Genius Demon Empress Chapter 41: Sky Witch

“Mother, the child doesn’t understand, what happened ten thousand years ago? And what is the use of the code?” Zong Shaoqing took out the code.

The handwritten note was obtained by Zong Shaoqing from the ancient village of Tianwu by the Mikozong.

For many years, the grandson Gongyang of the Four Elephant City has been strictly guarding the ruins of Shenyue. Zong Shaoqing also tried to sneak into the ruins of Shenyue, but he has been to no avail.

Until Tianwu Dan was stolen and Changsun Gongyang opened up the ruins of God’s Fall, he could successfully enter the Tianwu Village.

It’s just that after he got the code, he checked it and found that it was just an armistice agreement.

The battle between the gods and demons tens of thousands of years ago ended with the demons retiring to the Chen plane and the holy beast won a complete victory. This is a well-known fact among several planes.

“Give me the handwriting,” the Mikozong asked Zong Shaoqing to take out the handwriting, and she was chanting witchcraft.

On the surface of the manuscript, gurgling flowed, and the original writing quickly receded, revealing a new manuscript.

Zong Shaoqing looked at the manuscript again and suddenly saw a few lines of words: “The battle between gods and demons, the war of the holy beast spreads to the plane of the moon, and the battlefield is moved to the plane of the star. The emperor has no end magic power, with one person. Power, swept the patriarchs of the four sacred beasts. The old patriarchs of the Rilong clan were defeated and captured, and the two clans of the sacred and demons negotiated, and on the condition of armistice and release of prisoners, the star plane was divided into two, and the sacred beasts and the demons were governed by them. Of course, the star plane guards the human race, and the Tianwu clan insisted on not signing the armistice agreement. Finally, the thirteen days witch reversed the situation, and the power of the ancient four-sided witch dragon severely injured Ying Wuya. Release the prisoners of war, seize the plane, and autonomy. Star plane. The holy beast clan is unwilling, and uses the sky witch clan to collude with the demon clan to play the sun plane. The sun plane **** is furious and dispatches 100,000 gods to strangle the sky witch clan and kill the thirteen sky witches. Yu Zhuqiu.”

“!!!” When Zong Shaoqing read this, he only felt that the part of the Heavenly Witch’s blood flowing in his body was boiling like boiling water.

It was the first time he heard about the Thirteen Heavens Witch.

Unexpectedly, the truth of the battlefield of gods and demons was like this.

What sacred beast has won a complete victory, and what thirteen-day witch has fallen, turned out to be all fabricated lies.

The statue of the Thirteen Heavenly Witch standing in the Sixiang City is like a big ironic joke, indicting the ignorance of the Protoss and the selfishness of the living beasts.

“We also believe in the holy beasts, so we can be deceived by them. Although the thirteen sky witches have superb witchcraft, they can’t resist the cunning of the holy beasts in the end. They are based on the ancient village of the holy beasts. On the grounds of the life of the whole village and the safety of the star plane, the people were forced to yield. In the end, thirteen sky witches were framed for colluding with the demons and were beheaded. Back then, when the thirteen sky witches were beheaded. , But I was rescued by Emperor Mo Ying Wuya and forcibly brought back to the Chen plane. Over the years, I have stolen a life alone. Every day and night, I think of the innocent children in the village, the old and weak women and children being killed, and the tenth of the year. The death of the two companions made me feel like a knife. I hate that I hate the Protoss for all right and wrong. I also hate that Ying Wuya has taken my innocence and allowed me to live like a zombie for thousands of years. Hate the shamelessness of the saint beast clan,” Mikozong’s eyes filled with tears, and her body was like a sieve.

She didn’t expect that when the armistice agreement was signed with the Mozu, Emperor Demon Ying Wuya would fall in love with her at first sight, which gave rise to her relationship with Ying Wuya.

If it wasn’t for Zong Shaoqing, if it wasn’t for revenge, she couldn’t support it for so many years.

“Mother, since the remaining twelve Heavenly Witches have been beheaded, why do you want the child to find the whereabouts of the thirteenth Heavenly Witch? The child has been found in the Heavenly Witch Village, and there is no Heavenly Witch in it. The traces of the descendants’ activities,” Zong Shaoqing pityed, and was very curious in her heart, why the mother insisted that the thirteenth Tian Witch was still alive.

“Because, the thirteenth Heavenly Witch was not caught. Do you remember that the mother once told you that all thirteen Heavenly Witches have special skills. Tao Wuzhu in the Heavenly Witch was at the last moment , Used the witch puppet he refined to save the thirteenth Sky Witch. Back then, the mother did not expect that she would give birth to you. In order to prevent the loss of the Sky Witch’s skills, we chose an heir. Qingpu, that’s The heirs we chose to inherit the mantle of the Sky Witch. The child is very talented, and although he has a more withdrawn temper, he is a child of love and righteousness.” When the Mikozong recalled Qingpu, there was a little pity in his eyes. .

Qingpu was forcibly replaced by Tao Wuzhu with a witch puppet. In order to prevent him from resisting, they even forcibly separated him from his Heavenly Witch Pill, allowing him to temporarily seal up a food next to the Heavenly Witch Feed. People dandelion miles.

The child, I’m afraid it’s blamed on them in my heart.

But for the sake of the blood of the sky witch, they had to do this.

“Mother, you mean, you separated the Sky Witch Pill from the body of the Sky Witch named Qingpu? Where is the thirteenth Sky Witch Pill?” Zong Shaoqing did not find Qing Pu, he didn’t find any man-eating dandelions either.

“We sealed Qingpu’s Sky Witch Pill in the body of the Zhenqiu Beast Witch Tapir. If the child is still alive, he will definitely find his own Sky Witch Pill, as long as he finds the Sky Witch Pill. , Combined with the power of his own summoner, will surely be able to compete with the holy beast clan. Shaoqing, the last thing I beg of you, is to complete the hundredth seizure and unify the celestial plane, Help Qingpu, clean up the original song for the Tianwu clan, and submit this handwritten note to the plane of God.” When the Mikozong spoke, her figure became more and more blurred, like an oil lamp that would go out at any time.

“For the hundredth time to seize the house, unified the celestial plane, mother… what do you mean?” Zong Shaoqing raised his head suddenly.

“Yes, I want you to devour my Heavenly Witch Pill, enter the underground palace, complete the hundredth seizure, win the body of the emperor demon, become the new demon emperor, and kill the four sacred beasts. Patriarch,” The Mikozong’s voice was cold and biting.

Ten thousand years, that hatred has been deeply implanted in her bones, unforgettable.

Only after completing ninety-nine times of seizures and devouring the Heavenly Witch Pill, can Zong Shaoqing have the strength that is higher than that of Emperor Mo Wuya.

“…really hate him so much…” Zong Shaoqing closed his eyes in pain.

Ying Wuya, his father, a peerless powerhouse of the Emperor Demon clan.

“There has never been love, and there has never been hate,” Mikozong smiled brightly.

The love, hatred and hatred of thousands of years, all smiles.

Under the smile, the cluster of black manzhusha withered, the figure of the Mikozong also disappeared in the miserable wind of Lenggong, leaving only a round sky witch pill.

Zong Shaoqing closed her eyes, not letting the warmth in the corner of her eyes fall.

At this moment, the loneliness that had endured thousands of years swept over him and almost swallowed him.

A piece of Heiman Zhuhua’s petals hit his face. He held the petals, and a bright smile passed in his mind.

Zong Shaoqing’s eyes gradually brightened, and he murmured: “At least, I still have you.”

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