Genius Demon Empress Chapter 71: Reward on merits

The early morning sun has not had time to drive away the smog.

There was a thunderous roar that shook the barren geese forest rumbling.

It was just one night, the largest forest outside Poluo City, Yanbo Forest has changed its old appearance.

“What’s going on?” Wearing a yellow hunting robe, his face was so gloomy that there was almost dripping ice scum. Fa Xiaoyun, the monarch of Shang Dynasty, was furious.

The significance of Yanbo Forest to the entire Shang Dynasty is known to the entire Shang Dynasty’s royal family.

The land snapping turtle, which lived almost the same life as Shang Guo, was left by our ancestors.

Each emperor of the Shang Dynasty will be told the story of the **** tortoise power from an early age.

In the early years, the monarchs of the Shang Kingdom sent the Imperial Forest Army to guard the Yanbo Forest. However, the tortoise was cruel, and anyone who came close to it would be swallowed by it and the profound beasts.

For a long time, the monarch of the Shang country just kept a group of mysterious beasts in the periphery for the snapping turtles to eat according to what the ancestors said. The snapping turtles will not die for a day, and the Shang country will always be prosperous.

I don’t know that early today, the rooster cried only three times, and the heavenly master of the Tianji Pavilion in the palace rushed to report overnight, saying that there was a disaster of blood and light in the Yanbo Forest outside the city of Boluo.

Fa Xiaotian didn’t think so at the time and didn’t immediately send troops to the outskirts. He accidentally entered the Yanbo Forest when he was young. If he hadn’t left him with the blood of the Fa clan, he would have been swallowed by a snapping turtle. , Fa Xiaoyun, the narrow-minded Fa Xiaoyun, felt very disgusted with that ugly snapping turtle.

What’s more, Fa Xiaoyun has always believed that there are no fierce beasts or masters in Shang Kingdom that can endanger the survival of snapping turtles.

I don’t know that at dawn, General Tianwei came to report that it was outside the city of Poluo, and the profound beast rioted and almost disturbed the people.

Prince Xiaoyi took his soldiers to set up the frightened people early in the morning. Some troops were sent to expel the profound beasts. When the army arrived at the Yanbo Forest, everyone was shocked by the sight in front of them.

Fa Xiaoyun was only reported to Fa Xiaoyun for the second time.

Standing in the Yanbo Forest, it is no wonder that Fa Xiaoyun is so angry, the old trees and flowers, now only the eyes are left with devastation.

The forest within a radius of ten miles is more terrible than having experienced fire or flooding. There is no grass, and no hair grows.

“General Tianwei, you have been on the battlefield for many years, and you have gone through many battles against the mysterious beasts. Look at whether the snapping turtle is dead or alive, and you have made the Yanbo Forest look like this.” Xiao Yun took a breath.

If it is said that it has experienced natural and man-made disasters for more than ten years, it is understandable, but the land in front of you is almost like a cursed hell. Not only can it not be restored in a short period of time, but even in decades, it is also It is difficult to return to the old scene again.

The snapping turtle disappeared completely, leaving no trace.

General Tianwei heard the question, but he also looked embarrassed. From before dawn this morning, he felt a wave of strong profound energy in the direction of Yanbo Forest, but the wave lasted for a short time. He only thought that the snapping turtle had lost his temper again, and that Tier 7 snapping turtle, if it wasn’t necessary, he didn’t bother to provoke it.

I don’t know, but in the end he found that the breath of the snapping turtle had completely disappeared.

Even though he has experienced countless fierce battles in his life, he has never seen such a battlefield.

The branches and leaves of all the trees have been gnawed away, even the grass roots on the ground have been planed out, and the trunks have been planed out.

It is said that the snapping turtle is dead, but there is not even a drop of blood on the ground, but if it is not dead, how can you explain the fierce fighting marks on the ground that are out of thin air?

In such a situation, even people like General Tianwei who are accustomed to various situations can’t tell why.

Seeing that General Tianwei was reluctant to come to a conclusion, Fa Xiaoyi stepped forward and said in a deep voice: “The emperor, according to the minister, this is not like a normal fight, but like experiencing a tide of beasts.” /

“It’s nonsense, there are not a large number of profound beasts around Shang Kingdom, where is the tide of beasts,” Fa Xiaoyun reprimanded impatiently when Fa Xiaoyi suddenly mentioned the tide of beasts.

He and Fa Xiaoyi have had grievances since they were young, but since the death of the first emperor, after he hooked up with the Scarlet Toffee, they have treated Fa Xiaoyi a little better, but that was just a facade.

A few days earlier, I heard that Fa Xiaoyi had been divorced and had a ruined fate. Fa Xiaoyun was secretly happy for a long time, and the public’s evaluation of Fa Xiaoyi also plummeted.

But early this morning, Fa Xiaoyi calmed the people and expelled the profound beast, and won him some praise. This made Fa Xiaoyun very unhappy.

“The emperor, the Weichen said that the beast tide is not the ordinary beast tide, but the insect and beast tide. Although there are not a large number of mysterious beasts in Shang Dynasty, it is located in the temperate tropical zone and has many insect species.” Fa Xiao Yi was not angry, he took a step forward.

“Weichen once visited the barbarian tribes in the south. When there was an insect plague there in spring, the situation was very similar to the forest in front of me.” Fa Xiaoyi bowed and led Fa Xiaoyun to walk aside.

