Genius Demon Empress Chapter 1: Passing through

   Canglong Continent, on the outskirts of Hundred Beast Mountain, several sneaky figures carry famous unconscious women.

   The moonlight scattered from the cracks in the trees was as bleak as frost, and it spilled on the unconscious girl’s hair.

After    went to the secret place, the masked man in the lead threw the unconscious woman to the ground and threw a bag of gold coins: “I’ll leave it to you. As long as you don’t kill her, you can play as you like. “

  The person who speaks, has a crisp and sweet voice, is obviously a woman, but the cold color entrained in her words makes people shudder.

   “My lord, don’t worry, our shadow mouse mercenary group will complete the task after receiving the money, not to mention this transaction, which will not lose money.” Several men rubbed their hands and exposed their mouths full of smoke and alcohol. The lost yellow teeth, greedily staring at the prey on the ground, thought of the good things later, and let out a wretched laugh.

  The predatory woman glanced at the unconscious woman, and a sneer on her mouth pulled the roots of her hair. Behind the long black silk hair is a beautiful half of a woman’s silhouette.

   The comatose woman was very young, her exquisite body was wrapped in a slightly worn-out deerskin soft armor, and a shivering dagger was worn on her waist.

The half of    the woman’s face is bullying Saixue, her natural thick eyebrows, a straight nose, she does not touch her lips, and her facial features are almost perfect.

   In the eyes of those mercenaries, there was a stunning color, and they couldn’t help saying in unison: “My dear, we have never seen such a beautiful woman in this life. She deserves to be the number one beauty in the Dragon War Empire.” /

   “I was the number one beauty once, but now she is just a **** that cannot condense profound energy, and her dantian will be discarded.” The masked woman gathered her five fingers, and a sinister mysterious light pierced into the comatose woman’s body.

   The unconscious woman uttered a sound, her long hair was torn off like rags. After the golden light entered her body, her spine was curled together, and blood stains came out from the corners of her mouth.

   The other half of the woman’s face was exposed, dense and ugly lines, all over her right face.

   The left and right half of the face, the contrast between beauty and ugliness, was even more abrupt, and the mercenaries immediately showed disgust.

   The masked woman took her hand in satisfaction, “Don’t worry, her face is ruined, but her figure is very good. You guys enjoy it. Tomorrow afternoon, let her be free to leave her naked outside the Beast Mountain. The bazaar is now.”

   Seeing the woman raised her hand, she abolished the other’s dantian. With a profound cultivation and a vicious technique, these mercenaries who were accustomed to all kinds of life-and-death battles couldn’t help but shrink their necks.

   The woman said, her body moved like a shuttle and disappeared in front of a few people.

   “Big Brother, this person’s identity has a good background, what if you should investigate it?” Seeing that the mysterious woman had disappeared, several members of the Magic Rat Mercenary Group hesitated.

  ”It’s just a waste of family bankruptcy. What are you afraid of. The woman was cruel and lavish in her shot. One hundred gold coins, that’s not a small amount.” The Shadow Mouse Mercenary Corps is a low-level corps. Even the backbone of the regiment, Qi Feng, is only the talented person Xuan Sanzhong, eating is a problem, and it is rare to have a chance to get such a cheap job.

   Staring at the exquisite figure, Qi Feng swallowed, and the monkey hurriedly tore off the woman’s deerskin armor, revealing the white and tender chest of a pigeon breast.

   Just when the suede armor was torn apart, the woman who had been in a coma moved her fingers.

   Consciousness gradually gathered, and Yue Xiaoqi, who fell into an unconscious state when the bomb exploded and the building collapsed, gradually regained consciousness.

   wet and soft soil, moist green grass smell.

  In the 23rd century AD when Yue Xiaoqi lived, the global rainforest became extinct. Only in the national forests of several major countries can you smell such a breath. Yue Xiaoqi’s brain was a little sober.

