Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 48: Move the mountain Taoist

In the isolated village, the fat man’s sharp duck voice pinched the female voice and sang loudly. In this evening, he looked so sad, like the madman who appeared before the beginning of the horror movie, with a kind of crowd To be drunk, I am alone means to do some crazy and bizarre actions. When the protagonist and supporting actors think that he is a fool, in the end everyone will realize that this madman may be the one who really sees through. .

Su Bai knew that he seemed to have been a pig teammate for a while, but in fact he had no other choice at the time. After all, if he didn’t make a move, if the fat man was possessed by the resentful soul again, it would probably not be a matter He sang “Su San” in his voice, but hit his head directly on the wall, doing it by himself, although in the end it also caused the fat man to be turned on the body by some inexplicable lonely ghost, but fortunately the ghost was still elegant.

Under this situation, Su Bai was not in a hurry to rush out to find the fat man, so let the fat man perform outside for a while. He first put away the props used by the fat man in the house and made sure that no abnormalities would be found. Then he ran out of the living room.

At this time, a lot of people gathered around the fat man. Two police officers tried to walk over to subdue the fat man, but the potential of the body of the ghostly upper body was stimulated, and the fat man was so big. It’s really hard to control.

Whether it is a Taoist disciple, a ghost repair, or a shaman from the northeast, there are actually methods similar to “ghost” upper body exercises. In fact, they stimulate their own potential. Of course, this sequelae is also very big. .

A man in the group of listeners in a red peaked cap came out at this time, pinched the fat man’s chin and then shot the fat man’s chest three times in a row. Standing behind the crowd, Su Bai saw this Behind the scenes, his gaze condensed, this guy uses the means to fight zombies!

Why does Su Bai know?

Nonsense, Su Bai himself is a zombie, he is naturally very clear about the structure and weakness of the zombie’s body.

Generally, the evil spirit of zombies is actually gathered in the throat, commonly known as “cannot swallow a bit of resentment”. The dead person or the corpse buried in the location of the evil hole will often slowly gather a evil spirit in the throat. Then when it came to a specific opportunity, the evil spirits surged into the brain, and the dead brain was “activated” in another way, thus becoming a new life-a zombie.

The reason why Hu Kai failed to become a zombie before was also because Su Bai’s heavy wound was on his neck when he killed him, which is equivalent to breaking the zombie’s gate. Actually, the zombie also has its own physiological structure. After all, it is a creature with a physical body, which is still very different from the ghost of the soul body.

The method that this peaked cap just used is to pinch the chin first, which is regarded as resisting the suffocation, and then take three consecutive shots on the chest. The strength and direction of these three shots are completely different, which is equivalent to stopping the source and then continuously squeezing that strand. The grievances are blown away. This is a standard action to deal with zombies, but here it actually has an excellent effect on dealing with fat guys who have been ghosts.

Sure enough, the fat man opened his mouth, spit out a stale breath in his mouth, and his eyes also showed a clear color, and then the fat man’s chest rose and fell, as if he was about to vomit, the fat man immediately bent down and began to retching stand up.

“Just spit out the dirty stuff.” The peaked cap reached out and patted the fat man on the back.

The fat man waved his hand, “I can’t vomit it out, my stomach feels so uncomfortable, but he is much more awake than before.”

Yes, how dare the fat man vomit? If he vomits it, the rune water he swallowed before will come out, so he won’t be exposed directly?

Fatty is fat, after all, he reacted very quickly when he had just recovered his sanity. Moreover, Su Bai could see that he was unusual when he stood on the side. As a Taoist priest, of course Fatty knew that the audience in front of him had special skills.

“Brother, brother, are you alright? You really scared me to death just now. What is going on in the village today, it has been going on.” Su Bai hurried out at this time and pulled the fat man over.

“Take a lot of rest.” The peaked cap urged and walked back to the red short-sleeved woman, exchanging something in a low voice.

“Everyone, everybody, everybody, everybody is quiet, everybody is quiet, now something happened in the village, I hope everybody keeps quiet, don’t be confused, we will make plans when we get in touch with it. I, Xu Guanjiang, was born under the red flag, but I don’t believe that any monsters can make big waves.”

Su Bai helped the fat man back into the house, and those people seemed to ignore them. After all, compared with the safety of the village, a person who had just been caught by an evil spirit could be more important to everyone. .

As soon as the door closed, the fat man cursed in a low voice: “Fuck, Da Bai, you almost cheated me to death.”

“You insisted on playing with fire. The ghost you strangled just now wanted to come to you for revenge. Can I watch him get on your body?” Su Bai retorted.

Hearing this, the fat man stopped talking, but there was a momentary sternness in his eyes. Of course, this sternness was not directed at Su Bai, but at the ghost.

