Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 87: The first incident failed

  Sometimes, no plan or calculation can keep up with the changes in things. This is a very helpless thing, and it is also a very temperamental thing.

   For example, Seedorf and Mesiah, both of them have teamed up with Sardova, and they have already made a good sense of themselves, waiting for themselves and others to be recommended into the **** team to go back to the Vatican to study together, and then On the way, she was looking for a chance to kill the old princess to complete the task, but she was kicked by the nemesis Su Bai.

   Nowadays, Su Bai has been tied to a chariot, and he has moved from the calculation and circuitous route to the rhythm of the storm!

   This is the probability of bluntly changing one’s life for the task completion!

  The first element of the audience in the story world is always to ensure that they survive, and then to seek other things, instead of directly confronting the native opponents in the main mission in this way. If the audience is playing like this, If all are so resolute, then the death rate of the audience will be terribly high, and it may be so high that even the broadcast will feel distressed.

   Broadcasting is to pursue storytelling, but if the audience is so reluctant to die in large numbers, how can the protagonist and supporting role in the story die? How to tell the next story?

   The Templars took a shot at this time. The strength among them is indeed high and low, but when combined, there is a feeling of a torrent of steel.

   At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Seng Gelinqin cavalry used to charge against the British and French forces, and finally became a bleak joke under the guns of the British and French forces. Now, although Su Bai holds guns in both hands, he faces the formation When rushing to his own Knights Templar Order, he felt that even firing a shot was unnecessary.

   The three opposing knights charge and crush with the same frequency. The three are connected, and the defense power is almost tripled. This is the effect of sharing the damage.

   Su Bai could only avoid his edge temporarily, and the whole person began to retreat, but on the other side, three cavalry also rushed towards him, flanking back and forth, bringing a kind of despair.

  ”How come I feel like playing off.”

   This is the true feeling in Su Bai’s heart. Although he knows that the Templars are not easy to deal with, Su Bai hasn’t expected that he will be so involved. Before, he was surrounded by the Templars and didn’t rush to shoot. I’ve killed one, and haven’t felt what it feels yet, but now I feel a terrible pressure.


   The qi of the knight’s charge directly hit Su Bai’s body. Su Bai did not dare to resist, and was swept away. After landing, he quickly got up, but three more knights came behind. Su Bai was again Pick it up, and when the figure fell, many sabers were ready to turn Su Bai into a bunch of candied gourds.


   Su Bai, who fell in the air, turned into a blood mist, trying to avoid the battle group, but the six knights below raised their swords together, and six cages composed entirely of fighting spirit appeared in mid-air and directly attacked Su Bai. Bai was enveloped, even if Su Bai was in the state of blood fog, he couldn’t break through this grudge cage, and had to fall under the pressure of the grudge cage.

Below   , six war horses snort, obviously preparing to crush this self-defeating enemy.


   “The barrier of light!”

   Messiah’s wand flew, and a gorgeous barrier appeared in front of him.

   However, amid the sound of horseshoes, the barrier was instantly broken, and the six knights lined up in a row, crushing Messia’s magic with a decisive attitude, and at the same time crushing them directly towards Messia.

   Seedorf opened his bow and arched his arrows, and shot the three arrows directly at one of the knights.

   all three arrows were completely hit, but the knight only had a flush on his face, and the five companions around him also had a flush on their faces, still continuing the previous charge as if they were okay.

   “Damn, they can spread the damage equally!”

   Seedorf was almost desperate at this time. Before, Su Bai shot one to death, and shot another with an arrow. This made him feel lucky, but now it seems that he is still too naive.

   “Boom boom boom!”

   The square formation of six knights directly pressed over. Seedorf wanted to run, but found that the surrounding space was blocked by vindictiveness. The opponent’s speed was very fast, and it was in

After Messia’s Light Barrier and Seedorf’s Three Arrows were not effective, this charge could actually solve the battle here.


   “It’s them.” Nova stood beside An Le and whispered.

   An Le nodded, “Pay attention, it may be a tricky trick.”

  An Le walked to the prison wagon. At this time, he actually didn’t believe that the three listeners in front were really there to die and then deliberately attracted the Templars to commit suicide. Therefore, it is likely There will be others who will attack here to assassinate the old princess to complete the main task.

   The old princess, but An Le’s imprisonment, the old princess is going to kill, but not now, the reward of the main mission 2, he must get the rewards of peace, and even An Le has thought that if necessary, he can first promise Kill the baby, and then kill the old princess. Although Nova’s contribution is small, there is a certain chance that some rewards will be shared. Anle is not willing to lose a little reward.

