Genius Demon Empress: Fanwai: Encounter of Destiny

The Vatican seascape at night is very different from that in daylight.

In the daytime, the sea surface like a huge sapphire under the hot sun has turned into a black jade of various shades.

The fishing boat returning late made a whimper like a horn, and the sea slapped against the base of the Moon Goddess Tower, banging non-stop.

From the top of the tallest tower, there was a beam of light that enveloped the entire Vatican Sea. It expelled restless sea beasts and showed the way for the fishing boats and fishermen who returned late. More than a thousand Over the years, the Tower of the Moon Goddess has played such a role in the Vatican Port.

During the day, many tourists from other places will climb the tower and look out from the arched windowsill on the top of the tower. You can see the blue sky and the blue sea. When you are lucky, you can still see The wonderful scene of flying fish jumping out of the water on the sea.

Such a lively situation will continue until around dusk before the tourists will notice to disperse.

The local navy stationed by the Dragon War Empire will close the gate of the Moon Goddess Tower. At night, the Moon Goddess Tower will lose its beauty in the day and become a guarding beacon.

The goddess tower at night does not allow outsiders to enter. It is said that those who break in will offend the moon goddess and attract the curse of the goddess.

Of course, tourists from other places don’t know the curse of this goddess, so kind fishermen will tell those tourists over and over again.

This night, the local navy closed the gate of the tower as it did in the past.

When the moonlight illuminates the few clouds moving beside the top of the tower, a graceful and petite figure awkwardly climbed the window sill on the bottom floor of the Goddess Tower, and carefully jumped into the Moon Goddess Tower.

The owner of the figure was tiptoeing, her beautiful eyes were covered with mist by the sea breeze.

The girl’s delicate face is still blushing. This is the first time that she has escaped from the care of her parents and maid and came to a completely unfamiliar place alone.

Tonight’s moonlight is very good. The Moon Goddess Tower with arched windows on all sides is very bright even without lighting tools.

The revolving tower ladder increased step by step, and the girl raised the corner of her skirt, like a little wild cat, walking towards Tading step by step.

“The local fishermen said that as long as they climb up to the Moon Goddess Tower on the night of Sixteenth, they can see the fairy fish jumping out of the sea. Seeing the fairy fish can bring good luck to people,” the girl thought. Secretly.

The girl has a fair skin like cream, full forehead, lips like red diamonds, and her gorgeous clothes set her off like an elf in a moonlit night.

She has lived in a small landlocked country far from the ocean since she was a child, Shang Guo, she has never seen the appearance of a real sea.

This time, if it wasn’t for her to entangle her parents, she insisted on following them to the seaside city of Vatican Port in the Dragon War Empire, I’m afraid she will never be with the sea.

In the daytime, she had just got off the empty ship, and when the empty ship landed, she noticed the tower that was quiet like a goddess in the hustle and bustle of the tide and sea breeze, and she couldn’t help being stunned.

At that moment, she felt her breath was caught, and her heart was beating fiercely.

She can’t wait to climb the tower.

When disembarking the ship, the enthusiastic sailors told her this legend about the Moon Goddess Tower and the story of a group of rare fairy fish that can only be seen in Vatican Port.

Because it was already near dusk when she disembarked, the girl’s parents did not want her to visit the tower, but promised to take her to the Moon Goddess Tower early the next morning.

The girl had no choice but to agree.

That night, she tossed on the comfortable bed until the maid accompanying her snored slightly, and she couldn’t sleep.

There was a hand in her heart that kept flicking, making it hard for her to sleep.

After opening the window, she saw the moon goddess tower bathed in the soft light of the lighthouse.

Almost without a moment’s hesitation, the girl decided to visit the Goddess Tower at night.

The tower is high and the steps are steep.

The girl looked around while paying attention to her feet.

After entering the goddess tower, she couldn’t help being a little disappointed, ascending from the bottom of the tower, there was nothing special in the tower.

Wait until she reached the top level.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, the moist and passionate sea breeze slapped her cheeks, and there was an endless sea outside more than ten arched tower windows.

It is the countless gorgeous embossed carvings on the tower that make the girl really slap her tongue. Although she doesn’t understand what those carvings are, the girl still keeps her eyes wide open, staring at the entwined one by one, like ancient ones. Intricate lines like trees and vines.

After watching for a while, the girl walked to the largest arched window sill.

The windows on the top floor of the Goddess Tower are wide open, just like floor-to-ceiling windows. There is also a sign by the local coastal defense army to remind “tourists to stop”.

The girl doesn’t care about this, she seems to have a gentle personality, but in fact there is a wildness in her bones.

She turned over the sign and looked towards the distant sea.

She didn’t see the fairy fish mentioned by the sailor. Dark and light on the sea surface. The girl stood on her toes and tried to see further.

At this moment, a violent sea breeze suddenly blew up.

The sea breeze curled up the corners of the girl’s skirt, and her thin body was like a butterfly, toppled by the wind.

The girl screamed, she closed her eyes in fright, she was about to fall, she regretted that she shouldn’t listen to her parents’ advice, shouldn’t she come and look for any fairy fish.

A pair of hands, almost like a fine jade carving, stretched out from the side of the window sill, hugged the girl’s waist in time, and forcefully hugged the girl’s body back from the window sill.

The girl fell into a hot breast, and she smelled a faint smell of alcohol.

In the hearty laughter, she opened her eyes.

The first thing that caught the eye was a robe embroidered with splendid and **** cherry blossoms. Moving her gaze upward, she saw an angular chin and a pair of black eyes that could hold the entire ocean. Finally, She also saw a wine bottle.

A drunkard who drinks at the Goddess Tower in the middle of the night? !

This drunkard is so good-looking.

The girl blushed, her hands hurriedly, trying to get away from the drunkard’s arms.

I didn’t know that the drunkard suddenly put a finger up and pressed it on her lips, a faint smell of alcohol came out.

“Hush! Be quiet, it’s blooming.”


The girl’s eyes rounded. She followed the hand of the drunkard and looked to one side of the wall.

On the stone wall engraved with obscure relief patterns, there is a humble dandelion growing unexpectedly.

The dandelion was blooming quietly, spitting out the fluffy umbrella crown.

When the sea breeze, the pom-poms blooming on that dandelion are blown away.

Under the moonlight, the fluffy umbrella turned into a rainbow-like light.

The girl was attracted by this wonderful scene. She forgot that she was lying in the arms of a strange man who drank alcohol.

She raised her hand and grabbed a colorful dandelion.

After the girl caught the velvet flower, the dandelion on the wall quickly withered, and there was a gap in the original complete carving.

“This is Shenpu, a kind of spiritual wood that grows from the belly of the handed down **** in the legend,” the man’s pleasant voice came again, and he lowered his head to look down at the beautiful girl in the ring like a bright moon.

“I want to take it back to Shang Country,” the girl laughed, she suddenly remembered something, her face flushed immediately, she broke free from the arms of the drunk man, and said in embarrassment, “Who are you? Why are you in the goddess tower in the middle of the night?”

“In the next month,” the man laughed uninhibitedly, and he looked at the girl’s reddening face, only a piece of pampering remained in his eyes.

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