Emperor’s Domination Chapter 7112: Paper cannot contain fire after all


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Li Qiye’s words immediately made Tianzai’s Chief Immortal Guard’s expression darken, and he said, “What do you mean by this?”

Li Qiye smiled faintly and said: “It’s not interesting. If you don’t tell me the news I want to know, then I will have to pull you memory out directly.”

“How dare you ” Tianzai’s chief immortal guard suddenly complexion big change, and Tianzai’s attendant Dragon Clan‘s cavalry also suddenly had weapons in hand. In this moment, there was a “boom” loud sound, the terrible Immortal Might was not only raging throughout the entire Chongqing Tomorrow, but also the terrifying unrivaled Immortal Might, which was about to penetrate the sacred sky’s twenty 4-layer Heaven, when the Immortal Might was roaring fiercely

, penetrated one world after another, and hundreds of millions of hundred quintillion creature trembled under such Immortal Might.

Tianzai Shi Dragon Clan, that is not the exist(ence) who has a vain reputation, it definitely has the power to suppress the immortals. “Young Master, please calm down, Young Master don’t have to argue with the servants, Young Master wants to know what, I old man can one after another tell Young Master.” Seeing that the two sides were about to get into trouble, Chongming Immortal Monarch was busy trying to smooth things over, and was full of Li Qiye

Said with a smile.

Li Qiye smiled faintly looks at Chongming Immortal Monarch, and said with a faint smile: “This is what you said.”

Chongming Immortal Monarch was busy and said to Li Qiye bowing the body: “Young Master, I am an old man who knows what to say, so please Young Master don’t worry.”

“Okay.” Li Qiye smiled faintly and refused to make things difficult for Tianzai ShiDragon Clan.

“Xianwei, go and guard the children, don’t forget the responsibilities of own.” Chongming Immortal Monarch turned around and said instructing Tianzai Chief Xianwei and the others.

Tianzai Chief Immortal Guard Xiang Chongming Immortal Monarch deeply bowing the body , said: ” Immortal Monarch rest assured, even if Even if we are shattered into pieces, we will definitely defend you Divine Beast , Never dare to be lazy in the slightest. ”

In the end, the cavalry of Tianzai Shi Dragon Clan took all the Chongming birds one after another to say goodbye to Chongming Immortal Monarch and left Chongming.

After watching Tianzai Shi Dragon Clan‘s cavalry leave with all the Chongming birds, Clan Head, Holy Spirit Shixian, who is Chongming Shi Dragon Clan, couldn’t help but gently said to Chongming Immortal Monarch: “Immortal Monarch, what should we do?”

At this time, Holy Spirit Shixian’s words spoke to what all the servants Dragon Clan in the God’s Domain wanted to say, and everyone couldn’t help but looks at Chongming Immortal Monarch.

Servant Dragon Clan, the meaning of their exist(ence) is for the Protector God Beast family. However, now in the entire Chongming Tomorrow, all Chongming birds except Chongming Immortal Monarch have been taken away.

If there is no Chongming Bird for them to guard, then what is the meaning of Chongmingshi Dragon Clan exist(ence)? looks at Holy Spirit Shixian, and looks at all the Chongming attendants Dragon Clan, Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but sigh softly and said: “For now, your mission has been completed, everyone go home, go back to where you came from

. ”

Immortal Monarch, this is our home, where can we go back?” Holy Spirit Shi Xian couldn’t help but sigh.

“That’s right, look, I’m already old silly.” Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but patted own on the head, and sighed, “You have all served trillion years for a long time, and this is indeed your home. ” Having said this, Chongming Immortal Monarch looked at Holy Spirit Shixian and all their attendants Dragon Clan, and said slowly: “Your mission has been completed for the time being, and there is no Chongming bird for you to guard. You can dismiss your posts at the moment and go look outside.

The world. “Immortal Monarch, Chongming Attendant Dragon Clan exists for the Chongming Bird. As long as Chongming is still here, we should stick to this. Even if there is no Chongming Bird in Chongming, we should guard the world and wait until the Chongming Bird returns

Come. “Holy Spirit Shixian spoke loudly.

At this point, Holy Spirit Shixian bowed down in front of Chongming Immortal Monarch and said: “What’s more, with Immortal Monarch here, our responsibilities are still there.”

“I don’t have much time left to live with my old bones, and I have nothing to protect.” Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but sigh softly and shook his head. “As long as human world, there are Chongming birds, Chongming servants Dragon Clan, they will not be disbanded. As long as Immortal Monarch is alive, we all have the responsibility to guard Immortal Monarch until the last moment.” Holy Spirit Shi Xian knelt there and spoke resounding powerful


Immortal Monarch is still a day old, and the servants Dragon Clan will guard until the last moment.” The other Chongming servants Dragon Clan also couldn’t help shouting loudly. looks at All the Chongmingshi Dragon Clan, Chongming Immortal Monarch could not help but sigh softly, and finally said softly: “Forget it, Chongmingshi Dragon Clan still maintain it, you can all go out for a walk and see the outside world

, the holy heaven has opened. If you are willing to go out and walk, say it is my order, and no one will stop you. ”

“Thank you Immortal Monarch ” After hearing that Chongming Immortal Monarch continued to retain Chongming’s servant Dragon Clan, all the servants Dragon Clan paid their respects to Chongming Immortal Monarch.

