God and Devil World Chapter 1123: Sea Race invasion!

Every room is full of spring.

During this night, Yue Zhong enjoyed the beauty of Chen Yao. After evolved into Fourth-Rank God Warrior, Chen Yao‘s physical qualities also became extremely tyrannical. Although it was just broken, it still strives to cater to Yue Zhong, so that Yue Zhong tastes a wonderful taste.

The beautiful and rebellious beauty Zhang Jingqiao is also on the side together with Lu Wen, trying to help Yue Zhong. They are very bold and full of tricks, let Yue Zhong enjoy the blessings.

Yue Zhong has been fighting outside for many years. With constant adventures and fights, everyone stays together. Once there is a chance to be intimate, both sides cherish this opportunity very much.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was still bright, and the beautiful and beautiful Liu Mei children immediately pushed in the door and anxiously said: “Master, it ’s not good, Sea Race over Shanghai suddenly killed from the sea. It came out and has now entered the urban area of ​​Shanghai. “

As soon as Liu Mei pushed the door in, she saw Chen Yao and Lu Wen curled up like cats in the arms of Yue Zhong, Zhang Jingqiao, Zhang Jingwei, two sisters holding Yue Zhong‘s arm, white and pink skin It makes people look **** and surging.

Liu Mei looked at this scene, her face also flashed a touch of red, and her heart fluttered slightly.

Hearing Liu Mei ’s voice, Yue Zhong opened his eyes at once, and the scorching fine light circulated in his eyes, carefully breaking free from the pink legs and jade arms, and then on the face of every beautiful woman After a soft kiss, the dressing left.

Soon after Yue Zhong left, the mouth of Chen Yao, which had her eyes closed, opened her mouth slightly, revealing a sweet smile.

Yue Zhong soon came to the command center and asked Chi Yang: “What’s going on? Chi Yang?”

When Yue Zhong is away, the two giants Chi Yang and Ji Qingwu preside over the overall situation.

Chi Yang pointed at a screen with a solemn expression: “Look!”

On the screen, the endless ocean system Mutant Beast surged out of the sea and swarmed in the direction of Shanghai.

Among the oceanic Mutant Beasts, there are mutant lobsters the size of buildings, and some are up to one kilometer in length, with a red carapace, Mutant Beast with spikes on the back, and mutant that is more than one kilometer Big Sea Snake , like Diplodocus, but with bizarre Mutant Beast with sharp teeth, like an mutant dragon turtle like an island. All kinds of weird, tyrannical oceans Mutant Beast flooded into Shanghai at once, crazy and occupies Shanghai evolution zombies fight together.

During this time, the ocean ’s Mutant Beast is also evolving. At this time, after the ocean Mutant Beast of many Fifth-Rank and Sixth-Rank, there is a head with three dragons like a dragon, and a single horn grows on the top of the head. With a body like an ichthyosaur, four pairs of fins, and four legs like fierce beasts, the body is up to three kilometers long, and the body is covered with bizarre scale armor. The powerful Mutant Beast is commanding a lot of powerful Fifth-Rank, Sixth-Rank Mutant Beast.

On the body of the huge Mutant Beast with three dragon-like heads, there are groups of treads on streams, the lower body is the fish tail, the upper body is human race, the appearance is very beautiful, the face is cold and beautiful Mermaid.

Besides those beautiful Mermaid, beside those three-headed dragons, there are countless valiant and diverse Sea Race Expert.

The Sea Race and Expert are mixed in the Mutant Beast group, and they are madly fighting with the zombies army, and the two sides are seriously injured.

The number of zombies in Shanghai is counted in millions, almost endless, but there are more creatures bred in that vast ocean. At the same time, the Strength of Mutant Beast is much stronger than zombies, and a large amount of Mutant Beast rushed into the corpse Among them, those zombies were slaughtered unscrupulously.

Under the leadership of those Mutant Beast, that huge army of Sea Race has poured into Shanghai and slaughtered zombies in Shanghai. Of the entire Shanghai, half of the area has been occupied by those Sea Race.

Yue Zhong looked at this scene, and a dignified color flashed in his eyes. Shanghai was the goal of their next recovery in their plan. An elite force in the China country, led by Bai Xiaosheng with two thousand people, has set off to attack Shanghai all the way.

This elite force led by Bai Xiaosheng is armed with advanced equipment obtained from the mechanical empire by Yue Zhong, and even Sixth-Rank Mutant Beast can be bombarded. There is even a Seventh-Rank smart Robot pressure. However, if this elite force meets the main force of Sea Race, it can only be destroyed.

Yue Zhong frowned and asked: “Where are they now Bai Xiaosheng?”

Chi Yang also flashed a dignified color in his eyes, and pointed a Small Red point on the finger map: “They have reached this position, and they have now engaged with the corpse Enter. At their right 30 kilometers, There is an underground refuge in which there are more than 5,000 human race survivors. They are nailed there to fight the corpses. “

Yue Zhong looked at Bai Xiaosheng where they were, and their face suddenly changed: “This position is at the speed of Sea Race. I am afraid that they will reach their position in more than ten hours.”

Chi Yang looked at Yue Zhong and asked: “Yes. Are they going to retreat now, or are they nailed there to cover the retreat of those survivors?”

Bai Xiaosheng commanded two thousand elite Warrior. It is very difficult to cover 5,000 people to retreat in the pursuit of countless zombies and Sea Race. It is almost impossible. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of annihilation.

Whether it is zombies or Sea Race, see human race will mercilessly kill. Of course, in order to compete for the space for survival, they will also fight each other crazy.

If Bai Xiaosheng puts them on the battlefield lightly, leaving those five thousand survivors, with their weapons, they can easily escape the pursuit of those zombies and Sea Race. But those five thousand survivors were dead.

“Let me go!”

Yue Zhong thought for a while, and waved his hand directly to tear out a space entrance. He stepped into the space entrance and disappeared from the place.

Chi Yang looked at the Yue Zhong in the torn space, a smile of relief appeared on Jun ’s face, no trace of jealousy: “He is stronger again.”

In the vicinity of Shanghai, before a rudimentary mechanical fortification, a large number of Enhancers Armor and Warrior holding laser gun are frantically attacking the Corpse Sea that is rushing into this position.

As soon as the zombies approached the position, they were shot through the head with laser beams and collapsed to the ground.

Those wearing Enhancers Armor and holding laser gun Warrior are the elite troops of China. All of them have been transferred to become soldiers. Their shooting skills are extremely superb, and it is very easy to make headshots within two hundred meters.

(PS: I owe 5000 words, sorry, my body is very tired.) (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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