Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 53: 1 shot, headshot

Actually, in the eyes of Su Bai and Fatty, even if these people gather together to brake quietly, they seem a little immature. For example, they actually sleep in separate rooms. This also separates Su Bai from Fatty. The opportunity to break, even if they are very close to each other, but as long as they are not in a space, it is not difficult to seize an opportunity to quickly kill a person in an instant.

Of course, this is also because although their combination is all experiencers, it also has absolute strengths and weaknesses, so this team is not balanced. Some teams that think they are awesome and some rookies will definitely have their own All kinds of problems, such as Hu Kai and that Jiang Hong could not help but run out to find the murderer at first, and then they stupidly rushed over to swallow the reward after they found the murderer, and Hu Kai deliberately cheated for it. Jiang Hong died.

They have a lot of people, but there are too many pig teammates inside. Of course, if everyone is an ordinary body, the broadcast will replace this group of experiencers with senior audiences, then Su Bai and Fatty are basically There is no chance of winning.

Just now, Su Bai and Fatty hesitated for a while. Did they kill the rookies in Sun Zheng and Wu Liang’s room or kill the lone A Cui? Don’t look at the latter, but definitely compare The two rookies are hard to kill, but in the end Su Bai and Fatty chose the latter unanimously. The two rookies should keep it first, and it is most advantageous to solve a character that seems to be difficult to deal with.

Su Bai could feel the heat of A Cui’s blood spurting on his arm, but in the next moment Su Bai immediately pulled out the knife and pushed A Cui to the side. The fat man inside was still clutching his chest and panting. , He was hurt by A Cui’s leg sweep just now. If it wasn’t for a stolen toy pistol, the fat guy would have to explain it.

This is the death of the fish and the breaking of the net,

Both sides have a chance. Everyone may finish the game. They are walking between life and death. Seven points are based on strength and three points are based on luck. Everyone is betting on their lives.

Su Bai rushed into the house and pulled up the fat man directly. The fat man went out from the window first. When Su Bai was about to go out, he found that there was a figure behind him, which was actually a peaked cap. The speed of this product was indeed very fast. , He saw Su Bai jumped out and grabbed Su Bai’s ankle without saying a word.

This guy’s technique makes Su Bai very uncomfortable. Although he is now an ordinary human body, one of Su Bai’s two bloodlines is a zombie. Every move of the opponent is a means of restraining the zombies, so that Su Bai is from Deep in my heart, I feel a kind of instinctive rejection and disgust.

Su Bai’s body sank immediately, and the other foot kicked over, and the other party simply jumped along and jumped downstairs with Su Bai.

The fat man who just got out of the window and stood on the edge of the window saw that Su Bai fell with the peaked cap and was shocked. Then, the fat man saw Sun Zheng’s face poking out from the window, as if he was inquiring about the fall. When I went down, I didn’t see a person standing on the side of the window.

The fat man didn’t care, so he jumped over and held Sun Zheng’s neck with both hands and pulled him down.


In fact, the two-story building in the countryside is not too high, but Sun Zheng was hugged by the fat man by his neck, and when he landed, he landed on the side of his upper body diagonally. The fat man only felt the neck he was holding with his hands. With a crisp sound, the opponent kicked his leg and GG directly.

This kind of guy is purely a denominator and cannon fodder. In the eyes of the fat man, whether it is A Cui or this guy who just fought, they are incomparable with the Hu Kai who almost killed him at the beginning. When the Lianjiazi or martial artist was at the level of the experiencer, he was simply the thickest thigh, but unfortunately that thigh was a hard-hearted man who only thought that only one murderer was killed by a sneak attack by Da Bai.

Of course, Dabai hadn’t noticed that guy before, and he didn’t realize his skill was so good until he became ordinary people together.

Over there, Su Bai landed with the peaked cap. Because Su Bai was gripped by the opponent’s leg, so when he landed, he landed on his back first, and his chest suddenly became stuffy, and there was a tendency to faint, but Su Bai Bai is still holding on. It has been a long time for vampires, so Su Bai has a great psychological acceptance of the destruction of the body, which is actually equivalent to a kind of psychological suggestion in ordinary people.

The principle is the same as that of the previous farmer’s uncle who discovered that the son who drove the truck overturned and was pressed underneath. He turned the car over by himself. Of course, not many people may know that the farmer’s uncle died not long after. The practice of forcibly relying on psychological hints to urge physical potential is more terrifying than the side effects of soldiers injecting themselves with stimulants during the war.

Athletes are actually able to urge their own potential to a greater extent than normal people. Of course, most athletes will have various physical problems due to early overdrafts after retirement.

But at this time, the peaked cap is already holding a dagger and is ready to pierce him. If Su Bai continues to lie on the ground and “hum” twice, he should completely say goodbye to his life. The next moment, Su Bai’s body On one side, a leg was stuck to the opponent’s neck, and he was about to use this scissor foot to strangle the opponent, but the peaked cap has a wealth of life-and-death fighting experience. He immediately lifted his body forward and directly hit Su Bai and moved forward. Finally, Su Bai The back of his head hit a rock in the yard.

Su Bai’s back of the head was originally injured and had a slight concussion. Now let’s do this again. The new injury involves the old injury together, causing Su Bai’s consciousness to fall into confusion at this moment, and even his vision begins to become very confused. Blurred.

The peaked cap was pressed up again, but the fat man threw his body out and hit the peaked cap at this time. The fat man may not be able to fight his own skills, but he himself is a chariot of meat and eggs, and so is the peaked cap. Fighting with Su Bai red eyes and no precaution, being hit by the fat man so directly two meters away.