Young Master, shall we go to Chongming Palace for a walk?” At this time, Chongming Immortal Monarch invited Li Qiye.

Li Qiye, who had been standing nearby, couldn’t help but smile slightly and said, “That’s exactly what I meant.”

Chongming Immortal Monarch and Li Qiye walked side by side, leading from the divine realm to the top of the sky and to Chongming Palace. Although the journey was long, they were not in a hurry and walked slowly.

Young Master, what do you want to ask? I can’t say enough.” On the way, Chongming Immortal Monarch said sincerely to Li Qiye.

Li Qiye glanced at Chongming Immortal Monarch slowly, smiled faintly and said: “Then do you have anything to say about Xiao Yue?”

Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but be startled when he heard what Li Qiye said. He came back to his senses and couldn’t help laughing and said: “Young Master, what should I say?”

“Just say whatever comes to mind.” Li Qiye said with a faint smile. Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but shook his head gently and said: “Character, although this girl is stronger than me, she has lived for so long, but character is still character after all. No matter how long she lives, no matter what she experiences, she will always change

What cannot be changed is that she is a sharp-edged person. ”

“It would be better to say that you are a treacherous old man.” Li Qiye smiled faintly and said slowly: “You know all the inside stories, but you never mentioned a word to her.” “There are some things, tell me She, it is also hurting her, there is no need.” Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but shook his head gently and said: “If she is allowed to know, with her character, she will definitely find out the truth and break the casserole.

Ask the truth. The current ending is the best explanation. ”

“So, you are doing it for her.” Li Qiye smiled faintly. Chongming Immortal Monarch shook his head, smiled bitterly, and said: “I can’t say it’s for her own good. I can only say that for the sake of the Chongming Bird family, this girl has Innate Talent and Dao Heart better than me. She is stronger than me. Although we Chongming Bird One family, one

The direct reproduction is extremely weak, but under the leadership of the girl, it can still become the Nine Great Divine Beast. ”

“I understand, so as long as she remains in charge of the Holy Heaven, your Chongming Bird Clan will also grow stronger in the future. The difference is nothing more than tens of millions of years, trillion years .” Li Qiye said with a faint smile.

Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but sigh and said: “Actually, with her personality, she is not suitable to dominate the Holy Heaven. If she sits in this position, something will happen sooner or later, just like Glutton.”

“Paper cannot contain the fire after all.” Li Qiye glanced at Chongming Immortal Monarch and said calmly.

“But, as long as the paper is thick enough, it can be wrapped for a long, long time.” Chongming Immortal Monarch said with emotion. Li Qiye smiled faintly and said: “So, all of you Divine Beast are almost holding this idea, so anyone who has other ideas is like a fool, and in the end, they all end up in the same way

’s fate was all banned. “Chongming Immortal Monarch opened his mouth and was speechless. After a while, he finally sighed softly and said: “Young Master, we are a family after all. As a family, what things cannot be discussed? ?

As a family, any conflicts shield cannot be resolved, so it is all for everyone’s benefit. ” “It’s all for the good of everyone. Li Qiye smiled and said: “It’s all for everyone’s benefit. A few Divine Beasts decide all the big things. I’m afraid everyone will be kept in the dark, whether it’s you Chongmingniao or the real one.

Dragon, Phoenix, in the end, it is the Nine Divine Beast who have the final say, but among the Nine Divine Beast, there are so one or two fools who don’t know the truth. ”

Li Qiye Such words made Chongming Immortal Monarch smile bitterly and said, “I’m afraid Young Master has misunderstood.”

“Oh, where’s the misunderstanding?” Li Qiye looks at Chongming Immortal Monarch. Chongming Immortal Monarch gently shook his head and said: “In fact, from the beginning to the end, there is no nine major Divine Beast jointly deciding a certain matter, and there is no nine major Divine Beast having the final say. From the beginning to the end, it is Then one

People have the final say. ”

“So, who is this person who has the final say?” Li Qiye said with a half-smile, looks at repeated Immortal Monarch. “This ” Chongming Immortal Monarch opened his mouth to speak, but then he couldn’t help but shut his mouth. Finally, he shook his head with a wry smile and said: “It’s not that I don’t want to tell Young Master. In fact, for me, I know

What can I change? Not just me, even if the other nine Divine Beasts of even if knew about it, would they be able to change anything? In fact, nothing can be changed. ”

“So, among the people you know, you either stick together, or you keep the people who don’t know in the dark and treat them as fools.” Li Qiye said with a smile.

Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but sigh softly and said: “Sometimes, I can’t help myself, and I can’t change anything.”

Speaking of this, Chongming Immortal Monarch could not help but pause and said: “Often, knowing too much is not a good thing. It is precisely because I know too much that I left Tianzai Immortal Palace.” “Do you want to shut up and save your life, or do you still silently agree with some things, but own won’t do it.” Li Qiye smiled faintly.


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