Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 46: Paint the skin!

Su Bai took three seconds to pick up the list and read it, so most of the audience read the list before Su Bai, that is, the voting results;

Liu Tao was nonchalant at first. He felt that Su Bai had the highest number of votes. He just wanted to see how many votes Chen Yixin would have this time. There should be four to five votes. Maybe even higher, 6 votes. may.

People are all selfish, and have an instinct to get rid of threats to their existence in advance, and if the target of this vote is not the highest number of votes this time, then next time, he will continue to vote for her. Sex is great. After all, he will feel that he has already shot her. If she is not dead, then she may retaliate against herself, although Chen Yixin doesn’t know who voted for herself.

It’s just that when he saw the voting result, Liu Tao was shocked.

Su Bai’s vote is very high, 8 votes, but there is another person who has a higher vote than Su Bai, that is Chen Xinyi, she has 9 votes!

Damn, Su Bai’s votes are actually lower than Chen Xinyi!

How can this be possible!

Liu Tao took a deep breath subconsciously, rubbing his chin with one hand. He thought he was dazzled, but he knew that this was impossible.

Xu Zhenzhen’s eyes widened too. She also couldn’t believe that everything in front of her was true. Su Bai did not get more votes than Chen Yixin. Why?

Actually, Xu Zhenzhen also knows why this is because there are too many smart people…but the facts have given them a resounding slap, including Xu Zhenzhen herself, that sometimes too many smart people are not a good thing. Individuals will have their own abacus, and everyone will have their own long-term considerations, and the impact of such a group of people gathered together can easily become…

Be smart.

Many people felt incredible about the voting results. Most people actually made the choice between Su Bai and Chen Yixin. Only Qin Yang got one vote. I don’t know why, Qin Yang It seems that a fixed vote appears in each round.

When Su Bai patted the table and laughed, the atmosphere in the meeting room was suddenly depressed to a collapsed stage, and a woman stood up.

She is Chen Yixin.

Chen Yixin’s gaze at this time was obviously angry. She did not go to get angry with Su Bai, because she knew that Su Bai voted for herself alone, and could not control the situation at all. It was the guys who thought that Su Bai The guys with the highest vote of Bai Wenwen who died were the ones who started looking at the next nail before they could be pulled out.

Su Bai grabbed his hair with one hand, then turned around and looked at Chen Yixin, who was sitting in the middle position, how the scene he was looking forward to intercepted would be staged,

Well, that’s how Chen Yixin died.

In this matter, the rules of this story world are always creative.

A purple-red leather whip appeared in Chen Yixin’s hand. She wanted to vent, she wanted to smoke people, but when she took out the whip, she found that she could no longer control her body, and the whip started He flew up, and then began to beat her.

Pain, pain!

Under repeated beatings, Chen Yixin’s body began to deform, and the flesh and blood began to separate slowly, but the leather whip continued. Soon, Chen Yixin was beaten to death, but the leather whip continued to tirelessly. The ground whipping is all with ingenuity, all with ingenuity.

In the end, Chen Yixin was still standing on the spot, but there was only one skeleton left. At this time, all the skin and flesh on her body were separated and piled on the ground.

This method of death is more exciting than Qianlan’s previous method of death, and even made Su Bai vaguely excited. When the whip was beaten again and again, Su Bai also subconsciously waved it. Holding his hand, it was like a middle-two teenager was fantasizing that he was controlling the whip.

Someone can’t stand the scene of whiplashing the corpse anymore, and they started to leave the meeting room. The third round of voting has ended. In addition to these, there is one more corpse, and the smell of blood here is more intense. People simply can’t stay.

In the end, only Su Bai and another man were still sitting in the conference room, watching the whip continue to beat, and slowly shave off the remaining minced meat on Chen Yixin’s skeleton.

There was still a bit of soy milk, but it was already cold, but Su Bai didn’t care, picked it up and drank the last bit, then took out a cigarette and lit it.

It seems to be his own special treatment. After entering the story world, Su Bai had not seen other people have cigarettes, so he had them, and there was a pack of old-fashioned cigarettes in every coat in the closet.

Su Bai even wondered if this was a reward for completing a realistic task by himself?

After watching the horror radio show your hard work to solve real-world tasks, reward you with the right to smoke freely in the story world?

There is another guy who is just as perverted as himself, watching this scene together. Su Bai knows what that man’s name is, Qin Yang.

An ordinary looking young man, ordinary appearance, ordinary height, ordinary temperament, a guy who is completely unimpressed when people see it once and the second time, this kind of mixed workplace is the most pitiful, it is completely ignored and ignored. Dispensable role.

