Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 299: You can’t die so early.

Before entering the story world, the audience will always take a while to calm and calm their minds, just like a student before the exam, they will also use their own methods to relieve the pressure and put them in the best state Going to the examination room, it’s just that, for birth, the results of an exam determine the attitude of parents towards themselves when they return home. This is already enough to make people nervous and cautious, and for the audience,

This determines whether he is still dead.

Even Su Bai is a temperamental person, when encountering such things in general, there is no exception. Few listeners will be busy with other things before entering the story world, and most people will choose one person. Stay quiet.

Xun’er drove the car slowly on the highway, surrounded by neon lights and busy traffic. In a city like Modu, in fact, you can touch the so-called loneliness more easily.

Looking at the group of passers-by waiting for the green light at the intersection of the traffic lights, watching the long line of convoys, watching the cold buildings, watching the pace that makes people feel a little bewildered.

If you choose to merge into the rhythm of this city, you may lose yourself, but if you are a kind of “independence from the world” mentality, then you will experience more than in the deep mountains and old forests. Bone loneliness.


It is a hypocritical creature.

Xun’er lowered the window to let the afternoon breeze keep blowing her hair.

When he saw a park coffee shop on the corner of the block, Xun’er stopped the car. In the distance, there happened to be a traffic police on duty. Seeing Xun’er parked the car here, he walked over.

“Miss, it is not allowed here…”

Xun’er turned around and walked towards the coffee shop without even looking at him.

The traffic police shook his head and prepared to post the list, but after scanning the license plate, he sighed and walked away silently.

Xun’er rarely does this kind of thing. She belongs to the powerful class, but she is very orderly. Ordinary people always think that powerful people do not “do wrong” or “trample the law” and are not called powerful, but in fact, compared to Ordinary people and the powerful are more aware that the so-called rules are the most important guarantee for maintaining their status and class.

But now, Xun’er feels that she should indulge a little.

Entering the coffee shop, I directly ordered a coffee and a dessert on the menu, and Xun’er sat down directly by the window.

It’s 3:30 in the afternoon, and there are less than five hours before I enter the world of stories. There is more than enough time to drink a cup of coffee comfortably.

“Miss, can I sit down here?”

A woman’s voice sounded behind Xun’er, and then a faint scent of lavender blew over.

The voice was a bit familiar. Xun’er turned her head and saw a lady wearing black high heels and light blue shawl standing behind her, looking at herself with a smile on her face.

Not only the voice, but the appearance of the other party also gave Xun’er a feeling of deja vu, but he couldn’t remember the slightest trace.

Xun’er, who should have been coldly rejected according to the habit, almost nodded and acquiesced in acquiescence. Perhaps it was because of the unknown familiarity that this woman had caused herself.

The woman sat down generously, with a valuable camera hanging on her chest, but it can be seen that she didn’t care about the camera very much, and there were scratches everywhere on the camera, but this This kind of posture shows a sense of freedom and ease, which is a level higher than those who buy a very expensive camera and take care of everything.

“Have I met you?” Xun’er asked.

“Perhaps, maybe in a certain magazine.”

The woman is unpretentious at all. She leaned slightly against the sofa, spread her left hand lightly, and placed it on the coffee table. Her slender legs were folded just right, giving people a lazy but yet lazy Good feeling.

Even if it is Xun’er, even if it has the advantage of being young, in front of this woman, it looks a little dwarfed, and even in front of her, you can’t afford to compare it at all, because you don’t know where to come from. To compare, the other party seemed to completely compare you from a glance, from a subtle body movement, in front of her, no matter how good and beautiful women, they lost their brilliance.

Xun’er nodded. At this time, her coffee and desserts were already up. She picked up the spoon and stirred the coffee gently, then picked it up and took a sip.

“Something?” Seeing that the other party was silent, Xun’er could only continue to ask, but at the same time, Xun’er was also shocked, and in front of the other party, she completely fell into a decline.

In addition to being a child in the real world, coupled with the identity of the audience, he was completely led by the nose in front of her.

This feeling made Xun’er suddenly feel terrible, and even had the urge to escape this cafe.

“It’s okay.”

The woman shook her head slightly,

After a while,

Only then spoke again:

“I just want to come and see you.”

Just want to come and see me?

“Mind if I take a picture of you?” the woman pointed to her camera.