   I have been in contact with these Templars for a long time, and An Le has a deeper understanding of them. First, the personal strength of these Templars is actually much lower than that of listeners of the same level. The common problems of the strong in this fairy tale world appear to be very immature, but once these knights are combined to charge together, it is really a desperate thing, definitely more than when the audience is combined with various enhancers. Terrible,

   because it will give you a feeling of despair!

   It’s just that, after waiting for a long time, it’s still quiet here. The priests and the Templars who stayed behind are actually waiting to prevent accidents, but no one else appeared to attack here.

   An Le can’t help but feel suspicious. Is it possible that the three listeners in front are really deliberately killing him?

   But when his gaze was swept down like this, An Le suddenly appeared. The old priest who was the lowest key in the team and the worst in food and clothing suddenly disappeared.


   The white-bearded knight’s chest was ups and downs, one of his men died and one was seriously injured. These casualties would never have occurred, but the reason for his birth was actually his stupidity! After returning to the Holy See, he would definitely be punished and scolded.

   Fortunately, the situation has actually been controlled. These three people will undoubtedly die. Those who dare to challenge the Templars of the Holy See will surely be crushed into flesh!

   “Don’t kill them first.”

   An old voice appeared beside the White Beard Knight Commander.

  The White Beard Knight Commander turned his head and saw the old priest standing beside him.

  The old sacrificial priest wore greasy clothes. In the team, he was also responsible for cleaning and cleaning, even washing and cooking. It was very low-key, or even low-key. If it weren’t for him to wear sacrificial clothes, he might even have auxiliary soldiers. The handyman could not help but call him.

   However, the White Beard Knight Commander knew that this old priest actually had the identity and qualifications of a cardinal in the Holy See. It was only because he made a mistake that year and the Holy See forgave him, but he could not forgive himself. , Has always been an ordinary sacrifice, and has always insisted on asceticism, but now many cardinals in the Holy See were his disciples back then.

   “Can’t kill?” The White Beard Knight Commander couldn’t understand, “I have damaged two of my men, they are the most loyal guardians of the Holy See!”

   “The Templars, the Holy See can be trained again. They are hard to have if you kill them. The two people who attacked that night, I came too late, otherwise I would not allow you to kill them.”

  The old sacrificial rites look serious,

  ”Charles, you must obey my orders now. The three of them must be captured alive. From them, the Holy See can obtain more secrets, and even the techniques of the Holy See can be more enriched and perfected.”

  The old sacrificial priest said so, Charles, who knew the power and energy behind him, could only gritted his teeth and raised his sword.

   “Catch alive!”


   Su Bai, who was trapped in a vindictive cage, did not wait for the iron hoof to trample after landing. Instead, six sabers lay on his body, suppressing himself firmly.

   At the same time, the knights over there stopped the charge and instead surrounded Seedorf and Messiah.



   Su Bai smiled, he was not dead, but this time it was indeed a play off. Turning to his side, Su Bai saw Seedorf and Messia who had also given up resistance, and was somewhat relieved, at least this time It’s not the story world with Fatty Monk Gyatso and the others~IndoMTL.com~In the past, every time I fell ill, I seemed to be able to turn bad luck in the end, but this time I didn’t have so much luck.

   But at least don’t worry about getting fat guys to read jokes.

  The knights escorted three prisoners back to the camp, An Le and Nova deliberately hid themselves among the crowd.


   There are several prison vehicles here, all covered with black cloth. There should be restrictions in the prison vehicles. Su Bai was pushed to a prison vehicle, while Seedorf and Messia were pushed to another one. Over there, when the two were escorted from Su Bai’s side, they were still glaring at Su Bai, which meant that a loyal person looked at the white bandit army.


   A string of iron chains was lost, and the two Templars personally bound Su Bai with iron chains. At first, Su Bai felt nothing, but when he looked down at the iron chain on his body, there was suddenly A feeling of deja vu.

   Su Bai recalled a scene suddenly. It was a memory scene of the ancient vampire. In the scene, he was **** and nailed to a cross by a chain, surrounded by Templar knights and cardinals. The cardinal gave his life to let God descend on the fire and burn it to death, leaving behind a drop of blood.

  This iron chain is exactly the same as the iron chain in memory,

  The Holy See, the Vatican, the sentence, the trial, the Templars?

   Su Bai suddenly felt a sense of not knowing what is the story world and what is the real world.

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