Genius Demon Empress Chapter 1: Owa Royal City

c_t;Owawa Imperial Capital, the largest city in the Dragon War Empire, and the largest and most densely populated super city on the entire Eastern Continent. It is also the destination of Yue Jinghua’s trip reads;.

Before coming to Owa’s imperial capital, many merchants who traveled all over the world thought that there are actually only two cities in the eastern continent, one is the northern land city, and the other is the southern water city.

This is easy to understand, to the effect that, regardless of the north and south, the scenes of the cities are the same. Most of the friends who want to come and have travel experience have similar feelings.

Most of the cities in the north are ancient and broad, which resemble the temperament of northern residents, and are open-minded and unruly. The cities in the south are small bridges and flowing water. They have learned the temperament of the southerners, and are cautious and meticulous.

But this sentence didn’t work when it was placed in the Owawa imperial capital.

Different from other big cities on the mainland, Owadi has several very special features.

One of the characteristics is that the traffic in Owa Royal Capital is extremely developed.

The imperial capital is divided into heaven, earth, people and four major city gates, which connect the carriages, horses, and land routes to the Owa imperial capital from all over the country.

There is a moat in front of the city gate. It was an artificial moat that was ordered to fill up 30,000 men when Long Teng I founded the country. There are four more steel suspension bridges on the artificial river. It is said that a large number of ferocious cannibals were cultivated in Hanoi. Green eel and ghost head frog.

In addition to land and water, there are also special airports in the city, where airships, airboats and flying mysterious beasts can settle and inhabit.

The second feature is that there are many mysterious beasts in the Owa Imperial Capital, and there is also a special Imperial Capital Colosseum.

Beast fighting is very popular among the upper-middle class in the imperial capital, and it is a daily entertainment for the people of the imperial capital.

In other places in the Eastern Continent, profound beasts are rare. But in Owa’s imperial capital, raising profound beasts among the nobles is a very sparse and common thing. As long as you purchase a breeding certificate, you can raise profound beasts at home.

Furthermore, privately, the people of the people are even more using the mysterious beast as a measure of the personal wealth and family wealth of the imperial capital.

Every year, most of the largest buyers of profound beasts and cubs captured by the mercenary and mercenary branch of the profound beast ridges come from the Owa Royal Capital.

Different from the Risong Federation’s philosophy of governing the country by virtue, since the establishment of the Dragon War Empire, the country has been governed by force. The strong is everything, and it has become the tradition of this country and the capital.

Even personal life-and-death battles are allowed as long as the notary is hired.

The combination of the above two features creates another new feature of Owa Royal Capital.

The third characteristic of the Owa Imperial City is that the class is extremely strict, and the rights and interests of the nobility are sacred and inviolable. The most direct manifestation of this is the inner city roads of the Owa Imperial City.

Someone may ask, what’s so peculiar about the road, it’s nothing more than a road that extends in all directions. From the Qianmo Trail to Yangguan Avenue, there are more people walking, but it’s all roads.

But if it is the road of Owa’s imperial capital, is it more than just people?

There is also a saying in the Owa Empire that humans are humane, and ghosts have ghosts. Although the road is upright, one step cannot be wrong.

Yes, in the Owa Royal Capital, not only people are divided into different ranks, but also the roads. The most fascinating thing is that there is a dragon road that can only be passed by Asian dragons on Owa Avenue.

Just three days before Yue Jinghua and Jin Nuo were about to arrive in Owa’s imperial capital, Yunluo and Teng Wu returned to the imperial capital with the dragon to sacrifice their blood.

The first thing Yunluo did after arriving in the imperial capital was to release the sacrifice to Xuechen and let it get used to the environment of the Owa imperial capital. After all, it must live in the Owa imperial capital.

Since his birth, Jiaolong Ji Xuechen has been living on the ridge of Xuan Beast Mountain, and has never seen such a magnificent capital city as the Owa Imperial Capital.

After being trapped in the dragon pattern for a while, the dragon is also exhausted.

As soon as the dragon has a dragon pattern, it can’t stop its roaring upwards, and its aura is amazing. If it is on the ridge of the profound beast, it is bound to cause a riot.

Nevertheless, in the busy street, when passers-by saw them, they just looked in awe and avoided far away, but they didn’t cause any commotion. Obviously, the people of the imperial capital were already quite ridiculous about the existence of dragons.

Ji Xuechen’s green dragon’s eye also revealed a bit of novelty. It was originally a young dragon, with a temperament similar to that of a child.

It shook its round head, and rows of extremely elegant stone houses were reflected in the watery dragon eyes.

It soon noticed that the Owa Avenue that runs through the city and can accommodate dozens of carriages.

The avenue is divided into several trails. The middle one is for vehicles from nobles and residences. It can accommodate about five carriages and drive together.

Beside the noble road, there is another road paved with gold iron ore. The road is about five inches shorter than the normal road. It can also accommodate five carriages in parallel.

Alongside, there is a path for profound beasts and profound practitioners, about the size of three carriages. On the far side is the road of ordinary people and miscellaneous animals.

The tall Owa tree sycamore trees are planted on both sides of the road. This season, the sycamore trees have already pulled out their young leaves, and the roads against the sparse shade of the trees are even wider.

These four roads are called fourth-order roads. They constitute all of the Owa Avenue in the Imperial Capital, and at the same time demonstrate the stricter class status in the Owa Imperial City than anywhere else.

If civilians go the wrong way, they will be flogged or hanged. Sometimes they are bad luck and conflict with a nobleman with a profound beast. They may be trampled to death.

So everyone who first came to Owa’s imperial capital must be informed of this rule when entering the city, and be extremely cautious when Yunluo made the dragon easy to adapt to the environment of the city, He put away Ji Xuechen and returned to the headquarters of the Yunhu Chamber of Commerce.

She left Owa’s imperial capital this time, originally planning to spend only three or two months, but she would meet Yue Jinghua halfway through, and joined the construction of Fontaine County.

For some reasons, she didn’t tell the family in advance, and even Grandpa didn’t mention it.

I just ordered a letter from Teng Wu to repair, saying that he was frail and contracted a serious illness in the town of Five Saints, and needed to recuperate for a while.

After receiving the recall letter from her grandfather, she deliberately did not raise her breath and wanted to bring a purebred water dragon.

The Yunhu Chamber of Commerce is located in the most prosperous Mekong street in Owa’s imperial capital. The magnificent chamber of commerce is magnificent and magnificent.

Yunluo and Tengwu hurried back to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. They just walked in, and before they told Grandpa that they had come back, they heard a weird voice: “Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be a sick young man. Yunluo, I said you were embarrassed to come back, but you were escorted with a few broken eggs, but you made a situation where the Yunhu Chamber of Commerce was completely shamed by you.”

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