Genius Demon Empress Chapter 118: Chaotic Well

c_t;Emperor Demon Palace is the place where the emperor demon and empress have been buried for hundreds of millions of years.

The many emperors before the emperor Wuya are buried here.

Emperor Mo Wuya destroyed his soul and died. What Yue Jinghua had to do was to enter the underground palace and find the emperor’s coffin that sealed Ying Wuyao, but before that, she had to enter the underground palace.

The entrance to the underground palace is right next to the Chaos Well.

Following the instructions of the red tears, I found the Chaos Well in the depths of the Emperor Demon Palace. Yue Jinghua put the body of the Emperor Demon Worry-Free into the Moxi Star Consciousness Sea, and used the stars to recognize the spirit of the sea. Power to nourish the body of the emperor.

If you want to successfully enter the Chaos Well, you must have the blood of the Emperor Demon as a guide.

Yue Jinghua still has the jade card left to her by Ying Wuyou. In the jade card, there is a drop of mixed painstaking effort of the two fathers and sons, Emperor Mo Wuya and Emperor Mo Wuyou.

In the past, Ying Wuyou gave Yue Jinghua this jade medal to prevent the capital of Heiman Zhuhua from attacking in her body.

After Yue Jinghua reshaped her body, the capital of Heiman Zhuhua, which was planted in her body, also disappeared. Yue Jinghua took this jade card and could enter the Chaos Well.

“You must find the young master’s soul within two hours, otherwise the body of the emperor demon will be damaged, affecting the young master’s soul into the body. Another point, in the underground palace, the previous emperors are buried, these Before life is a cunning and treacherous generation. After death, it is inevitable that they will not turn into Yin Sha. Among those emperor coffins, there may even be the existence of Yin Sha King who can’t be cultivated. The strongest person among the emperor demon, his body of the emperor demon, is undoubtedly fragrant for those evil spirits who are dead but not dead. After the girl enters, she still needs to be careful not to open the emperor coffin easily. As a descendant of the Sky Witch, Hong Lei has served in the Emperor Demon Palace for many years, and he knows a little bit about the situation in the underground palace.

On the trip to the underground palace, only Yue Jinghua can enter.

Others, without the imperial blood jade, once stepped into the Chaos Well, they would be corroded and swallowed by the Qi of Chaos.

Yue Jinghua nodded and stood beside the Chaos Well, holding the jade card in his hand.

The Chaos Wellhead, but the size of an ordinary spring, the black chaotic air keeps pouring out of it.

Yue Jinghua looked in, but couldn’t see the low.

Seeing this Chaos Well, Yue Jinghua couldn’t help thinking of the rocky hurricane area outside Sixiang City. Like the well in front of him, it belongs to the realm of Chaos.

It is said that among the four major planes, there are similar chaos realms.

The realm of chaos is dark, but the spiritual energy contained in it is more than any other place.

It’s no wonder that successive emperors would store the emperor coffin in the underground palace under this Chaos Well. Even after Emperor Mo Wuya was seriously injured, he sealed himself in the Chaos Well for training.

The emerald green jade card, when it came into contact with the chaotic air of the Chaos Well, the dark red blood in the center of the jade card rolled. ()

Those chaotic air, like a black snake spitting out a letter, entangled Yue Jinghua’s hands and feet.

The chaotic air in the Chaos Well is different from that in the Rocky Hurricane Zone.

As soon as Yue Jinghua came into contact with Chaos Qi, she was as cold as she was in an ice cellar.

Countless thoughts broke into her mind.

The tragic death of Lierou and his wife, the fall of Qingpu, the tragedy that occurred in Tianwu Village, and the opening of the ancient Witch Dragon King’s huge mouth, devoured her to pieces.

This chaotic air can trigger the darkest side of a person’s heart.

When people are desperate, they take the opportunity to devour their vitality.

“Small bugs, I just want to trap me,” Yue Jinghua snorted coldly, and saw that a layer of Shura killing flames filled her body. The dreary killing flames, ghosts and gods are not afraid, not to mention those emptiness. death.

Slaying the flames repelled the surging chaotic air, and in front of Yue Jinghua, a white marble-paved underground palace ladder appeared.

The stairs spiraled, winding down, not knowing where to lead.

Just as Yue Jinghua stepped on the first step, she felt her body sink down, and she immediately fell into that chaotic well.

Shallow and Hongtiao’s intuitive Yue Jinghua disappeared suddenly.

“Master Honglei, do you think the master can awaken Lord Godson smoothly when you enter this time?” After learning that Ying Wuyou had done so many things for Yue Jinghua in obscurity, even Qian Luo stood unconsciously On the side of Ying Wuyou. However, Qian Luo’s knowledge of Ying Wuyou still stayed in the memory of the son of God at the time, and he habitually called him the son of God.

“I’m not sure. According to the demon clan’s ceremonies, the blood of non-devil races cannot enter the underground palace, but the moon girl holds the emperor blood jade, so she should be able to enter and exit smoothly,” Hong Lei also hopes that Yue Jinghua can go well Wake up Ying Wu worry.

Young Master, he has had a hard time all these years.

The two were talking, when they suddenly saw behind them, a figure rushed out of reads;.

The Three Demon Concubine Star Luo with the Beatles suddenly jumped out of a teleportation formation and rushed to the Chaos Well.

“The Three Demon Concubine! Stop her,” Hong Lei had already temporarily imprisoned the Three Demon Concubine in accordance with Yue Jinghua’s instructions, and waited until Yue Jinghua awakened Ying Wuyou before going out. How did you know the Three Demon? The concubine escaped unexpectedly.

Hong Lei was also negligent. She had forgotten that the Three Demon Concubine was good at scheming. She bought a lot of eyeliner during her stay in the Emperor Demon Palace. She must have dredged the guard of the cell and secretly carried the teleportation scroll in.

“Yue Jinghua, Ying Wuyou, you made me nothing, Emperor Demon Wuya is also dead, I will destroy you, so that you can never leave the underground palace,” the three demon concubine took out one from her arms The crystal ball shining with blood-colored light sang quickly in his mouth.

The Starfall Tribe is the most adept at arranging various restrictions and formations among the demons. As one of the best, the Three Demon Concubine knows a lot of various secret formations.

“Holy Blood Ball?” Red Tears recognized the crystal ball in the hands of the Three Demon Concubine Xingluo.

This crystal is a purified crystal ball circulating on the plane of the holy beast, made with the blood of the holy beast.

In the early years, there were two planes of moon and star. For the holy beast and the human race, this kind of crystal ball can be used to purify the poisonous gas in the body, but for the demons, especially in the evil spirit For the powerful Chaos Well, the power of such a crystal ball is no less than a blockbuster.

The Three Devil Concubine was also clearly aware of this. She wanted to blow up the Chaos Well, so that Yue Jinghua and Ying Wuyou would be sealed in the underground palace forever.

“It’s too late, haha, Mikozong, you bitch, my daughter is dead, my man is also dead, I want your son to be dead,” the three magic concubines laughed frantically. Then, he smashed the holy blood ball in his hand into the Chaos Well.

When the crystal ball rolled into the chaotic crystal, the holy blood turned into a bright moon and rolled into the chaotic well, followed by a roar that seemed to come from the deepest part of the earth.

The Qi of Chaos rises up and down, setting off a chaotic wave several meters high, rolling up the three demon concubines whose complexion has changed drastically.

The Three Demon Concubine let out a heart-piercing scream, her body was torn apart by that chaotic giant wave, the primordial spirit shattered and disappeared completely.

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