God and Devil World Chapter 1124: Confusion!

On a building nearly 500 meters from the center of the battlefield, a dozen fully armed militants lie on the roof of the building, looking towards the battlefield.

A middle-aged man with sun-skinned skin and wind and frost written on his face looked at the elite Central Army with a look of horror in his eyes, and could not help but whispered: “Grass, these guys’ The equipment is really good. “

A young man dyed with blonde hair, wearing a shirt and ** with a chest flashed with a look of fear on his face: “Yeah, the bullets of the l3 even heavy machine guns can defend, and the grenade ca n’t be hit with one blow. They were torn to pieces. But even the rifles they held in their hands could open a big hole on those l3’s heads with just one shot. This kind of battle strength is really terrifying. “

These militants are armed with Shanghai troops before the end of the world. They originally thought that their equipment had been crowned the China country, but they were completely gorgeous with advanced weapons such as Gauss rifles, laser gun, Electromagnetic Mechanism guns and other advanced weapons. Compared with the China Central Army, the rifles in their hands are like burning sticks, but they are like turtles.

A black, short, ugly-looking, grumpy-looking man turned towards a middle-aged man in a sturdy, handsome-looking suit wearing a straight suit and handsome appearance, with a slight haze between his eyebrows: “Wei Boss, if they beat those zombies, once Enter our base, our base will fall into their control. By then, our life and death will be within their minds.”

After hearing the dark and short-faced man’s words, the dozen armed men suddenly became silent. Look in the direction of Wei Wei Boss.

The dozen armed men were all subordinates of Wei Boss. They followed Wei Boss in the underground bases of thousands of people, tyrannically dominating powers, blessing many women. If their crimes are settled, they will definitely die.

Wei Boss‘s eyes flashed in a cruel way: “What should I do? Cold salad, if the things we do are known, it is not enough to be afraid of ten deaths. Now we have been forced to despair, the only one The only way to make a living is to take people out of here while they are being pinned down. Let’s go! “

When the dozen armed men thought of the people who had been tortured to death, they piled up in a warehouse and accumulated White Bones, a large number of miserable deaths of men and women. My heart trembled. Firmly followed behind Wei Boss and quickly returned to the underground base.

There are so many buildings in Shanghai, the terrain is complex, and it is difficult for large forces to pass through. However, more than a dozen Experts can quickly walk through them.

The world ’s mutant is already in its third year. Most of the Expert that has been fighting with evolution zombies and Mutant Beast at the forefront if not dead have mostly evolved into the situation of Second-Rank God Warrior and Third-Rank God Warrior. Most of these dozen armed elements are Third-Rank God Warrior. That Wei Boss is a Fourth-Rank God Warrior, very arrogant, this can suppress the fierce demon.

Wei Boss and his party returned to the underground base. Five thousand survivors in the underground base were driven out.

Under the drove of more than two hundred armed men who were stationed in the Shanghai before the end of the world, 5,000 rags, survivors with a pale face, like pigs and dogs, were driven away with some food come out.

A middle-aged man wearing eyes, very gentle, and quite temperament kneeled down on the ground, begging to the militants: “Please, do n’t drive us away. Let us stay. Here it is. There are so many zombies outside, we will die, I knelt down for you, please, let us stay in the base. “

At this time in that Shanghai, there are evolutionary zombies everywhere. After three years of evolution in the last days, even the most Common‘s zombies moves faster than Common‘s human race. If it is surrounded by the Common corpse, these five thousand human race survivors will not have much life.

With the passage of time, the degree of evolution of zombies is getting higher and higher, and Common human race survivors can easily smash the head of zombies directly with a wooden stick at the beginning of the last days. A Common person can be bold enough to have several zombies duel. But now, most of the human race survivors of Common will be eaten directly by those zombiess. Only special forces, martial arts Expert, and weapons can kill zombies very hard.

The sense of smell and hearing of Common zombies are very developed. The smell of these more than 5,000 survivors is very strong and will definitely be felt by the huge corpse.

Once the huge corpse senses these survivors, they will send out a large army to lay siege. The survivors here are absolutely dead.

Let these five thousand survivors appear with bare hands in this area is the most stupid move. This will only attract countless zombies to devour these five thousand survivors directly.