“Brother, is there any smoke?” Qin Yang beckoned to Su Bai.

Well, I remember that Liu Tao asked himself to smoke a cigarette last time, and then another one popped out. Su Bai really thought it was interesting. Can the cigarette benefits that he co-authored on the terror broadcast to himself play a role in diplomacy?

Su Bai took out a few cigarettes and placed them on the table.

Qin Yang came over, put one cigarette in his mouth, and the other two between his ears, and then lightly scratched with his thumb, and the cigarette in his mouth ignited.

“It’s still going on.” Qin Yang turned around and said, looking at Chen Yixin, who was still being lashed over there.

“It is estimated that when I see her tomorrow, her skeleton will be unbelievably beautiful, pure, natural, and crystal clear, like a most exquisite work of art.” Qin Yang began to describe.

After hearing these words, Su Bai suddenly felt like seeing people in the same way. Metamorphosis and mental illness often have a lot in common in the world.

“Let’s go, don’t look at it, it’s boring.” Su Bai stood up, ready to leave.

“What you did yesterday makes me feel very happy.” Qin Yang said behind Su Bai, “so I deliberately voted for her today, not you.”

“Thank you buddy, if you didn’t die this time, I will invite you to drink in the real world next time.” Su Bai waved his hand and walked out of the meeting room, while Qin Yang continued to stand in the meeting room. Look at the artwork that is about to take shape in front of me.

There are a few people in the restaurant eating, maybe they just casually ate a little for breakfast. Anyway, the buffet food in the restaurant refreshes very quickly and is fresh and delicious, so you can come over whenever you want. .

Su Bai was in a good mood, took a bottle of beer, blew a bottle to his mouth, and put the bottle on the table, not caring how the few people looked at him, and walked back to the guest room.

There is no one on the corridor on the side of the guest room. It is estimated that they are all in their own room. After this “escape from the dead”, Su Bai feels that it is also a very good thing to hurry up and enjoy the next day, and his own The psychological pressure has also been relieved a lot. It is estimated that the probability of another mental illness in a short time is not very high.

Of course, the problem I have to face now is that this time it is obvious that several people think that they must have the highest votes, so I voted for Chen Yixin one round in advance, let her brush her presence and lay the foundation for the next round , But in the next round, those people will not be stupid, they will vote for themselves very resolutely. The next round will be really bad luck, but let it go.

Su Bai just walked to the door of Chen Yixin’s room, and his own room had to go a little further, but suddenly, Su Bai stopped.

The picture of Chen Yixin just being whiplashed in Su Bai’s mind. Then, Su Bai remembered the first time he saw him, no, when was the first time he really came into contact with Chen Yixin,

In Zhao Zhen’s room!

At that time, Chen Yixin was hiding in the closet.

Unconsciously, Su Bai’s mind began to fluctuate suddenly~IndoMTL.com~ He seemed to have suddenly grasped the point, but it was still a cloud of fog.

However, after looking around and finding that there was no one, Su Bai turned the doorknob of Chen Yixin’s room and walked in.

Chen Yixin’s room is exactly the same as Zhao Zhen’s room. In fact, the specifications and layout of all guest rooms are the same. The difference is that the clothes in the closet are very different. For example, Zhao Zhen is very short, so he The clothes in my closet are relatively small.

Su Bai was also not interested in going to see Chen Yixin’s bed and quilt or other places, but first stood in front of her wardrobe.

Taking a deep breath, Su Bai looked at the closet in front of him, always feeling that something would be discovered by himself, but he seemed to be afraid of discovering this again.

Very ambivalent emotions.

But, there is no reason not to open, is it?

Su Bai stretched out his hand and opened the closet door. There were a lot of clothes hanging inside, including men’s and women’s styles. This is not surprising, because Su Bai also has a few women’s clothes in his closet. It is estimated that the rules of the story have taken care of some people’s hobbies.

It’s just that the clothes in Chen Yixin’s wardrobe seem to be different in size.

Some clothes are obviously too large in size, and some clothes are obviously too small in size. Su Bai frowned and turned over one by one, wondering whether it was a woman’s clothes. No matter the size, it could be said that they belonged Her kind of flavor?

It’s just that when Su Bai pulled out a piece of clothing that Chen Yixin wore on the first day in his memory, his arm touched the closet splint and shook, and then, under Su Bai’s gaze,

A piece of human skin was shaken out of the clothes, and it fell at Su Bai’s feet. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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