“Dabai, Dabai, wake up, wake up, can’t sleep, can’t sleep!”

The fat man slapped Su Bai’s face twice and tried to wake him up, but his strength was a little bit stronger. Su Bai was a little sober and stared at the fat man,

Fuck, this fat man definitely took revenge on himself for mentioning the black corpse.

The fat man’s face didn’t beat with a red heart, so he took out an evil talisman and stuck it on Su Bai’s forehead.

“Upper body please!”

The fat man uttered a scream before he finished saying this sentence, and the peaked cap pounced on like a mangy dog, and cut the fat man’s left arm with a knife. If it weren’t for the fat man’s sense of murder in advance Moved the position a little bit, it may be broken now.

Su Bai only felt a gust of wind suddenly appearing around him, and his body suddenly became stiffer at this time, but it also became a lot stronger because of this. The peaked cap was about to pierce the fat man again, but was underneath. Su Bai, who had just fallen into a coma, kicked his middle and lower abdomen, and then Su Bai stood up, one hand grabbed the opponent’s knife-holding wrist and the other hand grabbed the opponent’s neck, and the two of them scrambled to the ground.

For ordinary people, the moves of martial arts are actually the same thing. They are taught by masters during martial arts training. It is a slick routine, which seems quite unclear, but looking at those famous martial arts competitions. In the video, often the major factions or famous masters in the ring are to greet each other Wang Baquan, let alone martial arts movies, even the fighting scenes of movies like Young and Dangerous are more appreciative than real martial arts masters. .

The reason is actually that the practice moves are only instilling a coping instinct into one’s body, but most of the time, directly offering Wangbaquan to see who is fast, who is cruel and who can’t eat first is often the key to victory.

At this time, Su Bai didn’t know if he was being taken up by something, but fortunately, Fatty’s evil talisman did play a role. At least he was not as embarrassed as Fatty last time. If this time he suddenly pinched his throat to sing. When “Su San” started, it was really hard to ignore.

The strength of the peaked cap is also great. In other words, everyone can fully survive when a person is on the line of life and death, but the two people who are fighting on the ground in a stalemate seem to be no different from the two shrews who are fighting on the ground.

Before the fat man had time to look at the upper mouth of his left arm, a figure came out from the bend in the front of the house. It was Wu Liang. He also rushed over at this time. Although he came late, but fortunately he didn’t Stupid, knowing whoever loses today will die!

The fat man took a deep breath and slammed his body actively. After being overturned by A Cui’s leg sweeping, the fat man deeply understood a truth. MMP, the fat man’s advantage is such a large amount of body fat. Meat, Lao Tzu is not Sammo Hung, who will play tricks with you.


The knife in Wu Liang’s hand pierced the fat man’s abdomen, which made Wu Liang’s eyes shine, but the fat man’s fierce energy is reflected here, the old fritters that he fumbled in the story world and in the real world. The better place than the experiencer appeared, the fat man immediately inhaled, the meat on his stomach clamped the knife, and then he held Wu Liang’s head with both hands and ran into the courtyard wall on one side.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!!!”

After a lot of bumps, Wu Liang’s face was completely **** and bloody, and after the fat man let go, Wu Liang, who was already out of breath, fell to the ground, and the fat man also sat down against the wall with his mouth open. , But it’s hard to make a sound. The continuous blood loss from his abdomen and arms made his consciousness almost uncontrollable. He took out the talisman, but spit out another mouthful of blood, his palms slumped on the ground, and he could only help him. Looking at Da Bai who was still entangled with the peaked cap over there.

The two men scuffled and stood up from the ground, but at this moment the peaked cap suddenly clasped Su Bai’s arms. Su Bai kept hitting him with his fists, but the other side ignored him, and then a woman ‘S figure came out slowly from one side, she raised her arm and pointed her gun at it.

Su Bai let out a low growl in his throat, and then supported on the ground with one leg, his body’s center of gravity smashed over, abruptly switching between himself and the peaked cap.



It’s still ringing,

The bullet passed through the back of the peaked cap and penetrated through Su Bai’s chest;

So, before the heroine in the TV series was shot, the heroine suddenly rushed to block the bullets. That is the plot of dog blood and brain damage. During the war of resistance, the Japanese often took the initiative to return the bullets of the 38th cover to Fighting bayonet, on the one hand, was because the Japanese were really good at fighting bayonet. On the other hand, they were afraid that the bullet would penetrate the opponent and hit one’s own body when shooting at close range.

Su Bai knelt on the ground, and the peaked cap behind him slipped off him and fell to the ground.

Sister Qu walked over slowly~IndoMTL.com~ Pointed the muzzle at the back of Su Bai’s head:

“In the end, I won, are you right?”

“Usually at this time, if the villain talks more nonsense, it won’t end well… Haha… You don’t know that many villains… are actually dead for talking about it?”

Su Bai covered his chest with one hand, and the talisman paper on his forehead also turned into flying ash and disappeared.

“Oh, thank you for your reminder.”


Sister Qu pulled the trigger,

The fat man sitting under a corner of the wall suddenly shrank his pupils when he saw this scene. He saw that a hole was punched out of the back of his head, his brain splashed, and his body tilted to the other side.

This scene made Fatty completely incredulous, so that his body, which had been in shock due to excessive blood loss, was shaking at this time,

“Don’t worry, the next one is you…”

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