Genius Demon Empress Chapter 76: New Mercenary King

“The’Bing 2’mercenary squad actually recruited new members? Who knows how to live and die, dare to join their squad?” When the mercenary in charge of stalking sent the news to the five holy mercenary branch, Li Rui couldn’t help but anger. [.

“The man didn’t know the origin. It is said to be the man who **** Dong’er in the tavern.” The mercenary who was in charge of stalking did not dare to approach. He just told Li Rui what he had heard.

“Find some people to teach them a lesson, the one named Yue Jinghua, I have long looked at it,” Li Rui has already itchy hands, a small team that can’t even hold the star rank, dare to be in In front of them, the fox was fake.

“Li Rui,” Rowling dignifiedly stopped Li Rui, who was eager to try. “The deacons and elders have given orders. Starting today, you are not allowed to embarrass the ‘Second Soldier’ squad.”

“What? That group of rookie mercenaries didn’t abide by the rules of the industry, they all deceived me. Why should I let them? Besides, you didn’t promise me earlier, as long as I help the club Lead the needle with the Temple of God, will the broken team be handed over to me?” Li Rui was dissatisfied. He has always had a good relationship with the mercenary branch, and Rowling has always sold his face.

Several times earlier, there were already a lot of inconspicuous forces that were secretly dealt with by Li Rui, and the Five Saints Club passed by with only one eye closed.

“Someone recommended that Yue Jinghua represent the Five Saints Branch to participate in the selection of the Mercenary Newcomer Tournament. You know the rules, if he is elected and becomes one of the candidates, he will be the club’s key training target. Before the selection starts, in order to be fair and open, the branch is responsible for all-round protection of his safety.” Rowling has just received the news. Although she was surprised by the news, as a competent receptionist and liaison, Rowling The meaning of the above is still implemented.

“Recommend Yue Jinghua, that rookie! Let an ordinary two-star mercenary participate in such a grand event, you are crazy. No, the mercenary rookie competition is held every five years. The last time it was held was only three. Years ago,” Li Rui was shocked and anxious. The Mercenary Newcomer King Contest is the top competition in the mercenary world.

Each mercenary has only one chance to participate in the rookie competition in a lifetime. The rookie competition only accepts the registration of young mercenaries under the age of twenty. There are no restrictions on the way to sign up, and there is no restriction on gender. Mercenaries can use individual registration, team registration, mercenary branch recommendation, and private recommendation.

In addition to individual registration and team registration, which need to pass the preliminary test and advance to the competition, the remaining contestants who are generated by the mercenary branch and the private recommendation will directly enter the semi-finals.

“This time the situation is very special. After the unanimous negotiation of the Mercenary Branch, the Assassin Alliance, the Temple of the Gods, the two main kingdoms, and Danlu, in order to increase the selection and training of young profound practitioners, this year’s mercenaries The Rookie King Competition and the Xuyang Test of the Xuanzhe will be held together, and the venue and time of the competition will be announced separately.” Rowling received the news, but it was only half a day, and the recommendation of Yue Jinghua happened half an hour ago.

Li Rui only realized the seriousness of the matter, and he was still a little unwilling: “Who recommended it? Don’t the deacons have the right to veto? To pull the pig is better than the captain of the fool.”

The number of registered mercenaries in the Five Sacred Mercenary Branch is quite large, but one thing is unique. Since the profound beast ridge is extremely dangerous, most of the mercenaries in this area are old mercenaries. There are not many young mercenaries here. They are twenty years old. Among the following mercenaries, the outstanding ones are even rarer.

The Mercenary Newcomer King Competition held every five years will cause the Five Saints Club to be overwhelmed.

“The list has not yet been finalized, and everything is still variable. Before the deacons determine the candidates, you cannot move the mercenary squad and Yue Jinghua for the time being. Li Rui, I am with you. I’ve said it many times, if you don’t do it, if you don’t do it, as long as they can’t accumulate enough points by the end of the year, they won’t be able to achieve any climate.” Rowling rubbed her brows. She is also in a state of anxiety right now, she has to think. How can I persuade the old deacons in the branch?

There are indeed a lot of things that happened in the mercenary town this time.

The story of the treasures of ancient heroes made the town unstoppable. The quiet entry of the Temple of God, and the sudden increase of strange faces in the town, all became an uneasy factor in the hearts of Rowling and the branch deacons.

With so many factors, no one cares about the actions of the second generation of soldiers.

Li Rui’s eyes turned and thought, anyway, the second generation of soldiers cannot recruit a fifth mercenary, so let them be proud for a while.

