Fix Smile Order Chapter 2: Gutang Library

What made Tang Tianyuan unbearable was a rumor.

“Have you heard, Miao Miaosheng is going to write a Longyang novel!” Early in the morning, the second brother threw the news, causing Tang Tianyuan to feel dizzy.

The second-place brother looked at him sympathetically, trying to suppress the smile that often overflowed from the corners of his mouth. Tang Tianyuan accurately captured his schadenfreude from his twitching facial expression: You too have today hahahahaha!

After being surprised, Tang Tianyuan quickly regained his composure. He sat in his office and asked calmly, “Really?”

“I don’t know this. Some say it’s true and some say it’s false. Anyway, some people want to read it, and I hope Miao Miaosheng writes it. This must be true.” Hehe laughed, pounding the table excitedly while laughing.

Tang Tianyuan held his forehead and shook his head helplessly. The second brother’s words make sense. In fact, no matter whether the rumor is true or not, as long as there are many people who want to read it, the book will sell well, and with the integrity of Miao Miaosheng, he will probably write it without hesitation. Originally a pervert who likes to cut sleeves, it must be easy to write this kind of book.

To be chased and molested by a group of girls all day, has already made Tang Tianyuan very uncomfortable. If a group of broken sleeves are added together… the picture is really miserable, he dare not think about it.

What’s more, being written into Longyang’s novel by a broken sleeve is enough to make people feel like they are on a needle.

No, Miao Miaosheng must be stopped.

Tang Tianyuan thought about it, he must first reason with Miao Miaosheng, if not, he will coerce and lure him. If it doesn’t work, at least take a break to relieve the anger.

Of course, first, he had to find this man.

Although this Miao Miaosheng acted in a low-key manner, which made people incomprehensible, Tang Tianyuan soon discovered a clue: all Miao Miaosheng’s books were printed and bound in a place called “Gutang Shushe”. Then this ancient hall should know the whereabouts of this person.

In other words, if you want to find Miao Miaosheng, you must first find Gutang Bookstore.

It’s not difficult, Gutang Bookhouse is located in Tongling County, Chizhou Prefecture, and it can always be found.

Tongling is nearly two thousand miles away from the capital, and it takes three or four days to ride the fastest horse. Tang Tianyuan asked Shangguan for a month’s leave and told his family that he wanted to travel. He was embarrassed to say his true purpose, but unfortunately his little servant was quick-mouthed and accidentally missed his mouth.

“Are you going to Tongling?” Tang Ge asked in surprise.

Tang Tianyuan felt a little guilty, “I want to go to the south to see, but not necessarily where.”

Elder Tang didn’t expose him, he just said, “Go, it’s time for you to practice.”

Probably due to an illusion caused by a guilty conscience, Tang Tianyuan always felt that his father’s eyes were a bit unpredictable.

Tang Tianyuan set off soon, rushed to Tongling County non-stop, and found Gutang Bookhouse immediately.

This bookstore is located near the county government office. In front of the door, there is a big ginkgo tree with three or four people hugging each other. I don’t know which master inscribed the plaque of the bookstore, but it is imitated by Huang Tingjian, but in addition to Huang’s condensed and thin energy, it also contains a trace of Su Dongpo’s honesty, which is very interesting.

Tang Tianyuan stood at the entrance of the bookstore and admired the plaque for a while, and began to have a new understanding of the grade of the bookstore. They should just have printed Miao Miaosheng’s book, not as vulgar as this man. Thinking of this, he lifted his foot and walked in.

A group of people in the bookstore were shouting and gambling, and the room was full of chaos.

Tang Tianyuan: “…” What is inconsistency, that’s it.

He stood still and bowed his hands to the gamblers, “Excuse me…”

No one pays attention to him. The sound of the dice in the crowd was louder than his.

Tang Tianyuan frowned and looked at the people in front of him. Three boys and a girl. The boy’s face was covered with notes, only the girl’s face was clean. The girl was facing him, with a lot of gauze tied to her right hand, as if she was wearing a large white glove. Probably injured.

Well, even the injury can’t stop the girl’s enthusiasm for rolling the dice. Shaking the dice cup with the left hand alone is dazzling. After shaking it and revealing it, it seemed that she had won again. The girl clapped her legs and laughed wildly, revealing a row of neat teeth like pearls.

Thanks to Miao Miaosheng, Tang Tianyuan has seen many women, but he has never seen one this way, and has no ladylike temperament.

They started to stop to put up stickers, Tang Tianyuan caught the moment and asked, “Is the boss here?”

The scale of this bookstore is not small. Tang Tianyuan is standing near the door, more than half a zhang away from them. The girl heard him speak, looked up here, squinted and searched for a while, and said to a large vase nearly one person high at the door, “What’s the matter with you when the boss is not here?”

Ignored in this way, Tang Tianyuan really can’t tell whether the girl has a problem with her eyes or her brain. When he got closer, the guys had already reacted, tore off the note from his face, and came forward to greet him.

