live well within the sphere of influence. No one can bully you. But this plant will be classified as highly confidential. If you leak a half sentence, I will not be polite to you and your sister. Understand? “

Zhang Yi’s heart was loose, a big rock fell to the ground and thanked Yue Zhong: “Thank you Commander Yue!”

Zhang Yi told this secret to Yue Zhong, in addition to expressing her gratitude for Yue Zhong, she also had a little thought. She wants to be able to move better among the forces of Yue Zhong. In this eschatology, this magical plant has little effect on her, but it is extremely important for a power Leader.

Yue Zhong said to the four immediate team members, Guo Yu, Lu Wen, “This plant thing. None of you have a few sentences.”

“Yes!” All four members of the Yue Zhong team responded.

Yue Zhong said to Guo Yu: “Yuer! This kind of flower is called life-saving flower. After regaining the town, you will take someone to collect information about this life-saving flower and report to me.”

Guo Yu showed a sweet smile to Yue Zhong and said, “Yes! Master!”

The Lu Wen on one side looked at Yue Zhong and Guo Yu so intimately, and the small face suddenly bulged.

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