God and Devil World Chapter 1080: Behead Harreldo!

Harreldo coldly smiled, and all round objects suddenly flew out of his back. After a while, those round objects were scattered around his body and in all directions.

From the spherical object, a beam of particles that can penetrate Sixth-Rank Expert is blasted towards Yue Zhong like raindrops.

Hareldo has only one person, but surrounded by countless orbs, its firepower alone can be comparable to that of a long-range Machinery Battle Beast legion.

Yue Zhong flickered, evading those particle beams like ghosts, and at the same time, on the body, the light flashed, turning on the energy protective shield.


Under the intensive bombardment of the particle beam, even though the Yue Zhong continued to dodge, it was still bombarded with energy protective shield by that particle beam.

The particle beam blasted on the protective shield of Yue Zhong, blasting the Yue Zhong‘s melee protective shield, violently shaking, almost collapsed. Although the protective shield finally resisted the bombardment of the particle beam, the huge impact still impacted the Yue Zhong beyond tens of meters.

After seeing the hit of Yue Zhong, the countless particles of light rain moved and contracted madly, forming a light rain net, trying to strangle Yue Zhong.

Once Yue Zhong is hit by the piece of light rain net, it will be directly strangled by the piece of light rain net and turned into countless pieces.

“The Niu Meng has a big tone, but it does n’t look like it!”

“He was able to defeat the Seventh-Rank Mutant Beast, entirely by luck. On the true skill, it is far less than Harel.”


The intelligent Robot of the mechanical empire pointed to comment on one side. In their view. Yue Zhong challenged Hareldo to find his own way.

“Sure enough, this Seventh-Rank smart Robot battle strength is very powerful. The performance on the body is too large. However, since the driver is me, that guy must die.”

A bit of cold light flashed in the eyes of Yue Zhong, and my heart moved. The b-level eternal power furnace that was just embedded into the body suddenly went crazy. Revolved reached its limit. The huge Strength poured into the body, making the body become Crimson , All the mechanical cells are starting to work overloaded. On the verge of almost collapse.

“Overclocking state !! Since he has overclocked state of Enter, doesn’t he want to live?”

“Overclocking state, he is really bold, is Enter desperately needed to fight?”


Looking at the mech that Yue Zhong is controlling, the whole body is crimson, and the mechanical cells seem to be burning. All the intelligent Robot took a cold breath.

Overclocking status is a taboo among these intelligent Robot. Once Enter is overclocked, the strength of these intelligent Robot can be greatly improved. But overclocked. Very unstable, if it lasts too long. Their smart chips will be burned. And overclocking state, if you can’t achieve precise control and master the limits of Strength, then once you cross the boundary and exceed the limit of the smart chip, then Enter overclocking state Robot is only a dead end. And it was the chip that burned and really died.

After the Yue Zhong Enter overclocked state, the idea moved, and a Strength smart chip that firmly guarded the Niu Meng was separated. Immediately, he looked up and looked towards Hareldo, and the murderous intent that flooded the world was approaching Hareldo.

Hareldo felt the killing intention of Yue Zhong, and his heart was slightly cold, but he quickly became angry and angry: “Overclocking state, even if you are in Enter overclocking state, it is still not my opponent. Kill me!”

In a flash. From the back of Hareldo’s body, more spherical floating turrets flew out again, forming a cluster of floating turrets, and bombarded Yue Zhong crazy.

After Yue Zhong Enter is overclocked, the speed is suddenly more than twice as fast. His whole person galloped toward Hareldo like a crimson meteor. One or two particle beams blasted on his protective shield, which were easily blocked by his protective shield.

In a few breaths, Yue Zhong appeared in front of Harrell ’s body. He jumped from the ground like a cheetah preying on the ground, and suddenly jumped towards Harrell in the sky. A sword was cut directly towards Hareldo’s body.


The light of the Xuanao Rune behind the body of Harrell ’s transformed mechanical Eagle Dragon flashes, and a huge b-level shield emerges out of thin air, blocking it above its body.

Yue Zhong held the huge b-level laser sword and cut it **** the b-level shield, countless rays of light Blink , the b-level laser sword in his hand, just fell into the b-level shield Twenty Centimeters, it is already impossible to enter.

“Class B laser sword is difficult to cut Class B protective shield, Niu Meng, let me die !!”

Hareldo saw his b-level energy shield blocking the sword of Yue Zhong, and he was relieved in his heart, but a flash of savage flashed in his eyes, the sharp mechanical tail, quietly followed While slashing fiercely towards Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong did not slash Hareldo in one blow, and grabbed a claw hard, directly embedded in the energy shield, and then used it to throw, directly throwing himself like a shell at the other side of the energy shield .

Harreldo’s sharp mechanical tail hit a void directly.