However, Wei Boss originally regarded these Common survivors like pigs and sheep. Even if these five thousand survivors were swallowed by the zombies, they would not blink. At the same time, for them, if these five thousand survivors were swallowed by the zombies, they would be happy instead. In this way, no one knows the numerous crimes they have committed, and they can even justly trust the new China country.

“I beg you! Let ’s go back!”

“Please, give us a way of life!”


Many survivors kneeled directly on the ground, crying and begging to the militants. In their current state as survivors, if they continue to move forward, they will be surrounded by zombies swarming and swallowed up, and few survivors will survive.

The militant armed with an assault rifle flashed a savage color in his eyes, and raised a rifle at the survivors who were kneeling and begging on the ground. Give you a ride !! “

In the rain of bullets, blood splashed, and those survivors who were kneeling on the ground were immediately screened by the militants, and fell into the pool of blood, blood dripping and miserable.

There was a flash of savage in the eyes of the militant, looking around the people, threatening fiercely: “Who else does n’t want to go? Just say, I can let you stay here forever.”

The survivors watched what was happening here, and there was a trace of terror in everyone ’s eyes. They dared not say anything more, and could only cry that some numbness was driven away by the militants like sheep. Then walk forward.

The five thousand survivors were expelled from the underground refuge. Their smell and sound caught the attention of the huge corpse. The corpse’s strength was incomparable, and suddenly a share was made, galloping towards the large group of human race survivors.

The Bai Xiaosheng as the commander looked at this scene, his face changed greatly, and he could not help breaking his mouth and cursed: “Damn, which **** is the Leader in this dungeon. Why are they so stupid and bastard, so that all those survivors Come out, looking for death? Damn **** !! “

The number of evolved zombies is too huge, Bai Xiaosheng only has a thousand mobile units in hand, and the rest are fighting with the corpses.

The thousand mobile units are the reserve teams controlled by Bai Xiaosheng, and are also the key units used to cover the withdrawal of the main forces. Now if killed into the corpse group to save people, most of the thousand elite central army Warrior will probably fall.

Be aware that the number of corpses in the group besieging Bai Xiaosheng has reached more than 1.3 million. He can rely on a thousand troops to resist the more than 1 million corpses. On the one hand, his army battle strength is amazing and well equipped. Another aspect is that he built a strong fortification based on the terrain. Only by using this fortification can he resist the attack of millions of corpses.

In the eyes of Bai Xiaosheng, there was a flash of struggle: “What should I do? Do you want to send Seventh-Rank smart Robot in the past? But according to the current situation, even if the Seventh-Rank smart Robot is sent out, it will not save the five thousand survivors over there. Our hole cards will be used. If there is any accident, our two thousand people will only be afraid that one of them will not go back to Tianjing. “

The Seventh-Rank intelligence Robot is extremely strong, and none of the corpses in duel has evolved zombies as its opponent. But it lacks the means of mass destruction. When there is no Yue Zhong driving Crimson Reaper, the terrorist means of eliminating hundreds of thousands of zombies in one blow.


“Save me !!!”

“Ah !!!”


The zombies has evolved a horror monster with a speed of more than 2 times the speed of s6. The three-headed s6 rushed into the survivors in a few breaths, and the claws were torn. , A survivor named human race was immediately torn apart and blood was splattering.

Although only three-headed s6 still reached the crowd, the survivors were caught in a panic, and their last Strength broke out, rushing forward to escape.

In an instant, the five thousand survivors were immediately plunged into chaos, overwhelming, fleeing around like a group of headless flies.

In that crazy escape, many survivors were pushed directly to the ground, and then trampled by the survivors behind to become meat sauce.

Wei Boss looked at the chaotic scene, smiled wildly, and ordered to his driver: “Ha ha ha! Let’s go !!”

Wei Boss was riding a converted military jeep, and all the senior members of the militants also took the military jeep and took their families and fled towards the distance. Such a chaotic situation is what Wei Boss wants to see most. With a large number of Common survivors as human shields, they can escape to farther places.

A militant was running towards a military jeep, and suddenly a ragged female survivor fell to him.

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