  Forest? She should have stolen the latest and most powerful weapon of the US military in the hexagonal building, how could she be in the forest.

   In 2238, the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration discovered a book on the gamma star on the periphery of the Milky Way galaxy, which is said to record the strongest weapon in the history of mankind.

   The United States used hundreds of international deciphering experts, and it took half a year to decipher the first article of this book.

   Yue Xiaoqi and another female spy, Zhen Ni, sneaked into the heavily guarded hexagonal building and were ordered to steal this top-secret information with a market value of up to 600 billion international currency.

   After successfully deciphering the fortification of the authorities and stealing the book of the strongest weapons, out of confirmation, Yue Xiaoqi opened the mysterious book of weapons.

   It is a book with a strange name, the size of which is like a bible—Ink rare books.

   After opening the title page, Yue Xiaoqi only read a few blank pages, and she was surprised at the weird book she was holding, which made Yue Xiaoqi careless and neglected Zhen Ni’s actions.

  All the fortifications of the U.S. military were turned on in a few seconds, and Jenny’s frantic laughter echoed in her ears amidst the rain of bullets.

   Jenny, who was distorted by jealousy, yelled frantically, “Yue Xiaoqi, aren’t you the number one female spy in the world? It’s hard for you to fly today. If it weren’t for you, I love it. I am the person who is the best female spy in the world, and I am also me. Yue Xiaoqi, go to death.”

   Yue Xiaoqi, a strange female spy who mixes in black and white, wandering in the sun and moonlight.

   She is reckless, arrogant, and arrogant, and she is absolutely determined.

   Even if she was betrayed by her companions, under the rain of bullets, she was still able to talk and laugh at Yan Yan, unblinking her eyebrows and shot the suicide brooch she wore all the year round. There was enough to make the whole building collapse. Of potent bombs.

   Zhen Ni’s horrified cry before her death and a group of soldiers begging for mercy made her happy even though she died.

  As a female spy, there will be accidents at any time.

   Even if the female spy is called Yue Xiaoqi, she is the most legendary female spy of the China Alliance who has never lost her hand since she debuted at the age of fifteen.

   When the bomb was detonated, the body was torn to pieces, and the moment the blood gushed out, her blood was spilled on the ink-scrap book in her arms.

   An empty and distant voice echoed in her ears like a voice from nine days away: “Congratulations, you successfully opened the Ink Thin Treasure.”

   At the first moment of regaining consciousness, the messy and sad memory fragments entered Yue Xiaoqi’s mind.

   Crossing? Rebirth? A large amount of information flashed and thundered and poured into Yue Xiaoqi’s mind.

  She did not die, but entered her body.

   lives on an unknown continent outside the earth, on the body of a woman named Yue Jinghua.

  As a top spy, Yue Xiaoqi has screened out some of the most useful messages for her in a very short period of time.

  Who is the real owner of this body, why was it plundered here, and how to get out of it?

  Name: Yue Jinghua

  Family background: The aristocratic daughter of the declining dragon war empire was beautiful and talented since she was a child.

   Personal experience: He studied martial arts at the age of three, condensed Xuan Qi at the age of seven, was promoted to Ren Xuan at the age of ten, and became a Xuan Wu practitioner, and at the age of thirteen he was promoted to break through Ren Xuan Jiu Zhong.

   was also thirteen years old, Yue Jinghua was poisoned and disfigured, his dantian was damaged, unable to condense profound energy, and his cultivation base fell below the human profound.

   was fifteen years old, and his biological father, Grand Duke Xueying, disappeared after his family went bankrupt due to mismanagement. Yue Jinghua, together with her mother and younger brother, went to the grandfather’s house in Shang Country.

The area where    Yue Jinghua is located is called Hundred Beast Mountain. The reason she will appear here is because she wants to participate in the entrance examination of Xuan Ji Academy of the Royal Capital with her companions.