Xun’er instinctively wanted to refuse, but she didn’t know why, facing her, she couldn’t say her rejection at all, she could only be silent.

The woman got up and walked out of the coffee shop in an elegant manner. Then, standing on the lawn outside the coffee shop, she picked up the camera and faced Xun’er who was sitting there on the other side of the glass window.


Waving a hand to signal goodbye, the woman turned around and walked away slowly, suddenly and suddenly.

Xun’er sat for about an hour again, until the resident singer in the cafe came in and flicked the guitar, and then she suddenly woke up. At this time, the coffee in front of her was no longer warm.

Somewhat flustered, some incomprehensible, and somehow inexplicable, Xun’er paid the bill, walked out of the coffee shop, and when she walked to the car outside, she saw a photo on the window wiper.

Pick up the photo, Xun’er glanced at it,

All the details of the photo’s angle, light and shadow, etc., seem to have achieved a kind of extreme. The self in the photo is looking out of the window with some confusion.

Next moment,

Xun’er saw that in the photo, opposite her position, a woman slowly emerged, and that woman was also holding a cup of coffee, slowly looking at herself.


Xun’er panicked, and the photo fell on the ground.

The evening breeze blew and rolled up this photo. When Xun’er wanted to reach out to grab it, it turned into a piece of fly ash, dissipated and fell apart, Xun’er’s hand, grabbing Got an empty.

Immediately, a sense of melancholy lingered in my heart suddenly.

A Poussin in front happened to be approaching at this moment, and turned on the high beam to shine here, then the lights turned off, and a young man walked down from the car.

Su Bai closed the car door and walked towards Xun’er while lighting a cigarette.

“It seems I was lucky. I guessed you would come to this coffee shop.”

Xun’er raised her head and looked at Su Bai, thinking something, but didn’t know how to speak, the figure of that woman, like a brand, lay in front of her heart.

But instinctively, Xun’er felt that if he told Su Bai about that woman, something terrible might happen, and this incident would also cause Su Bai to fall into a kind of dangerous spiral nest.

“What happened?” Obviously, Su Bai discovered something.

Xun’er shook her head, “Nothing.”

Su Bai stopped questioning, but his cold eyes still looked around carefully.

When I called Xun’er earlier, Su Bai had already driven out of the car, but since Xun’er went out without his mobile phone, Su Bai had to wander around to see if she could be found. .

And this coffee shop, Su Bai had some impressions, but this impression was only when I saw this coffee shop and remembered that he had been with Xun’er before, but he didn’t think Xun’er would be here in the first place. .

The truth of the matter is that when he drove past this neighborhood, Su Bai suddenly felt a suffocation of his heart, as if there was a blood-connected existence wandering around here.

This kind of suffocation~IndoMTL.com~ is different from the feeling before the broadcast every time a mission is released, but a feeling that makes Su Bai feel very frightened and angry.

Following the feelings all the way to find, Su Bai drove here, but only saw Xun’er standing by the roadside, no other people, and the feeling of suffocation disappeared.

“Get in the car, about your story world, I have something to do with you.”

Xun’er nodded, leaving her car alone, and sat down directly in the passenger seat of Su Bai Pousang.

Su Bai was not in a hurry to get into the car, and continued to look around while taking advantage of the smoking gap.

Finally, Su Bai threw his cigarette **** on the ground and got into the car.

“How long do you have?” Su Bai asked.

“It is two hours before eight o’clock.” Xun’er replied.

“Is there anything I need to get back?”

“No, I have all the magical artifacts and some paper symbols I need in my bag, except for… mobile phone.”

“Heh…” Su Bai smiled. He guessed that Xun’er didn’t like to be with Gu Fan and the two westerners, so he deliberately dropped his phone and came out and waited for the story. world.

“Well, let’s go to the riverside, I have something to ask you, ask you, what choice will be made.”

Su Bai finished, started the car, Poussin drove out and left the coffee house.

And when the body completely disappeared in the flow of traffic,

A pair of black high-heeled shoes stepped on the cigarette **** that Su Bai had just dropped but not completely extinguished,

“This kid, I don’t know how to smoke less.”

A woman’s voice came leisurely.

In this sentence, there seems to be a touch of concern, but the next sentence breaks up the beautiful atmosphere just rendered in one fell swoop,

“Although, you are damned, but you can’t die so early.”

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