What happened in the Five Saints Branch, Yue Jinghua is naturally unknown.

The unexpected appearance of Feng Buhui not only brought news about the tree monster tracking the Devil Crystal, but also brought hope.

Feng Bugui turned into a monster crossbow. Yue Jinghua sorted it out and concluded that it was related to the fact that she copied the monster pattern on the Lianyun Great Sword on Zhuge Crossbow.

In order to prevent the state of not regretting the wind from repeating again, Yue Jinghua first strengthened his body with the diluted green liquor.

I used the prajna needle to re-carve the demon pattern on his body. Compared with the last time, Yue Jinghua’s current pattern master’s skills, with the help of prajna needle, has made long-term progress.

After her second improvement, Feng Buhui practiced several times in private, and finally he was able to transform between the human form and the demon crossbow state more freely.

Finally five days later, Feng Buhui appeared in front of everyone with great energy.

Looking at the wind standing in front of her without regret, Dong’er’s eyes widened in disbelief, but then tears filled her eyes again.

Fengbuhui wakes up, and now he doesn’t need his filthy self anymore. Thinking of this, Dong’er couldn’t stand it anymore and turned around and left.

Seeing Dong’er hiding her face and running away, Feng Buhui was at a loss for a while and didn’t know what to do.

“Chasing, one or two are all made of wood,” Yue Jinghua and Salman were anxious on the sidelines.

“Women, they need to be coaxed. In this world, men who are mercenaries are the most boring.” Helen sipped her drink beside her, not knowing that she was saying that the wind did not regret it, or she was thinking of the past. someone.

Feng Buhui scratched his head and chased after embarrassingly.

Yue Jinghua blew a whistle, but then he thought that the mercenary group still hadn’t reached the quorum, and felt annoyed again.

The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it is for her and the mercenary squad. The treasure map has been released for a long time. When the heat of the treasure map passes, the idle mercenary missions will become again. It won’t be so easy to get mercenary points when it gets popular.

Qin Dongting, who has always spoken little, saw her appearance, opened his mouth, and said, “I know a mercenary named zìyóu, maybe she will be interested in joining our mercenary group.”

When Yue Jinghua heard this, she rolled her eyes and said, “Someone recommends it. Don’t tell me earlier, people, bring them here. At this time, let alone people, even if a sow comes, I’ll Let it be on top.” “The’Bing 2’mercenary squad actually recruited new members? Who knows how to live and die, dare to join their squad?” The mercenary in charge of stalking sent the message to the five holy mercenaries. During the branch, Li Rui couldn’t help but exasperated.

“The man didn’t know the origin. It is said to be the man who **** Dong’er in the tavern.” The mercenary who was in charge of stalking did not dare to approach. He just told Li Rui what he had heard.

“Find some people to teach them a lesson, the one named Yue Jinghua, I have long looked at it,” Li Rui has already itchy hands, a small team that can’t even hold the star rank, dare to be in In front of them, the fox was fake.

“Li Rui,” Rowling dignifiedly stopped Li Rui, who was eager to try. “The deacons and elders have given orders. Starting today, you are not allowed to embarrass the ‘Second Soldier’ squad.”

“What? That group of rookie mercenaries didn’t abide by the rules of the industry, they all deceived me. Why should I let them? Besides, you didn’t promise me earlier, as long as I help the club Lead the needle with the Temple of God, will the broken team be handed over to me?” Li Rui was dissatisfied. He has always had a good relationship with the mercenary branch, and Rowling has always sold his face.

Several times earlier, there were already a lot of inconspicuous forces that were secretly dealt with by Li Rui, and the Five Saints Club passed by with only one eye closed.

“Someone recommended that Yue Jinghua represent the Five Saints Branch to participate in the selection of the Mercenary Newcomer Tournament. You know the rules, if he is elected and becomes one of the candidates, he will be the club’s key training target. Before the selection starts, in order to be fair and open, the branch is responsible for all-round protection of his safety.” Rowling has just received the news. Although she was surprised by the news, as a competent receptionist and liaison, Rowling The meaning of the above is still implemented.

“Recommend Yue Jinghua, that rookie! Let an ordinary two-star mercenary participate in such a grand event, you are crazy. No, the mercenary rookie competition is held every five years. The last time it was held was only three. Years ago,” Li Rui was shocked and anxious. The Mercenary Newcomer King Contest is the top competition in the mercenary world.

Each mercenary has only one chance to participate in the rookie competition in a lifetime. The rookie competition only accepts the registration of young mercenaries under the age of twenty. There are no restrictions on the way to sign up, and there is no restriction on gender. Mercenaries can use individual registration, team registration, mercenary branch recommendation, and private recommendation.