  Shortly after entering the Hundred Beast Mountain, Yue Jinghua was attacked by these mercenaries who were dressed as bandits. No one of her companions was willing to help. In the attack by one of the female mercenaries, Yue Jinghua was seriously injured and died silently.

  The memory flickered, and the male voice in front of him buzzed like flies.

  ”White skin and tender flesh, women from the noble family are really ecstasy,” Qi Feng snorted.

The scream of    immediately turned into a miserable howl. In an instant, Qi Feng’s crotch instinctively moved backwards in a sharp pain, and a white light burst out of his body, and rock-like armor began to appear on the surface of his body.

   Yue Jinghua’s body was useless, but after all, it was from a noble family, and he still had some knowledge.

  The white light on Qi Feng’s body is exactly the martial art of the human and mysterious triple warrior-rock formation, which can make the skin reach the strength of rock in a short time, and it is difficult to damage it with ordinary punches, kicks and swords.

  Quick battle and quick decision, never let him complete the rock formation.

   One of his elbows, like an iron rod emerging from the ground, slammed Qi Feng’s knee hard before the white light was fully formed.

   It takes some time for    profound energy to form martial arts. This period of time is also when Qi Feng’s whole body is the weakest. He knelt down with a soft foot.

   “Boom boom”, several bullet-like elbow blows, fast and fierce, the elbows gave birth to eyes, and they hit his knees, abdomen, chest, and neck respectively.

   Qi Feng fell on his back, and the woman sprang up suddenly, her waist flashed, and the dagger pinned to her waist flashed coldly, and the blood shook.

   The two mercenaries took a breath and subconsciously protected the crotch. It was already too late, and Qi Feng fell to the ground and rolled.

  This woman is a vicious method.

   With her back to the night, the woman’s face was hidden under the messy hair, and she was left with a pair of bright eyes that shone like a beast.

   Yue Xiaoqi’s brain is spinning fast: the enemy is three adult men, about 1.75 meters tall, all of them are practicing families.

   One person temporarily loses combat capability, and the remaining two are of poor standards. Putting down two, half a minute is enough.

   Before the two mercenaries could react, there was another flower in front of them, and the woman was gone.

   Yue Jinghua, known as trash, was like a spinning and met the two mercenaries up close.

   was another elbow blow, hitting the mercenary on the left side, and there was only a croak, the bridge of the nose cracked, and the blood from the nose mixed together.

   “Puff puff”, ten slender fingers shining with jade light stuck straight into the eye socket of the mercenary on the right, black beads burst out, and his vision suddenly blurred.

   bowed left and right, grabbed the necks of the two big men, and there was another loud noise.

   The two mercenaries who were still alive a moment earlier, softened to the ground, their faces were bloody, and there was no human form.

   licking the yin, breaking the bones, piercing the eyes, which trick is not the most insidious technique.

   Qi Feng barely straightened up, only to see that Yue Jinghua, called “trash”, quickly defeated the two mercenaries under him, his eyes finally changed, from the initial disdain Turn to fear.

   After solving the two, Yue Xiaoqi was slightly surprised. Yue Jinghua’s body is surprisingly easy to use. Whether it’s bounce ability or force, all the martial arts she learned in her previous life were summoned in one go, the only one The deficiency is that she can’t get lucky from her dantian when she fights.

   However, before she can figure out this physical problem, she still needs to “greet” Qi Feng and the black hand hidden behind him.

   If you have grudges, don’t avenge it.

   “What do you want,” Qi Feng stammered, watching the ghost-like “Yue Jinghua” approaching step by step, a smile of unknown meaning bloomed on her cheeks, like a dark night swaying Enchanting mandala.

   Who said that Yue Jinghua is a waste that cannot condense profound energy. The tricks just now are deadly. What is the rookie who came to the trial of Bai Beast Mountain? It is clearly the street evil that is familiar with various tricks. swelling of the liver.

   (reader group number: 304625216 welcome to join the group)

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