Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 67: Psychological profiler, white

“This is really interesting.” Su Bai did not expect that the reason why he could be ruled out by Diana was because of this, but soon Su Bai said again:

“This doesn’t make sense. If according to what you said, the deceased Simon died in the afternoon, but the old housekeeper called everyone to dinner. The nine of us sit in the same position every day. If we eat When there is one person missing, everyone should find out at that time.”

Diana smiled slightly and said: “I know you have substituting yourself into the perspective of ordinary people, but some things will still be beyond the scope of ordinary people, such as the dinner at the dinner table, where one person plays two roles. The role of an individual is not unusual at all.”

“A blind eye?

“Blind eyes? Is it your Chinese name? I prefer to call it blurred vision.” Diana stretched out her hand and rubbed it gently on the notebook. “In fact, it is not difficult to prove this. We only need to have dinner. It’s enough to simulate the scene of. This method should be easy to identify the direct suspect, but if you only identify the suspect, you can’t get enough convincing evidence.

At least, in the eyes of others now, even if I take the initiative to lead this investigation, I still cannot gain the trust of others. Everyone is not that simple. It is estimated that many people will think that I am just deliberately High-profile and sincere to clear up their suspicions. “

“You are thinking too much, don’t forget, we now have two votes. What you have to do now is to fight for two more people, or three people, that is enough.”

“You are perfunctory to me. You Chinese sometimes appear hypocritical. I can guarantee that even now, even if I give you so much trust and warmth, even if I put you in the first place. The identity of a suspect was taken off by yourself, and you still didn’t fully believe me.

Besides, comforting people is not so comforting. Among the eight people, one is a murderer. It is impossible for the murderer to vote for himself. One is me. I will not vote for myself. Then there are 6 people left, you and me. Not sure, so I have to make sure to win 4 people. The difficulty is twice as much as the two people you just said. “

Su Bai did not struggle with the issue of “trust” for too long, but changed the subject and said: “The question now is, when did this note appear.”

“After dinner is over.” Diana said with certainty, “I can be sure that this note did not appear in the room when I left the room to have dinner downstairs.”

“That means that this murderer actively killed someone on the premise that the broadcast was not motivated?”

“Actually, even if the absolute motive is not given, it will not affect the killing, because everyone knows what the broadcast wants to see in the mountain villa trapped by the storm, just like many listeners in the real world even if they don’t receive The actual task of going to the broadcast also knows what to do to get a good impression of the broadcast. This is the same in the story world.

It’s just that this murderer is obviously much more decisive than us. He is confident to take the lead without seeing the absolute benefits. He may even be preparing when he enters here from the first day. “

“Can you confirm the alibi at the gym?” Su Bai asked.

“No, because there are a lot of compartments in the gym, and there are showers and rest areas. It’s not that a few people practiced there face to face for an afternoon. On the premise that I exclude you and me, there are 6 people. , There is a chance to kill.”

“After going around for a long time, your investigation seems to be completely fruitless?”

“Well, for the time being, that’s the case.” Diana admitted, but she didn’t seem to be flustered at all. “Actually, I just said that some investigations don’t need to be so delicate. Let’s repeat the dinner The situation should be able to guess who the suspect is, but I lack sufficient evidence.”

“Are you worried about stunning snakes?”

“No, I’m just worried about the murderer’s mentality. We have all killed a lot of people. This is undoubtedly one thing, but if the murderer’s mentality is terrible, if he really settles down and treats himself To be an ordinary murderer, it is difficult to obtain the evidence I want with what I am preparing.”

Speaking, Diana shook a black bottle in her hand, which seemed to contain some powder.

“What is this?”

“Iron powder, this villa has its own storage room. A storage room is dedicated to placing some common medicines and emergency medicines. I found this place the first day I came here.”

“Yeah.” Su Bai nodded, he naturally checked here.

“But the owner of Zhao’s Villa seems to be a person who believes in Chinese medicine. There are not only western medicines but also many Chinese medicines in that small pharmacy. Iron powder is actually stored as a part of Chinese medicine. “Benshifang” : Iron powder not only reduces saliva and calms the heart, but also destroys and suppresses liver evil. If there is more anger, the liver evil is too strong, iron powder can suppress it.”