“This is a trace of a land-eating ant biting the country, and the tree is hollow. This is a trace of the Qiwei Peak biting, and the ground is full of wormholes, and…” said Fa Xiaoyi.

Beast tide is a terrifying word on the mainland, and insect tide is even more terrifying noun, which is the most fearful and dazzling for any country’s monarch.

In the history of the mainland, the only few insect infestations caused devastating disasters.

Zerg, as the lowest-level existence among the profound beasts, if it appears as a single body, no profound practitioner will put them in their eyes.

But if the Zerg appears in groups, it is undoubtedly terrifying. The Zerg is the oldest of all races, and at the same time the one with the strongest ability to reproduce. You can destroy an entire Zerg team.

But even if a single worm egg remains, a whole new army of Zerg can be reproduced in just a few days.

Insect infestation means hungry on the ground, insect infestation means no harvest of particles, and insect infestation means raging bones.

“Enough.” Looking at the scars of insects, Fa Xiaoyun only felt a hairy in his heart, but from the bottom of his heart, he couldn’t help but agree with Fa Xiaoyi’s opinion.

Only the worm tide, the turbulent and indestructible worm tide, can explain why a Tier 7 snapping turtle will end up with no bones and no blood. Even high-level profound beasts, when there are millions, tens of millions of raging worms, they are afraid that they will not have the power to resist.

General Tianwei glanced at Fa Xiaoyi gratefully, and stepped forward, “The emperor, for the present plan, it is not to find the whereabouts of the snapping turtles, but to quickly find out the cause of the formation of the worm. There are also weirs. It is proposed to set a fire to this forest, which can burn the eggs here and prevent the formation of a second insect infestation. Secondly, it can cause the illusion of a fire. Beware of interested people in other countries and inquired about this news.”

Shang Guo is now Guotai Minan, if the outside world knows about the existence of the worm, it will undoubtedly shake people’s hearts and even shock some interested people.

The three people present are undoubtedly experts in power tricks. It’s a pity that they overlooked one point. None of them connected the Yanbo Forest to the profound practitioner, and no one would have thought that at this moment, In a yard in the city of Perro, someone was collecting the mess for this snapping turtle incident.

It wasn’t until the next day that the sky was light, and when she returned to the rented courtyard, Yue Jinghua gradually recalled what kind of life and death battle she and her profound beasts had experienced last night.

This time, the profound beasts have suffered a lot of damage, but relatively, they have also benefited quite a lot.

Among them, Flash Leopard suffered the most serious injuries. Its limbs were severely injured by soil thorns. It was saved by Yue Jinghua’s infusion of a few strands of good fortune.

According to Qingpu’s suggestion, Yue Jinghua first fed the Shining Leopard a Dragon King Pill, and then placed it in the Ink Rare Star Sea of ​​Consciousness. The Shining Leopard entered a dormant period for a while, and waited for it to end. Whether it is advanced or declining in cultivation is still unknown for the time being.

The cannibal Xiaoqingpu benefited the most. It not only developed the second mysterious technique-Pu Zhishun, but after devouring the flesh and blood of a large number of snapping turtles, some changes took place on its body surface.

The man-eating Xiaoqingpu now has little change compared to the initial contract with Yue Jinghua, but its plant body has become stronger, and it has become a third-order Devouring Pulp. I saw it waving and watching. Suddenly, it looked like a young and weak cattail leaf. Suddenly, the cattail leaf grew a few inches larger, and barbs shaped like a thorn cone on the surface of a snapping turtle grew on the leaf.

“Puff puff puff,” dozens of penetrating thorns shot out, like bullets fired in a series, instantly blasting a rockery in the yard to pieces.

Yue Jinghua is very satisfied with this. Of course, she is more satisfied with the chain benefit brought to her by the cannibal Xiaoqing Dandelion advancement, the second mysterious technique, Pu Zhishun.

After briefly discussing with the cannibal Xiaoqingpu, Yue Jinghua learned the most basic teleportation, although her teleportation is very Each teleportation consumes nearly 30% of the cost. Profound strength, teleportation distance is not more than ten feet, and can only be used three times in a day, which is more than a star and a half short compared to the original cannibal Xiao Qingpu.

The secret of spiritual wood mysterious technology is the same mysterious technology, whether it is the first spiritual wood mysterious technology Pu Zhiyin, or the second spiritual wood mysterious technology Pu Zhishun, she uses it more than cannibal Xiaoqingpu So much difference. Yue Jinghua also asked Qingpu for advice, and Qingpu explained that he did not do too much. He only said that there was a gap in mental power. In the future, when Yue Jinghua’s mental power and cultivation level are advanced, he will be better.

Such an answer made Yue Jinghua even more puzzled. Could it be that the seemingly weak Xiao Qingpu’s mental power is so sturdy? But she couldn’t tell it at all.

But her doubts lasted only a moment, because she had more important things to deal with right now.

Yue Jinghua hasn’t forgotten that a whole snapping turtle remains in her freewheeling gourd.

A snapping turtle with a lifespan of several hundred years and a longevity comparable to that of Shang Guoqi, is a fortune for Yue Jinghua, who is often rich and often extremely poor.

Wealth belongs to wealth. Today, Yue Jinghua has to worry about how to deal with this pile of wealth.

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