Fatty doesn’t have the guilt of killing people. That’s the audience, and the theme of this story world is the audience’s fighting and handling. If you don’t kill him, he will kill him. Everyone’s identities are naturally opposed, but they are fat. It was that guy who was killed by himself and turned into a ghost to avenge himself twice in a row. It is really unbearable!

Just when Su Bai sat down with the fat man and poured a glass of water for him, the door of the living room was suddenly opened. Officer Xu walked in with some policemen and the cap.

Inspector Xu reached out and touched the fat man’s forehead, and he was very concerned to comfort him, and then asked Su Bai to help the fat man back to his bedroom to rest, and then he had a meeting in the living room of Su Bai’s house.

The behavior of the peaked cap just now fell in the eyes of Officer Xu. Although there are some principles that cannot be touched, for example, it is really haunted here, but what is happening in front of you and the reality of the village being inexplicably closed make this Officer Xu, who was still talking about the red flag just now, was also a little moved.

In addition to the peaked cap, there were several cadres such as the village party secretary beside Police Officer Xu. Everyone gathered together and took the total. Su Bai listened to the bedroom door for a while and found that they were studying how to face this supernatural science phenomenon. .

The fat man leaned on the bed and whispered a little helplessly, “What kind of luck is this, making us here as a base of operations. It’s because of you that you cleaned up the house first.”

“That cap is not easy.”

“Heh, it’s really not easy. He is very familiar with the several actions he beats me. This kind of thing can’t be made with the reinforcement of a micro store. It should be his ability before he became an audience. , Have you heard of it?” the fat man asked.

“You said that the peaked cap did this?”

“It should be that the method of fighting zombies is the number of roads of the Taoist moving the mountain, the four major factions of tomb robbers, Touching the golden school captain, Faqiu Tianguan, moving the mountain Taoist, unloading the mountain strength, touching the gold school Wei has been very hot over the years, and the other three don’t know much about it.

The Taoists who move mountains like to dress up as wild Taoists. They are responsible for finding the tomb and contacting nearby underground forces to go to the tomb. I also met Fat Master in Xichuan and invited Fat Master to go with him, but Fat Master refused. Up.

Although I have just been possessed by a kid who doesn’t know, my consciousness is still there, but my body is out of control. When he hit me, I felt very clearly that I was moving to the mountain and I couldn’t be wrong. Hey, are we lucky or awkward, the three people we killed at the beginning were the best, and the rest of the awesome ones didn’t die. “

“Why didn’t he tell the dead soul directly…” At this point, Su Bai fell silent and glanced around.

The fat man smiled and said, “Don’t panic, the dead soul only has a causal relationship with us. He has no influence on other people at all, let alone reported to some of his partners, that’s the one who moved the mountain. The Taoists can’t see him even if they do it. Moreover, the Taoists who move to the mountain are all wild roads wearing Taoist skins. Technically speaking, they are much worse than Captain Mojin and Tianguan Faqiu who know Fengshui acupoints.”

“Someone is coming.” Su Bai, who had been standing next to the bedroom door, winked at the fat man.

Immediately, there was a knock on the door, and Su Bai opened the door. It was the peaked cap. The cap was not tall and looked weak, but the sparkle in those eyes was sharp. a feeling of.

Of course, he is certainly a first-class person in the real world, but now he is facing two high-level listeners. It is considered that the little fox has met two old foxes.

“Hang the broom diagonally on the door at night~IndoMTL.com~ and then sleep with your head south, basically it’s all right.” The peaked cap reminded me kindly.

“Thank you, thank you so much.”

Su Bai kept thanking him and sent the cap out of the house. Police Officer Xu had left with the village chief with his men before. It is estimated that he thought his kennel was too small and he went to the village entrance. While looking for a better room to continue the meeting.

Close the door, turn around, and Su Bai said to the fat man who was still lying on the bed, “It’s not unprofitable, at least we have confirmed the identity of the victim, so we should no longer be suspected for the time being. .”

Yes, the way that Su Bai was so embarrassed when the ambulance hit him and the appearance of the fat man being on the upper body of the ghost did clear away a lot of suspicion.

The peaked cap that walked out of Su Bai’s house came to Sister Qu, and said: “Confirmed, that fat man has no problem, there is no mana fluctuation on his body, and there is no trace of practicing the family.”

“Then they are not suspicious.” Sister Qu said solemnly.

“I don’t know why Sister Qu, you keep paying attention to them. Is it too simple if these two gangsters are murderers?”

“What if the broadcast hits us against the logic? And the recent actions of these two people are also a little weird. Although there is nothing wrong with it, it feels a little weird.”

“Maybe it was the bait that wasted our time at the beginning of the broadcast.”

“It should be like this. By the way, follow me to the supermarket.”


“In the past few days, there will be five old men playing chess by the flower garden at the entrance of the village every afternoon, but today an old man in white clothes did not come, and he is the father of the lady boss who died today. It is said that he passed out crying .”

If Su Bai stood by and heard this, he would immediately think of the old man who had played chess with him.

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