Genius Demon Empress Chapter 75: Assassination

c_t; The power of God?

When she heard this word for the first time, Yue Jinghua felt her eyelids flutter.

She seemed to have touched some boundary, but for a while, she didn’t know what she had touched.

This is the first time Yue Jinghua has heard the narrative about the power of God in the Eastern Continent.

Before coming to the Canglong Continent, Yue Jinghua was still a typical atheist, but after coming to the Canglong Continent, too many things that were difficult to explain with humans happened around her, and she had to believe that a **** or a demon. It does exist.

For the time being, leaving the messy thoughts aside, Yue Jinghua listened to the high priest Wumo and continued to speak.

“With the help of Snow Totem, I ice-sealed my wound to prevent the spread of the injury, but at the same time it also ice-sealed my profound strength. The teleportation array teleported us to a wasteland, and I also I passed out due to exhaustion. When I woke up, I realized that Wu Yun was deceived to sign a beast contract due to lack of experience and was deceived by a walking wound who passed by. After that, we were sold. When we arrived at the Colosseum of the Dragon War Empire,” the old priest Wu Mo knew only this.

As for where the mysterious forces came from, and why they broke into the uncontested polar ice region, Wu Mo couldn’t tell.

“Perhaps, their intrusion is related to the legend of the Snowstorm Goddess Temple. Legend has it that there are rare treasures hidden in the Snowstorm Goddess Temple,” Wu Mo could only guess like this.

“Grandma, that must be an errant. The temple is just a broken stone house submerged by the wind and snow,” Wu Yun stubbornly said.

Seeing that there was no other news from the snake girls, Yue Jinghua gave up and ordered the people in the Colosseum to release the shackles for the shepherds snakes, and prepared another carriage.

Before leaving, Yue Jinghua remembered something.

After walking out of the cell, Yue Jinghua found Ji Yun. He wanted to slip away, but was blocked by Yue Minzhi and Salman.

Seeing Yue Jinghua coming over, Ji Yun froze, turned around, and said in embarrassment, “Brother Yue, what are you going to do?”

“I would like to lose in the gambling, the thousands of people in the Colosseum have heard it. Could it be that Brother Ji can’t afford to lose,” Yue Jinghua was not forgiving,

Ji Yun trembled, lowered his voice, and said with a volume that only he and Yue Jinghua could hear:

“Yue Jinghua, don’t put your face on the ladder. If you shame me today, I will return you ten times in the future.”

“What, brother Ji, what are you talking about, I can’t hear you loudly? Brother Ji doesn’t like to wear **** on weekdays, because he came with bare thighs?” Yue Jinghua pretended to be dumbfounded.

She raised her voice, and her words echoed in every corner of the Colosseum.

Ji Yun was so angry that he didn’t even lose his breath. He stared at the Yueshi brothers and sisters with bitter bitterness, and was dragged by Qing Zizhu and left the Colosseum griefly.

Yue Jinghua smiled, arched his hands at Yunlang, and waited for a car to be delivered from the Colosseum, where the Mo Wu grandchildren were set up, and then she got up and left the Colosseum reads;.

Seeing the people of the Yue family leaving, Yun Lang looked thoughtful.

One more person walked out of the corner.

Just now, no matter whether it was Yue Jinghua or Yue Minzhi, no one noticed that there was one other than Yunlang in the corner.

This person is like air, hidden in a corner.

“This person can’t stay,” Yun Lang murmured.

The man nodded, smelling the faint smell of blood in the Colosseum, the clouds and waves had no sorrows and joys on their faces, and there was no sorrow or joy.

“Jinghua, we picked up the treasure tonight,” Salman sat on the carriage with a cheerful expression on his face.

Tonight, I stepped on Ji Yun and Yunlang, and obtained several precious shepherd snakes. The gain is really not small.

“Brother, you and Salman **** a few snake girls back. I want to take a trip to the tavern. Earlier, Mrs. Fenxiang said that it was paired with a new kind of wine. I want to try it,” Yue Jinghua all the way. Sitting on the carriage without saying a word, when she reached Linlan Street, Yue Jinghua suddenly stopped the carriage and jumped out of the carriage alone.

“It’s late at night, you have finished your work, and come back early,” Yue Min couldn’t avoid a few words, Yue Jinghua talked about it, and this dismissed the carriage of Yue Mansion to leave first.

On Linlan Street, you can occasionally see a few drunks, some of whom recognize Yue Jinghua, “Lord Yue Xiao.”

Yue Jinghua didn’t answer. She didn’t go to the tavern, but instead walked into a dark, intestine alleyway where she could not see her fingers.

The houses on both sides of the laneway have already stopped.

The alleyway was dark, but for Yue Jinghua, it was unimpeded.

In mid-June, the imperial capital had already entered summer, but at this time, Yue Jinghua felt cold all over.

A sense of suffocation as if submerged in the water, following her like a shadow.

Instinctively told Yue Jinghua that something was wrong.

From the moment she and the people in the mansion stepped on the carriage, a horrible sight stared at No matter how the carriage drives, they can’t get rid of it, in order to ensure that the brother and Salman She would not be implicated, she had to lie and send them back first.

The pace stopped abruptly, and there was only a dead end ahead. Behind him, the urgency of pursuing him still did not disappear.

“Dare to ask, but a friend of the Assassin Alliance?” Yue Jinghua felt the feeling of needles on his back. This feeling was murderous.

She once noticed this aura from Guo Ziyu when she was angry, and Xie San who was killed by her.

Only tonight, the murderous aura exuding from this person is much stronger than the previous two.

Could it be said that the Assassin Alliance already knew about her killing the evil three, and sent a more powerful assassin at the killing **** level to chase after her?

A shadow cast on the pavement in front of Yue Jinghua, and a figure appeared.

It was a tall and thin man. He didn’t have excessively exaggerated muscles, and he didn’t have an overwhelming aura. He had a sacred pattern that Yue Jinghua had never seen before.

This is the first time that Yue Jinghua has seen such a beautifully painted holy pattern.

Every stroke and every drawing of its outline is just right, the color is accurate, and the pen is neat. On the man’s shoulder and neck, the sacred pattern pieced together is a lifelike Yama Wolf King.

A name jumped into Yue Jinghua’s mind.

Even though the man didn’t say anything, Yue Jinghua had already recognized his identity.

Among the four major forces on Linlan Street, the one who sees the dragon and misses the end is the most, “Ming Wolf.”

After coming out of the Colosseum, I focused on Yue Jinghua’s person, Minglang.

Ming werewolf, as the name suggests, has a pair of golden wolf pupils. He looked at Yue Jinghua in front of him, as if she was already dead.

“Do you want to kill me?” Facing the thick and almost suffocating murderous aura, Yue Jinghua slowly took a step back.

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