Yue Zhong body is in the air, twisting the body, the b-class Particle Cannon muzzle light flashes, and in a flash of light, a hail of light slammed on Hareldo’s b-level energy shield.


Looking at the beam of Class B particles, Harrell’s eyes flashed with fear.

The b-level Particle Cannon can kill a Seventh-Rank Expert in one blow, which is very powerful. Especially in this close range, the power is even greater.

That shelled directly blasted the b-level protective shield on the protective shield of Harrell ’s multi-body, and at the same time, the huge impact force also blasted Harrell directly from the sky into the ground A huge pothole. 1

Intelligent Robot has no flesh and blood, nor tumbling qi and blood. As soon as Harrell fell to the ground, he immediately adjusted it. Numerous barrels extended from its body and blasted toward the Yue Zhong in mid-air in 360 degrees.

360-degree omnidirectional shooting without dead angles is extremely energy consuming, even as strong as Hareldo ca n’t support it for too long. But as long as it supports the self-collapse of the overclocked Yue Zhong, it can win.

In particular, the four-door b-level Particle Cannon is also turning with Hareldo’s body turning, looking for the figure of Yue Zhong. Looking for a killing blow.

In the state of the Yue Zhong body at this time, as long as it is directly hit by a b-level Particle Cannon , he will only have one dead end.

Yue Zhong was in the air, his heart moved, the body disintegrated into five balls, and it twisted and fell towards the ground.

As soon as they landed on the ground, the five **** gathered in one fell swoop and condensed into melee mechas.

After condensing and forming, Yue Zhong instantly judged a weak place for Harrell multi-body shelling in all directions, and turned into a stream of light, flying straight toward Harrell with the powerful energy shield.

In an instant, Yue Zhong immediately appeared in front of Harreldo with numerous artillery bombardments, his hands turned into a afterimage, and a thousand knives were cut out in an instant, just like an electronic pile driver. Above the b-class protective shield of Aldo.

One thousand knives were slashed in succession. In the horrified glance of Haroldo, the proud b-class protective shield suddenly collapsed, dissipating into countless fragments.

“Go to die !!”

Break through Hareldo’s shield, a fierce light flashed in Yue Zhong‘s eyes, the b-level laser sword in his hand suddenly burst into dazzling light, and a sword was cut towards Hareldo’s head.

With a flash of light, Harreldo ’s mechanical head was immediately cut off.

However, the head was cut off, but Hareldo did not die. Its headless body had a sharp and unmatched mechanical tail that slammed directly toward Yue Zhong.

With a loud noise, Hareldo ’s tail slammed into the body of Yue Zhong.

But just before Hareldo ’s tail hit the Yue Zhong body, Yue Zhong thought, and his body part was immediately separated from the body.

That Hareldo’s tail blasted on the body of Yue Zhong and directly flew Yue Zhong away from the body directly, and shattered.

Yue Zhong manipulated the upper body of the melee body, reached out and grabbed Harreldo ’s head, and the sharp claws combined, directly digging out Harreldo ’s head, revealing the Seventh-Rank smart chip inside.

“Don’t !!! Don’t kill me !!! I apologize, I’m willing to give you all my wealth first. Take my life! Don’t kill me !!!” The head was dug out, that Hareldo’s The mouth of the mechanical head is still open and closed, making a frightened sound of begging.

“Humph! Now beg for mercy, late! Let me die!”

Yue Zhong coldly smiled, and the sharp claws of Battle Robot combined, and in Harrell ’s frightened eyes, he twisted its smart chip into fragments, leaving only one Seventh-Rank Mutant Beast Crystal Core copied In the hands.

“Hareldo was killed by him!”

“Hareldo is dead!”


“This Niu Meng is just a Sixth-Rank smart Robot, how can it beat Hareldo?”


Seeing Hareldo die in battle, there was a shock in the eyes of all the Battle Robot who watched around. The performance of Seventh-Rank Smart Robot far exceeds that of Sixth-Rank Smart Robot. Although Hareldo is not the top character in the Seventh-Rank Smart Robot, it is also ranked in the lower middle position, not the bottom of existence. Such a Seventh-Rank smart Robot was beheaded by Yue Zhong, it was really shocking.

After killing Hareldo, the energy shield that bound this space was opened, and Yue Zhong directly took out an Sixth-Rank Crystal Core and swallowed it generously.

The Sixth-Rank Crystal Core Enter was purchased from the b-level eternal power furnace purchased by Yue Zhong. It was quickly absorbed energy and directly transformed into crushed.

At the same time, the huge energy was injected into the Niu Meng‘s smart chip, which quickly spawned numerous mechanical cells, allowing it to restore its heyday battle strength in a few breaths.

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