“What kind of books do you want to buy, son? These are all new in our store.” A guy held up a list.

Tang Tianyuan thought that if he wanted to inquire about things, he always had to buy some other people’s things. So I didn’t look at it, I swiped my hand to the first half of the list, “Let’s get a copy of these as well.”

Seeing such a cheerful customer, my buddy went to look for books.

The weird girl just now went to the corner to clean her hands, and is now standing in front of the counter, eating a small plate of peanuts on the counter. She didn’t eat well either, so she had to throw the peanuts into the air and catch them with her mouth. I don’t know how long she has practiced this stunt, but one by one is accurate.

Tang Tianyuan looked a little dumbfounded. Regardless of whether the girl’s brain is good or not, this skill is very good.

Another guy brought a cup of herbal tea. Tang Tianyuan thanked him and said, “I want to ask you about someone.”

“Young Master, please speak.”

“Do you know where Miao Miaosheng is?”

“This…” The guy is a little embarrassed.

Tang Tianyuan paid him a piece of silver very politely.

The guy didn’t accept the money, but looked at the girl at the counter, “Sister Lingyin, this son wants to find Miao Miaosheng, you…do you know where Miao Miaosheng is now?”

The girl called Lingyin wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, drank a big mouthful of sour plum soup, and asked Tang Tianyuan, “Why are you looking for Miao Miaosheng?”

I’m here to seek revenge… Tang Tianyuan held the truth back in his stomach, and said hypocritically, “I admire him very much, and I have been with him for a long time. This time I passed by the expensive land and wanted to see him, but I had a wish.” I really want to vomit.

“Oh, there are a lot of people who admire him. I will definitely bring your words, so we don’t need to meet him.”

Tang Tianyuan found another piece of gold.

Ring Yin swallowed her saliva, and finally shook her head, “When I haven’t seen the money, I won’t give it away.”

To drive people like this, Tang Tianyuan was not convinced, “I haven’t got my book yet.”

As he was talking, the guy had already found all the books he wanted, and held them on the counter to order them one by one. One Book of Secret News; “Secret History of Longyang”…”

“Don’t, don’t read…” Tang Tianyuan’s righteous arrogance suddenly stopped, and he stopped him in a low voice in embarrassment.

The ringtone covered her lips and let out a chuckle, “Sexy.”

Tang Tianyuan felt even more embarrassed, and his face was slightly hot. He can’t explain it now. Who would have thought that at least half of the new books in a bookstore are Yanshu? What kind of bookstore is this…

The guy packed these books and handed them to him. Tang Tianyuan put down the money, but didn’t pick up the books. “You guys keep it.”

Ring Yin laughed again, “A lecher with a heart but no guts.”

“You…!” Tang Tianyuan frowned and snorted, “Your words and deeds are vulgar, and you are a woman.”

Suzune smiled and said, “I’m like this, you bite me?”

Tang Tianyuan is not good at quarreling, let alone dealing with such shameless people. He didn’t plan to argue with her, so he said goodbye and left. As soon as he went out, he turned back and took away the package of books on the counter.

Anyway, he has already taken on the name of “sex demon”, so he can’t bear the name of “sexy heart but no guts”, Tang Tianyuan thought to himself. Carrying a heavy pile of books, he stood in the shade of the ginkgo tree and looked back. This bookstore seems to use its only bit of elegance on the plaque, but the inside is full of demons, and it really is the same as Miao Miaosheng.

In the bookstore, Suzune starts eating her peanuts again.

The guy asked strangely, “Sister Suzine, don’t you like that person just now?”

Suzune stopped, frowned, shook her head, touched her chin, and said, “To be honest, I feel uncomfortable when I see him, and I always feel that it will be bad luck when I meet him.”

Another guy leaned in and said, “But he’s handsome.”

Suzune pointed to her eyes, “It’s not like you don’t know, my eyes can’t look far away, and I can see things two feet away are double images, so what does it have to do with me if I’m handsome or not.”

The guy nodded and asked again, “Sister Lingyin, what do you want to write recently?”

Suzune looked at her right hand wrapped in a bear’s paw, “I don’t know, let’s take care of it first. Actually, I have a plan.”

“What plans?”

“You don’t understand when I say it. I will share with you when I make a fortune.”

At the other end, Tang Tianyuan returned to the inn with a pile of books in disarray, and saw that the **** chief Sheng Gongzheng was waiting for him.

Eunuch Sheng is the **** in the Qianqing Palace, Tang Tianyuan wondered why he appeared here.

He thought he was wrong, but Eunuch Sheng greeted him first and said hello to him.

Tang Tianyuan quietly carried the book in his hand behind him. He chatted with Eunuch Sheng uncomfortably for a while, and Eunuch Sheng explained the purpose of his visit.

Tang Tianyuan read the imperial decree carefully, and finally understood what his father’s so-called “experience and experience” meant that day, and finally realized that he seemed to be kicked into the pit by his father and the emperor together.

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