It seems that after seeing Hills’s oriental swordsmanship and Tai Chi-like exercises, Su Bai is already a little immune to these foreigners who have more research on ancient Chinese culture than his own Chinese. To entangle that Diana was able to recite such a rare ancient medical book, but directly said: “Iron powder, is it used to find fingerprints?”

“Yes, fingerprints.” Diana confirmed.

This is a powder development method. By selecting metal or non-metal powder with a large color contrast with the surface of the object, using the characteristics of low adhesion of fingerprints, colorless fingerprints are turned into colored fingerprints with layers. The method of operation is to dip a little powder with a soft brush, gently flick the handle of the brush to spread the powder evenly on the fingerprints, then shake it off or use the tip of the brush to gently brush off the excess powder. The colorless fingerprints can become colored fingerprints.

“Piano.” Su Bai said these two words decisively, “Since the murderer placed Simon’s body in the piano, his fingers should touch that position when he lifts the piano stand. , If nothing happens there, there should be fingerprints of me and the murderer.”

Because when Su Bai found the body, he also opened the piano shelf.

Diana shook her head, “Under these conditions, fingerprint extraction is the greatest thing that can be done now. The dna detection of prmeter is obviously unrealistic, but since the murderer is sending notifications on the broadcast I killed someone before, and in order to confuse the person’s death time, I used a blind eye technique at dinner to increase the difficulty of the subsequent investigation that may begin. Then, I don’t think that the murderer would not take precautions when killing someone.

For example, putting on gloves or doing finishing work yourself, if the murderer really does this, then his mentality of substituting himself into an ordinary person is much better than you. “Diana shook her head.

Su Bai sat down on a chair in the gym and asked: “Can you determine when Simon died?”

“I am a great undead magician.” Diana looked at Su Bai, and she blew herself up. “My research and understanding of corpses, even if I am an ordinary person now, it is still not you. By comparison, I can be more certain about the time of death, for example, around three o’clock in the afternoon.”

“At that time, it was certain that the broadcast did not send notice. The murderer made his own claim to kill in advance, but according to what you said, the murderer was most likely to have targeted the target on the first day, always planning, today At three o’clock in the afternoon, he successfully killed Simon, and then, why did he use the blindfold method at dinner again?”

“This is also one point I still can’t figure out.” Diana said, “At present, it is speculated that it should be to confuse the audience and cover up his absence at the time.”

Su Bai stretched out his hand and touched his chin. At this moment, his thoughts and feelings seemed to slowly return to the time when the murder club was established before. How did he feel when he killed before and after every murder?

Diana’s eyes narrowed slightly. At this moment, she seemed to feel that Su Bai sitting in front of her was a complete murderer. That kind of temperament and feeling is the feeling of ordinary people, it is the murder of ordinary people. Feeling guilty.

It seems,

Everyone has a story.

“No, the murderer is not trying to confuse the audience or make any alibi.” Su Bai said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, “Because even if you investigate according to the time of death of the deceased you have determined, who is strong enough Your alibi? Except for me and yourself, who you trust, you just said that the alibi of 6 people cannot withstand scrutiny and confirmation. In that case, why would the murderer have such a dinner? “

“So, what is your conclusion?”

“Hehe.” Su Bai smiled, and then said in a very gloomy tone, “These stupid people, I know in my heart that this story world is about to kill people, but they all Waiting for the broadcast notice~IndoMTL.com~ I have already guessed the rules of this story world, but I still dare not really take this step.

People, I killed, but you didn’t find out. Since you are so stupid, then I will accompany you again………… Have a fun……”

Diana’s tongue stretched out and licked her lips, she was a little surprised, because Su Bai is now simulating the mentality of the murderer for psychological profiling.

“So, in your opinion, what the murderer did at dinner…”

“Gufang’s self-appreciation.” Su Bai paused, and continued, “It’s superfluous.”

“It seems that you have found the answer.” Diana took out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, took out two of them, bit them between her red lips and lit them together, and then handed one of them to Su Bai.

Su Bai took the cigarette and took a sip,

“I can even guess who the murderer is. How can I be so familiar with such a good self-feeling and strong pretence…”(.)

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