In addition to individual registration and team registration, which need to pass the preliminary test and advance to the competition, the remaining contestants who are generated by the mercenary branch and the private recommendation will directly enter the semi-finals.

“This time the situation is very special. After the unanimous negotiation of the Mercenary Branch, the Assassin Alliance, the Temple of the Gods, the two main kingdoms, and Danlu, in order to increase the selection and training of young profound practitioners, this year’s mercenaries The Rookie King Competition and the Xuyang Test of the Xuanzhe will be held together, and the venue and time of the competition will be announced separately.” Rowling received the news, but it was only half a day, and the recommendation of Yue Jinghua happened half an hour ago.

Li Rui only realized the seriousness of the matter, and he was still a little unwilling: “Who recommended it? Don’t the deacons have the right to veto? To pull the pig is better than the captain of the fool.”

The number of registered mercenaries in the Five Sacred Mercenary Branch is quite large, but one thing is unique. Since the profound beast ridge is extremely dangerous, most of the mercenaries in this area are old mercenaries. There are not many young mercenaries here. They are twenty years old. Among the following mercenaries, the outstanding ones are even rarer.

The Mercenary Newcomer King Competition held every five years will cause the Five Saints Club to be overwhelmed.

“The list has not yet been finalized, and everything is still variable. Before the deacons determine the candidates, you cannot move the mercenary squad and Yue Jinghua for the time being. Li Rui, I am with you. I’ve said it many times, if you don’t do anything, if you don’t do it, as long as they can’t accumulate enough points at the end of the year, they won’t be able to achieve any climate.” Rowling rubbed her brows. She is also in a state of anxiety right now, she has to think about it. How can I persuade the old deacons in the branch?

There are indeed a lot of things that happened in the mercenary town this time.

The story of the treasures of ancient heroes made the town unstoppable. The quiet entry of the Temple of God, and the sudden increase of strange faces in the town, all became an uneasy factor in the hearts of Rowling and the branch deacons.

With so many factors, no one cares about the actions of the second generation of soldiers.

Li Rui’s eyes turned and thought, anyway, the second generation of soldiers cannot recruit a fifth mercenary, so let them be proud for a while.

What happened in the Five Saints Branch, Yue Jinghua is naturally unknown.

The unexpected appearance of Feng Buhui not only brought news about the tree monster tracking the Devil Crystal, but also brought hope.

Feng Bugui turned into a monster crossbow. Yue Jinghua sorted it out and concluded that it was related to the fact that she copied the monster pattern on the Lianyun Great Sword on Zhuge Crossbow.

In order to prevent the state of not regretting the wind from repeating again, Yue Jinghua first strengthened his body with the diluted green liquor.

I used the prajna needle to re-carve the demon pattern on his body. Compared with the last time, Yue Jinghua’s current pattern master’s skills, with the help of prajna needle, has made long-term progress.

After her second improvement, Feng Buhui practiced several times in private, and finally he was able to transform between the human form and the demon crossbow state more freely.

Finally five days appeared in front of everyone with great energy.

Looking at the wind standing in front of her without regret, Dong’er’s eyes widened in disbelief, but then tears filled her eyes again.

Fengbuhui wakes up, and now he doesn’t need his filthy self anymore. Thinking of this, Dong’er couldn’t stand it anymore and turned around and left.

Seeing Dong’er hiding her face and running away, Feng Buhui was at a loss for a while and didn’t know what to do.

“Chasing, one or two are all made of wood,” Yue Jinghua and Salman were anxious on the sidelines.

“Women, they need to be coaxed. In this world, men who are mercenaries are the most boring.” Helen sipped her drink beside her, not knowing that she was saying that the wind did not regret it, or she was thinking of the past. someone.

Feng Buhui scratched his head and chased after embarrassingly.

Yue Jinghua blew a whistle, but then he thought that the mercenary group still hadn’t reached the quorum, and felt annoyed again.

The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it is for her and the mercenary squad. The treasure map has been released for a long time. When the heat of the treasure map passes, the idle mercenary missions will become again. It won’t be so easy to get mercenary points when it gets popular.

Qin Dongting, who has always spoken little, saw her appearance, opened his mouth, and said, “I know a mercenary named zìyóu, maybe she will be interested in joining our mercenary group.”

When Yue Jinghua heard this, she rolled her eyes and said, “Someone recommends it. Don’t tell me earlier, people, bring them here. At this time, let alone people, even if a sow comes, I’ll Let it be on top.”

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